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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Representational image of Roman Emperor Maximinus Thrax. Source: JUSTIN / Adobe Stock

Maximinus Thrax's Turbulent Rule: Rome's Unsuccessful Giant Soldier-Emperor

The history of the vast and powerful Roman Empire was defined by its many rulers. After all, talented emperors were responsible for maintaining that venerable and very complex social machine. However...
Remnants of the wooden bridge over the medieval moat found in Tewkesbury, England. Source: Cotswold Archaeology

Medieval Moat and Bridge Found Protecting Farmhouse in England

Driving through the business parks of Tewkesbury, you might miss the hidden pieces of a medieval past that lie discreetly among the modern structures. One such gem, Cowfield Farm, reveals a rich...
Giulia Tofana was a 17th century leader of a poison cartel responsible for over 600 deaths thanks to her trademark poison Aqua Tofana. The Love Potion by Evelyn De Morgan.	Source: Public Domain

Giulia Tofana: The Woman Who Poisoned 600 Men with Her Makeup (Video)

Giulia Tofana's notoriety stemmed from her cunning manipulation of Renaissance society's fascination with poisons and cosmetics. Born into an era where women lacked agency in matters of marriage and...
The Tuatha Dé Danann as depicted in John Duncan's Riders of the Sidhe (1911) (Public Domain)

Tracing The Origins Of The Tuatha Dé Danann To Greece

The Tuatha Dé Danann is one of the most mysterious peoples of the British Isles. Fascinatingly enough, some Celtic traditions place the prehistory of the Tuatha Dé Danann on the Greek islands in ages...
An artist's impression of ice age Earth at the Pleistocene era. Source: Ittiz/ CC BY-SA 3.0

First Ice Age May Have Led to Epic Hominin Migration 900,000 Years Ago

About one million years ago there was a mass exodus of hominin species out of Africa and into Eurasia. Human ancestors fled their home continent in droves, raising questions about why this would have...
A mummified body of the Gebelein man in the British Museum. Source: Jack1956/CC BY-SA 3.0

The Gebelein Man, an Ancient Tattooed Murder Victim (Video)

Delving into the story of the Gebelein Man unravels a fascinating tapestry of ancient lore. Discovered in Luxor in 1896, this remarkably preserved mummy stands as a testament to the enduring...
Napoleon at the Battle of the Pyramids, 21 July 1798, oil on canvas, 1810. By Antoine-Jean Gros; design by Anand Balaji.	Source: Public Domain

Napoleon in Egypt: Battle of the Pyramids (Video)

In May 1798, General Napoleon Bonaparte led a monumental French expedition to Egypt, aiming to disrupt British trade routes and extend French influence. With a fleet of over 300 ships, including the...
Some of the skeletons found in the Black Death Mass Graves in Nuremberg, Germany. Source: In Terra Veritas

Largest Mass Grave in Europe Discovered in Nuremberg, Germany

An unexpected discovery in the heart of Nuremberg has cast new light on the city’s traumatic history. Archaeologists, initially set to inspect an area for new apartment construction in the Franconian...
Chronos and His Child, by Giovanni Francesco Romanelli. Source: Public Domain

The Weirdest Stories from Greek Mythology (Video)

Exploring the lesser-known and often peculiar narratives from ancient Greek folklore unveils a realm of bizarre tales that captivate the imagination. From the primordial chaos to the tumultuous...
The ancient Hittite tablet features cuneiform text in both Hittite and Hurrian languages, with the Hittite inscription recounting the onset of war and the Hurrian inscription constituting a prayer for victory.	Source: Kimiyoshi Matsumura/Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology

Clay Tablet From 3,300-Years Ago Tells Story of the Siege and Plunder of Four Hittite Cities

A 3,300-year-old clay tablet unearthed in central Turkey has painted a tale of a devastating foreign invasion of the Hittite Empire during a period of internal strife and civil war. As the civil war...
Representational image of a Chinese naval battle. Source: Public domain

The Battle of Lake Poyang and Its Pivotal Impact on China

The Battle of Lake Poyang stands as one of the largest naval engagements in recorded history, showcasing the might and strategic prowess of warring factions during the tumultuous period of the rise...
tatue of the Peking man from the entrance of the Zhoukoudian site. Source: Diego Tirira / CC BY-SA 2.0

Zhoukoudian Homo Erectus: Peking Man was an Evolutionary Dead-End (Video)

Zhoukoudian , home to the renowned Peking Man , serves as a pivotal site for understanding the enigma of Homo erectus and its place in human evolution. This location, situated approximately 42...
A hippeis rider seizes a mounted Amazonian warrior armed with a labrys by her Phrygian cap. Roman mosaic Daphne, Antioch-on-the-Orontes (now Antakya in Turkey), (fourth century AD)/ Louvre, Paris. (Jacques MOSSOT/ CC BY-SA 4.0)

Amazon Myrina, Destroyer of Cerne, Conqueror of Atlantians – Myth Or Proto History?

Diodorus Siculus’ Library of History is a mine of information about the ancient world, its peoples, histories, legends, and myths. Most interesting in Book 3. 52. is the narration of the myth of...
The huge Etruscan tomb that has been recently discovered at San Giuliano Necropolis, Marturanum Park, Italy.  Source: Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Province of Viterbo and Southern Etruria

Huge Etruscan Tomb Found Hidden in Plain Sight at San Giuliano Necropolis

The world’s most expansive and complex Etruscan necropolis continues to produce surprises, revealing more details about the powerful civilization that preceded the Romans as the dominant force in...
Lao Phonsavan Plain of Jars. Source: flu4022/Adobe Stock

Five Unique Burial Sites of the Ancient World (Video)

Across the ancient world, a mosaic of burial practices unveils the diversity of human cultures and their beliefs. Chambered cairns , scattered throughout the UK, intrigue scholars with their...
left obverse and right reverse of the silver denarius from Rome, dated 113-112 BC. Source: American Numismatic Society

Coin Reveals Ancient Rome’s Fight Against Voter Intimidation

David B. Hollander /The Conversation This silver denarius, minted over 2,000 years ago , is hardly the most attractive Roman coin. And yet, the coin is vital evidence for the early stages of a...
Over 100 objects have so far been recovered from the Neolithic cemetery which were apparently used for piercings. Source: Ergül Kodaş, Emma L Baysal & Kazım Özkan.

Early Neolithic Ceremonies in Turkey Found to Include Facial Piercings

Something unexpected from the early Neolithic has been found in Turkey. During excavations in an ancient cemetery, a team of archaeologists from several institutions unearthed more than 100 small...
Relief depicting an unknown man at the twin fortress of Rabana-Merquly. Was the site also a sanctuary to the water goddess Anahita? Source: Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP(Glasg) / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Parthian Fortress in Iraq May be a Sanctuary for Goddess Anahita

At the remote, ancient mountain fortress of Rabana-Merquly in Iraqi Kurdistan, German archaeologists have made a surprising discovery. Evidence has emerged that suggests the site had been used as a...
This decorative belt buckle is of a nomad horseman spearing a boar. The rider wears the steppe dress, his hair is tied into a hair bun characteristic of the oriental steppes, and his horse has characteristically Xiongnu horse trappings. Dated to the 2nd-1st century BC.	Source: Public Domain

Five Most Influential Monarchies in Ancient Asia (Video)

The ancient monarchies of Asia left an indelible mark on history, shaping economies, cultures, and trade routes that endured for centuries. Among these, the Han Dynasty of China stands as a towering...
Detail of a fallen tree trunk from the world’s oldest fossilized forest discovered in Somerset. Source: BBC / Chris Berry.

390 Million-Year-Old Fossilized Forest in Somerset is World’s Oldest

Remnants of the world’s oldest fossilized forests and trees, dating back 390 million years, have been uncovered along the Devon and Somerset coast among high sandstone cliffs. The trees likely...
Did drugs fuel Viking social gatherings and make them formidable and fearless warriors? Source: ContentHub / Adobe Stock.

Viking Drug Use: From Riotous Parties to Berserker Fury

The Vikings stand as legendary figures, their exploits on the seas and battlefields shrouded in myth and mystery. Yet beyond their tales of conquest and exploration lies a lesser-known aspect of...
Oxen and goat hoofprints found at the site, which were found alongside the oldest plough marks (top left) in Europe, are evidence that cattle domestication existed very early in the Neolithic Revolution in agriculture. Source:; ARIA SA

Europe’s Oldest Plough Marks Discovered in Switzerland, Dated to 7,000 Years Ago!

Excavations at the Anciens Arsenaux site in Sion, Switzerland, have changed the way we understand prehistoric agriculture in Europe forever. Compelling evidence has emerged suggesting that Neolithic...
AI image of a cave. Source: ToonArt/Adobe Stock

Bizarre Archaeological Finds That Rewrote History (Video)

Archaeology serves as a key to unlock the mysteries of our past, offering glimpses into ancient civilizations that challenge conventional historical narratives. One such revelation emerged from a...
Worked “Mode 2” tools from the site with intentional breakage points which point to this sophisticated tool production process arriving in East Asia 300,000 years earlier than previously thought. Source: IVPP / SciTechDaily.

Did Hominids in Asia Use Advanced Tools Much Earlier than Thought?

A new find in China has potentially rewritten the course of prehistory. Did our hominid ancestors use sophisticated tools in East Asia 300,000 years earlier than thought? One of the best ways to...
