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  • Reply to: The Strange and Unexplained Phenomenon of Raining Stones   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Somebody Somewhere

    "Some experts have argued that raining stones may be caused by a meteorite entering Earth’s atmosphere and fragmenting into thousands of smaller stones. However, such an event is usually accompanied by a sonic boom, which has not been documented in any of the reported cases, and this theory would have a hard time accounting for events that have lasted days or even weeks."

    There are such things as meteor storms. The Earth passes through existing and predictable fields of meteoric or comet debris suspended in space until the Earth plows through them on its passage around the sun. Most of these last only for a few days, but imagine the size of the debris field if the moon had plowed into Earth, which apparently happened in the early solar system's construction. It would be huge, and the resultant bombardment would go on for weeks, if not months.

    I can also imagine glancing blows off the atmosphere which leave clouds of pulverized debris to circle the Earth until they're finally captured by gravity and rain down on random terrestrial locations.

    I also think there's a lot we don't yet understand about tornados, hurricanes, and water spouts and many other meteorological (weather) phenomena.

    Interesting article, thank you.

  • Reply to: Scota: Mother of Scotland and Daughter of a Pharaoh   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Somebody Somewhere

    Some of the things I've read here are obviously legitimate archaeological (or other) research, and others are obviously (to me) just bat-shit crazy. I enjoy learning about the former, but the latter makes me wonder when Uri Geller or "Cowboys vs. Aliens" or L. Ron Hubbard are going to show up. Is this science reporting, or just the facade for a boutique book publishing service?

    Scots as descendants of Egyptian pharoahs? What?!? Didn't we already agree the British isles were populated by Viking invaders mixing with existing Britons who'd settled there long before?

  • Reply to: The Black Death: the Plague that Sowed Terror and Death in Medieval Europe - Part 1   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Buc

    How would the flees travel with the mongols with their horsemen army?

  • Reply to: Remembering the Barbary Slaves: White Slaves and North African Pirates   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: GreyBeardDavid

    Are you aware that 'Aryans' are from what was once known as Persia?

    Do you know much about the people that made up India, or their 'caste' system? Who are the ones that make up the top (highest) caste of people? Check it out.

  • Reply to: Remembering the Barbary Slaves: White Slaves and North African Pirates   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: GreyBeardDavid

    "... white slaves, but they did not suffer like the black slave... "
    Perhaps not to your knowledge; but you might want to consider that the white slaves from Ireland were not considered in the same high regard as black slaves were. Black slaves were much more valuable; and considered more trustworthy and hard-working. And so they were much better cared for. My family's Irish history informs we of this, as do financial records of slave owners and historical records.
    Facts are facts. Slavery sucks, no matter who is enslaved.
    Do we hold those that previously owned us in contempt? No, that was generations ago.
    The past.
    About which nothing can be done to change what happened, or to whom it happened. One can only go forward from where you start, no sense in living in the past; even if there is much to be learned from it.
    Time to get over it; we did.

  • Reply to: Sans-Souci: The Ruined Palace of King Henry I of Haiti   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Kent

    The years are not right.. Henri Christophe 1767 - 1820

  • Reply to: Stone Age people were eating porridge 32,000 years ago   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Linda Abraham

    It seems to me very likely that people were gathering wild grains and eating them, cooked or not, for many years before attempting to cultivate them. The work was no doubt very labor intensive, and probably amounted to no more than a handful per person, a few meals per season. I also note that in the New Testament, Matthew 12, the apostles picked heads of grain in the field to eat, apparently raw, only ~2000 years ago, long after agriculture began.

  • Reply to: How it Ends: The Ancient Roots of Doomsday Prophecies and End of the World Beliefs   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: justin

    Time to wake up America! September is National Preparedness Month. Babylon the great will soon fall and three days of darkness will follow. Receive Jesus Christ into your heart to be protected from the wrath to come! Heaven and earth will be shaken and there will be chaos on the streets so please stay inside with your family tomorrow! Get into the ark before it's too late because you DO NOT want to be left behind. Many will have to die for their faith but will still go to heaven as long as they DON'T take the mark of the beast mandated by Obama through the NWO. All the signs are here and the Palestinians received approval by the UN to raise the flag and divide Israel. God will bring judgment to this world by 9-13 and the rapture will occur on 9-15. God bless and please click share so your loved ones can have time to prepare!

    Here it is people! This masterfully done bible code video is proof that the bride is taken out of here on September 15th! This is when the last blast of the feast of trumpets will occur. Please watch this to the end so you will understand what the blessed hope is. Thank you Jesus, we cant wait to see you in your glory!

    This is Your Message From God. You Have A Decision To Make Today that Will Have An Eternal Impact...

    If you are a Christian please watch this video to prepare yourself for the blessed hope and may God keep you and your family safe...

  • Reply to: A Step Closer to the Mysterious Origin of the Viking Sword Ulfberht   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: major

    It occurred to me that the originator of the technology was so far ahead of his time and produced weapons of such superiority that they would be a deadly enemy of most armies not accessed to these weapons. Hence there likely operations to discover and destroy the manufacturer of these. In doing that they would likely completely destroy the people and the site of the manufacturer and their connection to their destruction. Probably little evidence was left behind. This would be to avoid reprisal.

  • Reply to: The Black Death: the Plague that Sowed Terror and Death in Medieval Europe - Part 1   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Abracadabra

    The article says that the plague bacterias don't like big shifts in temperature; that could be a reason.
    And it could have something to do with how the inhabitants of the mountain villages got into the lower villages: I heard in a documentary that the fleas that spread the plague didn't like the smell of horses and horse dung.

  • Reply to: Huge Ancient Greek City found underwater in the Aegean Sea   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Jerome P

    Once again, "qualified" researchers/archaeologists assume that the Giza pyramids were built around 2500BC. Great efforts to advance the human understanding of our ancient past.
    This is really bad science. The Giza pyramids, at least some of them, are at least as old as 11 000BC.

    Cool to see yet another discovery that points to the fact that a lot of our ancient past seems to be under water now. That probably includes the yet to be found Atlantis, which definitely existed.

  • Reply to: Astonishing new species of ancient human ancestor found in burial chamber   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Jerome P

    Once again, we should not be surprised at all. Mainstream archaeology is currently (mostly) ignoring the research and discoveries of so called indiana jones's who don't even have arcaeology qualifications. As if a degree is the most important criteria to give you an acceptable reputation. It is well known amongst many that the entire field of sciences is currently in a dismal state. Research is being done NOT to advance humanity's understanding, but in order to get the next grant from government. Low quality papers are accepted because of reputations, and not because of the good science behind them. There is extremely strong and clear evidence already found, and being discovered almost on a daily basis, that advanced civilizations have existed on this planet for the last 300 000 years or more, at least. Pyramids that are mind-bogglingly ancient, and larger than the Giza pyramids. This find in SA, where I'm from, is awesome, but I'm not surprised at all, and I don't have a degree in archaeology...

  • Reply to: Stone Age people were eating porridge 32,000 years ago   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Jerome P

    There is significant evidence out there that advanced civilizations have existed up to at least 300 000 years ago or more... Our modern mainstream archaeology is completely blind to this.

  • Reply to: The Black Death: the Plague that Sowed Terror and Death in Medieval Europe - Part 1   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Buc

    My Slovak/Hungarian grand parents told me stories past down from generation to generation. During the Black death she said he entire mountain village was uninfected with it. They would travel to the lower villages and find everyone with the plague. My grandmother would say the mountain air kept them healthy.

    Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?

  • Reply to: Fire Mummies - The Smoked Human Remains of the Kabayan Caves   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Serbian-Canadia...

    How did the Filipinos get TOBACCO to blow into the diseased's mouth BEFORE 1500s i.e. Spanish occupation of the Philippines, when tobacco was first brought to Europe from North America just about 1500?

  • Reply to: The Sumerian King List Reveals the Origin of Mesopotamian Kingship   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: John Adams

    I can recall the flood in ancient Sumer being 6 days and night, and on the 7th day a dove was sent forth and it returned. On the 8th day a raven was sent forth and it did not return. The ark was round and animals two by tow entered. This predates the Bible and possibly explains the derivation of he flood story.

  • Reply to: The Battle of Pelusium: Psychological warfare leads Persians to victory   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: ancient-origins

    Hi Karl. Please follow the Register link on the top menu.

  • Reply to: The Battle of Pelusium: Psychological warfare leads Persians to victory   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Karl Sahukar

    Want to subscribe to the newsletter.

  • Reply to: Another Human Hybrid? The Controversy Continues One Year Later   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Peter Scripture

    The primary purpose of the Smithsonian in DC, is hiding everything that doesn't support what the idiot "scientists" believe! That's why you can't find it!

  • Reply to: The Lost Continent of Kumari Kandam   8 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Tsurugi

    The problem is that the climate has always been in flux on this planet. It is always changing, and eventually those changes become catastrophic, for reasons that are not well understood by science.
    But without that understanding, it is impossible to tell if modern climate change is being appreciably affected by the actions of mankind, and if so, how much and in what way.

    Also, since we don't know what changes are natural, we can't be certain which ones are artificial(caused by man). This makes it difficult to accurately work to counteract climate changes induced by mankind.

    Plus, what's the point? We know that the climate changes by itself, and has been doing so since long before mankind was even around. We know those natural changes eventually become catastrophic. So even if we all completely stopped using modern technology and went back to living in the trees, the climate would continue to change. And that change will eventually become catastrophic.

    Curbing the activities of mankind will accomplish nothing.

    Additionally, there is this basic fact: The primary driver of climate is the Sun. This can be simply illustrated through logic. Remove the sun, and there ceases to be any climate at all. The earth would be a frozen ball, including all of its atmospheric gases. It wouldn't matter how much "greenhouse gas" was in the atmosphere, it would still be frozen solid.

    Atmospheric gases are, at most, secondary elements in earth's climate. The Sun is the primary element. And the sun has cycles of its own. It goes through hot and cool periods. But the effect of total insolation on overall climate is, again, not well understood, making it difficult to tell how much of climate change is caused by the sun and what is caused by various greenhouse gases.

    Stop climate change? I don't think so. Whatever we might do to mitigate changes caused by the actions of mankind are not going to affect the natural changes. Burning less oil will have no effect on the Sun.
