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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Even Viking warriors used body modification to stand out. Source: Fotokvadrat / Adobe Stock

From Tattoos to Elongated Skulls: A History of Body Modification

Since emergence of humankind, people have been fascinated by art. They began by painting intricate pieces upon cave walls, and then carved statuettes and symbols out of stone and antler. Soon after,...
4th Century Stone Blocks Tell Story of Sun Temple of Heliopolis

4th Century Stone Blocks Tell Story of Sun Temple of Heliopolis

Archaeologists have uncovered stone blocks and other interesting fragments that are helping them piece together the history of the once magnificent and extraordinary temple, dedicated to the sun god...
Team members entering the Chiquihuite cave, where the purported prehistoric manmade artifacts were found, which a recent study has claimed were naturally produced.		Source: Devlin A. Gandy

Debate Erupts Over Alleged 33,000-Year-Old Tools Found in Chiquihuite Cave

In 2020, a team of Mexican and British archaeologists announced in the journal Nature that they’d discovered a rich cache of stone artifacts that proved Chiquihuite cave in Zacatecas, Mexico had been...
Composite image of Osiris and his protective sisters Isis and Nephthys, overlain by Akhenaten’s face, all overlying the Ark and the winged cherubim, from Moses and Joshua Bowing before the Ark, gouache on board, by James Tissot, 1896-1902. Now in    the Jewish Museum, New York. Author created.

Was the Ark Of The Covenant A Coffin – Secret Link To Osiris God Of The Dead

Why does the Bible refer to the Ark of the Covenant as a coffin ? Was someone buried in it? Was it a symbolic coffin, or even God’s coffin? The Bible describes the Ark as a sacred chest of wood and...
Buffy and Ian Bailey and the miniature gold bible that Buffy found with her metal detector in North Yorkshire, England.	Source: Buffy Bailey / Norgie Pal Twitter

Medieval Miniature Gold Bible Found Near King Richard III’s Castle

A tiny gold Bible associated with England’s 15th century King Richard III has been recovered by a metal detectorist in York. The discoverer, however, was no seasoned explorer or dirty nailed...
Medieval steel armor and iron gloved hands were products of Iron Age Europe. 		Source: Atmosphere / Adobe Stock

Iron Age Europe: 2000 Years Of Change Rolls Across The Continent

The Iron Age is the name given to the third and last division of the Three Age System. The beginning and the end of the Iron Age varies according to region. Indeed, even in Europe, the Iron Age...
Desert landscape on planet Arrakis in the film Dune. Source: Warner Bros

Would Humans Survive the Climate on Planet Arrakis from Dune?

Dune has been all over the news, as the first instalment of Frank Herbert’s novel series has been made into a blockbuster film (for the second time), by the acclaimed Denis Villeneuve. Set in the far...
King Penda of Mercia. Source: breakermaximus / Adobe Stock

King Penda of Mercia: Militant Heathen or Visionary Statesman?

In his seminal work entitled Anglo-Saxon England published in 1943, Sir Frank Stenton states that “the overthrow of Penda meant the end of militant heathenism and the development of civilization in...
A boomerang that was discovered in a dry section of the Cooper Creek bed in Australia. Source: Yandruwandha Yawarrawarrka Traditional Land Owners Aboriginal Corporation

Cooper Creek’s Boomerang Study Finds A Multitude of Uses

Not all boomerangs come back. In fact, recent discoveries show that almost four centuries ago in South Australia the one-way version of the flying hunting stick was used for hunting, fighting,...
The ‘slave room’ found in Villa Civita Giuliana in Pompeii. Source: Pompeii Archaeological Park

Horrific Slave Room Discovered in Pompeii’s Civita Giuliana

A well-preserved slave room has been discovered at Villa Civita Giuliana , a wealthy suburb of Pompeii located about 700 meters (2296.59 ft.) northwest of the city walls. This large and exuberant...

Lost Mongol Capital of Karakorum Mapped Properly for the First Time

The city of Karakorum, the 13th century capital of the great Mongol empire was established initially as a camp by Genghis Khan in the Orkhon Valley in 1220, and would be developed by his son and...
The 1200-year-old Wisconsin dugout canoe as it was lifted out of Lake Mendota this week.		Source: Wisconsin Historical Society

1,200-Year-Old Ho-Chunk Dugout Canoe Found In Wisconsin Lake

The largest of the four lakes in Madison, Wisconsin, Lake Mendota, originated after the Western glaciation some 15,000 years ago. It has been a subject of fascination for botanists, historians, and...
The reconstruction of the Pictish fort. Source: University of Aberdeen

Bringing History to Life: Immense Pictish Fort is Reconstructed in 3D

Scottish archaeologists have released a mind-boggling 3D reconstruction of the largest royal Pictish fort ever discovered. Burghead Fort was the largest settlement of northern Picts in what is today...
The skull of the Homo naledi child named Leti found in the lowest levels of South Africa’s Rising Star cave system.		Source: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Skeleton of an Archaic Homo naledi Child Found in Rising Star Cave

A team of South African and American archaeologists exploring the Rising Star cave system in central South Africa discovered something that seems quite anomalous. In the deepest, darkest recesses of...
A photo composition of the nearly 14 known megalithic stone slabs from the site of San Miguel Ixtapan. 	Source: Marco M. Vigato

Precision Stone Carvings of San Miguel Ixtapan – the Mexican Tiwanaku?

Over the past century, dozens of carved megalithic stone slabs of unknown origin and function have been uncovered in the southern part of the state of Mexico and the north of Guerrero, mostly around...
Pillar in Gobekli Tepe (Deriv.) (sebnemsanders) with a starry night sky. (CC0) What can be discerned about the site from Gobekli Tepe archaeoastronomy?

Gobekli Tepe Archaeoastronomy and the Second Hill of Osiris

The naming of places in the ancient world was a serious affair, particularly with regard to temples. A name enshrined the purpose for which the site was intended, or reflected a truth about its...
Another viewpoint of the Knossos palace at Heraklion, Crete, which is part of the extensive Knossos Palace ruins that are full of details relating to the great Minoan civilization of the Aegean Sea. ( vladimircaribb / Adobe Stock)

Majestic Minoan Knossos: Palace Or Funeral Parlor

Before 1900, the general knowledge about an ancient civilization on Crete was limited to the Greek mythology of King Minos and the heroic Theseus, prince of Athens, who slayed the minotaur in the...
The La Tene culture Laténium landing stage in Hauterive on Lake Neuchâtel in Switzerland.		Source: Jean-Pierre Dalbéra / CC BY 2.0

How the Great La Tene Culture Changed Iron Age Europe

Speaking of the Iron Age, most people first think of wild barbarian tribes wielding their crude swords and tools made from iron. But the truth is often very far from this. This important age in world...
Two of the Stonehenge plaques, make of chalk, analyzed with high tech in the latest study.    Source: Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society

Stonehenge Plaques Hold Secret Cultural Data, Says New Study

Four Neolithic “chalk plaques” were discovered near Stonehenge between 1968–2017. A new study has shown that the ancient illustrations on the Stonehenge plaques are much more than just abstract...
Al Brown of the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center talks about the stone ring that makes up one of the different sites in the Gungywamp property in the woods of Groton, Connecticut. Photo source: Tim Cook / The Day

Connecticut’s Gungywamp: Old Stone Chambers That Are Still A Mystery

Gungywamp is an archaeological site located in Groton, Connecticut, USA. The site is best known for its various stone structures. There is no consensus about the age and function of these structures...
The amazing Norfolk Anglo-Saxon gold coin hoard, which is now the largest ever found in the UK. 		Source: The Trustees of the British Museum

1,400-Year-Old Anglo-Saxon Gold Coin Hoard Is Largest Ever!

The Anglo-Saxons, a major migrating cultural group from the North Sea coastlands, arrived and settled in England in the Early Middle Ages (5th century AD onwards). Their identity was formed as a...
Mount Shasta's Mysteries. (Image: © 2021 D.W. Naef)

The Earth-Energy Hotspot Of Mount Shasta

Ever since prehistoric times spiritual seekers have acknowledged Mount Shasta, in Siskiyou County, California, as a sacred mountain. Could the unique geology and location of Mount Shasta have...
Excavators work at the site of the archaeological dig on the eastern bank of the Faidi canal, just north of Mosul, where evidence of an Assyrian wine press has been discovered. Source: The Kurdish-Italian Faida and Khinnis Archaeological Project

2,700-Year-Old Assyrian Wine Press Found in Northern Iraq

A team of Italian archaeologists exploring ruins connected to the legendary Neo-Assyrian Empire have discovered an ancient industrial wine press. Dating to approximately 700 BC, the remains of the...
Detail; Byzantine Alexander Romance, Venice, 14th century.

Fact or Fiction? The Obscure Origins of the Greek Alexander Romance

The Greek Alexander Romance , often referred to as a ‘pseudo-Callisthenes’ production, is in one form or another one of the most influential and widely read books of all time; it has birthed a whole...
