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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
ArticleMythical Ancient Emperors Who Fought Over the Birth of China Veronica Parkes05 months 3 weeks ago
ArticleThe Silures Tribe: Rome’s Biggest Headache Hailed from Wales? Veronica Parkes06 months 2 days ago
ArticleThe Last of the Siberian Unicorns: What Happened to the Beasts of Legend? Veronica Parkes86 months 3 weeks ago
ArticleDid You Know that Tutankhamun Was Buried in Not One but THREE Golden Sarcophagi? Veronica Parkes11 year 6 months ago
ArticleHastein: A Notoriously Vicious Viking Raider…Not So Good At Navigation Veronica Parkes21 year 8 months ago
ArticleThe Bold and Beautiful Valkyries and Their Mortal Lovers Veronica Parkes31 year 8 months ago
ArticleA Literary Treasure: The Oldest Surviving English Poem - Beowulf and His Epic Battles Veronica Parkes21 year 8 months ago
ArticleVictorian-Era Wallpaper Killed Countless Children Veronica Parkes42 years 1 week ago
ArticleA Bronze Age Burial Steeped in Legend: What Makes the Ship-Shaped Tjelvar's Grave Unique? Veronica Parkes12 years 1 month ago
ArticleSaid to Cure Everything but Death, These Seeds are an Ancient Miracle Cure Veronica Parkes12 years 4 months ago
ArticleThe Devil Walks Among Us: The Legend of The Jersey Devil Veronica Parkes22 years 8 months ago
ArticleAni: The Ghost City of 1001 Churches Veronica Parkes13 years 2 months ago
ArticleA Cycle of Life and Death: Slavic Goddesses Morana and Vesna Veronica Parkes13 years 2 months ago
ArticleMarduk: Babylonian King of Gods and Reportedly Liberator of the Jews Veronica Parkes33 years 5 months ago
ArticleThe Giant Footprint of Pingyan: Giant Made or Man Made? Veronica Parkes173 years 5 months ago
ArticleA Universe from Vomit: The Creation Story of Mbombo Veronica Parkes03 years 8 months ago
ArticleImperial Harem of the Ottoman Empire Served the Sultan in More Ways Than One Veronica Parkes23 years 8 months ago
ArticleFrom Papyrus to Parchment: The Imperial Library of Constantinople Veronica Parkes03 years 11 months ago
ArticleThe Domesday Book: Don’t Worry, It’s Not the End of The World Veronica Parkes04 years 1 week ago
Article10 Innovative Medieval Weapons: You Would Not Want To Be At The Sharp End Of These! Veronica Parkes14 years 1 month ago
ArticleWhere the Fairies Dwell: Irish Ringforts in Our World and Theirs Veronica Parkes44 years 1 month ago
ArticleThe Maya Codices: The Precious Remaining History of an Eradicated Civilization Veronica Parkes14 years 4 months ago
ArticleThe Kesh Temple Hymn: 4,600-Year-Old Sumerian Hymn Praises Enlil, Ruler of Gods Veronica Parkes04 years 5 months ago
ArticleDiprotodon: The Massive Marsupial that Roamed Australia 5.3 Million Years Ago Veronica Parkes04 years 9 months ago
Article Protection or Profit? The 1000 Prostitutes Employed by the Church in 12th Century London Veronica Parkes15 years 9 months ago
