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The second ossuary, found in 1982 in a concealed niche below the inscription

A Crucified King and Mysterious Bones: Whose Remains Were Hidden in the Abba Cave?

The Abba Cave is best known for being a tomb which contained the remains of a person who is believed to have been crucified. This cave is located in Givat HaMivtar, a suburban neighborhood in the...
5,000-Year-Old Unlooted Tomb of Thracian Warrior is Biggest Find of the Year in Turkey

5,000-Year-Old Unlooted Tomb of Thracian Warrior is Biggest Find of the Year in Turkey

The intact tomb of a Thracian warrior dating back some 5,000 years has been excavated in Turkey, the Istanbul Archaeology Museum announced. Experts are calling it the biggest archaeological find so...
Remains of Disgraced Chinese Emperor Undergo DNA Analysis as more Treasures of His Tomb Are Revealed

Remains of Disgraced Chinese Emperor Undergo DNA Analysis as more Treasures of His Tomb Are Revealed

The few remaining bones and teeth of a man who briefly ruled as emperor of ancient China and then was forced out for moral failings will undergo DNA analysis to shed light on his health, diet, and...
Debate Surges in Place of Discovery in Tomb of Tutankhamun

Debate Surges in Place of Discovery in Tomb of Tutankhamun

After months of waiting, a few press conferences, and big expectations, followers of the search for two additional chambers in the tomb of Tutankhamun have received information they may not want to...
A dolmen on Ganghwado, South Korea.

Looking for the Origins of the Mysterious Dolmens of Korea

The megalithic constructions in Korea are mind blowing. Researchers still have more questions than answers, but the hundreds of dolmens are among the most fascinating archaeological sites in the...
Obradoiro square in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia (Spain), Saint James the Greater.

Who is Buried in the Famous Shrine of St James in Santiago de Compostela?

The legend of the Apostle John’s brother is one of the most important stories in Spanish Christianity. According to legend, a man who was a friend of Jesus is buried in the cathedral in Santiago de...
The Cursed Tomb of the Polish King Casimir IV Jagiellon

The Cursed Tomb of the Polish King Casimir IV Jagiellon

When Howard Carter opened the tomb of King Tut and people who were with him started to become ill and die many thought that it was due to the curse of the pharaohs. A similar way of thinking appeared...
The grave was located 2803 meters above sea level, in Mongolian Altai.

Archeologists find ancient mummy approximately 1,500 years old in Mongolia

Remains of a suspected female of Turkik origin have been found at an altitude of 2,803 metres in the Altai Mountains in Russia. The ancient human remains are wrapped in felt but the excavation is...
Pinudjem II as Theban High Priest of Amun. From his Book of the Dead.

The Alternative Lifestyle and Loves of Pinudjem II

Pinudjem II was one of the most famous rulers of southern Egypt during the Third Intermediate Period. He gave the world an important pharaoh and also a scandalous love story. He was a High Priest of...
Spanish Archaeologists Try to Reconstruct Fragments of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead

Spanish Archaeologists Try to Reconstruct Fragments of the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead

For the last 14 years, twenty archaeologists, Egyptologists, and Spanish specialists have been working on the southern foot of the hill of Dra Abu el-Naga with a team of over a hundred Egyptian...
Doorway to Tomb 14, interior.

Previously Unreported New Kingdom Necropolis Revealed in Egypt

Dozens of tombs have been discovered by archaeologists working in Gebel el-Silsila in Egypt. Bones of men, women, and children of all ages have all been found in the rock-cut tombs. The necropolis is...
Plaster face of an older Amarna-era woman

The Unique Sculptures of Thutmose…and a Secret Love for One of His Muses?

When leaving his workshop in Amarna, the sculptor Thutmose may have wanted to forget something very painful. A story which may have been carved in his heart perhaps? He decided not to take some of...
The stone sarcophagus containing the mummy of King Tut is seen in his underground tomb.

More Evidence Supports Claim Hidden Chamber in Tutankhamun Tomb Contains Another Burial

Last month, the Tourism Minister of Egypt Hisham Zaazou appeared to have slipped up during a visit to Spain when he said the hidden chamber being investigated in Tutankhamun’s tomb is “full of...
Mapungubwe Hill viewed from the north, The gold rhino of Mapungubwe.

Looking for Clues on the Hill of the Jackal: The Rich African Kingdom of Mapungubwe

Mapungubwe is an Iron Age archaeological site in the southern part of the African continent. This city, which is located on the northern border of modern day South Africa with Zimbabwe and Botswana,...
The tomb and a couple of the artifacts that were found within it.

Rich Tomb of an Etruscan Princess Discovered in Italy

A tomb full of treasures has been discovered in Vulci , a former Etruscan city in the province of Viterbo, Italy. It is another precious discovery in this area which contains exclusive goods from...
Tiye, the Great Royal Wife of Amenhotep III and mother of Akhenaten and grandmother of Tutankhamun

Tiye: One of the Most Influential Women of Ancient Egypt

Tiye was the Great Royal Wife of the ancient Egyptian equivalent to Louis XIV – Amenhotep III. Her son Akhenaten, was one of the biggest causes of scandal during the pharaohs’ time in Egypt. She was...
This photo shows the opening to two of the tombs at the Khalet al-Jam'a necropolis.

4,000-Year-Old Necropolis with more than 100 Tombs Discovered Near Bethlehem

By studying and excavating ancient burial grounds, we can learn about how final respects were paid when people died during ancient times. The artifacts located alongside these remains also provide...
Professor Stuart Tyson Smith opens an intact tomb with the coffined, mummified burial of an elderly woman inside.

Ancient Tomb Reveals Cultural Entanglement between Egypt and Nubia

At some point around 1500 BC, Egypt conquered Upper Nubia, and each kingdom took on cultural aspects of the other. Clear evidence of this cultural mixing is seen in the recently discovered grave of...
The mosaic of the third chamber of the Amphipolis tomb, representing the Abduction of Persephone by Pluto.

New Revelations Reignite Debate About Owner of the Lavish Amphipolis Tomb

A huge ancient burial mound theorized to have contained the remains of a friend and military general of Alexander the Great of Macedon may actually belong to someone else, new revelations show. At 1,...
The 'Polish Pyramids' were megalithic structures that were built in ancient Poland by digging out the ground and piling large boulders on top. It is believed that their construction would have taken the work of hundreds of laborers.

Polish Pyramids: Ruins of Megalithic Tombs from the Time of Stonehenge Discovered in Poland

A group of monumental megalithic tombs has been discovered in Western Pomerania in Poland. Because of the enormous character of the structures, they are often called the ‘Polish pyramids.’ According...
A stone block shows Ay receiving the 'Gold of Honor' award in his Amarna tomb from Akhenaten.

The Sins and Glories of the Pharaoh Ay

Pharaoh Ay is known in popular books as the person who may have murdered Tutankhamun. Usually, he is described as a pharaoh-monster of the 18th dynasty. However, the real history is very different...
Decorative wall

Satellite Imaging Exposes 4,000-year-old Tomb in the Dahshur Necropolis

A Middle Kingdom (c. 2000 BC – c.1700 BC) rock-cut tomb was discovered recently in El-Lisht, Egypt, which was the ancient archaeological site of the Dahshur necropolis. The tomb is located to the...
Pyramid of Queen Khennuwa at the royal necropolis at Meroe.

New Investigations Begin on the Pyramid of the Mysterious Queen Khennuwa

After almost a century, archaeologists are re-entering the burial chambers of the mysterious Queen Khennuwa, who remains a mysterious personality of the Kingdom of Meroe. The archaeologists re-opened...
The stone sarcophagus containing the mummy of King Tut is seen in his underground tomb.

Spanish Leak Reveals Hidden Chamber in Tutankhamun Tomb is Full of Treasures

The Tourism Minister of Egypt Hisham Zaazou may have slipped up during a recent visit to Spain when he revealed startling information about the investigations into a hidden chamber in Tutankhamun’s...
