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  • Reply to: Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? Their Origins May Surprise You   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Bernhardt

    I don't know what Jews you know who are so "fashionable", but as an Ashkenazic Jew with hundreds of Ashkenazic friends, relatives and colleagues, I have yet to hear one say they are Sephardic. I also know and am related to plenty of Sephardim with family trees going back to Spain, and if course many who are "mixed" -- in Israel especially, where I know Iranian, Greek and Yemeni Jews married to 3rd generation Sabras of German origin, and every other combination you can imagine.

  • Reply to: Enormous 3,000-Year-Old Gold Torc Unearthed in England May Have Been Worn By Pregnant Woman   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Joe stitzel

    Yeah. But they are found by themselves. Treasured today but Lost back then, somehow just fell off an on cart, left there not seen again by anyone, slowly sank in ground, till today.. ! Well, there's a true story,nif only the object could talk. Wonder what warehouse 13 employee would say about it. Love ancient !

  • Reply to: Warrior Women: Despite what Gamers Might Believe, the Ancient World was Full of Female Fighters   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Golf

    Thanks for the good article! 

    Don’t forget the many burials of warrior women found at Pokrovka, Kazakhstan, and the many indications of female gladiators found throughout the UK and the rest of the Roman world!

    By the way, I don’t consider myself a hardcore gamer, but I’ve been playing Total War since the first version came out back in the 90’s. Love throwing a unit or two of amazons, but I think the game designers underpowered their strength in the AI. :( 

  • Reply to: Touching Discovery of 2,000-Year-Old Toys Inside Ancient Greek Child Tombs   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: yes it's me

    to say the story was 'touching' is kind of funny as they not only touched the kids stuff, i am fairly certain they took the toys home for further study...all of archaeology seems like entertainment at best and quite disturbing to say the least. i keep reading and looking for the good in archaeology but i find it funny rather than 'touching' that people spend their lives digging old stuff up from the ground. i keep having visions of beagles sniffing around trying to remember where they buried that long lost bone.

  • Reply to: The Rarely Told Story of Pre-Colonial Philippines   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Hamani

    ”In the mud around the rhinos’s bones they also found a speck of melted glass from a meteorite impact dated to about 781,000 years ago” – National Geographic

  • Reply to: 10 Historic Reasons Catalonia is Fighting for Independence from Spain   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Edward Hanson

    What the author failed to mention was that the language of Catalan is very similar to Occitan, the language of southern France, that Catalonia had close ties to Occitania and provided a refuge for many displaced Cathars during the Albigensian Crusade and the Inquisition that followed.

  • Reply to: 10 Historic Reasons Catalonia is Fighting for Independence from Spain   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Edward Hanson

    Please tell us what the truth is, according to your perspective.

  • Reply to: The Meteoric Mystery of The Magical Islamic Stone: Experts Seek Help in Deciphering Inscription   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Joe S.

    muhamad had nothing to do with this ball. Likely just set in place by that flood.vafter the people were taken away by it ! This lost/forgotten, it's a mystery to later centuries. Burton failed in his attempt, knowing that thus he wanted to be remembered, he only managed to tie his name to this thing. When translated it will not reveal who wrote it but only what the author said on it. Likely more, discovered by someone who saw it fall from sky, found it, it cooled then they wrote their inscription.
    Figure it out !

  • Reply to: The Malagana Treasure: Gold and Greed, A Lost Civilization Plundered   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Joe S.

    Dumbass, infinitesimal ?? Particles and waves can't exist at same time. Earth made of atoms can't be manipulated by thought ! Nor can be supressed by anyone.
    Take your bullshit somewhere else !

  • Reply to: Medical marijuana: Modern hunter-gatherers may use cannabis to treat intestinal infections   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Wellingtondeb

    Cannabis would be considered a herb or me drugs are something artificial that pharma has a patent on. I think God made this herb for healing and because of that, it is in competition with folks that make a lot of money off of sickness.

  • Reply to: The History of the Comanche Tribe is One of Conquest   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: paul r. jones

    Edward Hanson wrote on 3 October, 2018 - 15:07: Really!!! Post passage of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, the faux federally recognized Indian tribes have been on the federal welfare rolls. As of 2015, that welfare costs taxpayers $20-billion per year plus gaming and business revenue from the tribes; and yet, all that whining out of these faux Indian reservation is 'victimhood scenarios!' Where does the billions yearly in taxpayer dollars go? Faux Indian tribes receive free housing, health care, education and food paid for by taxpayers that achieves what? Perpetual welfare? No Indian Advocate wants the taxpayer to have any accountability of $20-billion per year nor do any of the Indian advocates want taxpayers to know of this article...the article debunks the myth being foisted off on the taxpayer to keep pouring money into tribal pockets...Mr. Hanson, where does the billions in taxpayer dollars go every year? Secondly, Mr. Hanson, where are the enumerated powers in the United States Constitution for the existence of U.S.C. Title 25-INDIANS?

  • Reply to: Are the Black Madonnas found around the World intentionally so?   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Edward Hanson

    The Black Madonnas are NOT " depictions of the Virgin Mary ". Although the Catholic Church has appropriated all the BMs that are known (as they have done with many other items), she is not associated with orthodox Christianity. Every location where one exists (in statuary form) is also associated with the Templars and with Mary Magdalene, who she represents. In fact, the Church carried out a campaign of attempting to usurp the ministry of Mary Magdalene by proclaiming "Mary the Mother of Jesus" as the "Mother of God". BMs began to appear in Europe during the Crusades as the Templars were returning from sojourns throughout the Middle East and North Africa. They were intentionally dark. Proof of that is that the BM of Chartre Cathedral was recently painted as "white" to reflect the Christian European influence, but recent reports state that the dark color has returned. The dark color of the BMs does NOT come from the smoke of candles and incense. Proof of this comes from the fact that the clothes on them and items around them are never discolored by smoke.

  • Reply to: The History of the Comanche Tribe is One of Conquest   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Edward Hanson

    You are quite mistaken in your assumptions about "Indian advocates" and quite arrogantly so.

  • Reply to: The Qur’an and Torah on the True Meaning of the Tower of Babel and Multiple Languages   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Edward Hanson

    In the "Holy Scriptures" of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims, "Pharaoh" is never named. This is because the Hebrews rewrote their history during the Babylonian captivity to hide the fact that they are, in fact, Egyptians. Moses (an Egyptian name) was a pharaoh. We know him as Akhenaton, the rebel monotheistic pharaoh.

  • Reply to: The Meteoric Mystery of The Magical Islamic Stone: Experts Seek Help in Deciphering Inscription   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Carriecc

    Ugh, typos. That'll teach me not to double check before hitting send.

  • Reply to: The Meteoric Mystery of The Magical Islamic Stone: Experts Seek Help in Deciphering Inscription   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Carriecc

    If it is supposed to be Kufic, or another relative of Arabic than it is upside down, Arabic is written with mostly short letters sitting just above the line, with some tall letters and some that dip below the line. Actually in this sense it is not that different from English. This would make sense, as our writing system and theirs share a common ancestor. The Devanagari script has a different origin. As for why it looks different than the calligraphy in the photo of Kufic, it may be from a different era, be done less professionally, or be formed differently because of the difficulty of writing on stone. It actually reminded me a bit of ancient Phonecian, but when I turned it upside down (on my phone) I could see the resemblance to a script like Arabic, Syriac, etc. I'm in the process of trying to learn these scripts, which is how I can see the resblance.

  • Reply to: Neo-Romans Revive Classical Worship Ceremonies at New Iuppiter Perunus Temple   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Titus

    This is the only Temple to Roman Gods so far.

  • Reply to: Sanauli Find Challenges Aryan Invasion Theory and Could Re-write Indian History   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: CKG

    The biased Eurocentric article (designed for such an audience as well as the naive to buy into it without thought) which carefully and subtly arcs the naive and gullible reader into believing the ''Aryan migration/Invasion Theory'' is already false.

    Indian journalism and media have been ranked as among the worst in the world.

    This article is trying to force fit the Migration Theory and Invasion Theory about a finding which directly REFUTES IT.

    It is saying ''ok, so a chariot which is a refutation of the Aryan Theory as a pro-invasion and pro-migration dogma so, I will write an article which weaves it in such a way that will simply ''accommodate it'' and say ''oh see they had this before the Aryans arrived (albeit in the 19th Century) but I will not say that it is possibly the Aryans themselves and that they had built the cities in which they have been found in. whooohooo, problem solved''.

    This is called lying by omission.

    It is already being debunked and shown that the expansion took place multiple times from India to the Middle-east and Europe with 1000 BC - 2000 BC being the most recent out of the major demographic movements tending out of the Indian hinterlands.

  • Reply to: Debunking the Aryan Race “Myth” and Separating Fact from Fiction   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: CKG

    Some Indians (like on here) are totally sold out of the junk that is gloatful and vindictive and Eurocentric (but well funded and told strongly many times over). So outdated and desperate. It's also nearing election season so don't feel surprised about the debunked gerrymandering going on (debunked because it has already been debunked with the absolute opposite being proven but, as usual, it will take a little longer to reach the public because media will make it a thing not to cover it).

    This echo-chamber of ''only liberal Indians reading the news brainwashing & foreign-funded news can speak as well as Eurocentrists in general and anyone who speaks against it (no matter how correct it is) is a fascist Hindutva so be quiet otherwise I will brand you (as if those setting the branding without even knowing it are not)'' is getting really lame and outdated and has been highlighted by rational European scholars themselves (it helps because both Europeans and their gullible Indian followers get a sense of feeling shaken/disturbed as well as a pause considering that they can't masquerade as ''messengers'' or ''experts'' anymore) who emphasise that too much evidence has already mounted (and is mounting at an ever-increasing rate) too simply browbeat, ignore, cushion & ''shoo or sing it aside''.

    Genetics has already debunked Aryan migration. Can't refute the fact that Eurocentrism with its lies is still rife in Institutes like Harvard, etc. Fortunately, however, this is changing.

    A few out of many for example are Premendra Priyadarshi and Balianovsky (2018), a Russian geneticist DEBUNKED HARVARD UNIVERSITY'S EUROCENTRIC SUPREMICIST JUNK WEAVED BY DAVID REICH AND HIS STUDENT NARASIMHAN (who has essentially been programmed to think like him, just like some on this page talk about genetics without any facts which goes to show what Indians who hate other Indians who appreciate the facts and are more patient, think).

    Speaking to Narasimhan, he has been debunked completely, showing his poor understanding of genetics itself and an even poorer understanding of gathering information and making proper inferences. The ''genetics papers'' have been critically refuted by most of the serious geneticists for its grossly poor scope & its myopic outlook.

    However, for those who are arrogant (as well as lethargic), the ''news'' gives everyone what they need with their respective sound bytes (this being pieces written by individuals who are shilled to write anything).

    For those who live outside of India, you should become aware now that if you seem to have any stock and bolstered feelings through getting sentimental approbation from people who are apparently Indians, then get this. Relinquish it completely.

    The reason why is due to the fact that Indian media has been officially rated as the SECOND WORST media on the planet (according to various research polls based on the reliability of content, updates, etc.) which is mostly foreign funded by intelligence groups to belt out false pieces of rhetoric and pass them off as ''fact'' (only later to be debunked). This type of disinformation is rife, is well funded and has considerable reach to Indians. Also, it practices the ''science'' of repeating it until it becomes sacrosanct, and it almost always works. The same can be said about so-called scientific journals as well. Hence, do not feel surprised if the likes of many ''convinced Indians & Europeans'' are residually still repeating this. It is only a matter of time before this stops.

    Balianovsky proved that one of the many major migrations took place from 1800 - 2000 BC from India and Europe via the Caucasus and is considerable prevalent in Russia tending all the way up to Italy. This is the period which Rakshit's, Narasimhan's, Reich's, etc's. forcefulness and ''attack the other'' styled advertising falls upon and it totally disintegrates factually. No leg to stand on. None.

    Also, Mitanni migrated into the region as late as 1400-1700 BC (as well as earlier). Kassites migrated in and around the same time. Even the most hardcore Eurocentrist and self-loathing apathetic liberal Indian will find considerable difficulty doing mental gymnastics over this one.

    The Hittites & Arattans, Proto-Medians, Parshavas (Proto-Persians), Phrygians, Mushkies and many many more entered into the Middle-East from the Indo-Afghanistan region. That too with mounting evidence for this.

    As for Europeans. The majority of their genes are not based on the Middle-east (which is nothing but cognitive dissonance based on a very heavy Judeo-Christian bias pertaining to their myopic view of the planet oriented around the Middle-east with the support of much emphasis, funding and emphasised by the erroneous scope in use which is getting seriously challenged), but, in truth, from the Indo-Afghanistan region. This is not a ''conjecture'', but a neglected fact.

    Then, they feel insulted when many think and mention ''a large number''. It is not only a large number but an increasingly large number that actually subscribe to the unapologetic fact that the Arya peoples expanded outward. The reason why is because it is gaining considerable appreciation for its multidisciplinary backing and facts which totally debunk DAMIT (Discredited Aryan Migration-Invasion Theory).

    Aegean was a recipient of Indian genes as proven by Broushaki and Lazaridis (2016), Lucotte (2015) and many more. The Aegean has some of the youngest genomes in the world. The Aegean was neither home to a considerably old and expansive civilisation anywhere near compared to the Sarasvathi let alone others.

    Actually Indian and European scientists have already been strongly proving that Arya expansion did take place multiple times from the hinterlands to outside.

    This is supported by genetics.

    The Indus and the rest of the north represented up to 40% of the world population at the time. So go ahead trying to prove the mythical ''Aryan migration'' and identifying whose who and whose not. Totally unscientific.

    Russians & Ukrainians (some of the most ardent and staunch supporters of the Aryan theory) are beginning to accept this (particularly from the disciplines of linguistics & genetics).

    Thus, this is another piece of outdated trash (although slightly cunning in the way it conveys its propaganda since it is ''softer'', ''quieter'' and pretends to ''tread carefully'' while being very clear about the support it lends to the Eurocentric dogma).

    Ancient origins also speaks various myths about European origins.

    So, to correct another article, here it is:

    ''Sorry European racial purists it turns out that your ancestors were Indo-Afghans'' (as well as some of these genomes venturing via Tibet so Tibet as well). Not African/Middle-eastern (though inputs from these regions have contributed as a minority with the Indo-Afghan region being the largest donor of all through multiple large to huge demographic expansions as well as innumerable smaller ones forming as well as reconstituting the majority and at times almost the entire population of Europe).

  • Reply to: OOPArts Found in Coal and Stone: Is There an Explanation for These Anomalous Bells, Chains, Walls and More?   5 years 8 months ago
    Comment Author: Vivian Davis

    There is so much we don't know about earth's ancient history. There could have been more than one civilisation that either by natural causes or their own hand were destroyed and only a few survived to start again. If some major catastrophe happened in modern times the only ones who would survive would be some isolated primitive tribes who weren't reliant on technology.
