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  1. Egyptian Beer Factory Could Produce 100,000 Pints per Batch!

    Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed the earliest known “Beer Mega-factory,” an ancient beer factory that was producing mind-altering brews at least 5,000 years ago – on an industrial scale. This adds to a long line of ancient beer-related discoveries which have helped the archaeological community understand more about the history of this ancient beverage.

    ashley cowie - 23/03/2022 - 22:07

  2. The Truth About Sex in Ancient Greece

    An exhibition at the British Museum promises to lift the lid on what beauty meant for the ancient Greeks. But while we gaze at the serene marble statues on display – straining male torsos and soft female flesh – are we seeing what the ancients saw?

    ancient-origins - 08/05/2017 - 01:43

  3. The haunting rock art of Sego Canyon – extra-terrestrials or spiritual visions?

    The sandstone cliffs of Sego Canyon are a spectacular outdoor art gallery of petroglyphs painted and carved by Native Americans peoples over a period of around 8,000 years.  They are characterised by more than 80 imposing and haunting life-sized figures with hollowed eyes or missing eyes and the frequent absence of arms and legs. Some claim that the mysterious figures are evidence of alien visitation in our ancient past, while scholars maintain that the strange beings represent shamanistic visions produced in trance-like states.

    aprilholloway - 23/04/2014 - 23:26

  4. The Erlking: The Powerful Germanic Mythical Snatcher of Children

    ... legendary King of the Britons, the man that went to the otherworld and emerged some three hundred years later, when ...

    Aleksa Vučković - 30/12/2021 - 22:00

  5. The Brosno Dragon: The Loch Ness Monster’s Evil Russian Cousin?

    Most people are familiar with the legendary Loch Ness Monster – a mysterious cryptid said to lurk in the depth of Loch Ness in Scotland.

    Sarah P Young - 23/05/2019 - 14:02

  6. Naupa Iglesia: An Egyptian Portal in the Andes?

    ... underworld , the physical middle world, and the ethereal otherworld. The concept is idealized in the  chakana , ...

    Freddy Silva - 11/07/2023 - 15:00

  7. Grave Goods Demand Gender Roles In Viking History To Be Rewritten. Or Do They?

    ... spectrally, “that kettle is for my mushroom tea in the otherworld, not to make soup for the family. And the comb, ...

    ashley cowie - 28/06/2019 - 19:03

  8. Beware the Wandering Wilas of Slavic Mythology

    In Slavic mythology, there is a type of nymph, which can only be described as somewhere between a ghost and a fairy. Said to float between the living world and the afterlife, the wandering wilas have taken on attributes of both fairies and elves, due to their ethereal beauty and their mischievously fatal temperament.

    Riley Winters - 25/06/2022 - 01:56

  9. Kásskara: Sunken Land of the Hopi Ancestors

    There used to be a fable, commonly imposed as fact on schoolchildren in the United States, that in Columbus' time nearly everyone believed the Earth was flat. Fortunately, this untruth has been quietly abandoned, although it has been supplanted by another myth, this one crediting the ancient Greeks with having first disproved the "flat Earth" concept.

    Kasskara - 24/12/2017 - 13:59

  10. The Impossible Statue: The Marvelous Marble Net of Il Disinganno

    The impossible sculptural feats within the Sansevero Chapel Museum in Naples will take your breath away. Amongst them, the famed statue known as Il Disinganno, was carved out of one single block of marble. But, who created it and why?

    ashley cowie - 19/05/2022 - 22:58

  11. They’re Alive! Megalithic Sites Are More than Just Stone

    ... connection the soul is capable of engaging with the Otherworld during ritual. However, it also allows a conduit ...

    Freddy Silva - 11/09/2021 - 01:00

  12. Marriage: Is the Sacred Bond a Result of Social Evolution or Deliberate Design?

    Getting married is an age-old celebration, which commemorates the joining of two individuals together in matrimony.  For many in today’s society it represents picking out invitations, dresses, decorations, food and flowers, and finally ‘tying the knot’. Yet getting married is more than just fun and frivolities.  It is a ritualized contract that forms a legal partnership between the individuals. This contract establishes the rights and obligations between the happy couple and those of any potential offspring. 

    Rita Louise - 04/09/2017 - 19:04

  13. Archaeoacoustics and Ancient Architecture: Megaliths, Music and the Mind

    Before introducing the Big Question, let’s ponder a minute. Isn’t it amazing that for hundreds of thousands of years, all of humankind lived the same way everywhere on Earth. We were all indigenous then, living close to the land, mostly concerned with meeting the basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, social responsibility, a peaceful relationship with the forces of nature and personal safety from disaster. We had developed languages and other ways to communicate with each other. We had mastered fire and we were clever.

    Linda C. Eneix - 15/04/2022 - 23:00

  14. The Atlantis Ring: Ancient Myths and Mysticism Converge

    According to the Timaeus and Critias of Plato (435 BC), 10,000 years ago there was a majestic continent island larger than Libya and Asia combined that birthed a mighty people with wonders and technologies bestowed on them by Poseidon himself. They were the Mighty Atlanteans who conquered and enslaved the proto tribes of Northern Europe, North Africa, Egypt, and Greece.

    B. B. Wagner - 20/10/2019 - 18:55

  15. The Great Pyramid Experiment: Measuring the Sonic Capabilities of the Dead-end Passage

    The exact functions of the Great Pyramid’s interior chambers remain a complete mystery. It has always been assumed that the monument’s King’s Chamber, Queen’s Chamber, and the Subterranean Chamber were all designed with funerary considerations in mind, arguably the interment of its builder.

    Andrew Collins - 21/06/2019 - 14:02

  16. Comparing the Prehistoric Stone Symbols of Scotland and the Judaculla Rock

    ... Giants of Irish Legend Functioning Portal To The Otherworld Discovered at Maeshowe Could it be more likely ...

    Mark A. Carpenter - 05/09/2021 - 14:37

  17. Could the Ark Described at Edessa Be the Biblical Ark of the Covenant?

    The year was 165 AD, and the location was the Edessan necropolis at Sogmatar, in what was then northern Syria. In this year King Wa'el of Edessa had an inscription carved upon the sacred hill of Sogmatar, which said:

    ralph ellis - 15/07/2017 - 14:02

  18. God’s Gate and the Sun Temple: A Mysterious Incan Portal Leading to Other Worlds

    Peru has a rich and mysterious history.  With extant indigenous groups such as the Uros, Quechua, Aymara, and the Jivaro, which are known for their head-shrinking techniques, and historical populations like the Wari and the Chancay, known for their amazing mask-making skills, Peru is an anthropologist’s dream.  Some of the ancient Peruvians were wiped out when the Inca invaded, and others moved out into Lake Titicaca, the world’s highest navigable lake, never to return.  The Inca built (or at least added to pre-existing) large, enig

    Ken Jeremiah - 15/08/2017 - 18:56

  19. Leprechauns: The Little People of Irish Folklore

    ... New World Encyclopedia. (2014). ...

    Alicia McDermott - 21/09/2015 - 02:20

  20. Palenque – The Splendor of a Great Maya Metropolis

    ... on the threshold of the crypt, that he transitioned to the otherworld and from a divine king to that of a celestial ...

    george fery - 18/07/2019 - 23:02
