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  1. Khoisan people of South Africa were once the most populous humans on Earth

    ... a number of ethnic groups that speak a distinctive click language, although it is not the name that the population use ... there were two groups of peoples in the Khoisan language family, the Khoi Khoi pastoralists or herders, and ... thrived. Khoisan, people known for their rare click language, may have been the most numerous humans, but they ...

    Mark Miller - 14/12/2014 - 01:01

  2. Mysterious Origins of the Etruscans: DNA Study Solves the Riddle

    ... even whatever records survived the Romans is that their language is only partially understood by modern-day ... alphabet derived from the Greek one, but they spoke a language that was most likely not Indo-European. Therefore, ... Etruscan civilization. Most interesting is the question of language. Given that the Eurasian pastoralists are believed ...

    Sahir - 27/09/2021 - 14:51

  3. 3D Analysis Uncovers Hidden Details in Easter Island Rongorongo Tablet

    ... historians. ( thakala / Adobe Stock) The Story of How a Language Was Lost to Time The Polynesian descendants of the ... motivated the Rapa Nui people to develop their own written language, which followed a pictographic style that was ... there were people alive who understood this written language and could interpret the old tablets or even carve ...

    Nathan Falde - 08/10/2021 - 14:57

  4. The Gutian Invasion: What Really Caused the Fall of the Akkadian Empire?

    ... The Akkadians, who spoke a Semitic (Near East) language, introduced the Akkadian language , which then spread across the region. The Akkadian ... the region.  Of course, an empire can’t spread through language alone. The Akkadian Empire was known for its ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 03/08/2023 - 22:55

  5. Who Stole the Gold? Part 3: Blow Smoke and Look the Other Way…

    ... is comparing ancient Magyar with contemporary indigenous language, thus denying that indigenous languages have evolved ... claims are sketchy, at best. Magyar is an agglutinative language mostly using affixes. It has noun declension, with ... number, and tense. Magyar is classified as a Finno-Ugric language, and Shuar is in the Chicham language family.  Here ...

    Heidi Schultz - 12/11/2018 - 02:09

  6. Where Did the Polynesians Really Come From?

    ... That society was reasonably well-connected by trade, language, culture, and religion, despite its distribution ... hypothesis comes from the fact that there is a gap in the language evolution of Polynesian Austronesian languages. ...

    Caleb Strom - 26/08/2020 - 23:49

  7. First words in mysterious Voynich Manuscript decoded

    ... elaborate hoax.  The 240 page book, which uses a cryptic language and numerous illustrations depicting astronomical, ... While the manuscript appears to be written in an unknown language, latest finding supports the hypothesis that there ... a treatise on nature, perhaps in a Near Eastern or Asian language." Mr Bax has explained his findings in the below ...

    aprilholloway - 21/02/2014 - 21:30

  8. Translated Egyptian Magical Texts Map Human Emotions

    ... collection of magical texts in Coptic script and language had never been compiled. The  Coptic Magical Papyri ... Date The magical texts were written in Coptic script and language, which played a crucial role in  Egypt's history , serving as the final stage of the  Egyptian language . Blending the Coptic and Greek alphabets, and using ...

    ashley cowie - 09/02/2024 - 13:25

  9. Explainer: The Gods Behind the Days of the Week

    ... peoples, the Anglo-Saxons, that brought their gods and language (what would become English) to the British Isles ...

    ancient-origins - 20/01/2018 - 02:01

  10. The Enigmatic Etruscans

    ... culture survived. Despite deciphering the unique Etruscan language, very few inscriptions have been discovered, ...

    pkoutoupis - 24/08/2014 - 23:41

  11. The Lost Knowledge of the Ancients: Were Humans the First? Part 2

    ... from the Mycenaean palace of Pylos ( CC BY 2.0 ) Lost Language In his Dialouges, Plato made a reference to an archaic form of Greek language. Naturally, his contemporaries had never heard of ...

    Sam Bostrom - 26/06/2017 - 18:56

  12. Unravelling the Mysteries Trapped Within Mayan Hieroglyphs

    ... many scholars believed that the script did not represent a language at all, or that it wasn't a complete writing system, ... to express unambiguously any sentence of the spoken language.  “While some five million people still speak a language that evolved out of Maya civilization, in South ...

    aprilholloway - 05/11/2015 - 14:48

  13. Vimanas: Greater Understanding on a Hotly Debated Topic

    ... the winding (or “solenoid” to use more technical language); the central rotating part (it is curious to note ... BC: Atomic Destruction.’ (Author provided) Problems of Language and Communication Once again, we run into the difficulty of  language  and the problem of communicating complex ideas. ...

    Daniela Giordano - 21/03/2021 - 17:59

  14. The Serpent Scion: Mythic Traditions and the Brotherhood of the Snake - Part 2

    ... on Earth? The origin of the Basque is unknown. Their language is unlike any other European language. Some theorists maintain that Basque was the ... of the Book of Genesis. Some believe it was the original language spoken by humankind and possibly the speech of the ...

    ancient-origins - 09/08/2013 - 11:38

  15. First Jewish Curse Found: Chariot Racer Hexed by Calling on Balaam’s Angel

    ... used with permission of Alexander Hollmann Curse Language The amulet was not written in Greek or Latin but in ... Discovered on Ancient Silver Scroll Written in Unknown Language Malevolent Phantoms, Corpse Brides, and Ancestor ...

    Ed Whelan - 24/05/2018 - 19:00

  16. Bronze Age Kaska – The World’s First Guerrillas?

    ... inhabitants of Anatolia may have spoken an Indo-European language, although there is disagreement on this point. Many ... and archaeologists believe that the Indo-European language family originated in Anatolia between 6,000 BC and ... end of the 3rd millennium BC. That is when speakers of a language related to the Indo-European Hittite language begin ...

    Caleb Strom - 09/05/2021 - 19:09

  17. The Tuscarora Tribe Endured Violence and Upheaval, But Some Have Survived to Tell Their Story

    ... joined the Iroquois League or Kanonsionni in the Tuscarora language. Kanonsionni means “league of clans.” The other ... They are also known as the Six Nations. Tuscarora Language and Food Some elderly people are preserving the Tuscarora culture and language, though most speak English. Some youngsters are ...

    Mark Miller - 24/09/2018 - 02:01

  18. Deciphering Cuneiform to Get a Handle on Life in Ancient Mesopotamia

    ... Persepolis While cuneiform was first used for the Sumerian language, it was later adapted for other languages as well, ...

    dhwty - 25/04/2019 - 23:54

  19. 10 Historic Reasons Catalonia is Fighting for Independence from Spain

    ... by conquering powers, Catalans have retained their own language – now spoken by 9 million people – which is not ... the rule of Madrid and administrative use of the Catalan language was banned. 7. Catalonia had achieved brief ... movement to revive Catalan culture, traditions and language, which flowed into a campaign for political autonomy ...

    aprilholloway - 03/10/2017 - 23:33

  20. The Himyarite Kingdom’s Bloody Conversion to Judaism: Passion or Ploy?

    ... themselves from their past, they adopted the Sabaean language. Once established, the Himyarites were swift in ... with their languages, religions, and customs. The Sabaean language spread quickly throughout the kingdom, and a ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 26/08/2022 - 14:48
