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We share free history videos relating to archaeology, ancient places, unexplained phenomena, historic mysteries, and much more. Don’t miss the chance to explore these ancient mysteries videos. These ancient history videos also include interviews with authors, researchers and top experts from around the world. Explore these ancient mysteries videos and immerse yourself in the wonder of our ancient past.

Very muscular looking AI generated Neanderthal. 	Source: NorLife/Adobe Stock

The Dark Secrets of Neanderthals' Rapid Extinction (Video)

The abrupt vanishing act of Neanderthals , Europe's exclusive human metapopulation before Homo sapiens, raises perplexing questions about their mysterious and rapid extinction . A recent study sheds...
Portrait of Native American man. Researchers have found Aboriginal Australian ancestry in Native American peoples.  Source: Chinnachote / Adobe Stock

Native Americans Share Aboriginal Australian Ancestry (Video)

Recent DNA studies on the peopling of the Americas challenge established narratives, revealing a complex ancestry for Native Americans . The research identifies a surprising link between Native...
AI generated illustration of Port Royal's Sunken City. Source: Declan Hillman/Adobe Stock

Pirates and the Earthquake that Destroyed Port Royal (Video)

Port Royal, once a den of pirates, faced divine retribution 325 years ago. The infamous city, labeled the 'Sodom of the West,' met its demise on June 7, 1692, at 11:43 a.m., when a powerful...
Bride and groom, in Viking traditional outfits. Viking wedding rituals were necessary to earn the blessings of the gods and for continuing the Viking bloodline.  Source: MaxNadya/Adobe Stock

Strange Viking Wedding Rituals and Traditions (Video)

Viking weddings , known as brudkaup, were intricate transactions involving legal negotiations to determine bride price and dowry. Fridays, sacred to the Queen god Frigg , were preferred for...
The journey of Hannibal, a strategic genius whose audacity and brilliance reshaped the course of ancient history during the Second Punic War.

The Story of Hannibal: The Nightmare of the Roman Empire (Video)

In the tapestry of ancient conflicts, the clash between Rome and Carthage etches a defining chapter. Carthage, a maritime power commanding critical Mediterranean trade routes, resisted Rome's...
Right-handed evolution may have deep roots in our lineage. Source: YouTube Screenshot/PCS Eons

How Humans Became (Mostly) Right-Handed (Video)

The majority of Neanderthals , much like modern Homo sapiens, exhibited a strong preference for using their right hand , as evidenced by the accidental scratches on their teeth. This intriguing...
Lady Godiva Statue on her horse in Coventry Town Centre 	Source: xtrillian/Adobe Stock

Uncovering the Truth Behind the Real Lady Godiva (Video)

Unraveling Lady Godiva's historical tapestry involves navigating through legends and nuances. The infamous 11th-century Countess of Mercia is best known for her supposed naked ride through Coventry,...
Ancient China’s historic tradition and culture in a classic wall drawing in watercolor Asian style. Source: Matrioshka/Adobe Stock

Ancient China History Unveiled: Dynasties and Inventions (Video)

Ancient China's rich history, dynasties, and innovative spirit have left an enduring impact. From the mythical creation stories to scientific evidence of Homo erectus settling two million years ago,...
An illustration depicting a Neanderthal man, providing a glimpse into the fascinating world of Stone Age Scandinavia.  Source: Dr_Microbe/Adobe Stock

Stone Age Scandinavia: First People in the North (Video)

In the unforgiving realm of Stone Age Scandinavia (10,000-5,000 BC), resilient pioneers, descendants of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, emerged as the first inhabitants. Venturing northward, crossing...
Painting by Glindoni of John Dee performing an experiment for Elizabeth I.	Source: Henry Gillard Glindoni/ CC BY 4.0

Queen Elizabeth I's Astronomer, John Dee (Video)

Dr. John Dee , the Renaissance luminary and confidant to Queen Elizabeth I , epitomized the intellectual spirit of 16th-century England. A polymath with interests ranging from astrology to...
Geishas, once misunderstood as courtesans, they were the epitome of grace, mastering arts and skills that challenged the stereotypes of their time. Source: Max Ferrero/Adobe Stock

Geishas: The Truth Behind These Fascinating Women (Video)

Unveiling the reality of historical geishas challenges Western stereotypes, dispelling the notion that they were mere courtesans or prostitutes. In contrast to misconceptions, the geisha's life was a...
The Steinheim skull, discovered alongside elephant and rhinoceros bones, has been dated to between 250,000 and 350,000 years. Source: YouTube Screenshot/Highly Compelling

The Oldest Homo Sapiens Skull Ever Discovered (Video)

The Steinheim skull, found on 24 July 1933 near Steinheim an der Murr, Germany, is a perplexing artifact in paleoanthropology , challenges the established narrative of human evolution. Dating back to...
A screenshot from the video showing the reality of pirates and slavery. Pirates were ruthless profiteers in the grim world of the slave trade, challenging the romanticized narrative. Source: YouTube Screen shot/Gold and Gunpowder

Pirates and Slavery: The Unromantic Reality (Video)

The portrayal of pirates in popular media often romanticizes their exploits, overshadowing the grim truth of their involvement in the slave trade . A candid examination dispels the illusions created...
A digital representation of a vibrant ancient temple, possibly of the Carthage religion. Source: Kristian/Adobe Stock

The Religion of Ancient Carthage (Video)

The religion of Carthage , though now largely forgotten, once held a significant presence across the Mediterranean. Despite the scarcity of surviving records, modern archaeology has played a crucial...
A stained glass representation of the First Crusade, Crusaders and the siege of Jerusalem. Source:  jorisvo/Adobe Stock

1095: The Bloodiest Year of the First Crusade (Video)

In 1095, a pivotal moment unfolded as Pope Urban II, in a historic address at the Council of Claremont, rallied fervent believers to embark on a crusade, marking the inception of the First Crusade ...
Boudicca became the warrior queen who led a revolt against Roman rule in ancient Britain. Source: NorLife/Adobe Stock

Boudicca: The Truth Behind the British Legend (Video)

Boudicca, the enigmatic warrior queen of the Iceni, has become a legendary figure in British history. Her rebellion against the Roman Empire, shrouded in the accounts of historians Tacitus and...
Made from boiled grape syrup and used to sweeten both food and wine, sapa had a downside – its production utilized lead pots which may have caused the Roman Empire’s demise. Source: Ruslan Gilmanshin/Adobe Stock

Did an Artificial Sweetener Destroy the Roman Empire? (Video)

The fall of the mighty Roman Empire remains shrouded in historical mystery, with various theories attempting to unravel its demise. One intriguing proposition suggests that the empire's collapse may...
Myth or reality, Ragnar Lothbrok remains an iconic figure in Viking lore. Source: HN Works/Adobe Stock

What is the Story Behind the Real Ragnar Lothbrok? (Video)

Ragnar Lothbrok , an iconic figure in Viking lore, emerges from the shadows of Norse sagas, a sea king whose exploits reverberate through the annals of history. In 845, as the Frankish Empire...
A new study challenges traditional beliefs about ancient human skin color diversity. Source: YouTubeScreenshot/Highly Compelling

Genetics Drive Ancient Human Skin Color Diversity, Study Says (Video)

A recent study published in the esteemed Journal Science challenges conventional beliefs about the evolution of skin color in ancient humans. Contrary to the notion that dark skin evolved in Africa...
Experts study many theories behind the meaning of the Egyptian pyramids’ location.              Source: Marla/Adobe Stock

Is There A Meaning Behind The Egyptian Pyramids Location? (Video)

​ The construction of Egypt's pyramids , a marvel dating back 5,000 years, remains a puzzle for archaeologists. The ancient Egyptians initially built pyramids near the capital, Memphis, overseeing...
Aerial view on the Roman Colosseum in Italy. Source: dimabucci/Adobe Stock

This is What the Roman Colosseum Looked Like Back Then (Video)

The Colosseum , an emblem of ancient Rome, silently narrates the grandeur and brutality of a bygone era. Crafted under Emperor Vespasian's astute vision, it replaced Nero's opulent Domus Aurea,...
Battle of Rocroi was a turning point in the Thirty Years War.	Source: Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau/CC BY-SA 3.0

Thirty Years’ War: The Horror Of Europe’s Bloodiest Conflict (Video)

In the 16th century, Europe witnessed a seismic shift as Latin Christianity fractured into Catholics and Protestants, sparking the bloodiest conflict in its history—the Thirty Years' War . Fueled by...
The conspiracies and consequences of Julius Caesar’s murder conspirators revealed a tapestry of political intrigue and the enduring echoes of ancient Rome's dramatic history. Source: Emilio Ereza/ Adobe Stock

What Happened to the Conspirators After Julius Caesar's Death? (Video)

Following Julius Caesar's assassination in 44 BC, a tapestry of political intrigue unfolded among the Roman conspirators. Marcus Junius Brutus , driven by anti-tyranny sentiments and potential...
Denisovan fossil, discovered in Laos' Annamite Mountains, redefines their story.  Source: ginettigino / Adobe Stock

Unexpected Denisovan Fossil Location Reveals More (Video)

In a surprising turn of events, Denisovan fossils have emerged in an unexpected location, challenging established notions of their habitat. Archaeologists recently uncovered a 160,000 to 130,000-year...
