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Colombus - America

The Columbus Myth – Part 2

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The First Voyage of Christopher Columbus

After departure, Columbus first sailed to the Canary Islands which belonged to Castile (A western extension of Spain), where he took on provisions and made repairs. After stopping over in Gran Canaria, he departed from San Sebastián de La Gomera on 6 September, for what turned out to be a five-week voyage across the ocean. A lookout on the Pinta, Rodrigo de Triana (also known as Juan Rodríguez Bermeo), spotted land about 2:00 on the morning of 12 October, and immediately alerted Columbus by firing a small cannon. Columbus later maintained that he himself had already seen a light on the land a few hours earlier, thereby claiming for himself the lifetime pension promised by Ferdinand and Isabella to the first person to sight land. 

While performing research on Columbus, I ran across a story that I had never heard before. Until the writing of this article I just placed it in the back of my mind because of the lack of validation. Now that I have obtained a definitive map of the first voyage of Columbus I am inclined to believe that the story is true. The story asserted that one of the ships, the Pinta, captained by one of the Pinzon brothers, mysteriously departed the convoy at Cuba and was not seen again until 45 days later, after Columbus had already began his trip home. The story indicated that the Pinta mysteriously joined Columbus near an island off the coast of Hispaniola (Haiti) 45 days later, laden with Aztec Gold. 

History also indicates that when the Pinta arrived back in Spain it was loaded with a cargo of Gold. This is not hard to believe after reading that Montezuma, 27 years later, sent Hernan Cortez, while an official in Cuba, a circular piece of gold three feet wide. This was accompanied by a circular piece of silver three feet wide, along with much more gold. This was payment to keep Spain from invading Mesoamerica. Why did Montezuma think Spain was going to invade Mexico? This question is answered by one of the Geoglyphs that Columbus and the Pinzon brothers placed during their first voyage to the Americas. All that payment of gold did was intensify the appetite of Cortez who, supposedly against orders from Spain, invaded Mesoamerica in 1519 AD. Thus began the quest for gold, and the Spanish Inquisition in the Americas.

It should be noted that the Spanish Inquisition was sponsored by the Vatican, and that a priest accompanied every Spanish expedition in order to protect the interests of the Church. An exception to the harsh treatment of the natives was the Catholic Jesuit Order, from which the current Pope was chosen, who protected the American Indians from slavery whenever possible.

The ‘Exploration’

Columbus explored the northeast coast of Cuba, where he landed on 28 October. On 22 November, Martín Alonso Pinzón took the Pinta on an unauthorized expedition to places unknown. Columbus, for his part, continued to the western tip of Hispaniola, where he landed on 5 December at what is now Mole-Saint-Nikolas Bay. 

There, the Santa María “ allegedly” ran aground on Christmas Day 1492 AD, 20 days after it arrived, and had to be abandoned. The native Chief in the area, Guacanagari, gave Columbus permission to leave some of his men behind. Columbus left 39 men behind and founded the settlement of La Navidad, Haiti. When he departed Haiti he sailed along its northern coast, with a single ship, until he encountered the Pinta on 6 January 1493." (Wikipedia - Keyword Christopher Columbus.) 

The Santa Maria runs aground in Haiti

The Santa Maria runs aground in Haiti. Image source.

Did the Santa Maria really run aground or was it left behind by the Pinzon Brothers, with a crew of 39 men, to collect more gold? Based on the documented information, a picture is emerging of what transpired during the Columbus expedition. From the documentation available, and the history of Columbus in later life, it appears that he was but a pawn in a plan by Spain to gather gold and occupy Mesoamerica. 

Just days after the Nina departed Hispaniola it was joined by the missing ship the Pinta. The fact that the two ships were able to locate each other at all in such a vast ocean is inconceivable. The only way that this could have happened was for the Pinzon brothers to have known the area, and have agreed to meet at an easily recognized point, such as between the island of Tortue and the Island of Hispaniola (Haiti). The Pinta was missing from 22 November, 1492 until 6 January, 1493, a period of 45 days. Allowing for a speed of only 5 knots the Pinta could have traveled 5400 miles during that period of time. 

It is most likely that the Pinta traveled to Vera Cruz, Mexico to obtain gold for Spain. If this is true it would have been logical for the Pinta to have left the other two ships while off the coast of Cuba. The distance from that point to Vera Cruz is 1296 miles. The distance from Vera Cruz to Hispaniola is 1576 miles. Based on this mileage, the sailing time from Cuba to Vera Cruz and back to Hispaniola would take approximately 24 days. Based on the 45 days that the Pinta was absent, this leaves 21 days unaccounted for. Assuming that the Pinta did go to Vera Cruz, which this author has many reasons to believe, a portion of the 21 days in Vera Cruz would have been used in resupply, negotiations and loading. During our research it was learned that Vera Cruz, Mexico and Lisbon, Portugal are two of the oldest cities in the Atlantic. I find it interesting that both countries play a part in this story. 

The Pinzon brothers most likely had agreed to meet between the Island of Tortue and Hispaniola. The Pinta most likely passed by the bay where Columbus was waiting, and proceeded to the agreed meeting place. When the captain of the Pinta found no one waiting, he would have dropped anchor at the east end of the island and waited for Columbus and his brother. 

Based on the available information, it would appear that Spain had two objectives when they sent Columbus to the "New World". One was to establish survey markers (Geoglyphs) outlining their claim to the Caribbean and the surrounding territory. The second, was to bring back gold to Spain to help eliminate the deficit that Spain and the Vatican had acquired during the 700 year long war against the Moors. The Portuguese, most likely, did not participate in this adventure since they already had substantial colonization in the Americas by this time. Spain now had other motives to in vade Mesoamerica. They were now aware of the vast horde of gold brought back to Spain, by the Pinzon brothers, from the Aztecs. Spain and the Vatican wanted more gold and all the land that they could conquer.

The Vatican also had motives to participate in the planning of this expedition. During the 700 year war with the Muslims, the influence of the Catholic Church had been decimated. The Vatican’s control had also been compromised, by the split of Europe into two camps consisting of Eastern Europe and Western Europe. The Orthodox Churches prevailed in the Eastern half of Europe, and the Western half was involved in a dispute for control of the Church, between the Vatican and the royal families of France. Both Spain and the Vatican needed to restore their wealth and prestige. To protect the Vatican’s interests, a priest accompanied each expedition that the Conquistadores made to the Americas. 

Between 1492 AD and 1503 AD, Columbus completed four round-trip voyages between Spain and the Americas, all of them under the sponsorship of the Crown of Spain. These voyages marked the beginning of the massive exploitation, and colonization of the Americas, and are therefore of enormous significance in Western history. Columbus always insisted, in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary, that the lands that he visited during those voyages were part of the Asian continent, as previously described by Marco Polo and other European travelers. Columbus's refusal to accept that the lands he had visited, and thought he claimed for Spain, were not part of Asia might explain, in part, why the American continents were named after the Portuguese term "La Merica" (The Western Star) and not after Columbus. The lack of knowledge by Columbus, of where he had been, further confirms that the Pinzon Brothers, and Juan de la Cosa, were the driving force during the expedition, and were responsible for the building of the geoglyphs along the route of Columbus.

It was never intended that Columbus be crowned the discoverer of the Americas. It wasn't until years later that the United States decided that they `would not contest myths that Columbus discovered America. Columbus was sent to the Americas to establish Spain and Portugal’s claim to the Caribbean. As is explained in the book neither Columbus, nor Spain, had their eye on North or South America.

The following is historically documented:

"Columbus Day was the brainchild of New York state senator Timothy Sullivan, an archetypal Tammany Hall man who greased the wheels of New York City's notoriously corrupt political machine during the late 19th century and early 20th century. His bill to set Columbus Day aside passed by a vote of 86 to 35 in 1909, and the initial reaction from those hardworking Americans of yore wasn't great. People labeled it superfluous and called for its repeal." 
Sullivan’s power was so great there is no doubt he could accomplish the fete of getting this bill through Congress. Sullivan began life selling newspapers as a young boy from Ireland. During his rise to fame he was deeply involved in the criminal element in New York. Once he achieved his political success he protected the people with whom he had risen to power. Sullivan served in the NY State Assembly, the NY Senate and the US Congress. 
Sullivan forced the bill on reluctant New York lawmakers and they in turn forced it on other States, an objector wrote of the day; "Its occurrence interferes sadly with the conduct of business in the season which should be the busiest, but once we have a holiday we must keep it. Luckily there are no other new holidays in sight at present." (The Origins of Columbus Day, Katy Steinmetz, Times Online - Monday, Oct. 11, 2010) 

It should now be clear that US employers should not be paying millions of employees to enjoy a holiday that is marred with misconceptions.    

Featured image: Christopher Columbus on Santa María in 1492. Image source: Wikipedia

By Arthur Faram



Lets not forget that Columbus was imprisioned on his 4th voyage by order of the Queen on charges of slavery, perhaps Columbus found out the hidden agenda that was going on and found himself as the puppet of the story.
Maybe the Crown ordered his arrest to keep him quiet. He didnt die a poor man but a very troubled one.

Interesting theory. Very enjoyable reading.

malisa wright

You leave out the important fact that the islamic caliphate had just been defeated and that Spain was still fighting them. Columbus was supposed to find a way to attack them from the "rear" the "new world" was just a benefit. The possibility that someone new of its existence and the gold is not unfounded, but the actual purpose was to find a way to destroy the remaining Islamic Caliphate.


there are some that belive that Columbos was born in Portugal, and was sent to Spain to divert the attentions from Brasil that we had visited aproximately 100 years before.
He was born in the vilage of Cuba do Alentejo Portugal, thats why e used the name Cuba in memory of the village he was born,is father was genoves merchante that came to Portugal before he was Born, and fell in love with the country and decide to make is life in Portugal.

This is in response to your comment. I would be very much interested in receiving additional information.

Arthur Faram


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