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  • Reply to: New Claims of a 27,000-Year-Old Indonesian Pyramid Spark Controversy   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Kamlah

    Without evidence of **enough”” humans living at this site long enough to prepare it for level 1, bring in materials, modify stones as needed, asemble, revise, bring in more stone, it’s just multiple layers / piles of stones. Human activities leave evidence in adition to the “finished product’,  What does the data for intervals of  *occupation* of the site say? What does the detritus at  level 1 say, about 20’ horizonal x 2 -3 ft deep? What exactly is  “evidence of advanced stoneworking techiques”?

  • Reply to: Neanderthals Hunted Elephants Twice the Weight of Modern Ones   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Sargelatch51T

    "twice the size of mammoths who were eventually hunted into extinction by Homo sapiens!"

    That plus Clovis first equals Dead Horse!

  • Reply to: New Claims of a 27,000-Year-Old Indonesian Pyramid Spark Controversy   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: bwana4swahili

    Not out of the realm of possibilty.  Homo sapiens have been around a lot longer than 25,000 years!

  • Reply to: Reclaiming Iberia: The Epic Tale of the Reconquista in Spain   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    Most history is a hybrid of half-truths and fairytales designed to obscure the fact that the writings of Machiavelli were but a Sunday School picnic compared to many real events.

    'Power corrupts' is the slogan of the lazy and inefficient, from the point of view of corruption. Far better for corruption, itself, that power attracts the already corrupted, cutting out the waiting and uncertainty.

  • Reply to: Reclaiming Iberia: The Epic Tale of the Reconquista in Spain   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    "Al-Andalus witnessed the harmonious coexistence of Muslims, Jews and Christians..."

    This is overstated wokeness, which is probably a tautology. However, it is true that seemingly disparate religious groups can have coinciding aims, however temporarily. Or even permanently.

    The destruction of the Visigoths by Islam opened the door for Vatican Catholicism to later conquer the Iberian Peninsula in full, something that may not have been achieved otherwise.

    It is worth remembering that the Visigoths were of an entirely different brand of Christianity.

    In fact, it has been suggested that Vatican Catholicism was a willing bystander, if not silent partner, to the Islamic conquest, in the knowledge that it took out a rival.

    Catholicism could then claim to have been reconquering when, in fact, it was not reconquest but a very patient conquest, according to this view.

    It is also worth remembering that history is often dumbed-down to simplistic stories, when the truth is far more nuanced and often diabolical.

    Moslems, Jews and Christians should come together. But when their supposed leaders do, well, that may not be for the benefit of the ordinary folk at all. In fact, I know that this century it won't be, for such is already planned.

  • Reply to: Uncovering the Truth Behind Matriarchal Societies in the Ancient World   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: AlexPsico

    I agree with you Elicia but from a different angle let's travel in time to an era where we were not much different from apes but with some improvements and prevalence of instincts in our acts over our early primitive thinking. No matriarchy, no patriarchy, no moral, no oppression, no preferences, no language structured mind, no politics, no nothing from our actual time, mental structure, culture, lies, political ideas, indoctrination, chaos or nonsense. Just the crucial need of a pack leader, female or male didn’t matter, a leader needed for the pack’s survival and improvement. A detail that is usually missed, women were considered as magical beings related to the moon, they were who generate life from nothing (magic based and structured minds) and admired for that power. Eventually mind and intelligence evolves, new data added to the moon relation, sex correlation to the life generating power, men were related to that power too, so power sharing, magic gone (procreation is still an outstanding capacity that women have). This direct relation between sex and procreation generated a new problem of fatherhood roles. Women have certitude on being a mother, beyond who’s the father, that child is her child, she gave birth to him, it came out from her after 9 months. But who’s the father, no certitude on the men, so how do men enter the fatherhood? That place is assigned or provided by a mother that affirms “this is your kid” and embraced by a blind trust on that mother's words. Then, evolution kept going and a new bunch of problems appeared. Population kept growing, moral values and responsibilities too (providing, caring, feeding, protection) in a world still lacking on resources access and food a daily concern. Hard work to do, farming (both have to do) didn’t grant survival, famine was a day to day reality, so male needed a job that eases survival probabilities. Soldier it will be, if he dies his wife and children will do too or maybe she could sell one of the kids to feed her and the others increasing their survival probabilities. Sometimes she manages to feed them by less drastic measures, this lucky man managed to survive after 2 years away he gets home and finds he has a new child, 18 months exactly, and another mouth to feed. Self preservation and procreation (basic on every animal) those who live in packs you can add the protection of the pack. Males spread their seeds mostly when they become Alpha or in sneaky ways if there’s a chance. His pack, his seed, his genes (the strongest) and his descendants without any certitude looks some kind of assurance on descendants to be his, those with the best genes survival, The right gained, after having hard times, many wounds and risking his pack permanency and maybe his life, by challenging the alpha and winning that place. You got me, any adaptation or evolution pushes us one step up, solving many problems we had on the previous step, and adding many new ones on the actual one. Under many layers of improvements that we got by evolution and time, we are still animals, basic and elemental instincts remain, they don’t prevail over our thinking but they still conserve the power to influence them. All my respect ma’am.

  • Reply to: Uncovering the Truth Behind Matriarchal Societies in the Ancient World   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: AlexPsico

    I agree with you Elicia but from a different angle let's travel in time to an era where we were not much different from apes but with some improvements and prevalence of instincts in our acts over our early primitive thinking.
    No matriarchy, no patriarchy, no moral, no oppression, no preferences, no language structured mind, no politics, no nothing from our actual time, mental structure, culture, lies, political ideas, indoctrination, chaos or nonsense. Just the crucial need of a pack leader, female or male didn’t matter, a leader needed for the pack’s survival and improvement.
    A detail that is usually missed, women were considered as magical beings related to the moon, they were who generate life from nothing (magic based and structured minds) and admired for that power. Eventually mind and intelligence evolves, new data added to the moon relation, sex correlation to the life generating power, men were related to that power too, so power sharing, magic gone (procreation is still an outstanding capacity that women have). This direct relation between sex and procreation generated a new problem of fatherhood roles. Women have certitude on being a mother, beyond who’s the father, that child is her child, she gave birth to him, it came out from her after 9 months.
    But who’s the father, no certitude on the men, so how do men enter the fatherhood? That place is assigned or provided by a mother that affirms “this is your kid” and embraced by a blind trust on that mother's words.
    Then, evolution kept going and a new bunch of problems appeared.
    Population kept growing, moral values and responsibilities too (providing, caring, feeding, protection) in a world still lacking on resources access and food a daily concern. Hard work to do, farming (both have to do) didn’t grant survival, famine was a day to day reality, so male needed a job that eases survival probabilities.
    Soldier it will be, if he dies his wife and children will do too or maybe she could sell one of the kids to feed her and the others increasing their survival probabilities. Sometimes she manages to feed them by less drastic measures, this lucky man managed to survive after 2 years away he gets home and finds he has a new child, 18 months exactly, and another mouth to feed.
    Self preservation and procreation (basic on every animal) those who live in packs you can add the protection of the pack.
    Males spread their seeds mostly when they become Alpha or in sneaky ways if there’s a chance. His pack, his seed, his genes (the strongest) and his descendants without any certitude looks some kind of assurance on descendants to be his, those with the best genes survival, The right gained, after having hard times, many wounds and risking his pack permanency and maybe his life, by challenging the alpha and winning that place.
    You got me, any adaptation or evolution pushes us one step up, solving many problems we had on the previous step, and adding many new ones on the actual one.
    Under many layers of improvements that we got by evolution and time, we are still animals, basic and elemental instincts remain, they don’t prevail over our thinking but they still conserve the power to influence them.
    All my respect ma’am.

  • Reply to: Uncovering the Truth Behind Matriarchal Societies in the Ancient World   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: AlexPsico

    I agree with you Elicia but from a different angle let's travel in time to an era where we were not much different from apes but with some improvements and prevalence of instincts in our acts over our early primitive thinking.
    No matriarchy, no patriarchy, no moral, no oppression, no preferences, no language structured mind, no politics, no nothing from our actual time, mental structure, culture, lies, political ideas, indoctrination, chaos or nonsense. Just the crucial need of a pack leader, female or male didn’t matter, a leader needed for the pack’s survival and improvement.
    A detail that is usually missed, women were considered as magical beings related to the moon, they were who generate life from nothing (magic based and structured minds) and admired for that power. Eventually mind and intelligence evolves, new data added to the moon relation, sex correlation to the life generating power, men were related to that power too, so power sharing, magic gone (procreation is still an outstanding capacity that women have). This direct relation between sex and procreation generated a new problem of fatherhood roles. Women have certitude on being a mother, beyond who’s the father, that child is her child, she gave birth to him, it came out from her after 9 months.
    But who’s the father, no certitude on the men, so how do men enter the fatherhood? That place is assigned or provided by a mother that affirms “this is your kid” and embraced by a blind trust on that mother's words.
    Then, evolution kept going and a new bunch of problems appeared.
    Population kept growing, moral values and responsibilities too (providing, caring, feeding, protection) in a world still lacking on resources access and food a daily concern. Hard work to do, farming (both have to do) didn’t grant survival, famine was a day to day reality, so male needed a job that eases survival probabilities.
    Soldier it will be, if he dies his wife and children will do too or maybe she could sell one of the kids to feed her and the others increasing their survival probabilities. Sometimes she manages to feed them by less drastic measures, this lucky man managed to survive after 2 years away he gets home and finds he has a new child, 18 months exactly, and another mouth to feed.
    Self preservation and procreation (basic on every animal) those who live in packs you can add the protection of the pack.
    Males spread their seeds mostly when they become Alpha or in sneaky ways if there’s a chance. His pack, his seed, his genes (the strongest) and his descendants without any certitude looks some kind of assurance on descendants to be his, those with the best genes survival, The right gained, after having hard times, many wounds and risking his pack permanency and maybe his life, by challenging the alpha and winning that place.
    You got me, any adaptation or evolution pushes us one step up, solving many problems we had on the previous step, and adding many new ones on the actual one.
    Under many layers of improvements that we got by evolution and time, we are still animals, basic and elemental instincts remain, they don’t prevail over our thinking but they still conserve the power to influence them.
    All my respect ma’am.

  • Reply to: Uncovering the Truth Behind Matriarchal Societies in the Ancient World   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: AlexPsico

    I agree with you Elicia but from a different angle let's travel in time to an era where we were not much different from apes but with some improvements and prevalence of instincts in our acts over our early primitive thinking.

    No matriarchy, no patriarchy, no moral, no oppression, no preferences, no language structured mind, no politics, no nothing from our actual time, mental structure, culture, lies, political ideas, indoctrination, chaos or nonsense.  Just the crucial need of a pack leader, female or male didn’t matter, a leader needed for the pack’s survival and improvement.

    A detail that is usually missed, women were considered as magical beings related to the moon, they were who generate life from nothing (magic based and structured minds) and admired for that power. Eventually mind and intelligence evolves, new data added to the moon relation, sex correlation to the life generating power, men were related to that power too, so power sharing, magic gone (procreation is still an outstanding capacity that women have). This direct relation between sex and procreation generated a new problem of fatherhood roles. Women have certitude on being a mother, beyond who’s the father, that child is her child, she gave birth to him, it came out from her after 9 months.

    But who’s the father, no certitude on the men, so how do men enter the fatherhood? That place is assigned or provided by a mother that affirms “this is your kid” and embraced by a blind trust on that  mother's words. 

    Then, evolution kept going and a new bunch of problems appeared. 

    Population kept growing, moral values and responsibilities too (providing, caring, feeding, protection) in a world still lacking on resources access and food a daily concern. Hard work to do, farming (both have to do) didn’t grant survival, famine was a day to day reality, so male needed a job that eases survival probabilities. 

    Soldier it will be, if he dies his wife and children will do too or maybe she could sell one of the kids to feed her and the others increasing their survival probabilities. Sometimes she manages to feed them by less drastic measures, this lucky man managed to survive after 2 years away he gets home and finds he has a new child, 18 months exactly, and another mouth to feed. 

    Self preservation and procreation (basic on every animal) those who live in packs you can add the protection of the pack. 

    Males spread their seeds mostly when they become Alpha or in sneaky ways if there’s a chance. His pack, his seed, his genes (the strongest) and his descendants without any certitude looks some kind of assurance on descendants to be his, those with the best genes survival, The right gained, after having hard times, many wounds and risking his pack permanency and maybe his life, by challenging the alpha and winning that place. 

    You got me, any adaptation or evolution pushes us one step up, solving many problems we had on the previous step, and adding many new ones on the actual one.

    Under many layers of improvements that we got by evolution and time, we are still animals, basic and elemental instincts remain, they don’t prevail over our thinking but they still conserve the power to influence them.

    All my respect ma’am.


  • Reply to: The Relic of Bir Hooker - Proof of a Race of Giants? - Part 1   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Novosedoff

    There is nothing to discuss or investigate because on the above video it is said between 1:25-1:32 that the old guy (the owner of the finger) had vanished, so the whole story must have been cooked up with no consequence to follow.. 

  • Reply to: What Made Alexandria the Intellectual Capital of the Ancient World?   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: rstay

    I was really enjoying the informative article until you felt you had to add the biases of modern academia, by having to add a coment on a historic depiction of an event and mention it had racist overtones.  Really?!  How do you feel this will play out over time?  This pablum you felt necessary for us to understand or to protect feelings is childish and ridiculous when looking at the arc of history.  Keep your bumpers meant to “protect” peoples feelings out of your publiciations please.  Your work is so enjoyed and welcomed but this drivel demeans it.

  • Reply to: What Made Alexandria the Intellectual Capital of the Ancient World?   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: rstay


  • Reply to: Spells, Invocations and Divination: The Ancient History of Magical Grimoires   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    There is very little difference between a grimoire and a modern magazine aimed at teenage girls promoting abortions as Satanic rituals.

    A grimoire is not about "human intellectual development". It is about the rise of the Devil and the worship thereof.

    This website and the Occult are on very familiar terms, it would seem.

    One needs to filter everything through a proper understanding of the motives behind what is said. However, one first needs to understand that this world is run by the Church of Satan.

  • Reply to: The Real Culprit of an Ancient Egyptian Plague Was... Bread? (Video)   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    "...attributing the inexplicable to the divine."

    More evidence of what appears to be an anti-Christian bias on this website, proving, once again, that there is no separation of history and religion, namely, the religion of he who wishes to be divine.

    The target is not Judaism, for that is more captured than even Christianity is.

  • Reply to: What Made Alexandria the Intellectual Capital of the Ancient World?   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    Another brilliant piece of what appears to be anti-Christian propaganda masquerading as history...

    Religion and intellectualism don't always clash. The Devil uses intellectualism, for example, to promote his own religion by undermining the real competition, which is Christianity. As such, some intellectualism is very definitely religiously motivated.

  • Reply to: Hidden Connection Between 9,000-Year-Old Bad Dürrenberg Shaman and Infant Exposed   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Archaeologist

    A fascinating article.  Thank you for the in-depth analysis.

  • Reply to: What Do You Think About Atlantis?   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: StephenHunt

    Solon was actually a greek law maker and poet who was a decendant of Plato , it was he who had been told the story of Atlantis ( What the Greeks called it ) by the priests in Egypt , referring to the edfu text's.They spoke of the primeval ones who lived in prosperity on an island until there demise.

  • Reply to: Cemetery Reveals Medieval Equivalent of Social Benefits System   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    "Inmates were required to pray for the souls of those who funded the hospital, as a way to speed the latter’s post-life entrance into heaven."

    I have no doubt this was so. However, I genuinely doubt it actually works that way, always. If one was to become obscenely rich through ripping people off, for example, giving a fraction of the proceeds to a hospital charity may have made one seem philanthropic, but the love was not of people, rather of Mammon and self, which is still sinful.

    Heavenly judgement is not as easily fooled as some people are. This applies today, as it did in Medieval times.

  • Reply to: The Volvelle: The Medieval Equivalent of a Smartphone App?   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    Well, if it was Occultic and useful for control, then it would have something in common with a large number of smart-phone apps...

  • Reply to: Australian Aboriginals Have Been Baking Bread for 34,000+ Years!   6 months 2 weeks ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    Aboriginal agriculture was not "sophisticated". What is sophisticated is the rewriting of history. One doesn't even need a single real Aboriginal ancestor to claim Aboriginal descent as an historian. One doesn't even need to be an historian either, just a good yarn-teller. Nobody much seems to check the sources are correct and the appointed fact-checkers are part of the same propaganda exercise anyway.

    Australian anthropology is all about the never-ending apology. I would be reticent to trust anything about it these days. Anyone who trusts it explicitly is a fool. But not a lone fool. There are plenty of such fools for company.
