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  • Reply to: Stone softening   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: granbo

    it would sure be nice to know how for instance patterns of Sigiria are made, or the giant stone monuments in India. I do wish we get to translate the not yet translated parts a.o.on melting of the ancient books that are on program. The plant in question is sometimes offered as a statutory gift and sometimes referred to as pomeogranades. If that is the very same plant used for melting would be interesting to know, anyone? Well, if not by plant so by what have all these intricate stone masonry ever been made?

  • Reply to: New Theory Links Serpent Mound Cults, Impact Craters and High Science   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: AlanP

    The serpent was a symbol of healing in ancient times (Medusa was a healer), and to this day the symbol of medicine is a serpent coiled around a pole.


    Another instance of a serpent in the Bible is when Moses (I think – haven’t checked) competes with Pharoah’s magician and turns his staff into a serpent. Explain that!


    The image of a serpent coiled around a pole has been suggested to be a representation of an electric motor, and perhaps even what was in the Ark of the Covenent


    I don’t know if any of this is relevant to the serpent mounds, but someone may find a connection!

  • Reply to: Upcoming UFO Report and its Implications for Human Origins Theory   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: AlanP

    If you have a problem explaining the origins of ‘life’ on Earth, please explain how extra-terrestrial life began. At some point, some time, somewhere in the universe, non-living matter must have transitioned into living cells somehow!

  • Reply to: The Long and Difficult History of Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia, Spain   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: gpdno

    APP album is the reason I went to Barcelona.  I became facinated with Gaudi’s work and had to see La Familia :)

  • Reply to: New Theory Links Serpent Mound Cults, Impact Craters and High Science   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hi all,

    Since the article here addressed Science and Sperm Symbolism then I'll introduce Oral History spoken by Indigenous People according to the stories by the Elders It were the children of the Star People that constructed everything from The Pyramids to those Serpent Mounds.

    The Star People's Children apparently filled the whole of Earth up translation the children were spread out all over the place. Perhaps figuring out the meaning for those Serpent Mounds in relation too The Star People would help explain the mystery.

    That's pretty much all I have too share about Those Mysterious Serpent Mounds found in Europe and here in America The Elders of various Indigenous People maintain The Children of The Star People built the Serpent Mounds.

    I'm still wondering about The Obsession of Serpents in The Ancient World.

    My knowledge of Serpents is from The Bible that's it. Until next time, Everyone, Goodbye!

  • Reply to: New Theory Links Serpent Mound Cults, Impact Craters and High Science   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hi all,

    Since the article here addressed Science and Sperm Symbolism then I'll introduce Oral History spoken by Indigenous People according to the stories by the Elders It were the children of the Star People that constructed everything from The Pyramids to those Serpent Mounds.

    The Star People's Children apparently filled the whole of Earth up translation the children were spread out all over the place. Perhaps figuring out the meaning for those Serpent Mounds in relation too The Star People would help explain the mystery.

    That's pretty much all I have too share about Those Mysterious Serpent Mounds found in Europe and here in America The Elders of various Indigenous People maintain The Children of The Star People built the Serpent Mounds.

    I'm still wondering about The Obsession of Serpents in The Ancient World.

    My knowledge of Serpents is from The Bible that's it. Until next time, Everyone, Goodbye!

  • Reply to: Sumerian Etana Translated As Biblical Enoch   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Bruce Nowakowski

    or it could be of a shared common history.  Rita Louise points out many of the similarities not only here but others in her book ET Chronicles.  Many of which were of cultures with zero influence on eachother. 

  • Reply to: New Theory Links Serpent Mound Cults, Impact Craters and High Science   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: LivesInOhio

    The Ohio mound is NOT on the Ohio River. It is in Adams county along Ohio Brush Creek. No wonder you thought you were above archaeology.

  • Reply to: Sumerian Etana Translated As Biblical Enoch   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: fatfred666

    I am not shocked that writers of the Old Testament took liberties with Sumerian mythology to create their own mythology 

  • Reply to: The Long and Difficult History of Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia, Spain   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: herman1313

    Dhwty, Have you ever listened to Alan Parsons Project entitled GAUDI? the first song is La Sagrada Familia

  • Reply to: 10 Historic Reasons Catalonia is Fighting for Independence from Spain   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: ISIDRO

    Leo con sorpresa el artículo de April Holloway y he de manifestar mi absoluto desacuerdo con el tendencioso contenido del mismo. A este respecto les informo lo siguiente:

    1º. La Guerra de Sucesión a la corona española de 1701 a 1714, no fue una guerra entre España contra Cataluña sino que fue una guerra motivada por la muerte sin sucesor del rey Carlos II en noviembre de 1700. A la sucesión en el trono había dos pretendientes el francés nieto de Luis XIV Felipe de Anjou y el austriaco Carlos. Al final Carlos II eligió al francés Felipe de Anjou.

    2º. En un primer momento los catalanes juraron fidelidad al rey Felipe V, aunque posteriormente rompieron su juramento y se pusieron del lado del pretendiente austriaco Carlos.

    3º. Que el Consejero en Cap de la Generalitat Rafaél Casanova que defendia la ciudad de Barcelona el 11 de Septiembre de 1714, no luchaba por la independencia de Cataluña, sino que era un patriota español cuyo bando, que circulaba por Barcelona en los días previos a la rendición, animaba a los catalanes a “salvar la libertad del Principado y de toda España; evitar la esclavitud que espera a los catalanes y el resto de los españoles bajo el dominio francés; derramar la sangre gloriosamente POR EL REY, POR SU HONOR, POR LA PATRÍA Y POR LA LIBERTAD DE TODA ESPAÑA”.

    4º. Cada candidato representaba una concepción diferente de Gobierno. Carlos de Austria personificaba el antiguo modelo foralista y Felipe V representaba un modelo más centralista que pretendía <<unificar jurídica y administrativamente el territorio».

    5º. Otra mentira nacionalista es que el castellano fue impuessto por la fuerza en Cataluña.

    Empezemos, la actual lengua de Cataluña, que el nacionalismo reinvidica es dialecto derivado del Provenzal, el OCCITO.

    Durante la Edad Media Cataluña y el resto de territorios peninsulares fueron multilingues. El catalán -como señala Jordi Canal- <<nunca a lo largo de su historia ha sido la única lengua lengua en Cataluña, ha coexistido con otras lenguas consideradas igualmente como propias por una masa importante de catalanes.

    Entre los siglos XVI y XVII la lengua de las élites era el castellano.De las38 obras impresas en Lleida en las dos primeras décadas del siglo XVII, doce eran en latín y el resto en castellano, mientras que ninguno en catalán

    Mucho se ha escrito sobre la persecución del catalán por la dictadura franquista (1939-1975), veamos unos ejemplos de publicaciones y premios literarios de obras escritas en catalán durante ese periodo:

    En 1951, se amplia las actividades del “Teatro de las Belles Arts” Joseo Mª Cruzet funda “Edicións Selecta”. En el mismo año se concede el premio “Joanot Martorell” a Josep Pla  por su obra “El carrer Estret”.

    En 1952 durante una visita de Franco se crea la c´tedra “Milà i Fontanals” para el estudio científico  de la lengua catalana. En 1955 el poeta J. Mª de segarra recibe la Orden de Alfonso X el Sabio por la publicación de sus “Memòries” en catalán …. En 1959, los premios barceloneses “Crítica” se incorporan  a la producción en catalán… En Barcelona se crea el Premio “Sant Jordi” para novelas dotada en 150.000 pesetas cifra igual al premio “Nadal”…

    6º. En Economia, pasa lo mismo, basta con comparar dos regiones españolas, Galicia y Cataluña, en el siglo XVII Galicia tenía más població y era más rica que Cataluña, sin embargo, con la llegada de los Borbones en el siglo XVIII, la cosa cambió radicalmente al suprimir las aduanas interiores y la centralización y unificación de las leyes y fiscalidad.

    El escritor y novelista francés STENDHAL ante el proteccionismo español a la industria catalana en su <<Diario de un turista de 1839” expone, “Los catalanes quieren leyes justas -anota-, a excepción de la ley de aduana, que debe ser hecha a su medida. Quieren que cada español que necesita algodón pague cuatro francos la vara , por e hecho que Cataluña está en el mundo. El español de Granada de Málaga o de la Coruña no puede comprar paños de algodón ingleses,que son excelentes, y que cuestan un franco la vara...». O sea, los españoles hemos sido una colonia de la industria catalana y también de la industria vasca gracias a los aranceles para impedir la competencia.

    En 1943 Franco establece por decreto que solo Barcelona y Valencia podrán realizar ferias de muestras internacionales. Las primeras autopistas que se construyen en España son catalanas. La fábrica Seat, la única marca de coches española se lleva a Barcelona. Los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992 se celebraron en Barcelona sufragados por el Estado Español. Enagás fue vendido a la gasera catalana por el 58% de su valor en libros . Repsol, nuestra única petrolera , también pasará a manos catalanas….

    Sobre el problema catalán se pueden escribir rios de tinta. Pero de ningún modo se puede escribir si se está bien informado de que han sido maltratados por los distintos gobiernos españoles.


    Isidro Garrido Bermejo


  • Reply to: Vandals Deface ‘Birthing Rock,’ 1000-Year-Old Rock Art in Utah   3 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: elrotto

    Admitting that there are racist elements at work is not the same as hating white men, or thinking they are the boogey man.  I know the narrative you are upset about, and you should be.  It is also counter productive and based on emotional reaction.  I worry that too many people of all sorts are misdirecting their justifiable rage, but that;s just me.

    The truth  in this area is that it is more about long simmering land use resentments and grudges that go back hundreds if not thousands of years.  Between tribes, ranchers, gas and oil, mining, and everybody hates the feds.  So primarily, it isn’t racist, but everyone shits on the Natives anyway.  It’s just true.

    The rock art damage is probably usually done by drunk bozos without any real point at all.

  • Reply to: Vandals Deface ‘Birthing Rock,’ 1000-Year-Old Rock Art in Utah   3 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Bruce Nowakowski

    Bull.   I’m sick and tired of you bigotted pieces of garbage accusing others of your own racist mantra.  White people aren’t the boogeymen you fascists think they are and there is no proof this is a white supremacy issue.   If anything its probably Antifa doing it as they have a habit of destroying statues and other works of culture. 

  • Reply to: Palatkwapi-Sedona: City of the Star People   3 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hi All,

    All I'm sharing about I recently watched A ytube Video I was seeking stories about The Giant Race, happily for me I found such a video on ytube about The Origins of Those Race of Giant's.

    For me it was somewhat The First Time I'd heard about The Star People. I know now from reading this article The Hopis referred to Then as Kachinas. The individual in The Video who is of Indigenous People shared a bit of Astronomy.

    He explained between The Seven Sister's which in Astronomy knows as Pleiades Constellation; from The Warrior's Belt referred to in Astronomy as Orion's Belt came The Star People.

    Arriving on Earth these Star People made themselves out to be gods. The Star People's goal however, seemed to be Earth's Women, they took the Women they violated The Women conceived Children by those Women who then gave birth too The Race of Giant's tragically many of The Women died because of those Birth's to the Giant's.

    I do remember the video mentioning that the Star People preceded too teach Earth's Inhabitants Astronomy and Secrets of Heaven. The only question, I've been left with is whether are not other Culture's use the term Star People?

    This is all I wished to address about The Star People, so until next time Everyone, Goodbye!

  • Reply to: Uprisings After Pandemics: It Happened Before and May Happen Again   3 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Caesar A. Mendez

     I thought the above article  is about comparision of events that occured in Medeival England to the current state of the US; not the nature of ‘reality’.


  • Reply to: The Vortexes of Native American Culture and Cultural Misappropriation   3 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hi All,

    Admiration of people's history and culture is one thing but, Misappropiating it would be very insulting indeed. An the legacy in America at least I think this is what's wrong with it; the practice of Misappropiating Native American Culture...

    I certainly can't speak for The Indigenous People since I myself am not of Indigenous People I can relate too their Experience because I'm African American and that's where it end's. I do feel it goes back to the First Encounters with Europeans.

    The Indigenous People's Holocaust Began in 1492, what I've learned in The 4 Part Documentary Series Exterminate All The Brutes Directed by Film Maker Raoul Peck it's a Miracle any one of Us as Human Being's even exists.

    Overall Misappropriating Native American Culture I can only imagine and this aspect I'm in the process of sharing it does not in any shape or form mean that I'm right still feels like they're being Colonized all over again and so The Indigenous People's Holocaust continues on into 2021.

    An when people in general express their feelings on this Subject of Their Culture being Misappropriated then their Insulted by Words such as "Don't Be so Sensitive", if people maintained a bit of Sensitivity; then perhaps more people would frown upon other people feeling someone has the right to Misappropriate Native American Culture.

    Speaking of Native American I read a short Essay by someone who was an Canadian Indigenous Person the person seemed annoyed or angered by The Concept of Native American, so it is entitled "What is An Native American?"

    When I find this Essay again I'll share with everyone where they could go in order to read it for themselves.

    An now that I've share my thoughts on Yes Misappropriating Native American Culture is Wrong and should not happen under any circumstances.

    I'll say one thing about those Vortex those passageways and Doorways are all Shut Down no clue if or when they will open again or if they'll open at all.

    Curiosity is okay ocassionally however, if what i suspect is right about those Vortex's were going to Wind up like that of the Steven King Movie: The Mist messing around with something we shouldn't and that's all I'll say about the Vortexes around The World.

    Until next time, Everyone Goodbye!

  • Reply to: How Two Jewish Rabbis Respected and Protected the Ka'bah of Islam   3 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Common Sense

    Islam as we know it today was not the creation of ‘Muhammad’ but of Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan (646 - 705). He was an Umayyad. The true history of islam was erased by Abd al-Mallik.

    Islam originated much further north in Hira > Mesopotamia. All the earliest mosks are oriented at Petra, not Mecca! The originators of islam were not the Umayyad but Tajis. So Muhammad (Ibn abi Kabsha) was not a trader (tajir) but the head or king of the Tajis.

    Go to the YouTube-channel ‘Sneakers Corner’ if you are truly interested in the origins of Islam. Or search the YT video “Have we found the Original Muhammad? Mel thinks so!” > Pfander Films.

    The original Muhammad had a (non-trinitarian) Christian mission: retake Jerusalem from the Romans, rebuild the Temple so the Messiah (Jesus) would return on Earth and Israel could lead the nations of the world to Peace on Earth.

    Again: Go to the YouTube-channel ‘Sneakers Corner’ if you are truly interested in the origins of Islam. You’ll be amazed!

    As a Dutch proverb says: No matter how fast the lie is, the truth will catch up with it!

  • Reply to: Reviving the Panathenaic Stadium for the Olympic Games   3 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: akenos

    Vikelas was the very first IOC President. Averoff an Iperote, was joined by Zappas, also from Iperos, and both gave millions to support the re establishment of the modern Olympics.

  • Reply to: Do You Have the Good or Bad Covid-19 Neanderthal Genes?   3 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: techreviewplanet

    Fighting Covid-19 with Artificial Intelligence

    At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, doctors were at a loss and scrambling for any info they could use to combat the spread of the disease.

  • Reply to: Researchers Find Remains of 'Satanic' Viking Rituals in Icelandic Cave   3 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Crasslee

    As others have noted. The Norse of this time had nothing to do with Satanism, and only started to convert to Christianity at a later date. And as for being confused by objects from Iran or modern day Turkey. The Vikings were amazing traders, and travelled and traded with the early medieval world extensively.
    Honestly, this article would have been much better if it had concentrated on the actual archaeology, rather than trying to turn it into some weird flight of fancy from the reporters imagination.
