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  • Reply to: A Fertility Idol of Questionable Authenticity   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: kkingkk

    The Dumbarton Oaks birthing figure does not appear to be pre-Columbian to me, and it appears to be more modern. It definitely shows the pain of birthing no matter when it was made.

  • Reply to: Mary Rose Crew Exposed By Teeth Analysis   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Bruce Nowakowski

    there are ways to tell, through this thing called DNA.  Plus they can recreate where people lived based on the composition of the teeth (diet, water content etc).  Its not far out of the realm of possibility to have North Africans escaping the Muslim caliphate or even just mercanaries being on the ship. 

  • Reply to: The Time I Met The King of the Faeries   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: kanteletar

    If you seriusly want to see the ‘small folk’ as we call them in Finland, then visit northern Finland. If you want to see them, then you have to sit down in the forest and whisper that they are welcomed.

    They are scared of people, but very curious. Some who have walked in the woods have seen glimpses with hundreds of them running head over heals to the mountains when they go near them.

    But if you sit and silently tell them that they are welcomed, then some of them might be courageous enough to peek from behind a tree.

    Finnish adults usually forget about their existance, but Finnish children see them. They are not afraid of children.

    Some years ago at a shopping mall I saw the elevator doors open and a small girl crying, absolutely heartbroken. Her Dad asked what is wrong and she cried: There was this little goblin in the elevator and people just walked over him, crushing him to the floor. Why didn’t anybody see him?

    Finland is the land of trolls, salamanders, elves and mermaids. They have been a very important part of Finns and building the three-folded body.

    Here is what someone from Britain experienced when sleeping in a hotel in Rovaniemi, Northern Finland:

    “I had hardly made myself comfortable, and I was certainly not asleep or even dozing, when I heard chattering all around me. There were people in the room.

    “Perhaps, thinking I was asleep, they had come to inspect the strange creature in their midst from England. Cautiously, out of politeness rather than fear, I opened one eye slightly and I was right: there were people in the room, but they were little people, no higher than my bed.

    “The climbed up and pushed pillows behind my back, tucking me inside the blanket like a child. I felt like Gulliver, but I knew their intention was to look after me.

    “As suddenly as they had come, they went. The chattering ceased and there was total silence. I drifted off to sleep.

    This man asked a Finn he met about the trolls, expecting him to laugh at him, but instead the Finnish man said: ‘Yes’ he said, ‘I fully understand’.‘You are in the land of the trolls.’

    The Finn continued: “

    ‘You are in the land of the spirit people’

    “He told me about the place nick-named Father Christmas Mountain, which many people in the area believe is where the trolls live. The Lapps, he said, certainly believe in the little people.


    The Finn: “As a child I was always very drawn to the garden and particularly to plants. I would play in the garden for hours and I regularly saw little creatures of not more than two or three inches high, on the branches of trees. They were not much bigger than long butterflies and I used to talk to them, thinking they were fairies.

    “When I first told my mother, she pointed at a tree saying, ‘That’s where Tom Thumb lives,’

    There are more and absolutely stunning stories about these little people. Every Christmas Finns take porridge to the barns and stables, it is for them and to thank them for taking care of the animals.

    One woman was too tired to clean the stable and feed the horses, she fell asleep on the floor. The next morning she woke up to new clients coming to inspect the stable and she was horrified since she fell asleep in the kitchen and knew the mess that was expecting them.

    They go to the stable and everything is shining and clean. Horses are fed and their water is changed and it is in absolute top condition.

    After that she believed her late Mom, who had always told about the trolls in the stable and how they need to be respected and thanked.

    If you can’t visit Finland, ask a small child if she or he sees a ‘home troll’ in your home. They usually see them, because every home has one, and they might say ‘he is small, but he has this ‘enlighted’ hat’ or something else.

    Be ever so kind to the elementals, they are so easily scared away but very very curious.

  • Reply to: A Fertility Idol of Questionable Authenticity   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: ancientbruja

    Dumbarton Oaks birthing figure could be dated as pre Columbian because of the material it's made of. Aztec artifacts are known to be made out of clay and just clay itself; I believe this is pre columbian because of material and how they position the figure, if compared to Aztec artifacts, they share similar sitting positions and similar form. Fertility figures arn't known to be positioned in that type of form. 

  • Reply to: A Fertility Idol of Questionable Authenticity   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: uPRz67LA

    The Fringe or part - headdress is comparable to pre Columbian figures from the same period, but this seems very refined in its appearance, detail wise, where has a lot of the pre Colombian figures I have seen are more rustic and simplistic in appearance, Pre Columbian sculpture features, seem more exaggerated in pieces from that era, this is to detailed and in proportion, the refinement, detail and the exactness in the artists application here could very well imply that it’s a more of modern creation as already suggested.


  • Reply to: A Fertility Idol of Questionable Authenticity   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: granbo

    Hi Alicia

    No, I really don´t think so. It does not look like any of the pre Columbian art I have been happy to seen so far. Not the facial grin, the material, nor the baby´s hands or expression resembles any other kind of Aztec art that I have seen. Anita

  • Reply to: Hereford Mappa Mundi: Legendary Cities, Monstrous Races, and Curious Medieval Beasts   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Don Barone

    Actually sorry the finger like protrusion is not the Nile but the Red Sea. here is the ancient map it was probably copied from




  • Reply to: Mary Rose Crew Exposed By Teeth Analysis   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Army of Nobunaga

    I guess you don't do the whole “science” thing much…


    it's a solid paper. 

    what bothers you the most about this???? Africans on an English warship? Lol


  • Reply to: Hereford Mappa Mundi: Legendary Cities, Monstrous Races, and Curious Medieval Beasts   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Don Barone

    Hi in the course of other research I was doing I figured out what this map was and is. It is a map of The Medeterranean Sea and the large finger like protrusion is The Nile. It was secretly encoded as to keep it safe. To get the correct configuration one has to turn it 90 degrees to the right and then horizontally flip it.


    Here is what it looks like corrected.




  • Reply to: “Superhighways” of the Original Australians Uncovered by Virtual Migrant   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Brent Daglish1

    I agree. The path of travel would be logical for a 10 year old with limited school geographic understanding. The sciecne behind this articvle is poiintless. What does it prove…? Humans moved around? 

  • Reply to: Study Reveals Close Genetic Links Across Advanced Aegean Civilizations   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Caesar A. Mendez

    When read, hear or watch anything about this area of the Bronze Age  it’s always concerns the Minoans or the Myceneans. This article is the first I've heard about these Cycladiceans(?). Is this culture newly discovered, overlooked or ignored by archaeologist. 

  • Reply to: New Theory Links Serpent Mound Cults, Impact Craters and High Science   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Gary Manners

    Thank you. Apologies are due both to readers and to Mark Carpenter. The editor added an image description which incorrectly referenced to the Ohio River. Mark always refers to Ohio River Valley as the location of the Serpent Mound.

  • Reply to: Mary Rose Crew Exposed By Teeth Analysis   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: T1bbst3r

    Sounds like a load of confirmation bias, like seeing faces on rocks to me. How do they even know the teeth were from North Africa, were they eroded by sand? Guess you will just have to trust the ‘experts’ then, without thorough explination……...

  • Reply to: Dinner Invitations for Famous People from the Past   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: KSkocpol

    Henry VIII but as a man not a women...

  • Reply to: Were Vikings in South America Over 400 Years Before Columbus?   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: ISIDRO

    Interesante artículo, pero creo que se están confundiendo los términos, no se trata de quien llegó primero al Nuevo Mundo. Seguramente quienes primeros llegaron a América fueron los Amerindios en la Cuarta Glaciación de Würz cuando bajó el nivel del mar y entonces pudieron pasar a pie desde Siberia a América siguiendo la caza. Hay muchas teorías que hablan de que pudieron llegar los Sumerios, estos tienen muchas posibilidades, también se habla de Chinos, Fenicios, Griegos, Romanos, etc.. Pero insisto se confunden los términos. Si vamos al Diccionario de la Real Academia Española y buscamos la palabra “Descubrir”, vemos que aparecen las siguientes acepciones: “1º . Destapar”. “2º. Dar a conocer”..Pues ese precisamente es el mérito de Cristobal Colón, que dió a conocer al entonces mundo conocido (Europa, Asia, África) la existencia de un nuevo continente, América; hasta ese momento desconocido. Y, desde ese mismo momento quedó incluido en el mundo conocido. Los demás pudieron haber llegado antes a América, pero, no lo dieron a conocer al resto del mundo conocido. Por favor, a Cristobal Colón, se le conoce no como el primero que llegó a América, sino, “EL QUE LA DIÓ A CONOCER”.

    Un saludo,


    Isidro Garrido Bermejo

  • Reply to: The Ior Bock Saga: Is Everything We Know about History Wrong?   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: kanteletar

    Every single time the same thing happens. People hear or read ‘Finland’ and automatically dismiss everything, as if they had any idea of how old Finland’s culture is or what it was like to live in Finland when the Crusaders destroyed absolutely everything. It was genocide and destruction of our national identity, looting our wealth, destroying all buildings – and after that Finland was wiped off all documents and maps.

    Only Scandinavian Sagas know to tell what happened in Finland, when the Gods were killed and when there was blood up to the ankles – Finns know, those who managed to flee, that it was an immense and horrid attack from the West, whole villages were burned to the ground and all people living in them.

    There was one young Finnish boy who happened to be in the forest when the Crusaders attacked his village. He witnessed them kill everybody and fled to a desert island, where he lived for three years without seeing one human being.

    After three years a group of other Finns saw him and took him under their wings.

    You people have no idea whatsoever what kind of High Culture and High Civilization we had in Finland, because it was intentionally destroyed so that the Pope could occupy all Europe and install a new world order.

    Finns only whisper to each other about our glorious past, nobody calls the Museum if they find something, because it is filled with Swedish settlers who immediately destroy whatever is found. Like for example when a King’s golden crown was found in Finland… the Museum melted the crown stating ‘we don’t want to give Finns any ideas about their past’.

    But hey, why don’t you go and ask Swedes, they will tell you instantly that Finns are a sub-human race and could never come up with a civilization – unless Swedes would have helped them.

    Sweden brought Finns a ‘high civilization and culture’ in the form of installations slowly dismembering Finns’ bodies and burning them alive as ‘witches’. Seriously, one Finnish boy was sentenced to death – by the Swedes – because he learned a new language ‘abnormally’ quickly.

    As for Bock again, there is a lot of truth in what he says. It is on par with what an informed ethnic Finn knows about their past. But just like Bock Finns have kept their mouths shut, Swedish settlers make sure of that even to this day.

  • Reply to: Traditional African Medicine and its Role in Healing in a Modern World   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: alainaelder

    Despite my strong commitment to preserving traditions, I believe that our advancements in the field of medicine is for our own good. Yes, traditional medicine has its merits but I have more trust our medicine today. Just see how we’ve made various products all of which are derived from hemp. Advancements like these can be found from relevant sources online like Let’s keep traditions alive, but let’s not get stuck in the past is all I want to say. 

  • Reply to: The Snallygaster: Century-Old Fake News Terrorized Citizens of Maryland… But the Creature May be Real   3 years 3 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Caesar A. Mendez

    So your hinting that this Snallygaster is a combination of 2 different but similar mythical Beast:  The European/Germanic Schnellegeister/Schnelle Geist & the Native American Michi-Peshu/Piasa.  Very All-American. 

  • Reply to: “Superhighways” of the Original Australians Uncovered by Virtual Migrant   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    The leading graphics show a woman (in my view, looking remarkably African) holding a spear with a metal tip.

    I know that rewriting Australian prehistory is fashionable these days, but isn't this a step too far?

    What is wrong with the truth? We should think no less of Aboriginal prehistory for being one of stone technology. To thrive in the Australian landscape is no easy feat with metals and even more so without.

    The way we're going, future young Indigenous Australians will have poor knowledge indeed of their own cultural heritage. Years ago, the movie industry wanted the first leading Aboriginal film actor to play an African. He refused, but paid the price of losing a budding career.

    The illustration above reeks of Hollywood wokeness.

    As for the mapping, I'd like to say that it is brilliant but, quite honestly, I could have knocked up something similiar on a piece of paper in an hour based on knowledge of the landscape and an up-to-date listing of the oldest known sites. And I'm a secondary school dropout.

    The first Australians never even saw a map or a school. Yet, they survived and thrived. I'm not sure the researchers here would last five minutes in the prehistoric Australian bush under the same circumstances.

  • Reply to: Story Of Ancient Stone   3 years 4 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Peterpanther

    They have also found 300,000 petroglyphs and stone tools in Mexico at the Hueyatlaco site dated geologically with the volcanic ash they were embedded in. These tools were similar to ones in Africa of the same age – suggesting people were sailing across the Atlantic way back then. They may not have been the latest breed of Homo sapiens, but science is now showing Homo sapiens interbreeded with Homo erectus – such as Peking man in Asia and Java man in SE Asia, not sure about the ones in Africa – probably were a few there. Homo Erectus has been around for nearly a million years and probably wasnt as dumb as many people think. Homo Erectus wasnt as mobile as each continent had their own version, but maybe there was an interim breed that we haven’t identified yet.  Neanderthals in Europe were around 200,000 years ago and were very similar to modern man ,Then there are the Denovisians and an unrecognised one in Oceania. So no surprise about this find in India. We are looking for an early version of Homo sapien that was capable of making sailing boats and tools. Genetics and a lucky excavation one day may come up with the answer.

