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We share free history videos relating to archaeology, ancient places, unexplained phenomena, historic mysteries, and much more. Don’t miss the chance to explore these ancient mysteries videos. These ancient history videos also include interviews with authors, researchers and top experts from around the world. Explore these ancient mysteries videos and immerse yourself in the wonder of our ancient past.

Marcus Aurelius (Matthew / Adobe Stock).

Marcus Aurelius: The Stoic Emperor (Video)

Exploring the life of Marcus Aurelius , the philosopher emperor of Rome, takes us into the history of a remarkable figure. Born in 121 AD to a prestigious family, Marcus was groomed for greatness...
Digital reconstruction of Northwest Palace, Nimrud. Source: YouTube Screenshot / The Met.

Digital Reconstruction of the Northwest Palace, Nimrud, Assyria (Video)

In 2014, the Metropolitan Museum of Art unveiled a captivating digital reconstruction of the Northwest Palace of Ashurnasirpal II in Nimrud, Assyria (near modern Mosul in northern Iraq). This...
Top image: The Emperor's Carpet. Source: The Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain

Reinvigorating an Emperor's Persian Carpet – A Three Year Journey (Video)

Standing before The Emperor's Carpet, a masterpiece of Persian artistry from the 16th century, we unveil its remarkable history. This exquisite creation likely emerged during the reign of Shah...
Facial reconstruction of Cleopatra. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Royalty Now Studios.

Remarkable Facial Reconstruction of Cleopatra (Video)

Cleopatra, the famed Egyptian queen of the Ptolemaic dynasty , is a historical figure who has captured the imagination for centuries. Born in 69 BC, she ascended to the throne at just 18 years old...
Genghis Khan has many wives. Source: Hui / Adobe Stock.

The Sad Truth about Genghis Khan's Wives (Video)

Genghis Khan , the famed Mongol leader, is known not only for his vast empire but also for his unique approach to marriage. In an era where alliances and politics played a crucial role, Khan's...
The sounds of ancient languages are getting revived with AI. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Equator AI.

The Sound of Ancient Languages As You’ve Never Heard Them Before (Video)

Ancient languages , once mere written symbols on aged parchments, have now been brought to life through the marvel of artificial intelligence. In a captivating video, AI has breathed audible...
The lid of a canopic jar depicting an Egyptian queen. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

Who Did This Majestic Egyptian Canopic Jar Belong To? (Video)

From the depths of Egypt's Valley of the Kings comes a discovery shrouded in mystery. An ancient canopic jar , uncovered in 1907 from an uninscribed tomb, beckons our curiosity. This exquisite...
A Mayan woman in a sweat lodge. Source: Peopleimages - AI / Adobe Stock.

Shocking Weird Things That Were Normal for Mayans! (Video)

The Mayan civilization , known for its enigmatic rituals, had customs that may baffle us today. Their saunas, rather than places of relaxation, were considered gateways to the afterlife. Blood...
Reconstruction of Roman Emperor Augustus. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Royalty Now Studios.

Reconstruction of Roman Emperor Augustus Reveals Him as a Handsome Young Man

Born Gaius Octavius and ascending to become the inaugural Roman Emperor, Augustus left an indelible mark on history. Roman sculpture of his era, marked by its devotion to realism, conveyed not only...
Life for a concubine in China’s Forbidden City could be deadly. Source: QuietWord / Adobe Stock.

The Dangerous Life of a Concubine in China’s Forbidden City (Video)

In the heart of the Forbidden City , China's political and ritual center for over 500 years, the lives of imperial concubines were far from the fairy tales one might imagine. These women were not...
A woman in the Renaissance getting dressed. Source: YouTube Screenshot / CrowsEye Productions.

The Elaborate Process of Getting Dressed as a Renaissance Woman (Video)

In Renaissance Florence , Italy, fashion was a tapestry of elegance and refinement . The clothing of this era showcased intricate details and subtle displays of wealth. Women of the time donned silk...
The King Arthur Tapestry. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

Watch the Restoration of the 500-Year-Old King Arthur Tapestry (Video)

Experts at The Met recently took on the task of revitalizing the King Arthur tapestry . Part of the “Nine Heroes Tapestries”, the King Arthur piece hadn’t been touched since it joined the Met’s...
Archaeologists use drones to map Peru’s ancient sites. Source: YouTube Screenshot / The New York Times.

Recording Thousands of Peru’s Temples Using Drones (Video)

In a race against time, archaeologists armed with a fleet of drones have been tirelessly working to map the legal boundaries of Peru's ancient ruins for the last few years. These unregistered...
Punishment in ancient Japan was brutal. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Crazy Histories.

Shocking Punishments in Ancient Japan! (Video)

Medieval Japan , often romanticized for its samurai culture, had a dark side characterized by brutal punishment and oppression. Peasants faced a grim fate in a society dominated by samurai overlords...
Little is known about the enigmatic Denisovans. Source: Microgen / Adobe Stock.

Strange Things You Didn't Know About Denisovans! (Video)

Unearth the mysterious Denisovans, a human-like species coexisting with Neanderthals in Asia during the Lower and Middle Paleolithic eras. Only recently discovered in Siberia's Denisova Cave in 2008...
Queen Mary I of England. Source: Yuri A/ / Adobe Stock.

The Ruthless Things Queen (Bloody) Mary Did (Video)

Queen Mary I of England, often known as " Bloody Mary ," ruled during a turbulent period in history. She is infamous for her brutal persecution of those who did not follow the Catholic faith. Mary's...
A Neanderthal hunting. Source: Bartek / Adobe Stock.

Amazing Things That the Neanderthals Did (Video)

Around 300,000 years ago, before humans roamed the Earth, another species known as Neanderthals inhabited much of Eurasia. Their name comes from the Neander Valley in Germany, where the first remains...
Erechtheion with Original Paintwork Reconstruction. Source: Mark Cartwright / CC by NC-SA.

Why Ancient Marble Statues Aren’t Meant to Be Seen As “White” (Video)

In the world of classical art, a recent discussion emerged that thrust classicist Sarah Bond into unexpected controversy. Her focus? Ancient statues and the concept of "polychromy." Unlike the serene...
Roman parties were all about grand displays of wealth, power and status. (Public Domain)

The Truth About Secret Ancient Roman Parties (Video)

In ancient Rome , extravagant parties were not just about revelry; they were grand displays of wealth, power, and social status. These gatherings encompassed various types, including dinner parties,...
Teotihuacan, Mexico. Source: fergregory / Adobe Stock.

Bribes, Zoning, and Ancient Pyramids: Walmart's Corporate Greed at Teotihuacan (Video)

In 2012, The New York Times uncovered an elaborate tale of bribery involving one of the world's largest corporations. Walmart, a global powerhouse, faced scrutiny when The Times exposed a cover-up of...
Medieval armor was hot and heavy. Source: designprojects / Adobe Stock.

Wearing Medieval Knight’s Armor Could Be Fatal (Video)

Medieval armor , often depicted as a symbol of invincibility, had its share of drawbacks that made it more perilous than going unprotected. These metal suits , while impressive, posed several...
El Mirador, Guatemala. Source: US Embassy Guatemala / Flickr.

Mayan Jungle Ruins in Guatemala Could Become Major Tourist Attraction (Video)

Deep within the lush, tropical Guatemalan forest lies the ancient Mayan city of El Mirador , a site over 2,000 years old. However, it's not just an archaeological treasure; it's at the center of a...
Pregnancy in ancient Greece was a difficult time. Source: migfoto / Adobe Stock.

The Sad Truth About Pregnancy in Ancient Greece (Video)

In ancient Greece, pregnancy was far from the experience we know today. The era was marked by perilous uncertainty for expectant mothers and their unborn children. The duty of women was clear:...
Lapis lazuli cult image of the God Ptah. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

This Egyptian Statue Was Created to Hold the Spirit of a God (Video)

In ancient Egypt, amid the grandeur of pyramids , obelisks, and temples , there exists a small yet captivating marvel—an exquisite lapis lazuli statue designed not for burial but for divine...
