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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Szechnyi thermal bath spa in Budapest, Hungary. Source: Nikolai Sorokin / Adobe Stock.

Geothermal Gems: Budapest's Ancient Thermal Baths (Videos)

For millennia, Hungary's inhabitants have been drawn to the depths of the earth, indulging in the warm embrace of the country's hidden thermal springs. The legacy of Budapest's ancient thermal spas...
The Lajia noodles are the earliest record of noodles discovered in China.  Source: ting/Adobe Stock

Lajia Noodles: Unraveling the Enigma of the World's Oldest Culinary Delights

Have you ever pondered the origins of your beloved noodle dishes? From the picturesque shores of northern Italy to the tantalizing Pho bowls in Vietnam and the delectable Niu Rou Mian in Taiwan...
Restaurante Botín. Source: Tamorlan / Adobe Stock.

Have a Seat at the Oldest Restaurant in the World (Video)

Dive into a portal to the past at the world's oldest continuously operating restaurant. With doors that first opened in 1725, Restaurante Botín boasts an impressive 293-year legacy. The restaurant's...
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown game hero, Sargon. 	Source: Ubisoft

The New Prince of Persia Game is Announced. How Does the History Stack Up?

The popular, but almost archaic Prince of Persia video game franchise is back, with a new game, and a new hero on the scene. So what’s the new backstory, who is this new hero, and is there any basis...
Deer Dance, Mexico. (Public Domain)

Guatemala’s Ancient Deer Dance of the Gods (Video)

Mayan dances hold a significant place in Guatemalan history and religion, with the ancient ritual of the deer dance playing a particularly pivotal role. Celebrated on the Feast of Corpus Christi, a...
Artistic representation of the future roundhouse set to be built at St. Bride’s Mound in Glastonbury. Source: Friends of St. Bride's Mound

St. Bride’s Mound: Oldest Monastic Ruins in England Exposed

The village of Glastonbury in Somerset, southwestern England, plans to open a tourism complex at the St. Bride's Mound historical site, discovered to contain the oldest Christian monastic ruins ever...
Inside the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey. Source: Fernikon / Adobe Stock.

Stunning 360° Tour Inside Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia (Video)

The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey, boasts a captivating history. Originally built as a cathedral in 532 AD during the Byzantine Empire , it reigned as the world's largest cathedral for nearly a...
Marriage of Guinivere (Public Domain)

King Henry I’s Illegitimate Daughters, Pawns In A Dynastic Strategy

Familial identity and affinity were crucial factors in the establishment of an aristocrat’s social and political contexts, defining to a significant extent their place and interactions within the...
The majority of the prehistoric world remains uncharted, as shown by the blank areas of this map. This visualization is based on a Kernel Density Estimate of assemblages in ROAD. Sites with higher densities of assemblages appear more intense in color. Source: Christian Sommer (ROCEEH); made with Natural Earth/Public domain)

Huge New Prehistoric Sites Database Transforms Understanding of Human History

In another step towards unraveling the intricate tapestry of human history, a huge database of prehistoric sites spanning a history from 3 million to 20,000 years ago has been unveiled. This...
Elaborate medieval hairstyle. Source: QuietWord / Adobe Stock.

US 'Hair Archaeologist' Recreates Elaborate Ancient Hairstyles (Video)

Janet Stephens, a modern-day hairstylist , has embarked on an extraordinary journey to recreate ancient coifs from Greek and Roman civilizations. These intricate hairstyles were so elaborate that...
One version of the Sumerian King List was previously interpreted as stating that King Dumuzid the Fisherman of Uruk captured Enmebaragesi, but a new translation exchanges Enmebaragesi as the one who captured Dumuzid. Source:  Paolo Gallo/Adobe Stock

Enmebaragesi, the Semi-Mythical King of Kish

Sumer is regarded by many scholars as the cradle of human civilization. Its history - although veiled in enigma - is so intriguing and offers a wealth of new discoveries. From the first writing...
Direkli Kilise (Column Church) cave church in Cappadocia, Turkey. Source: Matyas Rehak / Adobe Stock.

The Centuries-Old Cave Churches of Turkey (Video)

Nestled in the Turkish region of Cappadocia , the Goreme Open Air Museum boasts a fascinating collection of cave churches dating back to the fourth century. Carved meticulously into soft rock caves...
Votive offerings have been unearthed in the Valley of Temples in Sicily, Italy. Source: Sicilian Regional Institutional Portal.

Huge Votive Deposits Emerge From Sicily’s Valley of Temples, Shed Light on the Exodus of 406 BC

An excavation campaign in the historic Valley of Temples (Agrigento) in Sicily has stumbled upon a huge votive deposit consisting of 60 terracotta statuettes, protomes and female busts, fragments of...
Falconer with a hawk on one hand. Source: zorandim75 / Adobe Stock.

The Ancient Art of Falconry is Keeping Planes Safe (Video)

Falcon Environmental Services has responded to the demands of the modern aviation industry by embracing the revival of an ancient art: falconry , a practice with origins dating back to 3000 BC. This...
The vampire child burial included the horrific addition of a “anti-vampiric” padlock attached to the foot of the child, aged between five and seven years old. Source: Institute of Archaeology - Nicholaus Copernicus University, Torun

Grim Vampire Child Burial in Poland Featured “Anti-Vampire” Padlock

Vampire tales are normally associated with Transylvania, a mysterious Romanian locale remembered as the mythical home of Count Dracula. It was also the actual home of the merciless 15th century...
Mont Saint-Michel, Normandy, France. Source: PUNTOSTUDIOFOTO Lda / Adobe Stock.

Mont Saint-Michel: A Medieval Abbey Trapped by Tides and Time (Video)

Mont Saint-Michel , a captivating Gothic-styled Benedictine Abbey , stands gracefully amidst the ever-changing tides of Normandy and Brittany. Once on solid ground in ancient times, it now rests as a...
Archaeologists with 4,000-year-old pyramid remains in uncovered in Kazakhstan. Source: L. N. Gumilyov / Eurasian National University

4,000-Year-Old Bronze Age Pyramid Found in Kazakhstan Is First Ever on Asian Steppe!

A 4,000-year-old Bronze Age pyramidical structure with links to a horse cult has been uncovered in the ochre-tinted earthen steppes of Kazakhstan. The culmination of almost a decade of research and...
Behold the Handmaiden of the Lord. The Annunciation on the stained glass in church St Etheldreda by Charles Blakeman (1953) (Renáta Sedmáková/ Adobe Stock)

Translating Saint Etheldreda, A Tawdry Tale Of Medieval England

Etheldreda – St Audrey - is a familiar figure, especially so in Ely, a cathedral city in Cambridgeshire district, England. 2023 commemorates the 1,350th anniversary of her founding her monastery...
Tin embroidery in Guizhou Province, China. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Great Big Story.

The Remarkable Ancient Craft of Miao Tin Embroidery (Video)

Nestled within the tranquil landscapes of Guizhou Province , China, a remote village becomes the sentinel of an ancient and vanishing artistry – tin embroidery . For more than 500 years, skilled...
Representational image of the Ark of the Covenant. Source: pamela_d_mcadams / Adobe Stock

The Adventist Adventurer Who Claimed He Found the Ark of the Covenant

One of the greatest mysteries for believers of the Judeo-Christian religions is the present location of the Ark of the Covenant, a chest said to contain the two stone tablets of the original Ten...
The magic disc was discovered by an Israeli lifeguard near Tel Aviv. Source: Israel Antiquities Authority

Israeli Swimmer Finds 2,500-Year-Old Magic Disc in the Mediterranean Sea

While taking his regular morning swim in the Mediterranean, an Israeli lifeguard named David Shalom spotted something unusual on the sea bottom in shallow waters. After diving down to take a closer...
Japanese carpentry miyadaiku. Source: Fergus Coyle / Adobe Stock.

Repairing Temples in Japan Without a Single Nail (Video)

In historical Japan , the luxury of using metal for construction was a costly endeavor out of reach for many carpenters. As a workaround, the ingenious "miyadaiku" carpenters, specialized in temple...
Science is finally catching up with beliefs that ancient peoples have known all along. AI generated image of a copper molecule structure. Source: DmitriRich / Adobe Stock

Copper’s Ancient Healing Powers Are Only Now Being Understood

While certain ancient remedies have received quite a bad rap in the modern era, it appears that some beliefs related to the healing properties of copper may have been spot on. Copper’s use in...
Renata Flores sings in Quechua to save an ancient language. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Great Big Story.

Quechua: Saving an Ancient Language Through Pop Music (Video)

Renata Flores, the 16-year-old musical prodigy hailing from Peru, has emerged as a beacon of hope for a language on the brink of fading into oblivion. Amidst the shadows of discrimination and...
