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We share free history videos relating to archaeology, ancient places, unexplained phenomena, historic mysteries, and much more. Don’t miss the chance to explore these ancient mysteries videos. These ancient history videos also include interviews with authors, researchers and top experts from around the world. Explore these ancient mysteries videos and immerse yourself in the wonder of our ancient past.

Inveraray Castle’s State Dining Room (Ian Dick / Flickr)

The Stunning Interior of Inveraray Castle’s State Dining Room (Video)

Inveraray Castle's State Dining Room is a masterpiece of late 18th-century art and design. The 5th Duke of Argyle, aiming to impress his guests with the latest Georgian fashions, oversaw a remarkable...
Ancient Mayan city of Palenque. Source: adolfousier / Adobe Stock.

Ancient Mayan City of Palenque Was Home to a Legendary King (Video)

Nestled amid lush Mexican forests lies Palenque , a lesser-known Mayan city boasting remarkable architecture, sculptures, and carvings. Palenque's allure extends beyond its aesthetic beauty; it...
King Louis XIV had many mistresses. Source: Archivist / Adobe Stock.

King Louis XIV Had At Least 20 Mistresses (Video)

In French history, it was a common expectation that monarchs, like King Louis XIV, maintained intriguing love lives . Louis, known for his insatiable desires, fathered over a dozen illegitimate...
Egyptian coffin awaiting extraction, Saqqara. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Egyptian Coffin Is Unearthed Using Ancient Technology (Video)

Beneath Saqqara’s surface , a momentous discovery unfolded as an ancient coffin awaited extraction. Encountering an obstacle due to the collapse of the underground chamber, a team of archaeologists...
British Library document reveals Thomas Cromwell engineered Anne Boleyn’s demise. Source: YouTube Channel / Smithsonian Channel.

Shocking Papers Prove Anne Boleyn Conspiracy (Video)

In the year 1536, a pivotal event in history unfolded as Henry VIII ordered the execution of his second wife, Anne Boleyn , at the Tower of London. This act, notorious for its brutality , stands as...
Kushite warrior queens were formidable. Source: McKinney Photography / Adobe Stock.

Crazy Life of A Warrior Queen In The Kingdom of Kush (Video)

In the depths of Africa's history, the Kingdom of Kush and its warrior queens emerge as captivating enigmas. Unlike many ancient civilizations, the Kushites held their female children in high regard...
Neuschwanstein Castle. Source: Feel good studio / Adobe Stock.

Neuschwanstein Castle Bankrupted the King Who Built It (Video)

The construction of Neuschwanstein Castle , perched dramatically in the Bavarian Alps, brought financial ruin to the king who envisioned it, Ludwig II of Bavaria. This fairytale-like fortress, built...
Busts of Hadrian and Antinous. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Royalty Now Studios.

Facial Reconstructions of Emperor Hadrian and Antinous (Video)

Hadrian, born in 76 A.D. in Italica, Spain, faced adversity when both his parents passed away, leaving him a ward. He developed a deep affinity for Greek culture and literature, earning him the...
Skara Brae, Orkney, Scotland. Source: Jule_Berlin / Adobe Stock.

Scotland's Most Mysterious Stone Age Settlements (Video)

Exploring the enigmatic past of Scotland's ancient settlements is a journey into the depths of history. Duncansby Head lighthouse, perched on the remote northeast tip of the British mainland, stands...
Griffin warrior carved stone. Credit: J. Vanderpool, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati.

Was The Griffin Warrior’s Treasure Looted from Other Cultures? (Video)

Approximately three and a half thousand years ago, a man was interred on a Greek hillside near Pylos, surrounded by an astonishing array of riches . What's intriguing is that many of these treasures...
Tribes in Britain gave allegiance to the Romans. Source: Bernard GIRARDIN / Adobe Stock.

Britons Gave Allegiance to Romans in Exchange for Protection (Video)

In ancient Roman Britain , business practices took a unique turn, driven by the empire's strategy to establish dominion over the region. The native tribes' constant discord presented an opportunity...
Facial reconstruction of Joan of Arc. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Royalty Now Studios.

Joan of Arc: How Did She Really Look? (Video)

Despite her fame Joan of Arc’s appearance remains shrouded in mystery due to the absence of contemporary depictions. Efforts to digitally reconstruct her likeness based on a statue from Orleans and...
Carving an oracle bone. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

This 3000-Year-old ‘Oracle Bone’ Chose a Shang Dynasty Queen (Video)

In the ancient practice of divination , the use of oracle bones played a crucial role, as revealed in a captivating historical artifact dating back over 3,000 years. This fragmentary turtle shell,...
Roman colosseum. Source: phant / Adobe Stock.

Roman Emperor Vespasian Built the Colosseum to Boost Morale (Video)

Roman Emperor Vespasian's decision to construct the Colosseum in ancient Rome was a strategic move aimed at fostering unity and lifting the spirits of the populace. Drawing on his experience as a...
megalithic, stone circle, Neolithic, Stonehenge, Warwickshire, ley lines, energy

Are The Rollright Stones Actually Ancient Energy Fields? (Video)

In the heart of rural England, hidden away from the bustling roads of Warwickshire, lies the mysterious Rollright Stones . These neolithic monuments, some older than Stonehenge , stand silently,...
Aerial view of Vindolanda. Source: makasana photo / Adobe Stock.

Britain’s Amazing Roman Structures That You Can Still Visit Today (Video)

The enduring Roman legacy in Britain is evident through remarkable sites. Hadrian's Wall , constructed around 134 AD, served as a formidable barrier, rising 20 feet high and spanning 73 miles from...
Pirates were enticed into a civilized life. Source: Dieter Holstein / Adobe Stock.

How Piracy and Privateers Were Finally Stamped Out (Video)

The history of piracy in the 17th and 18th centuries offers valuable insights into the aftermath of violent conflicts. During these turbulent times, privateers , known as "Private Men-of-War," were...
Top image: The burial at Maiden Castle Hillfort. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Was This Burial from Maiden Castle Hillfort a Human Sacrifice? (Video)

In the heart of Maiden Castle , Dorset England, a site steeped in history, we delve into the ancient world of Iron Age hill forts . The rugged landscape, now softened by the passage of time, conceals...
Emperor Nero Killed His Own Mother. Source: CEVmemories / Adobe Stock.

Even Emperor Nero's Own Mother Wasn't Spared His Cruelty (Video)

Nero’s relationship with his mother wasn’t what you’d call healthy. Agrippina, a woman of remarkable political acumen in a society where women were typically excluded from political roles, played a...
Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon. Source: Sergii Figurnyi / Adobe Stock.

Stratford-upon-Avon is a Magnet for Shakespeare Lovers (Video)

Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of England's revered playwright, William Shakespeare , exudes a magnetic charm for enthusiasts of his timeless works. While Shakespeare's authorship has faced its...
Caernarfon Castle, Wales. Source: peresanz / Adobe Stock.

Why Wales is the Place to Go for Medieval Castles (Video)

The rich history of Wales can be explored though its numerous medieval castles. William the Conqueror's conquest of England in 1066 left the resilient Welsh tribes unconquered for two centuries. By...
hah Abbas I of Persia and his page boy interacting and sharing wine, circa 1627. Public Domain.

Life of a Male Concubine in the Ottoman Empire (Video)

Male concubines in the Ottoman Empire were symbols of wealth, power, and masculinity. These young men, chosen for their looks and talents, served the sultan and his court in various roles. The...
The starboard toilet on the beakhead of the warship Vasa, displayed in the Vasa Museum in Stockholm, Sweden. (Peter Isotalo / CC by SA 3.0)

Toilets on a Pirate Ship and the Sorry Guy Who Cleaned Them... (Video)

Sanitation aboard a pirate ship was far from ideal. Bathing was a rarity, and clean clothes were scarce, often stolen from other ships. Hot baths were a luxury reserved for the sick, usually onshore...
Cat mummy. (Justin Ennis / Flickr)

Cat Mummies Were a Big Thing in Ancient Egypt (Video)

In ancient Egypt, cat mummies held a special place in the religious practices of the time. The practice of mummifying cats and other animals was considered sacred . However, not all cat tombs were...
