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New Information on the Petralona Skull Controversy

New Information on the Petralona Skull Controversy

Ancient Origins has recently presented the debate about the skull found in Petralona, Greece. This debate has been continuing in the scientific community for more than half a century. While the Greek...
Marseille Tarot

The Ancient Origins of the Marseille Tarot

The Marseille Tarot is the result of one or more attempts to copy imagery in Sumerian and Babylonian cylinder seals and other artefacts from that civilization. Theosophical Society founder Helena...
Unravelling Mysteries Ebook

Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Places Ebook

To mark the occasion of our one year anniversary, Ancient Origins wanted to give something back to our readers for making it such an enjoyable website and community to be part of. The ebook is a...
Orion Temple in Colorado - Anasazi

The Orion Temple in Colorado – Part 2

( Part 1 ) Was the Sun Temple used solely as a solar indicator? Compelling evidence points to another possibility. It may in fact have been a stellar temple as well, especially during the winter...
Orion Temple in Colorado - Anasazi

Orion Temple in Colorado - Part 1

Mesa Verde is a green sanctuary for the soul. Located in southwestern Colorado near the Four Corners region, this massive geological uplift was once home to many Ancestral Puebloans, the term that...

Healing Energies of Stonehenge

Stonehenge has stood upon Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire as a silent testimony to a past civilisation long forgotten. Archaeologists believe they have determined when the gigantic stone circle was...
Pyramids Explosion

Was There An Explosion In The Great Pyramid In Antiquity?

With recent discoveries of “new” spaces or chambers behind the so-called “Gantenbrink’s Door” in the Southern Shaft and another “door’ in the Northern Shaft of the Queen’s Chamber in the Great...
Egypt Khemitology

The Hidden History Of Egypt: Khemitology

Egypt is currently in the news, and not for the most pleasant of reasons. Political disturbances are being felt in isolated pockets of the country, yet are clearly overblown by western media, and...
Stone Passage

Another Block in the Wall

We have been, and returned, to many sites that have been ruthlessly vandalised. Too easy to find or well known, the wanton disregard of Original engravings and stone arrangements , some thousands and...

A practical guide to visiting ancient sites and “tuning in” with nature - Part 2

When was the last time you had your bare feet on the ground? Over the last few years I have added grounding to my regular self-development practice. What Happens to You When You Walk Barefoot? “Your...
Giza Plateau

A practical guide to visiting ancient sites and “tuning in” with nature - Part 1

The tours I help organize often have a self-development or spiritual theme. I have spent many weeks on the road traveling with open-minded people from all over the world; many of the people who join...
Otzi Tattoos

Ancient Medical Knowledge Is Written in the Skin

According to legend, twelve thousand years ago in western China the Sons of Reflected light came down from the skies. They were a strange race said to be seven feet tall and wearing clothing like...
T.P. Wiseman, Author

T.P. Wiseman

T. P. Wiseman is Professor Emeritus of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Exeter. His many books include The Roman Audience and Julius Caesar.
Archaeology & Cyclical Perception

Archaeology & Cyclical Perception

The Cycles of Time offer insight into the array of often bewildering theories of ancient and lost civilizations. How is it possible for so many researchers to come up with such diverse conclusions?...
Archaeology and Money

Spirituality and Alternative archaeology becoming a ‘profitable’ market

Just when we think that something is changing in our world, it becomes apparent that nothing is in fact changing at all, rather there is simply a shift from one side to the other. What we are...

The Gods who “came to Earth”

In an earlier article, findings have validated the notion that the Australian Original Language, as chronicled at the Standing Stones, was the first tongue spoken and recorded for posterity, we...
Margate Grotto Wall

The mysterious shell grotto of Margate – Part 2

Ninety-nine per cent of the shells that were used in the Margate shell grotto (eg mussels, oysters, clams, whelk, razors and limpet) are from shellfish that occur along the English coast. Only in the...
shell grotto Margate

The mysterious shell grotto of Margate – Part 1

Thirty-five miles north of Dover, a 40 minutes drive, one can find the English town Margate in Kent - a coastal town with 57,000 inhabitants and a proud maritime history. Since 1760 Margate has been...
Elongated skulls

The World-wide Mysterious Phenomena Of Elongated Skulls

Societies around the world portray distinct characteristics which define their culture. From the clothes worn; the language spoken and the customs and traditions that are passed from generation to...
The Ant People of the Hopi

The Ant People of the Hopi

The Hopi Indians have lived on the high desert of northern Arizona for thousands of years. This barren but beautiful landscape was the place where Hopi gods directed them to build a number villages...

Stardust and Stellar Consciousness

Have you ever wondered why your spirits are lifted on a sunny day and not in a hot bright room – or paused to consider that the energy of your life is itself the recycled light of the Sun? Have you...
Australia’s Stonehenge

Australia’s Stonehenge Resurrected Part 2: Original Elders and Custodians on Site

This Original complex of “terraces, mounds and stone arrangements,” according to the President of the Australian Archaeological Research and Education Society, Frederic Slater, contained “the basis...
Khemitology - Egypt

Khemitology- An Alternative Perspective on Ancient Egypt - Part 2

The ancient Egyptians revered the star Sirius as a giver of life, as it always reappeared at the time of the annual flooding of the Nile. When Sirius sank in the west and disappeared from the night...
Khemitology - Egypt

Khemitology- An Alternative Perspective on Ancient Egypt - Part 1

Renowned Indigenous Wisdom Keeper, Abd’el Hakim Awyan (1926-2008) , developed the discipline of Khemitology (with the assistance of longtime student, Stephen Mehler) , to address the study of ancient...
