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  • Reply to: Mathematician Finds Pythagorean Triples On Ancient Babylonian Tablet   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: King Crimson 1

    Why is it that modern society thinks that it has the monopoly on philisophical thought. That nothing was truly known or understood until at least the Ancient Greeks and more properly understood since the Industrial Revolution?
    Ancient civilisations like Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China had vast amounts of knowledge. Mesopotamia and Egypt especially moved things along in great leaps and bounds. The library at Alexandra in Ptolamaic times was said to house all of the worlds knowledge up to that point. What was lost in the fire is incalculable. Imhotep designed and built the first large stone building on the planet (The Step Pyramid of Djoser). The myriad of problems he had to solve beggars belief.
    The world of pre-Greek knowledge had some truly amazing thinkers who achieved and solved fantastic things. We discover more and more of these achievements every year with archeology and it stuns us with what they actually had worked out and knew.
    The barbarian tribes of the Dark Ages destroyed things and knowledge that were not understood by them. That they thought were witchcraft. The same can be said of the early Christian Churches who thought most, if not all, of these ideas were a heresy. Suppressing everything that was thought to question God's word as they believed.
    That's where a lot of the loss occurred.
    No, we should never underestimate what the Ancients knew. There were some very clever and talented people amongst them.

  • Reply to: Titans Under the Earth: Evidence for The Tall Ones, and the Mounds of Pennsylvania   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: JDaWn068

    Angel Mounds is in Evansville, IN and features a couple mounds such as those mentioned. I lived close to Angel Mounds my whole life, and never have they spoke about skeletons being found, but I wouldn’t expect them to, because of what would be considered a cover-up of tge real history…One say I was using Google Maps to look at the Angel Mounds area, and to my complete and utter astonishment it showed a huge petroglyph of what would be considered an “ant-like” alien form, which you can find similar glyphs on rocks in the Southwest by Indian cultures there, it also had a huge sun on this petroglyph. Not long after discovering this, I visited Angel Mounds and ended up getting locked in on the property due to it closing, and there was a gentlemen that was in charge of mowing the grass and keeping up the grounds, and I mentioned this to him and he said he didn’t know about it, but that it probably was a corn maze that they do every year…well, I disagree and have proof…Google satellite can detect things of this sort, and has been used in modern archeology to find sites yet unexcavated…Fast forward several months and once again I went to Google maps to check on the Angel Mounds site, and low and behold it now shows what an actual corn maze looks like, and there is no comparison….I have never heard of a corn maze in the design of an ant-like creature w/a huge sun on a state historic site…You can also find evidence of “sun-worshiping” among some Indian cultures…If there’s a way to attach pictures, I will gladly supply them

  • Reply to: Arctic Circle Anomalies: Archaeological Insight Under the Permafrost   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: PiratesCut

    Hello ROBERT105

    Thank you for your well thought and kindly reply.

    I just read Velikovsky’s book ‘Earth in Upheaval’ two days ago which I was able to access a  PDF of online. 

    While I thoroughly enjoyed the book and I found much of Velikovsky’s conclusion viable some of it did strain my senses a bit. That being said I have already recommended the book to two of my friends.

    I am familiar with and agree with every point you make here.

    When it comes to ocean levels of by-gone days I can tell you I have for years questioned just how far the ocean levels actually dropped during the ice ages.

    I first noticed the Canyons (especially Hudson Canyon) along the Continental Shelf from the charts in the wheelhouse when I first became an offshore fisherman.

    It wasn’t until computers became a thing with such “magic “ as Google Earth and online libraries of information of every kind that I was able to really look into what I came to suspect so many years earlier. While I know fresh water to be heavier than salt (a boats hull reacts heavier to waves in the Great Lakes than they do ocean waves) and a large flowing volume of fesh water will sink to the bottom of the ocean, in no way can I entertain this to be the cause of such deep and massive canyons all along the continetal shelves worldwide. I find the excepted maximum drop by “the experts” of 400 feet just does not fit the evidence that is the canyons.

    I believe ocean levels must have been much, much lower than is generally excepted. Given the depths of which some larges rivers gouged out canyons, the level of ocean drop would have to actually been hundreds of feet lower than is currently put forth.

    Can you imagine how glorious a waterfall Hudson Canyon must have been to see if what I suggest is in fact true.

    You can also "see" signs of the massive sheets of ice that once covered this area on all of the exposed bedrock. To look at the ground down surface of the granites and be able to tell that the ice traveled from the Nor’east to the Sou’west here along it’s southerly reach and to understand that Cape Cod is nothing more than a bulldozed pile of rubble is fascinating to me beyond words. 



  • Reply to: The Real Story of the ‘Bearded God’ Named Quetzalcoatl   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Paratge72

    Glad you mentioned ancient Sumer. The photo of photo of La Venta Stela 19 shows the same handbag seen in many Sumerian carvings.


  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Haugar

    Yes, I do believe in God, in the Holy Bible and its wisdom, in all the astonishing informations it is giving to us. But I do not believe in its chronology. The biblical history happened, but in much shorter time. If you look at the structure of the Bible you see 4 blocks, the Book of Patriarchs, the Book of Judges, the Book of Kings and the Book of Prophets. The last are arranged chronological parallel, but the others are sorted out in the time line to be a first and second period. In reality an ancient society had spiritual leaders like patriarchs, judges, kings and prophets at the same time. Ezra after the Babylonian imprisonment had the task to arrange all the Thora-rolls chronologically, and only he can be responsible for these big mistakes. You can shorten the Biblical history by telescoping to the period from ~1182 AD, the time of the Flood, to ~1342 AD, the end of the Old Testament.

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: ledom

    The iron age happened at different times in different regions and the term is not exact. We now know the Hittites used meteor iron to make strong weapons to conquer the Egyptians. Germany’s Iron Age started about 800 BCE. I find nothing to suggest otherwise or that they traded with Egypt. Are you serious?

  • Reply to: What Do You Think About Atlantis?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Kurang

    I believe that Plato’s story of Atlantis to be true and that the land of Atlantis was the Caucasus mountain range, which was an isthmus some 12,000 years ago when the landsape was very different and flooded. Then, it was possible to travel by boat from the Caspian Sea/lake to the Black Sea/lake.

    Reginald Fessenden was correct in his deductions about Atlantis and connections to Egypt in that flood survivors migrated away from the region with some settling in the Nile Valley.  Fessenden however was unaware of the existence of and extent of a cataclysmic marine flood. He considered flooding to be the result of deglaciation.

    Fessendens work is detailed here :  

    For evidence of flooding see:  And here:

    Note Figure 18 of the ISJSS paper shows a rock art depiction of what I interpret as the swollen Caspian Sea spilling over into the Manych corridor.  The many rock art boats demonstrate long distance travel, so it is reasonable to infer that ancient navigators knew the geography of the Caspian sea and of its major outlet to the north west. 

    At an elevation of 24m above sea level, the Caspian Sea (currently at minus 28m bsl) overflows into the Black Sea via the Kuma Manych corridor.  The town at the entrance to this gateway is called Terekli Mehteb, but i snow high and dry.   (Coordinates - 44° 9'42.51"N 45°52'26.33"E).

    Here is what Fessenden discovered:


    Perhaps the most astonishing thing is that the eastern Pillars of Hercules are to be found on the map, under their right name, i.e. Stavka Terekli (Stave of Hercules on the Times Atlas 71,L,2; or Kurtkeuli-Juk-Jewe (Jak beacon of Hercules) on the Stieler Atlas, 49, 0, 19.

    This village is, as shown by the old shell deposits, on the former shore of the Caspian or Asiatic Mediterranean; and at the old mouth of the Kuma . It marked the spot where ships from the Asiatic Mediterranean must enter the Manytsch Lake system in order to go through to the Black Sea.

    It is now, owing to the recedence of the Caspian, about fifty miles inland; and this, together with the fact that no one looked for the Pillars in this locality until the writer was forced to the conclusion that they must be in the vicinity, must be the reason why they were not discovered by others long ago.

    So here we have evidence of the eastern pillars of Hercules in its correct place. The Western Pillar was at the Strait of Kertch at the Sea of Azov between the Crimea and Caucasus.  So, in effect, both pillars once existed with the land of Atlantis (i.e. the Caucasus) lying in its correct proportion in between.

    Throughout history researchers have been unable to locate Atlantis because the Sea of Atlantis (i.e. a swollen and conjoined Caspian and Black Sea) no longer exists.  Instead there was a focus on Gibraltar as being a pillar of Atlantis, but according to Fessenden even the Phoenicians new this was incorrect.  Time and geographical changes have prevented the Atlantis story being passed donwn corectly through the ages, leaving only a remnant of the story in Egyptian records which was passed on to Solon then to Plato.

    If anyone wishes to test the theory of the Atlantean deluge then all that is needed is to conduct an optically stimulated luminescence study (OSL) of the strandlines and sediments below Azerbaijan’s two mud volcanoes – Boyuk Kanozadagh and Davilidagh.  RAdiocarbon dating of molluscs at Terekli Mehteb is advised.

    The geomorphological evidence of strandlines (like coffee rings in a cup) already testify to a massive 222m/730ft asl flood. This occurred in geologically recent times and needs to be dated.  If the flood is dated to the start of the Holocene then it gives credence to the story of Atlantis being based in the Caucasus. Further details can be found here:

    I trust this is food for thought. 

    Lastly, it is further interesting to consider that this marine flood which impacted Central Asia resulted in widespread migrations away to safety.  Assuming it was a precivilisation that was impacted could this be the reason why we see contemporary civilisations arising in the Indus Valley and Sumer?       

  • Reply to: Fragments of Chinese Coins Are Evidence of World’s Oldest Minting Site   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Archaeologist

    All I can say is “Wow!”  And, keep the discoveries coming.  There’s so much more to find.

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Haugar

    The discovery of iron was first - Copper and tin came later – because brown iron was reachable on the surface. In Germany at the rim of the Suebian Alp there ist the world´s greatest source of brown or bean iron, the Celts did mine it easily by digging holes into the slope of the hills. Sources of superficial iron could have exist at the river Nile and be outsourced nowadays complete, or they got imports of other regions. There must have been an old Suez channel which all orient merchants of this time had to use. This gave Egypt an extraordinary power and the means to buy iron from other folks and to built the biggest pyramids of the world.

  • Reply to: Arctic Circle Anomalies: Archaeological Insight Under the Permafrost   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Robert105

    PiratesCut, dragging up artifacts such as worked stone tools and remains such as mammoth is very common on the Continental Shelf. A book titled “Across Atlantic Ice” discusses this in relation to ancient human migration circa 15-20,000 years ago, and theorises that they followed the edge of the ice in the North Atlantic to reach America. Of course, the most normal place for people to settle is near the ocean, and if the extreme of the shelf was the edge of the ocean at that time that’s where the settlements would be. These people also later migrated inland. Naturally, the book was controversial as it contradicted the notion that migration only occurred from the Bering Strait region of North America, and proposed that migration also occured from Western Europe, possibly Spain. DNA evidence seems to support this notion, as well as methods of making stone tools such as spear and arrow heads. These artifacts are found in many places in the States, and are different from the ones found in the West.

    Also controversial is when the level of the oceans rose, and how much. The end of the Ice Age is the natural period assigned to this idea. Only 10,000 years or so ago, the Northern part of the continents, i.e. where cities such as New York and Toronto are now, were under a mile or more of ice. In Europe, look up ‘Doggerland’, when Great Britain was joined to Europe within human history, and people lived there. Evidence of human occupation in the North Sea is everywhere found, and the sea is quite shallow there. All the cultures everywhere in the world have legends about great floods, and there is much evidence of cataclysmic events within the time of human legendary history. Velikovsky’s book ‘Earth in Upheaval’ is one that I have often recommended to curious readers. Naturally, it is also controversial but much geological evidence supports his research.

  • Reply to: Mathematician Finds Pythagorean Triples On Ancient Babylonian Tablet   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Archaeologist

    This is a fantastic discovery and again, points out that the ancients were as sophisticated as we are today.  It’s time we realized and accepted this fact.

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Haugar

    I have to correct: The movement of the earth axis round the pole of precession did not stop totally. It is still going on but very very slow, one round in 26,000 years, the so called Platonic year. Platon is said to have mentioned this data in the antiquity, but this is achronological. Such a astronomical observation could only happen after the circling round the pole of precession came nearly to a stillstand. And this happened after 1350 AD. Fomenko voiced his suspicion that Plato is identic with Plethon a Byzantinian philosopher who wrote mainly about Platon. Many philosophers, clerics and at least one astronomer had double identities, a contempory and an antique or early medieval. In this function they produced the whole pseudo-antique and early Christian literature, Edwin Johnson in the 1880ies pointed out.  Later generations blew up these fakes to our present state of mind.

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Haugar

    Snow accumulation was very fast in the time of cataklysm. Sages of many folks especially in asia tells that there was beside the Flood a global firestorm caused by the impacts of meteors and fragments of a comet following the black hole which heated the atmosphere. Hans-Jochim Zillmer described this masses of ocean water which evaporated and colided with the space cold comet ice. In catastrophic snow storms all of the present known ice developed very fast. No one can say, under such conditions, for what time a layer of ice stands for, one year, one month, one week or only a minute? 

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: ledom

    I see no source for any iron of 7% nickel as you claim that existed prior to the Hittite iron age. So you claim they smelted a single piece of iron and stopped and went back to bronze?

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Haugar

    Visa versa: Pseudo-archeologists claim it is iron of meteors, but the found iron has no meteor characteristical high part of 7 % nickle. It is ordinary iron of mines.

  • Reply to: Mathematician Finds Pythagorean Triples On Ancient Babylonian Tablet   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Duchovny

    About time the real inventors got their credit. There are all sorts of knowlege the Greeks mearly imported, not discovered.

  • Reply to: Experts Have Found the True Age of Machu Picchu   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Gary Moran

    Because they found bones 20 years older? REALLY? If it’s only 600 years old, somebody there should still know how the stones were cut and placed. Dare you to have them show how that was done. Even in Bingham’s day the natives said they didn’t know who or how or when it was built.

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: Haugar

    Before the flood a sun-year were only ~30 days long, as long as the cycle of the moon, the calendar of Horus and the list of patriarch´s life expectancy shows. The earth axis wandered in this time on the polar circle around the pole of eclipse identical with the former magnetic pole. Nowadays, after the encounter of planet x, it wanders around between polar circle and north pole in an irregular way. This 30 days long turning of the earth axis, a movement which is nowadays brought to a totally standstill, added to the daily turning must have produced additional centrifugal force resp. lower magnetism, because the directions of these movements were contrary to each other. This would explain why a rampart found in a quarry at Hatnub north of Luxor has an angle of slope of 20 %. Calculation for the construction of the pyramids accepted ramparts not more than 5 %. Men would have not been able to transport such heavy loads in a steeper angle. Before the Flood there must have been an antigravitational effect. We in Germany know that our conclusions are far beyond the phantastic visions of prehistory intellectuals of the USA have sketched on false premises. We only want to know what was possible and what was not and what were the conditions? The truth is often more sensational than your (faked) school wisdom can be dreamed of.

  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: uPRz67LA


    The higher power of GODS with their many different names and forms, could it be that it is just a product of man’s imagination from his earliest inception, and evolved within him either by invention or design or miss/interpretation, learnt along the way down through the centuries, through different experiences and related  in fanciful stories culminating in religious myths, beliefs and legends etc, handed down through the different cultures from one generation to  another has the TRUTH, by the time it has reached modern man through a labyrinth of different path ways and sources throughout the world through history and time, over thousands of years by word of mouth etc. It is no wonder that the various beliefs held by certain nationalities and people from around the world are different in some ways from each other today, why on earth do we still believe in this drivel today, I do not know.” ARE WE DELUDING OURSELVES, DON’T YA THINK?”DO WE NEED TO TAKE A 21st CENTURY REALITY CHECK AND TAKE A GOOD HARD LOOK AT OURSELVES, and re-examine and revaluate our fragile and somewhat volatile belief systems?  just a thought, have a think about it.


  • Reply to: How old is the Sphinx?   2 years 10 months ago
    Comment Author: ledom

    The airplanes landed near the shore of Greenland, where snow accumulation is rapid, at about 2 m per year. Allowing for some compaction due to the weight of the snow, that accounts for the depth of snow under which they are buried. The planes are also on an active glacier and have moved about 2 km since landing. Ice core dating takes place on stable ice fields, not active glaciers
