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Apollo and the Nine Muses by Simon de Vos (1630) (Public Domain)

Sing O Goddess, Timeless Inspiration Of The Muses

Once upon a time, Zeus spent nine consecutive nights sleeping with Mnemosyne, the Titan goddess of memory. These passionate nights gave birth to the nine Muses. The Muses are Erato, Euterpe,...
Just one of the many Zeugma mosaics found in a high-class home in Zeugma, Turkey. It was in this home, the House of Muses, that two new rock chambers were recently discovered.       Source: Bulent SARI / Adobe Stock

Rock-Cut Banquet Rooms Found At The House of Muses, Zeugma

Two rock chambers have been discovered deep beneath the House of Muses in Zeugma, Turkey. Signifying the intellectual level, wealth and power of a wealthy family, these two chambers can be seen as...
The Ancient Greeks Had Alternative Facts Too

The Ancient Greeks Had Alternative Facts Too

By Joel Christensen / The Conversation In an age of deepfakes and alternative facts , it can be tricky getting at the truth . But persuading others – or even yourself – what is true is not a...