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Side view of the colossal head of Decebalus. Source: Cazanele Dunării/CC BY-SA 4.0)

The Colossal Head of Decebalus, King of the Dacians

In the heart of Rome stands a 38-meter tall (124.67ft) tall column built in the 2nd century AD. Carved in low relief spiralling around the monument are over 2600 figures, representing the combatants...
The Merry Cemetery in Romania. Source: cristianbalate / Adobe Stock.

Romania’s Merry Cemetery, the World’s Happiest Graveyard (Video)

In a remote corner of Romania lies the vibrant and unusual Merry Cemetery. Located in the small village of Săpânța and unconventional in every sense, this burial ground deviates from the solemnity...
Dacian draco, symbol of Dacia, the warrior realm who attached the Romans. Source: Craitza / Adobe Stock.

The Wolves of Dacia Take On the Roman Empire

In ancient times, Dacia was the name given to the area of Central Europe bounded by the Carpathian Mountains . This area corresponds roughly to the modern countries of Romania and Moldovia...
Sunrise, Old Orhei monastery, Republic of Moldova   Source: Calin Stan/Adobe Stock

The Little-Known Treasure of Beautiful Moldova - Old Orhei

Moldova may be the least visited country in Europe , but it has the largest wine cellar in the world, and a history that stretches back for millennia. Because of its incredible past, it has been home...
Trajan's Column and The Church of the Most Holy Name of Mary at the Trajan Forum, Rome, Italy.

Trajan's Column: An Unyielding Pillar of Imperial Strength

A pillar of Emperor Trajan's military victories, the Column of Trajan is as much a benchmark of Rome's strength as an empire as it is a monument to Trajan's success as a leader. Situated at the...