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Ancient Origins articles related to General in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

Pharaoh Mask Egypt

The Crowns of the Pharaohs

In Ancient Egypt, the gods and kings (pharaohs) were depicted with a crown, which, according to Egyptologists, were also taken into the grave for the afterlife. These crowns however have never...
Invisible waveforms, ET and other Transmissions

Invisible waveforms, ET and other Transmissions

The recent 'Citizen Hearing on Disclosure' discussed possible reasons for the pervasive, pathological and absurd secrecy around the ongoing extraterrestrial & UFO events, which appear to be...
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Day 5

Day 5 of Citizen Hearing on Disclosure – The Grand Finale

So far, a number of media sources, such as the Huffington Post, have presented well-written analyses of the evidence that has been presented throughout the Citizens Hearing. However, sadly the highly...
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Day 4

Day 4 of the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure – Global Awareness of UFOS

We considered Day 3 of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure to be impressive. In that case, Day 4 was extraordinary! The focus of Day 4 was on international UFO incidents and documents including...
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Day 3

Day Three of Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure – Undeniable Evidence Revealed

The third day of the Congress Hearing on Disclosure began with a panel testifying on multiple UFO cases through different organizations. National UFO Reporting Centre (NUFORC) The first to speak was...
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Day 2

Day 2 of Citizen's Hearing - UFO Involvement at Military Installations

The second day of the Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure started with Nick Pope and a panel describing their first-hand experience of the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident in Suffolk, England, a major...
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Day 1

Eye-Opening Information Revealed on Day One of Citizen’s Hearing

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (CHD) of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race has just completed the first of five days of incredible revelations and testimonies from highly...
Advanced Cosmic Ice Research

Advanced Cosmic Ice Research Reveals Information About How Life Began

Perry Gerakines and his colleagues in the Cosmic Ice Lab at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt are working on something very simple – ice – but in a truly extraordinary way. Gerakines...
Panspermia Theory

New Study Provides Further Evidence for Panspermia Theory

A new study conducted by a team of Geneticists at the National Institute on Ageing in Florida has suggested that life started about 10 billion years ago, long before Earth. The implications are that...
Extinct Animals

Could we see a return of extinct early humans?

Scientists in Russia and South Korean have been working on bringing back extinct species such as the woolly mammoth by cloning their DNA. Could ancient humans be the next to return? The possibility...

Doomsday odds to improve

According to a new analysis, the chances of human civilization surviving long enough to colonise other planets may be better than previously thought. The doomsday argument predicts humanity’s...
Global Warming Hoax

Is Global Warming a Myth?

Global warming is a hot topic and has been for the last few decades. It became more serious with the Kyoto Protocol which was adopted in 1997, where 191 countries agreed to limit and reduce their...
Invisible Life Forms Earth

Are we sharing our planet with unusual and invisible lifeforms?

In the Atacama desert in Chile, the Mojave desert in California and many other arid locations, a strange ‘sheen’ made up of manganese, arsenic and silica can be found on rock surfaces. Despite...
Vatican for Extra-Terrestrials

Vatican Astronomers Join Search for Extra-Terrestrials

According to two evangelical authors and researchers, Tom Horn and Chris Putnam , Vatican astronomers are using an observatory in Arizona and another telescope with the acronym LUCIFER, to search for...
Stephen Hawking, Mankind Survival in Space

Hawking Claims Mankind Must Leave Earth to Survive

According to British physicist, Stephen Hawking, human beings will need to go out into space and find habitation on another planet in order to survive, and has called on scientists to embark on...
Nazi Holy Grail

Nazis did search for the Holy Grail like in Indiana Jones

In a recent exhibition in Bremen in Germany it was shown that Heinrich Himmler visited Spain in order to hunt for the Holy Grail. Himmler was a leading member of the Nazis, as well as one of the...
UFO Disclosure Washington

Unprecedented Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of Extraterrestrial Presence to take place in Washington

On 29 th April to 3 rd May, an unprecedented event will take place in Washington – the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race (CHD). The purpose is to...
Iran Time Travel

Iranian Scientist Builds Machine That Can Predict the Future

In April 2013, Iranian Scientist, Ali Razeghi, claimed to have built a device that can predict the future with 98% accuracy. The machine, which is about the size of a laptop and took ten years to...

Important information never goes public when discovered

People think that when something is discovered it goes public immediately. But this is not so. We live in a world where information that affects everything from economics to politics and social...
Polynesian DNA in Brazil

DNA Study reveals connection between Brazil and Polynesia. Well, how?

Current scientific thought proposes that it was about 15,000 to 20,000 years ago that humans first migrated to America, probably through a land connection that existed back then. However details of...
Evidence Aliens lived on Earth

Is there written evidence that Aliens may have lived on Earth in Ancient times?

In Asian mythology and ancient stories, there are many references to flying machines and other vehicles in the air. Especially in Chinese, Indian and Korean traditions those references are plenty, as...
New Ice Age

Forget Global warming, a New Ice Age may be coming

The beginning of 2013 was ultra-cold for most of the countries in the northern Hemisphere. Meteorologists in Britain suggest that it was the coldest winter in more than 200 years. Is that a...
Social Networking in Ancient Times

Social Networking in Ancient Times

Of course there was no internet back then … but the intrinsic need of humans for socializing was active back in 13 th Century in different forms. After studying ceramic and obsidian artefacts from...
Ancient Agriculture

Questioning History: Agriculture older than what is believed

Hendrik Bruins, a landscape archaeologist at the Ben Gurion University of Israel suggests that agriculture goes back more than 5000 BC, contradicting the current opinion and Biblical Archaeology. The...
