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We share free history videos relating to archaeology, ancient places, unexplained phenomena, historic mysteries, and much more. Don’t miss the chance to explore these ancient mysteries videos. These ancient history videos also include interviews with authors, researchers and top experts from around the world. Explore these ancient mysteries videos and immerse yourself in the wonder of our ancient past.

Marble relief of Asclepius and his daughter Hygieia. From Therme, Greece, end of the 5th century BC. Istanbul Archaeological Museums.                    Source:  Prioryman/CC BY-SA 3.0

Asclepius: Greek God of Healing and Medicine (Video)

​ Nestled within the eastern Peloponnese, the ancient healing sanctuary dedicated to Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, flourished as a beacon of hope for the ailing. Initially rooted in myth and...
Reading of Voltaire's tragedy of the Orphan of China

How the Age of Enlightenment Shaped Modernity (Video)

The Renaissance heralded a transformative period in human history, marked not just by artistic brilliance but by a profound philosophical shift. This shift, embodied by humanism, steered European...
Forensic facial reconstruction of a Cro-Magnon man.  Source: Cicero Moraes/CC BY-SA 4.0

The Enigmatic Origins of Cro Magnon: Europe's First Humans (Video)

Cro Magnon Man , a robust and powerful hominid of the Upper Paleolithic era, emerges from the shadows of prehistory, leaving behind skeletal remains primarily found in southern France. Classified as...
This scene shows an"epicier" (grocer or seller of spices) talking with a client.	Source: Lawrence OP/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

What Was ‘Middle Class’ in Medieval in England (Video)

In medieval England, societal structure was rigidly defined, determining everything from one's occupation to their social status and privileges. While the majority of the population consisted of...
Alexander the Great Founding Alexandria, Egypt.	Source: Public Domain

What Happened to Alexander the Great in Ancient Egypt? (Video)

Alexander the Great's expedition into ancient Egypt during the mid-4th century BC marked a pivotal moment in history, characterized by a profound convergence of civilizations. Despite Egypt's...
William Dampier portrait, holding his book Source:  Public Domain

The Pirate Who Became the First Natural Scientist - and Loved Coconuts (Video)

William Dampier, a pirate with a penchant for coconuts, led a life that epitomized the duality of adventure and exploration. Born in 1651, his early years were marked by a desire for knowledge,...
A detail of a Chinese warrior from the Terracotta Army.         Source: Sam Steiner/CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

The Tactics of the Ancient Chinese (Video)

The ancient Chinese were adept at employing cunning tactics, both on the battlefield and in political intrigue. In the realm of warfare, strategies like the "Empty Fort" gambit exemplified their...
Roman Baths in Bath, England. The house is a well-preserved Roman site for public bathing. 	Source: bnoragitt/Adobe Stock

The Roman Baths Had Ancient Healing Powers (Video)

The history of the Roman Baths in Bath, England, unveils a narrative rich in intrigue and cultural significance. Bath , known for its elegant Georgian architecture today, has a murky origin tale...
AI image of Aztec cuisine with Aztec empire in the background. Source: Jeannaa/Adobe Stock

Beyond Maize: Hallucinogens and Frog Legs Defined Aztec Cuisine (Video)

The Aztec civilization , flourishing between 500-600 years ago in Central Mexico, had a rich and distinctive culinary tradition that reflected their sophisticated culture. Central to their diet were...
Tower of London.                 Source: A.B.G./Adobe Stock

Tower of London’s Most Daring Escapes You May Not Have Known (Video)

The Tower of London , renowned for its grim history, has witnessed remarkable tales of escape, showcasing human resilience amidst oppression. John Gerrard, a Catholic priest, endured torture and...
Painting Captives in Rome, by Charles Bartlett. Source: Public Domain

Understanding the Harsh Realities of Roman Slaves (Video)

​ The Roman slave's existence was a harrowing one, devoid of freedom or dignity. Despite the grandeur of the Roman Empire , its foundation rested upon the backs of these oppressed individuals, whose...
Pyramids at Caral, Supe Valley, Peru. Source: estivillml /Adobe Stock

Oldest Known Civilizations in History (Video)

​ Unveiling the tapestry of early civilizations illuminates a rich mosaic of human ingenuity and societal evolution. Amidst the Neolithic era's dawn, Catalhoyuk in modern-day Turkey stands as a...
Old medieval torture chamber with many pain tools. Source: CL-Medien/Adobe Stock

The Most Horrific Medieval Torture Techniques Explained (Video)

Medieval history unveils a grim tapestry of torture and execution methods , each designed to inflict maximum suffering and deter dissent. Among the most notorious was "hanged, drawn, and quartered,"...
Aerial glimpse of AI image of Roman legions unveiled in panoramic bird's eye view. Source: Arnolt/Adobe Stock

Why the Romans Couldn’t Conquer Ireland (Video)

​ The Romans' failure to conquer Ireland can be attributed to several factors. During its expansion , Rome primarily focused on territories closer to home, gradually extending its reach across...
15th-century French miniature depicting Part of the Byzantine–Seljuk wars. Source: Public Domain

Unveiling The Bloodiest Medieval Battles You’ve Never Heard Of (Video)

The annals of medieval warfare are replete with epic clashes often overshadowed by their more celebrated counterparts. Among these overlooked conflicts is the Battle of Mohi in 1241 AD, where the...
Egyptian sarcophagus of Pharaoh Tutankhamun isolated on black background. Source: Anna/Adobe Stock

The Cursed Search For King Tut's Tomb (Video)

The quest for King Tutankhamun's tomb stands as a pivotal moment in archaeological history, unraveling mysteries of an ancient civilization buried beneath the sands of time. Initially, the unearthing...
British royal family members, present and deceased, Buckingham Palace. 	Source: Carfax2/CC BY-SA 3.0

Origins of the British Royal Family Explained (Video)

The Windsors , the reigning royal family of the United Kingdom of Britain, have a rich and complex history rooted in the House of Saxony-Coburg and Gotha. Originally, the family traced its lineage...
Painting A Glass of Wine with Caesar Borgia, by John Collier. Source:           Public Domain

The Worst Popes and Their Dirty Secrets (Video)

Throughout history, the papacy has been a beacon of spirituality and moral guidance for billions of Catholics worldwide. However, nestled within its illustrious lineage lies a trove of scandalous...
Representational image of a screaming mummy.	Source:	Sailko/CC BY 3.0

The Chilling Tale of the Screaming Mummy (Video)

The year was 1886 when Egyptologist Gaston Maspero unearthed the remains of what would later be known as Unknown Man E , a chilling discovery that sent ripples through the world of archaeology...
Caesar giving Cleopatra the Throne of Egypt. Source: Public Domain

Fascinating Facts About Julius Caesar's Love Life (Video)

Julius Caesar , renowned for his military exploits and political prowess, also possessed a rather colorful love life. His romantic escapades spanned a wide spectrum, from dalliances with concubines...
Image of medieval surgeon tools on a table.	 Source: IBRESTER/Adobe Stock

King Henry V's Life Saved by Remarkable Medieval Surgical Procedure (Video)

In the summer of 1403, amidst a rebellion threatening England's stability, two opposing English armies clashed near Shrewsbury. Among them was Prince Henry (later King Henry V), facing a perilous...
Mountain River in East Siberia. Source: zhaubasar/Adobe Stock

Denisovan Artifacts Discovered in Siberian Ice (Video)

Archaeologists excavating the Siberian permafrost have uncovered a wealth of artifacts, shedding light on the enigmatic Denisovans and their ancient predecessors. Among the finds are finely crafted...
Khufu pyramid from the northeast view. Source: dynamofoto/Adobe Stock

Five More Fascinating Facts About Egypt's Pyramids (Video)

Dating back to approximately 2630 BC, the construction of the first pyramid marks a milestone nearly five millennia ago. Ancient Egypt's allure spans centuries, captivating minds with its rich...
Scottish warriors heading into battle in the highlands. Source: Jeff Whyte/Adobe Stock

The Top Three Critical Wars for Scottish Independence (Video)

The struggle for Scottish independence spans centuries, marked by pivotal conflicts that shaped the nation's identity. Three significant wars stand out in this ongoing battle against English...
