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Mark Miller

Mark Miller has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism and is a former newspaper and magazine writer and copy editor who's long been interested in anthropology, mythology and ancient history. His hobbies are writing and drawing.



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Archaeologists Say They Have Found an Important Medieval Site Linked to Scottish Hero William Wallace

Archaeologists Say They Have Found an Important Medieval Site Linked to Scottish Hero William Wallace

Archaeologists think they’ve confirmed the site where William Wallace was dubbed Guardian of Scotland but are restricted from excavating more because of so many graves in the churchyard. The site,...
Newly-discovered Nazca geoglyph of an imaginary creature.

Archaeologists uncover an imaginary creature among the Nazca lines of Peru

Experts have discovered a new geoglyph 30 meters (100 feet) long among the Nazca lines on an arid plateau in Peru that experts say depicts an imaginary animal with a long tongue. Archaeologists say...
Extraordinary Buddhist Sculptures Unearthed in the Ruins of an Ancient City in Pakistan

Extraordinary Buddhist Sculptures Unearthed in the Ruins of an Ancient City in Pakistan

Archaeologists excavating the ruins of a city of the Kushan Empire in Pakistan have discovered an ancient shrine with statuary depicting the Buddha’s entry into the world of suffering people. After...
Imaginative depiction of the Stone Age, by Viktor Vasnetsov.

Just a Few Men Controlled Reproduction in Prehistory and Dominate World Genetics Today

A new genetic study of male ancestry shows there were periods in human prehistory when just a few elite men controlled reproduction. For example, one man about 190,000 years ago was the ancestor of 1...
The new performance has music set to the poetic portions of Roman philosopher Boethius' magnum opus The Consolation of Philosophy.

1,000-Year-Old Lost Music Reconstructed from Ancient Manuscript

Exactly what music sounded like in the early Middle Ages is unknown, but some scholar-musicians from England performed a piece today that they reconstructed from an 11 th century manuscript. A page...
4,500-Year-Old Burial Suggests Norte Chico People of Peru Practiced Gender Equality

4,500-Year-Old Burial Suggests Norte Chico People of Peru Practiced Gender Equality

Thousands of years ago, people of the Norte Chico civilization (also known as Caral/ Caral-Supe) lived near the coast of Peru, apparently never making war but rather spending much of their time...
Archaeologists Excavate Ancient Anatolian Health Center Founded by Rich Roman Subject-King

Archaeologists Excavate Ancient Anatolian Health Center Founded by Rich Roman Subject-King

A clinic, a morgue, and burial chambers are being excavated in the ancient city of Philadelphia in central Turkey, where archaeologists have found surgical instruments and two moon symbols on statues...
Some of the shackled skeletons found in a mass grave near Athens, Greece

Archaeologists Speculate Shackled Skeletons Were Slain Comrades of Greek Coup Leader Cylon

Archaeologists are speculating that 36 skeletons bound in irons and buried ignominiously in a mass grave were comrades of Cylon, who tried but failed to become the tyrant of Athens in a 632 BC coup...
Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Full of Grave Goods Discovered Near Prehistoric Henge Monuments

Anglo-Saxon Cemetery Full of Grave Goods Discovered Near Prehistoric Henge Monuments

A site in England with burials dating from the mid-Anglo Saxon period of 660 to 780 AD and other ancient features is being excavated. Archaeologists also have found Bronze Age or Neolithic monuments...
Archaeologists Discover a Resting Place for an Ancient Egyptian Sacred Boat

Archaeologists Discover a Resting Place for an Ancient Egyptian Sacred Boat

In ancient Egypt, sacred boats called barques were believed to ferry the dead to the afterlife, the sun god Ra across the sky, and various other gods and royalty up and down the Nile River. Now a...
An artist’s depiction of a family of Neanderthals.

Humans and Neanderthals Branched off 600,000 years ago Due to an Incompatible Y Chromosome

Neanderthals and humans branched off about 600,000 years ago, possibly because of genetic incompatibility in the context of the Y chromosome, a team of researchers has announced. There was some...
Silver adornments from the 17th century treasure discovered near Montana in Northwest Bulgaria.

Silver Treasure Hidden During a 17th Century Bulgarian Uprising Uncovered

A family treasure likely hidden during a bloody 17th century uprising of Bulgarian Catholics against the Ottoman Empire has been uncovered in the city of Montana. The hoard of 12 items includes a...
Evidence for Vikings in Canada Grows with Surprising Find of Ironworking Site in Newfoundland

Evidence for Vikings in Canada Grows with Surprising Find of Ironworking Site in Newfoundland

Experts are “cautiously optimistic” that a hearth where people worked iron about 1,000 years ago in Newfoundland, Northeast Canada, was the site of a Viking settlement, says National Geographic. This...
One of three possible human faces carved into the Eagles’ Rocks in the Rhodope mountains in Southern Bulgaria.

Giant Face-like Rock Formations and a Rock Shrine Found in Bulgaria

Three huge rock formations that appear to depict human faces have been discovered in southern Bulgaria. They are estimated to be about 4,000 years old. The carvings, found in an area called Eagles’...
A finely wrought Carolingian vessel, still encrusted with pieces of textile

Treasures Found Within Very Valuable Viking Hoard Finally Revealed

Around the time the Irish were stamping out the Viking presence in their country, local lore says the Scots and Vikings also fought a battle near Galloway, Scotland. In 2014, a metal detectorist took...
Detail of the cemetery showing pot burials and a funeral pyre at the foreground. Insert: Black-figure plate, with a prothesis scene, of which survives only the head of the deceased on the funeral bed and two women mourning him.

Ancient Greek Cemetery Provides a Fascinating Window into Everyday Life and Death

A team of archaeologists is excavating a huge cemetery of the common people in Attica, Greece. They’ve found some fascinating phenomena of the ancient world contained within—including “gifts from the...


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