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We share free history videos relating to archaeology, ancient places, unexplained phenomena, historic mysteries, and much more. Don’t miss the chance to explore these ancient mysteries videos. These ancient history videos also include interviews with authors, researchers and top experts from around the world. Explore these ancient mysteries videos and immerse yourself in the wonder of our ancient past.

AI image of early humans and the taming of fire. Source: Alla/Adobe Stock

How Taming Fire Changed Everything for Early Humans (Video)

The emergence of fire mastery represents a transformative juncture in human development, potentially initiated by early hominins like Homo erectus around 1.6 million years ago . Although the precise...
The Shroud of Turin: modern, digitally processed image of the face on the cloth. Source: Dianelos Georgoudis/CC BY-SA 3.0

Decoding the Enigma of the Shroud of Turin (Video)

In the tumultuous backdrop of Jerusalem in 33 AD, the narrative of Jesus Christ's final days unfolded dramatically. Following his triumphal entry into the city and subsequent confrontation within the...
Painting: The Grapes of Canaan, c. 1896-1902. Source: Public Domain

What Really Happened to the Canaanites? (Video)

The Israelites' entry into Canaan around 1250 BC, following their forty-year journey through the desert, was a pivotal event shrouded in religious significance. According to the Old Testament, the...
AI image of Gigantopithecus, Giant Ape. Source: Sven Bachstroem/Adobe Stock

The Giant Prehistoric Ape Doomed By Its Own Coolness (Video)

The saga of the giant prehistoric ape, often overshadowed by its cinematic counterpart, unveils a creature of remarkable proportions and enigmatic fate. Known as gigantic Gigantopithecus , this...
A wounded Knights Templar is on his knees praying to God. Source: Stephen Pierce/Adobe Stock

What Happened to the Knights Templar? (Video)

Originating in the fervor of the Crusades during the 12th century, the Knights Templar emerged as a dedicated order sworn to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. Founded by a small...
AI image of Roman senators deliberating in the Senate chamber, illustrating the political life of the Roman Republic. Source: Sebastian/Adobe Stock

The Five Greatest Ancient Roman Politicians (Video)

The Roman Republic , a crucible of political innovation, incubated the brilliance of figures whose legacies endure through the annals of history. Among these luminaries, Cicero stands as a colossus...
Painting of the 1680 auto de fé, at Plaza Mayor in Madrid.		Source: Public Domain

The Horrors of the Spanish Inquisition Explained (Video)

The Spanish Inquisition's enduring impact is evident in modern Spain, where regions affected by it still exhibit socioeconomic indicators reflective of its historical legacy. Originating from Pope...
Rock art prehistoric aboriginal cave paintings of human silhouettes. Source: Jan/Adobe Stock

Five Fascinating Mysteries About Prehistoric Australia (Video)

The Aboriginal culture provides a captivating glimpse into ancient human societies, potentially tracing back to the earliest human migrations out of Africa. Before Western contact, their history was...
Classic column of Renaissance architecture, in Venice, Italy. Source: leeyiutung/Adobe Stock

How Did Europe Step Into the Modern Era? (Video)

Historians contend that the advent of the Modern Era predates the digital age, tracing its origins back to the Renaissance period of the 1500s. This epochal shift emerged from the aftermath of the...
A samurai wearing Japanese armor and holding a katana on dark background. 3D illustration. Source: pictosmith/Adobe Stock

Forged in Honor: The Epic Saga of Japan's Samurai (Video)

The Samurai , esteemed warriors of ancient Japan, transcended gender boundaries, with notable women like the onna-musha demonstrating prowess alongside their male counterparts. Their emergence...
AI close-up portrait of Dracula baring his sharp fangs, with a predatory glare in a dark room.		Source: EOL STUDIOS

Bloodsuckers Through the Ages - A History of Vampires (Video)

Vampire lore , originating from Eastern European folklore, has fascinated and terrified people for centuries, with various creatures haunting the imaginations of different cultures worldwide. Among...
AI image of early human migration. Source: AI Generated

When Ancient Humans Took Over the World (Video)

The global expansion of Homo sapiens , originating in Africa approximately 300,000 to 350,000 years ago, underscores the species' remarkable adaptability. With a behavioral flexibility that allows...
AI image of a bustling ancient Greek agora, filled with passionate philosophers engaged in intense debates, surrounded by exquisite marble statues. Source: stocker/Adobe Stock

Seven Fascinating Things about Greek History (Video)

In the annals of history, Greek civilization stands as a beacon of innovation and intrigue. Delving beyond the well-trodden paths of mythology and philosophy, we uncover seven captivating facets of...
AI image of Knights Templar marching to concord enemy. Source: vukkostic/Adobe Stock

The Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar (Video)

In November 1095, Pope Urban issues a call to arms for Christians to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslim control, igniting the First Crusade . Over 100,000 individuals, including nobility and even...
Adam and Eve illustration.  Source: Mariephotos/Adobe Stock

The Two People We're All Related To (Video)

Embedded within each individual lies the potential to unlock the profound saga of their ancient lineage . Mitochondria, inherited solely from the maternal line, and the Y chromosome, passed down...
AI representation of a Neanderthal couple wearing fur. Source: Ricky/Adobe Stock

Is Interbreeding Why Neanderthals and Denisovans Vanished? (Video)

A groundbreaking scientific discovery sheds light on the disappearance of Neanderthals and Denisovans , ancient human populations that once roamed Eurasia. Through an examination of their blood types...
Habsburg family portrait by Martin van Meytens, 1764.        Source: Public Domain

The Rise and Fall of the Habsburg Empire (Video)

The Habsburg Empire , a dynasty spanning nearly 600 years, wielded vast influence over central and Eastern Europe. Unlike other monarchies, the Habsburgs were a family lineage rather than a single...
The three musketeers in Condom, France. Source: Migeli Barrios/Adobe Stock

Who Were the Three Musketeers Based On? (Video)

The Three Musketeers, immortalized in Alexandre Dumas' classic, are deeply rooted in the tumultuous political landscape of 17th-century France. Musketeers, originally armed with muskets but often...
Corn Husk Dolls. Source: Betty Sederquist/Adobe Stock

More Than Toys: The Five Oldest Dolls in History (Video)

Dolls are more than just toys, they can be artifacts of ancient civilizations, offering profound insights into the lives and beliefs of bygone eras. Among the oldest are Roman dolls , meticulously...
impression of Bar Kokhba by Polish-Jewish artist Arthur Szyk Source: Arthur Szyk/CC BY-SA 4.0

Judaic Devastation: The Bar Kokhba Revolt’s Tragic Legacy (Video)

The Bar Kokhba Revolt of 132 AD had profound and enduring effects on Jews and Judaism. Firstly, it led to the shattering of Judaic society, with devastating consequences for Jewish communities. The...
AI image of Scythian Nimrod the King of kings on a white warhorse, shooting an arrow. Source: John/Adobe Stock

Horse Lords: A Brief History of the Scythians (Video)

The Scythians , a confederation of nomadic tribes , flourished across the Eurasian steppe from around 900 BC to 200 BC. Initially discovered by Russian explorers venturing into the remote landscapes...
A Family of Carib natives drawn from life, by Agostino Brunias. Source: Public Domain

Dark Secret of the First Native Americans to Meet Columbus (Video)

In October 1492, Christopher Columbus's encounter with the Arawak-speaking natives marked a pivotal moment in history, unveiling a complex narrative of migration and cultural exchange in the...
An illustration of William Captain Kidd relaxing on the deck. Source: Public Domain

Bizarre Pirate Traditions Most People Don't Know About (Video)

Pirate culture , often portrayed as a romanticized tale of swashbuckling adventure, actually harbored numerous peculiar traditions. These customs, largely overlooked in popular depictions, reveal a...
A tribe of human ancestors, Homo erectus, wanders through the savannah past mammoth skeletons. Source: ratpack223/Adobe Stock)

The Risky Paleo Diets of Our Ancestors (Video)

The excavation of KNM-ER 1808, a Homo erectus specimen, in Kenya unearthed insights into the perilous dietary choices of our ancestors. The skeletal analysis revealed intriguing anomalies, such as...
