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  • Reply to: Catholic Elites Wage War on the Freemasons   6 months 1 week ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    "In 1738, Pope Clement XII banned Catholics from becoming Freemasons..."

    It is worth rembering that, with his papal brief, Dominus ac Redemptor, a later Pope, Clement XIV, suppressed the Jesuits in 1773.

    The 18th century Papal ban of Masonry amongst the Catholic faithful may therefore have nothing in common with the modern posturing, for it may have been about combating Jesuit control in Catholicism, while modern Catholicism is utterly Jesuit-controlled, as is Freemasonry.

    Indeed, the modern posturing is similar to what one sees in popular writings about the Knights Templar etc, being nothing more than a serious stirring to muddy the waters of truth to beyond the capacity of most to peer through.

    Taken at murky face value, it can lead one to believe untruth to be truth and vice versa.

    Neither 18th century ban actually worked, to mankind's detriment. The Devil is extremely crafty.

  • Reply to: Mysteries of Medieval Graffiti in England Investigated   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Archaeologist

    The graffiti representing a royal scene with what looks like a king and queen is quite significant, I think.  I wonder what it means.

  • Reply to: Men Hunted, Women Gathered… Or Did They?   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    On the subject of female sustained energy over a long period, it has been shown that women who get down on the ground then get up and run on a repeat cycle, in infantry-like training scenarios for example, fatigue and pull out about ten times quicker than men do.

    This is what happens when strength is required and not just endurance.

    Consider how solid and, therefore, heavy a spear must be for very large game with very tough hides. Consider the weight of such a spear, how many may need to be carried, plus the spear-thrower itself, and the endurance angle disappears into the ether of gender studies masquerading as science amd strength rears its masculine head.

  • Reply to: Men Hunted, Women Gathered… Or Did They?   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    I saw, whilst waiting for my previous comment to load, that pregnancy was briefly and dismissively mentioned.

    What should not be dismissed is that hunting large game required strength. Hunting small game didn't require the same strength, but neither did it require great endurance. Who would bother spending a whole day running after small game? A day running after large game could be worthwhile however. If women participated in hunting large game in any way, it was probably more in the location of the game, which could include following wounded game carefully from a distance. This is scouting. It is not full-on hunting, however, and it is a long way from the perceived reality of the image at the top of this article.

  • Reply to: Men Hunted, Women Gathered… Or Did They?   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    Where in this article, which I refused to read, was pregnancy mentioned? I suspect, not at all.

    Those hunter-gatherer tribes that failed to reproduce were ultimately no better off than those who went hungry. Yes, women did hunt, up to a point. Aboriginal women in the Australian Central Desert region hunted introduced feral cats before they ever saw a white fella, for example.

    But this was hardly big game hunting. I suspect the authoresses of this piece know next to nothing about hunting and handling large animals, just large chunks of animal faeces (the latter in a metaphoric sense). Women are not better suited to being in close proximity to large, frightened game, quite the opposite. And the society which put their women in such danger was likely to dance with extinction.

    Any sports scientist who knows his or her field should understand that strength and endurance are two somewhat mutually incompatible goals. That is why marathon runners don't succeed at competition weight-lifting and vice versa. That men tend to have more strength, while women tend to have endurance, should hardly be astonishing.

  • Reply to: Sumerian Anti-Armageddon Device 4,000 Years Older Than Believed   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    "The Day The Gods Got Up And Left" should read 'The Day That God Abandoned Sumer'.

    Sumer was, no doubt, a den of iniquity. Just like today, we can marvel at the technology and forget the immorality, injustice and impiety, because it suits us to do so.

    However, God had other plans. He usually does.

  • Reply to: Catholic Elites Wage War on the Freemasons   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    There was a video on the net by one who, like me, was a young country Australian offered fast-tracking through the Freemasonry degrees.

    He was told Masonry was anti-Catholic, which suited him. He was invited to a meeting with the highest Mason in Perth. When he arrived he was shocked to find that this Mason was the Archbishop of Perth.

    Not the Anglican one. The Catholic one.

    There are very few such videos that appear to myself as the work of another whistleblower. Most are clearly by current Masons pretending not to be so. However, this Western Australian's testimony matches my experience in some important details and I, thus, regard it as genuine.

  • Reply to: Catholic Elites Wage War on the Freemasons   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    There was a video on the net by one who, like me, was a young country Australian offered fast-tracking through the Freemasonry degrees.

    He was told Masonry was anti-Catholic, which suited him. He was invited to a meeting with the highest Mason in Perth. When he arrived he was shocked to find that this Mason was the Archbishop of Perth.

    Not the Anglican one. The Catholic one.

    There are very few such videos that appear to myself as the work of another whistleblower. Most are clearly by current Masons pretending not to be so. However, this Western Australian's testimony matches my experience in some important details and I, thus, regard it as genuine.

  • Reply to: Catholic Elites Wage War on the Freemasons   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    "The truth is, the Jesuits of Rome have perfected Freemasonry to be their most magnificent and effective tool, accomplishing their purposes among Protestants." — John Daniel, in The Grand Design Exposed (1999), p. 302.

    I haven't read this book. I don't need to. It is unlikely to tell me anything I don't already understand.

    Forget what lower degree Masons say. Research what the 33 degree Masons such as Albert Pike, Anton LaVey and Aleister Crowley wrote. And the women who were fellow travellers, such as Helena Blavatsky.

    Crowley, the 'wickedest man in Christendom', is something of a favourite of this website. Now, there's a coincidence. His image appeared on the album cover of Sergeant Pepper by The Beatles. Another coincidence.

  • Reply to: Catholic Elites Wage War on the Freemasons   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    Freemasonry is the religion of Luciferian Satanism in disguise. The deception is such that any anti-Catholic stance of historical Masonry and the anti-Masonry stance of Catholicism are both pretence.

    The Jesuits, a 'Catholic' order, run Freemasonry, just as they run the Vatican and Anglicanism. The Jesuits' religion is Luciferian Satanism, not Christianity. The links to 'Judaism' can be explained through Luciferian Satanism as well.

    Professor Walter Veith, a former Catholic, states that Freemasonry is the Jesuits' attempt to destroy independent Protestantism. A strong case can be made for this.

    Freemasonry has 33 degrees. Those at the lower levels, mostly the first three degrees, have no idea of the true purpose of the organisation. They believe it to be compatible with Christianity. There are even men of the Protestant cloth who are Masons. These men are fools, unaware of the Occult purpose of the Star of David (which has nothing to do with that Biblical figure).

    They do not understand the Master Mason initiation rites, for example, where it is said that refuge from the "kingdom" is sought. This is fleeing the Kingdom of God for that of the Devil.

    To those that understand the Devil worship, the higher degrees are opened up.

    They opened up to me. I went past the Master Mason degree within not one year, nor one month, nor one week, nor one day, but within one hour of 'joining' as an undercover Christian, albeit the descendant of some Masons. That is because I understood. And I never once set foot in a Lodge in doing so.

    I was being fast-tracked to the top by a high-level female Mason (yes, they do exist), to where the religion of Luciferian Satanism is openly practised, for my skills in communications and languages, politics and espionage (ironically) were desired traits.

    As a Masonic whistleblower, I see articles almost daily on this site that upper-degree Masons would be supportive of.

    A cynic might question even the whole purpose of this website.

    History, archaeology, anthropology and most science are captured by Luciferian Satanism.

    It matters not whether one believes the Devil exists, in this regard. Those who worship the Devil in his many forms (Ba'al, Molech, Lucifer, Satan, Baphomet or various Ancient Egyptian, Roman or Ancient Greek dieties for example) do exist and are to be found at the very top of all of the World's premier religious organisations, as well as being active in promoting Atheism.

    The truth is, such Devil-worshippers hate Atheists, but recognise Atheism as a useful device to control humanity.

    For those who have read this far with an open mind, who shall be few, I urge you to open your eyes to those who would blind you to the truth.

    For those who believe the Devil exists, consider how likely it would be that the Devil would name one of his greatest organisations of deceit after Jesus; the same Devil who even attempted to tempt the Son of God.

  • Reply to: Men Hunted, Women Gathered… Or Did They?   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: jackel6464

    Walking a long distance for weeks at a time is nowhere near as exhausting as chasing my 4 year old around for just a few days. Not saying that that women didnt hunt but the simple fact that they have more estrogen as a proof for women being better hunters is just a lazy theory. Maybe in fact there were things more physically challenging than hunting.

  • Reply to: The Serpent Priestesses and Ancient Sexual Rites   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Morgain

    Quick check on Wikipedia – Anunnaki – gives Sumerian information, then the Erich von Daniken and David Icke versions. No comment.

  • Reply to: The Veneration and Worship of Felines in Ancient Egypt   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Morgain

    This is better than most articles about Egyptian cat cults. It does at least mention cats were valued ih houses for ceansing vermin (rats, mice). but this should go much further as the mainstay of the topic. Vermin control was vital to the Egyptian economy which centred on the fertile Nile soil and its grain harvests. In due course Egypt fed not only its own teeming population but Rome too. Without cats this would have been impossible.

  • Reply to: Iroquois League: The Ancient and Powerful Union of Six Nations   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Morgain

    I woud like to have read more about the matrarchs which I did read years ago. This artcle is only about the men. One interesting aspect is Mathilda Gage (paleface woman) who was a major 19thC feminist. She became an Iroquois matriarch and their councils inspired her femnism.

  • Reply to: Bonnie Prince Charlie's Lost Gold: Treachery and Skullduggery in the Scottish Highlands   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    "On the 10th of May 1746, the Bellona and Mars sailed into Loch nan Umah (sic)..."

    As the author's from Wick and I've never been to Scotland, I'll call it a typo. I'm pretty certain it is Loch nan Uamh, which makes more sense in Gaelic.

  • Reply to: The Forgotten Celtic History of Ancient Poland   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Morgain

    As a Celtic schoar I have never heard of wife klling as Celtic. A double burial sounds like burying the second spouse to die in the existing grave, a custom which is frequent wherever inhumation occurs. 

  • Reply to: Searching for Celtic Trade Routes and the Stories Behind Them   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Morgain

    deleted by author (repeat)

  • Reply to: Searching for Celtic Trade Routes and the Stories Behind Them   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Morgain

    There is very little information here beyond the basic ‘Celtic trade routes existed before Rome’. First it is necessary to give a quick review of what ‘Celtic’ means as it was not a centralised culture. Next give the key trading centres, including ports. It is inexcusable that shipping is not mentioned here as it was faster and safer. The routes both land and water between main points of exchange call for a map. Finally give specific trade goods, examples, which apply to the different routes. Add some illustrative items like archaeo finds to make it come alive.

  • Reply to: Taking the Bull by the Horns: The Perilous Minoan Practice of Bull-Leaping   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Morgain

    Like Rick D. I was puzzled why the article speaks exclusvely of male bull leapers when the frescoes show both females and males.

    Secondly the whole analysis seems infected by the custom of Spanish bullfighting. This is a debased form of the bull tradition. The Cretan culture is an art better understood as a dance. The Spanish bull is deliberately infuriated by the flapping of a cloak, and thrown barbs. None of this appears in Crete. The Cretan event could well have been with bulls reared closely familiar with human contact, even trained to permit the leaps and acrobatics. The intimacy of the art could then be observed and the skills assessed and enjoyed like watching a dance. As so often crude ideas of violence and competition get in the way of a fascinating art form.

  • Reply to: The Real Story of Shamanism: No Need to Don a Headdress or Take Hallucinogens   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Morgain

    Leo Rutherford’s defnition given early in the article represents a regrettbly common distortion of shamanism in the West. It applies the same approach as Western (and Christan) political economy. The Western (man) seeks to control and exploit.
    If shamanism truly operates within nature and the whole reality (the Web) then the shaman works as a partner. The ally – plant, animal, spirit – is asked for help. This may be part of an existing partnership or a new one. The ritual trappings are about making oneself acceptable and respectful. In return for their help they will ask for certain services such as sacrificing meat or sex or alcohol or violence or many other things. They may ask for constant use of a colour, hairstyle, wearing a symbol. They may ask for active work for a social / animal need.
    Whatever it is, there is an exchange, the ally’s help is given and our help is given in return. To talk of ‘controlling’ a spirit is a childish fantasy like Aladdin.
