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Archaeologists pose near the St Peter’s inscription found on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel, which could finally prove a number of things about the first apostle of Jesus. Source: El Araj Excavation Project

Ancient Greek Inscription in Mosaic Reveals Birthplace of Apostle Saint Peter!

Saint Peter, one of Jesus Christ’s 12 Apostles and the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church is a crucial figure whose name appears throughout Christian theology. His birthplace has been a long...
Mosaic 	Source: Achia Kohn-Tavor / CSAJCO

Does this Mosaic Prove Site is the Fabled Church of the Apostles?

Archaeologists from Israel and the United States claim they have unearthed the ruins of the long-lost Church of the Apostles . This famed religious building was said to have been built sometime in...
The image shows Ofri Eitan of the Kfar Hanasi pre-military Academi next to a large engraved stone discovered at the Golan Heights fort.             Source: Tidhar Moav / Israel Antiquities Authority

King David Era Fort Discovered in Israel’s Golan Heights

Archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) have uncovered a fortress from the 11th to 10th centuries BC in the Golan Heights region of Israel. They believe that the complex dates to...
The Byzantine church at the possible biblical city Bethsaida, flooded by the swollen Kinneret. Source: Nir-Shlomo Zelinger

Biblical Village Cursed by Jesus Flooded by Rising Sea of Galilee

As life regains some normalcy in many countries, archaeologists have returned to work on several archaeological sites around the world. In Israel, local archaeologists were stunned to discover that...
The possible Church of the Apostles at el-Araj is currently underwater.

Church of the Apostles Found? Maybe, But It’s Underwater for Now

Archaeologists with the Israel Antiquities Authority have made what they claim to be a major discovery. They believe that they have found a Byzantine-era church that was built on the site of the home...
The new find city gate is thought to be centuries older than this previously existing gate at Bethsaida.                Source: CC BY 3.0

City Gate From the Time of King David Unearthed In Miracle Village

Archaeologists have announced an amazing discovery - they have found an ancient city gate that dates to the time of King David , perhaps the greatest of all the rulers of ancient Israel. This find...
Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights

What’s Special About Golan Heights? These 5 Fabulous Recent Archaeological Discoveries For a Start!

The Golan Heights has been making headlines for the political impact of certain international relations choices. It has raised all sorts of questions and debate on sovereignty, international law,...
The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes by James Tissot, Brooklyn Mueum.

Archaeologists Uncover the Gate of Jesus’ Feeding Miracle City

According to local authorities in Israel, archaeologists have made an important discovery in the Golan Heights in recent weeks. During scheduled digs, a group of experts found the remains of a brick...
Sea of Galilee and southern Golan Heights, from Umm Qais, Jordan

Ancient City of Bethsaida - Supposed Home of Jesus and the Apostles - Discovered in Golan

Bethsaida is one of the most frequently mentioned places in the New Testament, famous for being the city from where Jesus’ apostles Philip, Andrew, and Peter came. It was here Jesus is said to have...
The Curse of Chorazin

The ‘Cursed’ city of Chorazin

Woe unto thee, Chorazin! Woe unto thee, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I...