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  • Reply to: Neurologists speculate that Joan of Arc heard voices because she suffered from epilepsy   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Starlady64

    Thankyou I enjoyed reading your comments.

  • Reply to: Neurologists speculate that Joan of Arc heard voices because she suffered from epilepsy   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Starlady64

    Believe what you want to it is your reality and your own living hell that you are creating for yourself. If you want to create hell on earth for yourself, then I can’t stop you from doing that, I can only feel compassion for you.

  • Reply to: Faith or Economy? Why Pagan Religions Lost Their Position in Europe   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Guillaumé

    “How did Christianity dominate the continent and reduce the importance of pre-Christian beliefs?” At the tip of a very sharp sword.

  • Reply to: How Internet helps to decode Mayan scripts   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Jhon_Smith

    Thanks a lot for submitting this article today. I really enjoyed reading this. This really is one of the best articles that I've read in a long time. Thank you very much for sharing this information with us.

  • Reply to: Faith or Economy? Why Pagan Religions Lost Their Position in Europe   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Ed Sisson

    More importantly, Christians had the habit of killing anyone who disagreed with them

  • Reply to: Researchers Unearth 6th Century Palace from the Legendary Birthplace of King Arthur   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Cousin_Jack

    I find it nice to know that national papers find out about the news quicker than the inhabitants are told. The intention of English Heritage in this excavation is most probably dishonourable, considering recent decisions its made in ignoring the advice of experts.

  • Reply to: Neurologists speculate that Joan of Arc heard voices because she suffered from epilepsy   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: RenegadeProphet

    The whole God/Satan thing is a lie! There is a whole planet of them "gods" coming now and it will rip the earth apart again like Noah's flood and the sinking of Atlantis. The aliens made us to be primitive workers to mine gold for them. Apparently Satan is one of them who gave knowledge to the human slaves, earning him the wrath of one of the leaders, Enlil. the Lord Enki made us and saved us from the two previous extinctions that came from the orders of Enlil. They mass starved humanity once and then they kept the secret of the flood, like they are doing again, only this time they are hiding Planet X with the toxic chemtrails.Saying that we can not change anything is an evil lie perpetuated by the evil governments and aliens. Only 3% of the population started and won the revolutionary war. Now the entire country is too poisoned and brainwashed stupid to do anything but if they werent the evil bastards would find themselves at the ends of ropes for their evil crimes. I have no compassion for the evil bastards that deserve to die a thousand deaths in fire nor much for the stupid sheeple that refuse to see the truth in front of their stupid faces.

  • Reply to: Archaeologists Discover that Earliest Known Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Paracelse

    The Celts had writting but they didn’t used until the 2nd and 3rd century CE.  Before that everything was commited to memory.  To become a Druid or a Bard one had to have brain.

  • Reply to: Archaeologists find 12,000-year-old pictograph at Gobeklitepe   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Titus

    Gobekli Tepe is not some monument where communal rituals honoring ancestors was practiced. The truth screams out to anyone who has fundamental knowledge of the Bible. The "T" sections at the top of the columns represent Noah's Ark. The columns represent the raging seas of the flood. Animals are climbing down and descending ramps. Large human caricature’s appear on reliefs on the column’s wearing woven clothes, finished belts and stylized built buckles.
    It is critical to note that during this period agriculture was not even invented (or so we're told.) There were no woven fabrics or textiles or any kind. 11500 years ago, we are led to believe there were only hunter-gathers, clothed at best in furs and hides held to their bodies with thongs. There supposedly was no wood construction 11500 years ago - yet animals are depicted descending ramps. There is only one explanation: mainstream science is wrong. The Bible is correct. The Great Flood did happen. Animals of every type were compelled to board the ark; and descend it again and disperse; exactly as depicted at Gobekli... Finally, no one understands why the people who used the sites buried them. The reason is obvious. They made it a Time Capsule so future generations would have the story. They simply cannot face the truth even when it is carved in stone... literally in front of thier faces...
    Praise God!! He is real... The Bible is truth...
    Titus Corleone

  • Reply to: The Nazca Head-hunters and their Trophy Heads   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Steve Humphries

    It is difficult for me to understand how people with such a knowledge of the Earth's resources could develop sacrifice as a means for cause and effect. The ability to channel water to needed locations, use of the stars as GPS and calendar, as well as shaping stone to suit their needs shows the ability of developing cause and effect relationships. Sacrifice does nothing but destroy a life be it a human life or an animal. Perhaps the higher form of engineering was followed by the decadence of a younger generation or immigrant invaders. The movie Apocalypto show the king and his priests preforming sacrifices to appease the citizens instead of using the sacrifice to cohere them into submission with fear. But which came first; a king that began using fear and later followed by a successor just keeping up a tradition with his job? The idea that times were tough and they had to do what they needed to make things work right again is still just a wrong assumption for sacrifice. The sun will rise no matter what the carnage on the Earth. People and their weird beliefs only show how important knowledge for the true circumstances surrounding cause and effect are still in great demand.

  • Reply to: Archaeologists Discover that Earliest Known Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Angle

    My village is older than the entire Muslim religion, predating the birth of Muhamid (I don't care if that's spelling wrong).

    Makes sense that Arabic stems from Christians, settling in the areas of the crusade.

  • Reply to: Neurologists speculate that Joan of Arc heard voices because she suffered from epilepsy   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Cotta

    This is not a “new” theory but merely a retelling of an old theory that has already been debunked many times, e.g., by Dr. John Hughes, Dr. Philip Mackowiak, etc. Among other reasons why the theory is erroneous: Joan didn’t just describe “voices” but rather also visions of human figures which she said she could see and touch, whereas the only type of visual hallucinations produced by epilepsy are simple visual distortions, not human figures or other complex forms. This factor alone would rule out epilepsy, as would other factors such as the lack of certain other symptoms which are typical of epilepsy. The theory also glosses over anything that isn’t easily attributed to natural causes, such as Joan’s statement that specific other people saw one of her visions simultaneously, and a separate document which says that a man named Guy de Cailly saw one of her visions near Orleans. There are a number of documents describing her predictions, including enemy correspondence, in manuscripts dated prior to the fulfillment of these predictions. These are a bit difficult to ascribe to mental illness, and it’s difficult to see why the enemy faction would invent something like this. The various “mental illness” theories always cherry-pick a handful of things which happen to support the theory while ignoring everything that doesn’t, which is usually called strawmanning.

  • Reply to: A Lucky Viking Who Found Vinland then Fought Over the Canadian Coastline   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: fwilliams

    Evidence exists of much earlier incursions and settlements in mainland America. The American Stonehenge in N. Salem, NH is one. Stone built habitations are found all over NE. See the books by Pro. Barry Fell and others.

  • Reply to: Mahabharata: The Greatest Spiritual Epic of All Time   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: KMGuru

    The truth about Mahabharata:

    The human population was very simple at this time...thousands of years after Ramayana. What happened is that Lord Krishna Group came to see what is going on and stayed a few years. The Krishna Civilization is Universes most advanced like about Five Billion Years. So, they were hear talking to the Indian. And that story was immortalized in a book. The story was available for the books then And the time was about 12,300 BP when they left the planet.

    I know, Indians would not believe it. The best way to find is connect to the Akashic Records and find it beside digging through the Dwaraka items.

    The catch is, any Krishna material if left would be in Molecular technology that looks like sand or granite....Keep will get there. Some of us were born at that time and are here now. We have minor memories and hence can not talk about it. Thank you.

    Once it is evidenced ...I can talk about the Interdimensional war at that time. That is a big war (Hence Mahabharata)....covering about 17 Galaxies...enjoy the show...much bigger than what the poem says...

  • Reply to: Smithsonian releases massive digitized collection of Asian treasures for public use   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: KMGuru

    Rama Civilization left Planet Earth some 100,000 years ago to Mizar Star System due to Planetary Ice Age. Keep working. Someday you will find out....Oh. they did not go by generation ships...they went through a dimensional jump...

  • Reply to: The Jagannath Temple in India: Home to a Trio of Deities and Numerous Religious Festivals   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: KMGuru

    Jagannath has a Crystal Data Pack in the body. Someday we will gather the data. It does update the data every year.

  • Reply to: Speakers at Science Congress says ancient India mastered advanced space flight thousands of years ago   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: KMGuru

    There are people who are born here from Ramayana days....but no one will get that data because of arrogance with everyone. So, a small item can be said here.

    Ramayana time had two groups of civilization:

    1. The whole planet with Humans (Blacks, Whites, Indians, and Chinese) working together.

    2. Hanumana was real, they were the first civilization before Humans....And they moved to another planet.

    The reason Humans from that part left is because serious Ice Planet...except just a few were left in key areas.

    And they had serious space age....the data that is written in Sanskrit is correct as a description to kids.....That is all I can say...

    Oh...the time was way before....many thousand years before...

  • Reply to: Remarkable Paleolithic Sculpture Discovered in the Famous Cave of Foissac   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: KMGuru

    May not work here...or may be. We do have Molecular Technology gadgets that looks like sand but has serious data. It is same as Kohinoor Diamond. But we do not have the technology to get it at this time...may be in 50 years...

  • Reply to: Buddhism in Ancient Egypt and Meroe – Beliefs Revealed Through Ancient Script   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Scott Zema

    Ghandaran sculpture is 'classically' full of references to influences from the West, surely given impetus by the conquest of the region by Alexander. Given the interconnectedness of the empire established by Alexander and later rule by generals who surely knew each other very well, why indeed is it so unreasonable to suppose that the ideas of Buddhism flowed also from East to West, and into Ptolemy's Egypt itself in a manner similar to the flow of classical ideals of Greek/Hellenistic sculpture flowing from West to East along one of the greatest trade routes in world history? From a logical point of view given this historical context, how could the presence of Buddhist ideas on the African Continent in the centuries BC come as a particular surprise?

    Ptolemy Lagides himself may have been acquainted with Buddhist ideas, and why not? He spent a lot of time in Northern India.

  • Reply to: Neurologists speculate that Joan of Arc heard voices because she suffered from epilepsy   7 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Starlady64

    I am on the same wave length as you, but have let go of the need to label the Govt as evil yes the Govt and many institutions on planet earth are aligned with the Angel of Adversity Satan, but Satan does not work inopposition to the divine source or God or what ever you want to call the great mystery of the universe. Satan works for God/ Goddess and eventually we have to learn to percieve the good that is happening within all the darkness that is flowing or we have to integrate good and evil to become whole, give love for the darker aspects of the universe and find inner peace. But seeing beyond the lies, deception and manipulations that are enacted by those who unknowingly work for the angel of adversity the Satan is the first step to freeing oneself from the inner torment and frustration that one experiences in having to deal with those who serve the angel of aversity the Satan. The only thing we can change with love is ourselves, and finding compassion for those who serve the angel of adversity is often a hard thing to do. I am once again being challenged to find compassion and love for those who unknowingly serve Satan and it is a challenge.
