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  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: ledom

    It appears you are crapping on proven science and endorse myths. I go by peer reviewed publications that do not include miracles. You can find answers to all your questions on line. I am not doing your work for you.


  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Silvercat12

    I think we can accept that 120,000 years ago desert Nort Africa was likely green and lush and most likelt the Nile River and her sisters flowed in a differedt place.  As the oldest settlements in Egypt was found 100,000 years ago near Wadi Haifa, I expect the Lion King ruled from 60,000-70,000 years ago when settlements became established  along Nort and East Africa.

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Prince

    The same applies to the Islamic Admiral Piri Rees Map of the 1400s (valid dates, valid map) that was said to be a compilation of any and all known maps of ancient times, as far back as Alexander the Great 300s BCE (and older).

    The actual free shorelines of Antarctica that have only recently had GPR done on the continent and finding all of the mini-continent and major islands of this continental mass.  Glaciers and such glaciation from a single core is not a planetary-wide statement.  Greenies talk about the current wasting of the western ice fields of Antarctica as manmade global warming, but then refuse to even discuss (or acknowledge) that the even greater growth and expansion of the eastern ice fields of Antarctica out into the sea totally REBUKES !!! their opinions and false statements.

    As the Ice Age and cosmic event happened with rising sea levels, and the upper atmosphere waters kept a planet under warming spells with glacial melts of mere centigrade degree changes on the paleontological planetary temperature chart, anything in the period of 10,000s BCE down to ~1987 BCE (bibical timeline chronology) of the Flood, without that upper water barrier and the cold of space, would then have started any cooling of the planetary temperatures and the restart of glacial formations and seasonal layerings after the Flood.  It is this 2000 BCE to 2000 CE period of 4,000 years that glaciation, even of the once green polar shorelines of Greenland, Iceland, and the open Arctic Sea with large tundra forests and shorelines of the 600-1100s CE, and Antarctica could have been temperate and unglaciated.  Only later would such cooling have created our modern polar extremes and glaciations.

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Prince

    This became more and more apparent when finding and correcting Egyptology.

    (1) The dating of linear Egyptology of the rulers is a lie.  When you have the 18th dynasty of the Amenhoteps (Tuthmosid dynasty) Nile Delta rulership as the period from 1550/1549 to 1292 BC … when in reality it was 1295, 1292 – 1213ish BCE … and was collateral with the 19th dynasty of the Ramessides 1295, 1292ish – 1213 BCE and downwards, you have removed 258 years of BS.

    (2)  When you remove the lie of Horemheb “A” (of the Nile Delta) abdicating and giving the land to his great nephew Ramesses VI in 1187 BCE, … instead of the massive lying of Horemheb giving the land to Ramesses I in ~1295-1294, and 1292-1290 BCE that is another 108 years.

    (3)  When you remove the entire 90 days of 90 pharaohs listing as an extended linear history of pharaohs – when in reality they were the local governors of the nomes at that time, you completely remove any time period that they want to claim for the ancientness of Egypt.

    (4) When you properly account for the Thera explosion of 1620 BCE, and continental refugees coming into Haran/Syria, Canaan, and Egypt of the Nile Delta, and such colony of peaceful immigrating population into the delta land, and creating a kingdom that lasted from 1620 – 1295, 1292 BCE, this is real history of 325 years … with the connective and collateral  histories of the 18th Amenhotep dynasty and 19th Ramesside dynasty 1295, 1292 – downwards with other international histories and cross-corroborations.

    (5)  Anybody then with common sense and attributing Khufu (Cheops) of the 4th dynasty with any pyramid said to be 2900 or 2600s BCE, must subtract any number of the many above lies and Khufu would be pushed down 258 + 108 (+ ...) 366+ years into the 2500s or 2200s BCE.

    (6)  All the many lies that all of the original “said” dynasties of Egypt were linear, when in reality, such nomes and pharaohs were ruling at the same time in the Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt areas.  One can not even validate any true genealogies (to my validation of all of the many genealogies found in the pharaoh tombs) to make such ascertions of linearity.  It is much like the same 90 days of 90 pharaohs, and that dynasties of the 1st – 17th could be the same hodgepodge in a vastly shorter period of time.  There is no proof in any of the many king’s lists – that many lists contradict each other – and archaeologists and Egyptologists can’t/won’t admit such conflicts and have valid conflict resolutions about them.  They keep parroting the same “academically accredited this-is-the-story-and-we-are-sticking-to-it” mindset.

    (7)  To attach the Sphinx to the pyramids, when the Sphinx is ~10,000s BCE or older is illogical.  The pyramids could be any age, but not within the Iron Age of 1220s BCE and younger, … and having a lost ancient technology of iron-working that could fit into the same time period of the Sphinx of those same Ice Age period, with a planetary destruction by a cosmic event.

    (8)  No one still can state with valid credibility about all of the many distributed cored holes in granite, and other structures, that are known to be before any of our 1700s modern technology, and nobody of anybody was going into the Egyptian desert and coring holes in diverse spots for fun from 0-1800s, when the first actual modern history was started with the Napoleonic world wars and Egypt was invaded by French and English armies, and historians and archaeologists started digging through all this debris, that had been left in situ by all the ancient Arabs of all the many Islamic dynasties of 570-1800.

    (9)  Egyptologists still can’t/won’t tell you how the pyramids were constructed – as they have no valid construction technology fitting their timelines and industrial phases they hold.  When they come to Baalbek or other megalithics, they remain quiet, and shuffled off into the darkness, and mumble something unintelligible about how such engineering was accomplished.  When confronted in open dialogue, like certain people above, they can only self-project that singular anomalies are not evidence, or that such massive anomalies are singular anomalies (and thusly able to be quickly discounted from actuality – like it is some statistics margin of error % !!!).  Yet if someone does present an aspect outside of their sphere of control, they go apeshit and yell bloody murder with personal character attacks against their accredited “religion” as a heresy, lie(s), no truths – but refuse to answer facts with facts.  Thus, a false religion, false history, false archaeology, false science is based upon faulty logic and opions versus what they demand as scientific proofs.  Such as “Doctor” Robert Schock being attacked by the Egyptologists et al – with all kinds of poo poohs, pfffts, character assassination, accreditation assassination, false nit-picking of facts … so they can go back to their false system of faith and beliefs.

    (10)   Quarried (and hauled long distances of) red and black granite requires iron age technology.  It is not (current) ancient 1220s BCE or modern technology, and must be older and lost technology of the vast ancient past.  Sandstone and calcium carbonate limestone can be quarried with Copper Age technology of the dynastic Egyptians – and that period falls into those 1600s BCE and downwards period with reclaimed metallurgical production methods of copper, brass (copper/zinc), and bronze (copper/tin) alloy metals.

    (11)  To even see ancient temple columns and statues of granite with such smooth polishes that we ourselves were barely able to accomplish in the 1800s, says that such polishing wasn’t done with diorite-hard hammer stones, but a higher technology that was lost through disaster and wars in the vast ancient past.

    (12)  As such, modern academia refuses (and for good reasons) to dumb down the masses into believing we are evolutionary evolved shrews into apemen into Home Sapiens from Africa (BS!), that singular lines of evolution created fire, weapons, the wheel, statues, temples, megalithics all over the world (that we can’t even accomplish to this day) is sheer lunacy.  These people fall within a false system of religious and philosophical beliefs (doctrines of demons).  Even finding evidence that the Chinese were able to smelt out chromium in 0 CE in into chromium/iron sword alloys, that wasn’t accomplished until our late 1900s CE proves that ancient technologies were found, used, and lost multiple times around the planet.

    (13)  To also only say that there was only 1 fertile crescent area of the Tigris-Euphrates (and Nile) for the evolution of all planetary civilization is also sheer BS.  There were many such areas on the planet in the past where humanity appeared and fluorished in these optimum zones (all before any period of biblical humanity) and such peoples were able to accomplish great strides and developments of technology and engineering in the past.  To have the arrogance that only our Homo Sapiens branch were the only people of the past and present having any possibilities for creating technology and engineering is sheer bogus.  There were ancients of whatever “origins” before us here, on this planet, who did have such abilities, and were using them with all these ancient wonders of civilization, art, science, culture, language, and commerce.

    The ancient past (of vast ancientness) of the Ice Age and before hides many truths that shows the modern academia as the Planet of the Apes civilization, after previous human civilization that destroyed itself, and going back to a destroyed way of life and survival.  We still have yet to accomplish and achieve what these ancient knew, and did with that knowledge.

    The truth is out there – and do not tolerate the intolerant Bs & Bs of the world stopping the truth from coming out.  I am intolerant of those who are intolerant of honest and objective truth-seekers.  Everybody should have that same mindset when talking about these ancient artifacts.

  • Reply to: The Great Pyramid at Giza and Noah’s Ark: Are we coming closer to an understanding of the Ancient Mind? Part I   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: PiratesCut

    Why are the bottom courses of all this contruction found world wide of the finest worked detail yet the upper courses are crude and rough, using filler and mortars.

    The locals themseves when fist contacted, and to this day say, “we don’t know who bulit them”.

    Mankind seems to have amnesia....

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Haugar

    Our science started in a terrific time, in the Medieval, when human understanding had to maintain against harsh doctrines, and it is no wonder that on this weak fundamentals big failures happened. The creation of an ice-age was one of these. The idea is not so old. In the time before relics of it like morains were attributed to the Big Flood. Now ice-core drilings should proof the ~12.000 years up to now. The glaciers of greenland are max. 3.366,5 m high. On this base geologists estimate 18 million years of growing. But in World War II lost warplanes were found more than 70 years later under 300 feet (91 meters) of ice. If you take this rate in acount (3366,5 : 91 x 70) you come to only 2590 years before present glaciers on greenland began to grow. Like Einstein said, all is relative.

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Haugar

    If one leaves the solid basis of science he will land – yes – in crap. He will never know whats right or left, right or wrong, high or low. To avoid the free fabulated fields of phantastic one has to be disciplined in arguments and conclusions. Only claiming a simple statement is a lack of any understanding the facts. Egyptiologists have fabulated for centuries to create a history that is far beyond reality. The biggest fake of Egyptian history is the BS that pyramids were bulit in the Copper-Stoneage. Every little child that ever had a copper wire in its hand would know that this metal bows under its fingers. But the whole mankind is betrayed with this imputent lie chissels of copper would have formed the gigantic blocks of the pyramids. The pyramids can only have been built in the Iron-Age. And this period started not before 1200 BC in countings of official chronology, in reality maybe 2000 years later. The development of technology is ignored by the majority of archeologists and especially of egyptologists. There are ridiculous jumps in their unlogical time-line, Heribert Illig has worked out.    

  • Reply to: Arctic Circle Anomalies: Archaeological Insight Under the Permafrost   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: PiratesCut

    Spending many years as a commercial fisherman working the waters of Georges Bank east of Cape Cod, many artifacts were and are hauled aboard by the scallop draggers.

    These boats litterally bulldoze the bottom with huge steel dredges shaped like a wishbone with a steal net of iron rings behind it. (you can see part of one on my profile pic if you enlarge it, that’s me in the wheelhouse yelling, throw the lines lets go fishin...)

    Anyway to keep it short, I have three, man-cut retangular granit blocks exactly like what we now call cobble or paving stones that were dumped on deck over the Winter Fishing Grounds of Georges Bank 185 miles Nor’east of Cape Cod from a depth of 43 fathoms or 258 feet.

    One side of each of the blocks was worn smooth just as you will find on cobbles that are pulled up from the old roads of the 18th thru the early 20th century that are all around this area.

    Not only did Mammoth (I have more than a few teeth, rib bones, Walrus tusk etc, and one big piece of Mammoth tusk) walk these lands but it is very evident that at some point people undoutedly lived and built during the remote past all along the now submerged areas that border the edge of the continental shelfs.


  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Prince

    You crapped on the Bible and the Exodus, when in fact is is beyond doubt, that the Exodus was real.  The Black Obelisk on the Red Sea shoreline of black granite, was put up by Pharaoh Merenptah of Lower and Upper Egypt (grandson of Ramesses II, ruled 1213 BC -) … it states the story of the Exodus and they were glad to be rid of those Israelites.  Date 1207/1206 BC.  And the genealogies found in Ramesses II tomb, shows Horemheb “A”, sibling to Merenptah, married the daughter Nile Delta ruler Ay, becoming the Exodus pharoah, with single and only firstborn son Horemheb “B” (who died).  Genealogies, tombs, people, history, … reality check to your BS.

    It was this finding that opened up the whole correction of the double lineages of the Nile Delta pharaohs (Thera explosion refugees of Sea Peoples, Hyksos (Catal Huyuk Anatolians) and Hebrews and the eventual Amenhoteps … and the united Lower and Upper Egypt Pharaohs (Ramessides).  It was Horemheb, losing his son at the Exodus, is the same one who abdicated in old age to great grandson of Merenptah, “Ramesses VI” in 1187 BC (not the BS lying Egyptologists to Ramesses I).  Only then was the total Kmet land was united as a single nation under a single pharaoh.

    You can’t account for all the ancient technologies and megalithics (such as the 2000 ton massive megaliths of Baalbek and elsewhere in Peru)– and instantly dismiss any discussion – proving that you are scientifically illiterate and bankrupt – and a harrassing troll.

    Your harassment and lies are intolerable … leave off commenting here.


    .  Stop your harassing atheism and false attacks.

  • Reply to: The Great Pyramid at Giza and Noah’s Ark: Are we coming closer to an understanding of the Ancient Mind? Part I   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Carl Johan Calleman

    Hello Piratescut,

    I am not sure that I understand the meaning of your comment, but yes like all ancient buildings and megaliths their construction required that those that built it had dwnloaded a mind defined by a certain geometry. This is why everything evolves in accordance with a pre-set plan through a sequence of globally synchronized events.

  • Reply to: The Great Pyramid at Giza and Noah’s Ark: Are we coming closer to an understanding of the Ancient Mind? Part I   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: PiratesCut

    An article posted here yesterday says Machu Picchu was built around 1400.

    Today this gets posted saying huge pillow block contructions were built 500 years ago.

    What a coincidence.…

    Downloaded consciousness, ok.



  • Reply to: The Great Pyramid at Giza and Noah’s Ark: Are we coming closer to an understanding of the Ancient Mind? Part I   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: PiratesCut

    double post, sorry...



  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Prince

    Stop trolling your atheism and false-science.  Hunter-gathers did not create these massive edifices.  Granite and diorite need actual iron and chisels (not copper metals or hammer stones) for quarrying and such-smooth features on Egyptian columns, statues, etc.  Dynastic Egyptians were using sandstone and limestone contruction, not granite and diorite with (now proven) first proof of iron-working in Anatolia and Egyptian statues 1220s BCE (which is the time of Ramesses II (dies 1213 BCE).  The Sphinx is old, 10,000s BCE based on geological and scientific valid dates.  Lost ancient technologies and high engineering of the ancient past can have any reason for the loss of artifacts, re-using, taking, and moving them from any discovery later.  ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE – IS NOT – EVIDENCE OF ABSENCE !  The ancients had higher technologies that were lost … and only in our late years of the 1700s Industrial Revolution have we even gained such advancements of technology and engineering – that we still can’t even lift up 200 tons quarried stones that were part of the pyramids, stonehenge, Avebury, (let alone other worldwide megalithics).  Your pseudo-science is palpable and faulty logic from any quasi-academic accreditation of a false system of belief – does not validate false authority and false science.

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Prince

    “WHO” says … as an authoritative person … that humanity were gatherers, turned into hunters, then hunter-gatherer peoples.  Such Cain (hunter) and Able (gardener) or Esau (hunter) and Jacob/Israel (gardener) .. are misapplied crap statements from modern academics.  Modern history, theology, and archaeology refuses, even harasses and destroys such proofs that go against their false temple priesthood world view.  And there are many proofs.  And to crap on the biblical timeline and accounts – only proves that your statements are invalid from the start, as previous to modern academics of the 1800s-1900s, these statements were held valid around the planet by the academics. Your comments are far below being abusive and arrogant-stoopid.  You only prove that being a troll only gets you a comment line on this website – more discoveries are being made arund the world – and academics is being challenged by real proofs against all of their conceptualized BS.  Leave off commenting …

    The fact that disasters have (1) elites surviving intact and prospering, (2) other people surviving and able to recover in some fashion, and (3) the final group of totally destroyed peoples, … that you come up with various classes of high technology people and no technology refugees.  Continue this across multiple planetary disaster events, and there are many further classes that people survive or are destroyed.

    NOT EVERYBODY (as an absolutist statement) was a gatherer, a cave or French underground cavern resident apeman, or a hunter.  There is no ancient statement that the ancient elites cared for these people (or not), or that everybody took their own self-responsibility and –accountability for themselves.

    You can’t define high technology artifacts that are found, and how they were accomplished by the ancients, when in their world view everybody was a (lying) Out of Africa little jungle bunny.  Modern linguistics of Indo-Aryan language is wrong – it is Aryan-Indo, then Indo-Aryan language when Asian and Indian refugees came into the collapsing Roman Empire of the 400-500s CE.  There never was an Out of Africa BS humanity.  The real aborigines of AUS/NZ have their own legends that fit into the 5000s BCE (and have corroborated dates with other events).  The blacks were captured by the Indians and the start of the caste system.  Interbreeding created a third class.  The biblical Keturan Abrahamics were the Brahmins who became the leadership and further caste structures with interbeedings.  Groups of these peoples came back afte 400s years attempting refugee colonization into the Saudi peninsula and were rebuked.  They were accepted by the Nubians (at the time of Moses) if they would be loyal and fight against the Egyptians.  The Nubians were conquered and such mixed races were part of the many tribes that came out of the Exodus.  Other liberated groups went west into deep Africa founding Mali and TImbuktu.  Blacks DID NOT exist in Africa until this time period.   Even anthropology with all their skulls even show that the majority of such ape man to Home Sapiens are Australo-pithecus and very few African origins.  Anthropology, social anthropology, and all of the social(ist) sciences are bereft with glaring lies.  Same as the Egyptologists and the crap dyanstic timelines, when I discovered and corrected this with valid genealogies in the pharoah tombs and that of the ancient historians.  Crap academics.  So don’t act up with me about BS topics and have that leftist arrogance of superiority – when in reality you suck at actual facts ...  


  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Prince

    I concur with a lot here that has been said.

    Watch the current series of Hunting Atlantis episodes 1 and 2 (currently).

    It is to be readily noted, with good friend and ancient technology researcher Brien Foerster of Peru (and Robert Schock et al) that a massive solar/cosmic CME impacted the Earth during the Ice Age.  This was a HUGE plasmatic tsunami that decimated these glaciers existences.

    There was an instantaneous evaporation of waters into the upper stratosphere/troposphere layer (creating the biblical upper heaven’s waters).  The massive and instantaneous de-glaciation of the planetary temperate zones northern and southern hemispheres had HUGE flood waters that raised up the sea level.

    Vitrification (melting and glassing) of surfaces of Egyptian statues, and Peruvian buildings and other places still remain to be viewed.  The actual pyramids were superheated and both exploded their casings and were blown apart by the force of this plasmatic tsunami.  The Arabs and anybody before them DID NOT EVER harvest the casing stones from an intact pyramid.  They only used the fallen rubble for their constructions.  Even all the post-Flood ~1837 BCE “dynastic” Egyptian pharaohs of the Nile Delta did neither construct nor re-construct these devastated edifices.  Their own ability was AS CONSERVATORS of other intact ancient temples (Karnak, Thebes), statues (the misnamed giant collosi of Ramesses), the Aswan temple complex said to be done by Ramsses II,  and other places.  These were not constructed by these dynastic pharaohs as Egyptologists say.  The conserved and carved their names into them (Seti and Ramesses II etc).

    This event happened in that 12,000s/10,000s BCE period, moving us from the Ice Age’s original lowered sea level at the point of the continental shelf intersecting the continental slope down into the abyss.

    With the rise of sea level into the many valleys and deep civilization areas, sea water trickled in to such low spots, that eventually eroded into a river, and into a flood that filled up the entire sea, such as the Mediterranean as we know it. Such was the erosion and eventual overtopping and flooding of the Gibraltar Strait – as Dr Robert Ballard has found ancient civilization structures at deep points in the Mediterranean.  This happened in multiple wave events – not as a single massive flooding and inundation.  The Mediterranean is geologically shown to have been viable soil, layer of salt, soil, salt, soil, salt, ….

    The Black Sea (once a massive freshwater lake like the Aral Sea) and the Adriatic Sea followed with SLOW floodings and sea level rise, into its current sea level.  The Caspian Sea happened after that.  The Baltics breaching happened in their own time.  Same for the Caribbean.  In later times the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea opened up.  It is interesting to note that the very possible existence of the Red Sea inundation was this 1207/1206 BCE Exodus event, when the Red Sea valley was overtopped and flooded in.  This is the same time period of Velikovsky and the multiple Venus flybys until capture by the Sun.

    The biblical flood ~1987 BCE was some changes of this Ice Age disaster being modified, when the rogue moon was captured, creating a massive disruption of the upper heaven’s waters causing them to fall down onto the planet, massive geological tidal forces that caused (even today) 1-3 inches of geological uplift every time the moon orbits the earth and the underground aquifers were squirting up their artesian waters.  Here is the remants of that solar/cosmic CME when the final waters of the Ice Age were now risen up to modern day sea levels.

    And we still have normative sea level rise (not due to manmade global warming BS from the leftists), with continued melting of the glaciers, in mini-warming periods (that we have now) and mini-glaciation periods (in the medieval days before the Reformation).  Modern sea levels have risen 3-4 feet even from the time of American colonial occupations of the 1600s.  Such is seen in the Nova Scotia Curse of Oak Island treasure series, and the island’s perimeter has been inundated at a higher level than what it was 400 years earlier.

    What this means is that civilizations of the past, even as colonial religionists readily said.  There is the biblical account of our lineage of humanity with a date of 5000s BCE, … and there there are those pre-Adamites (not us) who existed.  There was no theological issue, even the discussion of life on other planets in galaxies, such as the Star People, Elohim, angles, ….  All these ancient edifices and megalthics were done in the days of the pre-Adamites.  It is only with the rise of “modern” archaeology and theology that everything must be crammed into the biblical timeline, and so muck up timelines of all these many ancient Fertile Crescents (not just the Mideast Tigris/Euprates valley) and civilizations that grew up around them, and expanded outward.

    When you put all this corrected and accurate information together, you are left that the Sphinx and the pyramids are far older than the biblical timeline, and they could only have been constructed by such pre-Adamites and Elohim of those times.  Such would be the mis-conceived (and cave man in animal skins, homeless crappy hair and beards of apemen facial features of the Cro-Magnons, Neanderthals, and Denisovans.  They are now shown to have had actual streets and infrastructed town grids, with city blocks and corner buildings at the street intersections, way back into the 12,000s – 5000s BCE.  The same for finding pottery dated into the 6,000s BCE, when modern pottery is said to have been started 3,000s BCE by our humans.  (Hunting Atlantis episodes of the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea).

    It needs to be said, as it has not been said yet.  That the establishment of the original Egypt-I civilization (according to the mystery schools) was started FROM Atlantis-II colonists in 40,000s – 12,000s/10,000s BCE Era-III period.  With this solar/cosmic event and the instant end of the Ice Age, (1) further colonists came from the (Plato story) demise of the Atlantis-II civilization, and (2) that further waves of refugee Atlanteans-III civilization came into the recovered Egypt-II civllization in that 12,000s/10,000s – 5,000s BCE period.  Such are the recorded statements of Plato and the commentary told by the Egyptian temple priest.

    It also needs to be said that the ancient royalty and nobility would be able to name their ancestors back for 13 generations.  The temple priest laughs and states his own ancestral lineage for 64 generations.  Given a potential 21 year of generations, then this temple priest is a descendant of such high Noahic and Elohim bloodlines … 21 x 64 = 1,344 years.  Plato talks with him in the days of Alexander the Great 300s BCE.  This means 1644+ BCE and earlier.  And if these generations are greater than just 21 generations, then this temple priest’s lineage would be such Noahics taken from the Americas (where Noah’s UFO mother ship ark landed), and they were planted in Egypt in that ~1837 BCE period “in the days of Peleg and Joktan, the Elohim scattered the people across the planet, confusing their languages.”  This temple priest’s ancestry continues to prove that biblical timelines and events happened in synch.  This then also gives dates to the pyramids and Sphinx being of such older constructions back into Era-III of Egypt-I (40,000s – 12,000s/10,000s BCE end of the Ice Age).

    “Who” constructed the Sphinx is debatable.  The timeline window and geological weathering of the Sphinx’s quarrying area points to being constructed before the end of the Ice Age and this solar CME impacting the Earth.  The Sphinx was constructed before, during, or shortly thereafter this CME event of 12,000s/10,000s BCE.

    It is also logical that the storyline of the destruction of Atlantis happened during this same time period, and the mention of catastrophic geological disruption, water and tsunamis, and sinking would have the same accounts of flooding during this CME event.  Atlantis-II could have been destroyed in this CME event, while the Sphinx was constructed before, during, and shortly thereafter this event.  Both have stories to tell, when Atlantis and its 10-nation empire can be found, and how they related to each other.

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: ledom

    If man had the ability to build the Sphinx in 10,000 BCE (this is 3,000 years before Egypt had agriculture- good luck feeding those hunter-gatherers) there would be more buildings after that time and even before that time which could be easily dated. I don’t see the proof. If you plan on writing a peer reviewed paper, folks might want to leave out the Noah’s flood nonsense as well as Atlantis, aliens, and weird dating schemes. However, if you plan on composing pseudo-science for the masses, by all means include them and you can even quote disproven theories from Velikosky, a careening earth, and Smokey God hollow earth (aliens optional).

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Jancevski

    Age verification using a pendulum,that shows that the Sphinx is from 12000 BC thousands of years ago.

    Cheops-Pyramide is 8 300 BC years old

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Haugar

    Sound human understanding tells us that the Sphinx could not have been built or shaped before the Egyptian dynasties in a time of hunters and collectors. It is necessary to keep the scientific basics in mind. This monument was created in context of the surrounding pyramids, especially on an axis to the Cheops-pyramid. Therefore the conclusion is the Sphinx is older than the Flood and the Flood is later than the building of the pyramids. Like prince said, lists of pharao names are not worth the stone on which they were engraved because every pharao had dozens of names. But two or three of this unproofed lists were the foundation of Egyptian history construction.

  • Reply to: The Great Pyramid at Giza and Noah’s Ark: Are we coming closer to an understanding of the Ancient Mind? Part I   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Duchovny

    The Sialk ziggurat is actually 400 years older than the first Egyptian ones.

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Kurang

    To understand how old the Sphinx is it is important to ask the questions, - who carved it, and why was it carved. The short answer to these is that it was carved by Eurasian migrants to the Nile Valley possibly in memory of an iconic sacred mountain in Azerbaijan, - Mt. Barmak or locally Besh Barmak.  The reason for migration was due to a cataclysmic flood that impacted the Caspian Sea and Eurasia around 9700 years ago.


    To understand this it is important to acknowledge the existence of a precivilisation in Central Asia who had a tradition of carving large anthropomorphic images. These have been found in Azerbaijan, and in the Altai Mountains and are described in this abstract:



    Like myself, Dr. Leonid Marsadolov, an archaeologist from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, believes that the people who carved the Sphinx did so in keeping with a cultural tradition of carving zoomorphic images which are solar oriented.  See:

    Marsadolov, L., 2005. Mt Ocharovatelnaia and Mt Siniaia in Altai: legends and reality. Folklore 31: 57-78.  Dr. Marsadolov agrees that Mt. Barmak may be the image that the original sphinx was carved to represent. (personal comment).  


    For several years now I have been trying to encourage the scientific community to study a marine flooding event that impacted the Caspian Sea and Eurasia to a level of 222m or 730 feet above mean sea level.  The evidence for this is in Azerbaijan’s coastal landscape as strandlines and wave ersoion on two mud volcanoes.  In 2018, I made a presentation to the Azerbaijan Institute of Geology and Geophysics (GIA) who agreed with the geomorphological evidence of a cataclysmic flood.  What caused the flood is unknown, but the evidence is very real.


    Such a flood will have had multiple physical, biological, chemical, and human impacts, which I have explored here:



    This information has been shared with scientists studying the post Ice Age changes in the Black and Caspian Sea’s. While some have expressed interest in it, so far no one seems willing to investigate the evidence, consequences and implications of a massive flood.  


    As water always seeks its own level then by extrapolating a 222m asl deluge across Eurasia, such a flood could be considered to be worldwide for survivors.  I suspect that this plus salt contaminated soil degraded the environment resulting in migrations to safer locations such as the Nile Valley.


    What is of great interest here is that Sir William Flinders Petrie was convinced that the earliest Egyptians had an ancestral homeland in the Caucasus, which he described in his paper on the Origin of the Book of the Dead. Unfortunately, his peers thought this was a wild idea and considered it to be an eccentricity, for which he was forgiven.  Sadly, Petrie could not prove his theory and left it to future archaeologists to investigate.  

    From what I have found, he was correct in his contention and had he known about the extent and nature of the flood, I feel sure his migration theory would have been better considered.  


    It is also relevant to note that in the upper palaeolithic leading up to the Last Glacial Maximum, that Eurasia was also flooded with a large Mediterranean sized intra continental lake which I believe was caused by diverted Russian rivers. Geomorphological and radiocarbon evidence exists to support this theory in the form of a 50 km long raised terrace in Azerbaijan, and bulk mollusc samples obtained from terraces. In this case flooding occurred as a result of onshore ice sheets damming the discharge of major arctic flowing rivers in Siberia.  This led to the establishment of a huge West Siberian lake (Glacial Lake Mansi) overspilling into the Caspian and Black Sea basins.  This theory is detailed here:

    It is significant to note then that ancient hunter gatherers would be able to navigate the extensive waterways across Eurasia in search of prey. In doing so will have learned astronomy and how to navigate by the sun and stars across open water.  Interestingly, Sir Fred Hoyle once said that to know the heavens so well the Egyptians had to have maritime expertise in their past.  


    Egyptologist are convinced that their great civilisation arose in the Nile Valley. This is correct, and should not be a point of contention for migrations occurred in early Neolithic  times.


    The GIA agreed the date of the flood could be determined using optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) on mud volcano sediments, but so far this has not happened.  Once a date is obtained, it should become the catalyst for further research on a cataclysmic flood (possibly Noah’s flood) which will have impacted humanity in so many ways.  This should provide a  timescale for migration and so provide an early date for the carving of the Sphinx. At around 10,000 years ago this would be long enough to create the water erosion features on the Sphinx enclosure. 


    Indeed, the erosion on the enclosure provides an important clue to the original purpose of the carving, for the enclosure is an integral part of complex.  I believe the Sphinx was specifically positioned downhill from the Giza plateau to receive rainfall which collected in the enclosure. This in effect resulted in the Sphinx sitting in a pond, just as Besh Barmak once did with an elevated Caspian Sea level of around 126m asl, which is the height of the extensive raised terrace.  


    Situated at Giza, the monument would also be a welcome sight for migrants entering the Nile Valley and a new land and begining.  This answers the question as to why the Sphinx was carved.  It also provides a way to date the monument.


    If as I suspect the pond was an integral part of the complex, then it would have would have existed all through the early Neolithic wet phase in Egypt. This is important for there should be microflora and faunal fossil pond remains in the cracks and crevices of the Sphinx compound.  These can be radiocarbon dated.  In this regard it may be predicted that the Eurasian flood date should approximately correspond with the carving of the Sphinx.  These are two tests that I would encourage Ancient Origins to support.    

    It seems evident then that ancient migrants carved the original Sphinx in memory of a sacred mountain on the Caspian Sea which from the Egyptian Book of the Dead may be the one Flinders Petrie regarded as the Mountain of Bakhua of the Rising Sun.  

    There is much to study here.  
