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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Side view of the colossal head of Decebalus. Source: Cazanele Dunării/CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Colossal Head of Decebalus, King of the Dacians

In the heart of Rome stands a 38-meter tall (124.67ft) tall column built in the 2nd century AD. Carved in low relief spiralling around the monument are over 2600 figures, representing the combatants...
Shenyang Imperial Palace (Mukden Palace) was the former imperial palace of the early Manchu-led Qing dynasty and UNESCO world heritage site built 400 years ago in Shenyang, China. Source: EcoSpace/Adobe Stock

How Did the Qing Dynasty Fall? (Video)

The collapse of the Qing Dynasty was a culmination of internal turmoil and external pressures spanning centuries. Established in 1644, it succeeded the Ming Dynasty , and the Qing rulers initially...
Left; One of the mound burials, Right; A selection of grave goods from the necropolis.	Source: Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape

2,700-Year-Old Iron Age Pit Tomb Necropolis Unearthed in Italy

During excavations launched ahead of an upcoming electric power plant construction project, archaeologists unearthed an approximately 2,700-year-old necropolis about 31 miles (50 kilometers)...
Image representing ancient ancestors in field collecting food. Source: Joyce/Adobe Stock

How Did We Discover Fermentation? (Video)

The evolution of fermentation traces back millions of years, intertwined with the dietary habits of our primate ancestors . As they foraged on the forest floor, scavenging fallen fruits, they...
Archaeologists work at the Wuwangdun tomb discovered in Huainan, east China's Anhui Province. 	Source: National Cultural Heritage Administration/Handout via Xinhua

Lavish Chu State Emperor’s Tomb Unearthed in China, Dated to 2,200-Years-Old

A lavishly decorated tomb discovered in eastern China may be the resting place of the ruler of the Chu state, one of the dominant powers during China's tumultuous Warring States period, which...
Late 19th century drawings of the eagle and bull symbols published by French excavator Victor Place. 	Source: New York Public Library

Unknown Assyrian Symbols Solved as ‘Tag’ of Sargon II

Ancient symbols on a 2,700-year-old temple which have baffled experts for over a century have been explained by Trinity Assyriologist Dr Martin Worthington. The sequence of ‘mystery symbols’ were on...
Pirate Henry Avery looking into the ocean at a pirate ship. Source: Dieter Holstein/Adobe Stock

Legacy of the Fancy: Henry Every's Iconic Flagship Powerhouse (Video)

The Fancy, Henry Every's formidable 46-gun flagship, stood as a symbol of pirate prowess during the era. Leading a formidable armada, it struck fear into the hearts of adversaries. Every, an English...
Right; China sinkhole forests show biodiversity in Hanzhong. Right Sinkhole examined in 2022. 	 Source: Left; Charlie fong/CC BY-SA 4.0, Right; Zhou Hua / Xinhua

Primeval Forest Biodiversity Found in China’s Sinkholes

In the midst of southern China’s vast sinkhole-ridden landscape, a recent study of ancient forests found growing in the depths of karst tiankengs (super-deep sinkholes) has revealed the astonishing...
Ninja, samurai warrior on a dark background. Source: Dmytro/Adobe Stock

Some Little Known Intriguing Facts About Ninjas (Video)

Ninjas , or shinobi, originating from humble origins, evolved into highly skilled operatives during the tumultuous Sengoku period. Contrary to popular belief, they weren't just assassins but also...
The cover of a 1698 edition of the Historia Augusta from Ettal Abbey, Germany. Right: a page of the earliest manuscript. Source: Public Domain, Public Domain

History or Hoax: Dissecting the Intriguing Historia Augusta

The Historia Augusta stands as a paradox within the annals of Roman historiography, a perplexing blend of fact and fiction, offering both insights into the imperial era and challenges to historical...
Ibn al-Haytham ("Alhasen") on the left pedestal of reason [while Galileo is on the right pedestal of the senses] as shown on the frontispiece of the Selenographia (Science of the Moon; 1647) of Johannes Hevelius. 	Source: Public domain provided by the author

Study Reveals the Influence of 11th Century Scientist On Modern-day Physics

By University of Sharjah Scientists from the University of Sharjah and the Warburg Institute are poring over the writings of an 11th century Arab-Muslim polymath to demonstrate his impact on the...
A Roman love scene. Mosaic found in Centocelle (1st century AD).	Source: Kunsthistorisches Museum/CC BY-SA 2.5

Silphium, The Ancient Contraceptive Herb Driven To Extinction

As an institution of spiritual authority, the Catholic Church wields much influence over the attitudes and beliefs of millions of people around the globe. From scriptural doctrine to less refined...
Representational image of Muslim achievements to science, medicine, philosophy and education. Source: mknisanci / Adobe Stock

“Historical Amnesia” Obscures Forgotten Achievements of Muslim Culture

In an article authored by Craig Considine and published in The Huffington Post , the veil is lifted on a profound historic oversight in some educational curriculums: the neglect of Muslim...
The Taj Mahal. Source:EugeneF/Adobe Stock

How Long Famous Landmarks Took to Build (Video)

From the monumental Great Pyramid of Giza to the mesmerizing Taj Mahal, the construction timelines of these iconic landmarks offer insights into the ingenuity and perseverance of ancient...
Comanche Feats of Horsemanship (1834-1835) by George Catlin. Source: Public Domain

The History of the Comanche Tribe is One of Conquest

The history of the Native American Comanche tribe includes their move from ancestral homelands in Wyoming to more southerly parts - and conquering new lands. They were then in turn conquered, after...
AI Representation of the legendary shield Svalinn in a forest. 	Source: Misha/Adobe Stock

Svalinn, the Most Important Shield in the Norse World

In the incredible complexity and richness of the old Norse mythology, amidst the pantheon of gods, giants, and cosmic beings, stands the enigmatic epic shield known as Svalinn . Its presence is...
Red squirrels may have been spreading deadly leprosy amongst the population of medieval England. Source: Fraser by Peter Trimming / CC BY-SA 2.0

Did Red Squirrels Spread Leprosy in Medieval England?

In a scientific first, an international team of researchers from the United Kingdom, Switzerland and the United States has found evidence to suggest that at least one species of animal was passing...
The Egyptian Royal Retreat is along a well-used military route and would have been a convenient place of rest for the pharaoh when campaigning east. Source: Live Science / Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

3,500-Year-Old Egyptian Royal Retreat Found in the Sinai Desert

The remnants of a 3,500-year-old ‘royal fortified rest area’ have been uncovered by an Egyptian mission at the Tel Habwa archaeological site in the Northern Sinai Archaeological Area. Constructed of...
The Tyrian Purple pigment found at Carlisle Cricket Club	Source:  Wardell Armstrong

A Regal Hue: The Discovery of Tyrian Purple in Roman Carlisle

In an extraordinary archaeological find at Carlisle, UK, researchers have unearthed what appears to be Tyrian Purple, a rare and historically significant pigment once reserved for the highest...
Reconstruction of a hunter-gatherer, based on hard DNA evidence (dark hair, brown skin, blue eyes). Source: Werner Ustorf/ CC BY-SA 2.0

Enigmatic Dark-skinned, Light-Colored Eyes Western Hunter-Gatherers (Video)

In the chronicles of prehistoric Europe, a captivating tale emerges, one shrouded in mystery and discovery. The enigmatic journey of the Western Hunter Gatherers , a lost tribe of the Ice Age,...
Image of a fortune teller gazing into a glowing orb, zodiac symbols orbiting around, divining the future amidst the cosmos.            Source: Jenjira/Adobe Stock

The Past and the Future: Origins of the Oldest Divination Techniques

The act of divination is believed to be one of the earliest forms of religious activity, with a rich history dating back thousands of years and across multiple civilizations. The word itself, rooted...
Reproduction of the Old city of Jerusalem.		Source: Alessandro/Adobe Stock

Cosmic Rays, Tree Rings, and the Real Story of the Building of Jerusalem

A new archaeological study of ancient Jerusalem is forcing experts to reevaluate some of their past assumptions about the history of that holy city. New research has presented evidence that Biblical...
Photo of an Aztec warrior in imagined armor. Source: Superhero Woozie/Adobe Stock

History's Most Dreaded Warriors (Video)

Throughout history, formidable warriors have etched their names into the annals of warfare, leaving behind legacies of terror and conquest. Among them, Genghis Khan and his Mongol horde stand out as...
Globe map image of the region of Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea and now submerged land which once made up the Sahul landmass. Source: ink drop/Adobe Stock

How Evolving Landscapes Impacted First Peoples' Migration to Australia

For the first time, dynamic modelling of terrain has helped us better understand how humans first travelled across the continent of Sahul between 35,000 and 70,000 years ago. New research led by the...
