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  1. Archaeologists in China unearth 2,400-year-old Polo Sticks and Balls

    ... from Constantinople to Baghdad, from Persia to China and Japan. The area was so vast that historians have been unable ...

    Mark Miller - 16/05/2015 - 02:53

  2. Raining Fish Reported Near the Australian Desert

    It may sound like a biblical tale, but it just happened. A secluded community in the Northern Territory of Australia had the heavens rain down fishy manna on it. Even more astonishingly, Lajamanu, a community 560 kilometers south-west of Katherine on the northern edge of the Tanami Desert, has experienced the highly unusual weather phenomenon of raining fish at least three times before.

    Sahir - 21/02/2023 - 17:56

  3. 18 Terrifying and Impressive Historic Weapons

    There is no end to the multitude of close combat weapons, from swords to spears, scythes, pikes, maces, glaives, flails, partisans, and hundreds more. Often designed to inflict the greatest damage possible, historical combat weapons are both terrifying and impressive.

    Joanna Gillan - 12/11/2022 - 18:00

  4. Military stronghold for Mongolian Conqueror Genghis Khan Found by Archaeologists

    Scenes depicted in a Chinese medieval travel book gave clues to researchers, helping them locate what is said to be a 13th century military outpost used by Mongolian conqueror Genghis Khan.

    lizleafloor - 03/03/2015 - 22:11

  5. Jang Bogo: The Powerful Silla Kingdom Warlord And Korean Hero

    ... dominant figure in the trilateral maritime trade between Japan, Korea, and China, successfully applying his experience ... and the maritime power domination of Korea, China, and Japan.  Moreover, Jang Bogo’s personal life story can ...

    Aleksa Vučković - 16/01/2021 - 21:07

  6. Hair-Raising Tales of Paranormal Animals that Possess Humans, See Death, and Act as Messengers of the Gods

    Throughout time, numerous people have declared that they had witnessed strange and inexplicable occurrences involving the ghosts of the deceased, fantastic creatures, demons, and other similar things. Many have claimed to have been haunted or possessed by entities from the world beyond. However, not just people are confronted with the supernatural. Animals can also be haunted or, in turn, they can haunt and even possess.

    valdar - 11/03/2016 - 14:23

  7. A Functional and Fertile Crescent: Technological Advancements in the Cradle of Civilization

    ... of the people living there. Ancient farmers. ( Heritage of Japan ) To start, in the areas where agriculture developed, ...

    dhwty - 03/08/2018 - 13:57

  8. Niumatou Site: An Archaeological Preservation of Taiwan’s Lost Aborigines

    As long as 5,500 years ago the Formosan, Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, lived in small settlements in relative isolation along the coastal terrace in the Taichung (formerly Niumatou) basin areas. The men fished and hunted deer or wild boars, while women farmed and raised the families. They predominantly occupied the edges of the low-lying river terraces on the slope of the mountain which were covered by lush forests. Their stilt houses were raised on platforms above the typhoon flood levels.

    Michelle Freson - 21/08/2018 - 18:45

  9. 8 Lost Shipwrecks That Still Hold Promise of Treasure and Fame

    We all love a good mystery, and what’s better than a treasure hunt? This has led many historians to an obsession with finding lost shipwrecks. Some of them do it in the hope of finding lost Spanish galleons filled with gold; some do it just because they love the hunt. Over the centuries, countless vessels have been lost beneath the waves, including warships, pirate ships, and trade vessels. Finding them is time-consuming and expensive, and bringing them back to the surface even more so.

    Robbie Mitchell - 12/01/2023 - 17:57

  10. Sokushinbutsu: Tales Of Living Buddhas’ Self Mummification

    ... is what more than 24 known individuals did in northern Japan from the 1200s until the 19th century, though it may ... is what more than 24 known individuals did in northern Japan from the 1200s until the 19th century, though it may ...

    Ken Jeremiah - 18/02/2022 - 21:11

  11. The Shotel Sword: Ancient African Weapon Was Worn To Impress the Ladies

    One thing that every culture has in common is weaponry, and that weaponry is often unique and distinctive in its appearance.

    Sarah P Young - 20/04/2019 - 13:58

  12. The Ultimate Showdown: Samurai vs. Conquistadors in battle (Video)

    ... epic clash which isn’t a hypothetical. The Samurai of Japan vs. the Conquistadors of Spain. In a clash of cultures ... the seas to face off against the renowned samurai of Japan. These battles, such as the Portuguese 1565 clash at ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 13/04/2023 - 02:00

  13. Why Judging a Person by Their Skin Colour Defies Logic

    ... on the belief that olive skin is more attractive.  Yet in Japan, it is the reverse. Women with olive skin desperately ... surgeries.  The preference for white skin in Japan dates back many centuries. There is an old proverb: ...

    aprilholloway - 09/11/2013 - 00:37

  14. Oldest Recorded Celestial Aurora Event Found in Ancient Chinese Text!

    ... been researched by scientists from Nagoya University in Japan, The oldest known evidence referring to a “celestial ... been researched by scientists from Nagoya University in Japan, located. The Bamboo Annals are a chronicle of ancient ...

    Sahir - 17/04/2022 - 18:58

  15. 12 Jaw-Dropping Helmets from the Ancient World

    Helmets of the ancient world could be dazzling, terrifying, intimidating or sometimes simply practical. Here we look at 12 incredible helmets from across the ancient world.

    Joanna Gillan - 03/09/2022 - 18:45

  16. Chinese New Year 2022 and the Legend of Nian

    ​Millions of people across China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan and other countries around the world are today ... custom Millions of people across China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan and other countries around the world are today ...

    Joanna Gillan - 01/02/2022 - 14:00

  17. The Legendary Powers of a Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

    Today is born the seventh one
    Born of woman the seventh son
    And he in turn of a seventh son
    He has the power to heal
    He has the gift of the second sight
    He is the chosen one
    So it shall be written
    So it shall be done
    Iron Maiden, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son

    dhwty - 03/12/2019 - 19:59

  18. Twenty Four more Ancient Geoglyphs Discovered in Nazca, Peru

    ... discovery, researchers from the University of Yamagata in Japan have spotted 24 previously unknown geoglyphs in ... the humming bird (top left) and monkey (bottom left). The Japan Times reports that the geoglyphs are located ...

    aprilholloway - 08/07/2015 - 20:39

  19. Creating Waves, Destroying Lives: Ancient Tsunamis That Left Their Mark

    The catastrophic Indian Ocean tsunami of late 2004 claimed up to 300,000 lives in the space of 24 hours. In 2011, the Japanese tsunami claimed another 20,000 lives. Prior to these events, few scientists were interested in studying tsunamis as they believed that they were very rare events.

    Karen Mutton - 08/10/2019 - 14:05

  20. Well Preserved Cave Lion Cub Found to be a 28,000-Year-Old Female

    A team of international researchers from Sweden, Japan, and Russia have confirmed that a cave lion cub mummy ... release. A team of international researchers from Sweden, Japan, and Russia have confirmed that a cave lion cub mummy ...

    Nathan Falde - 09/08/2021 - 22:57
