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  1. Jesuit Missions of Paraguay Abandoned Due to ‘The Enlightenment’

    The Jesuit missions in Paraguay were a remarkable historical social experiment and have been the subject of many books, articles, and even a movie, The Mission. Two of the most famous of these are the Missions of La Santísima Trinidad de Paraná and Jesús de Tavarangue.

    Ed Whelan - 27/08/2019 - 01:50

  2. Qal’at Al-Bahrain: Enter the Fort and Immerse Yourself in the Fascinating History of the Persian Gulf

    Bahrain is a small island nation which is in the heart of the Persian Gulf (also known as the Arab Gulf) and has a rich culture and varied history. One of the most important and historic locations in Bahrain is the Qal'at al-Bahrain, an extensive archaeological site which contains traces of various cultures. It bears the remnants of the many empires which occupied the fort and its environs.

    Ed Whelan - 22/12/2018 - 13:57

  3. The Great Mosque of Touba: Spiritual Home of the Mouride Brotherhood

    Islam has a long and impressive history in Africa. The nation of Senegal, for example, has been decisively influenced by Islam and it is the location of one of the greatest mosques in the entire continent of Africa, the Great Mosque of Touba. This mosque is remarkable in size and is celebrated for its architecture.

    Ed Whelan - 29/05/2019 - 02:04

  4. Xanten Archaeological Park – Step Back and Experience the Romans

    Open-air archaeological parks or museums are increasingly popular as they bring the past to life. One of the largest in the world, if not the largest, is Xanten Archaeological Park in Germany. This beautiful setting is filled with monuments of the Romans who inhabited Germany. The indoor museum contains many fascinating artifacts and presentations on the history of Rome, the Romans and their way of life.

    Ed Whelan - 21/07/2019 - 01:03

  5. San Pedro de la Roca Castle and the Military Might of Spain in Cuba

    ... 978-1-57488-303-9, p. 121-136 Available at: Wilson, ...

    Ed Whelan - 10/06/2019 - 02:08

  6. The Last Speaker of Resigaro – Murder of a Language

    Among the six to seven thousand languages spoken in the world today, about five thousand of them are spoken by indigenous people living in North and South America, Africa, Oceania, and parts of Asia.

    Caleb Strom - 01/04/2019 - 18:50

  7. The Triumphal Arch of Orange in France - Symbol of the Roman Empire

    The Romans left behind remarkable monuments and their influence on architecture cannot be overstated. Many of their public monuments commemorated a military victory and sought to legitimize their rule. A particularly distinctive, and immediately recognizable design is the triumphal arch, which has been used through the centuries to modern times by various nations. One of the finest examples of a Roman triumphal arch is the example in Orange, in the southeast of France.

    Ed Whelan - 25/09/2020 - 00:51

  8. Li’s Gravestones: Raised in Memory of the Long Forgotten Dead

    Standing stones - monuments from long-vanished prehistoric societies - can be seen throughout the world. One of the most remarkable sets of standing stones in Northern Europe is situated on a gravel ridge in Fjaras Bracka, Sweden. Known as Li’s gravestones, they date from the Iron Age and later, and visitors can explore the fascinating prehistoric past outside a museum. 

    Ed Whelan - 04/11/2018 - 13:51

  9. Sacred Powers Fade Along With the Rock Art of the San People at Ha Baroana

    As the world is getting smaller, thanks to technology and air travel, many previously mysterious, historic sites have become better known and it’s possible for ordinary tourists to visit these amazing locations once only viewed by explorers. These days visitors can easily travel to the fascinating, yet remote area in Lesotho which offers a window into the lives and minds of our ancient ancestors.

    Ed Whelan - 14/02/2019 - 02:11

  10. Amman, One of the Finest Roman Theatres in the World

    The Kingdom of Jordan has many historical sites. Many different civilizations have flourished in the area since ancient times. One of the most important and largest heritage sites is the Roman Theatre, Amman, which is one of the best examples of such a structure anywhere in the Middle East.

    Ed Whelan - 17/12/2019 - 02:01

  11. How An Infamous Welsh Pirate Destroyed the Conquistadors' City of Panama Viejo

    Panama City in Central America is a bustling city of 1.5 million people. It is a major financial hub as well as a popular tourist destination and fortunately the remains of the old Panama City, an area known as the Panamá Viejo, can still be seen and visited. Today it is a World Heritage Site.

    Ed Whelan - 13/05/2019 - 13:46

  12. Port Au Choix, Newfoundland: Once Home to Four First Nation Cultures

    ... Newfoundland . Springer Science & Business Media (Google Books) Tuck, J.A. 1971. An archaic cemetery at Port au ...

    Ed Whelan - 29/09/2018 - 01:44

  13. Kings Weston Roman Villa, Where a Murder Lay Hidden for 1500 Years

    Britain was part of the Roman Empire from the 1st century AD to the start of the 5th century AD when the emperor withdrew the legions from the islands and left the inhabitants to govern and fend for themselves. This period is often seen as a period of peace and prosperity, but historians also believe it to be one of oppression and brutality.

    Ed Whelan - 14/06/2020 - 22:58

  14. Burana Tower, Kyrgyzstan’s Ancient and Last Monument to a Lost City

    Central Asia has been home to various cultures and empires, and many of their materials remains can still be seen. One of the most important in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan is the Burana Tower. This minaret is virtually all that is left of the capital of a powerful empire. The tower is one of the older architectural structures in all of Central Asia and its design influenced architects all over the region and into India.

    Ed Whelan - 03/09/2020 - 01:28

  15. Airai Bai: Men’s Meetinghouse in Tribal Paradise Where Women Rule the Land

    The island Republic of Palau is not only beautiful, it has a rich traditional culture, as do many nations in the Pacific. Here, visitors can observe a traditional way of life that is authentic and not something that has been staged for the benefit of tourists. Airai Bai is a men’s meetinghouse where we can gain a unique insight into local customs.  

    Ed Whelan - 23/12/2018 - 22:49

  16. History of Maps: From Ancient Artifacts to Modern Marvels

    ... tools, GPS technology, and online mapping platforms like Google Maps and OpenStreetMap. Today, cartography continues ... accurate map with us everywhere in the form of either Google or Apple Maps. Knowing where we’re going is ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 31/03/2024 - 17:29

  17. Fort Shirley, Where A Mutiny Led to Emancipation of the British Slave Soldiers

    Dominica is one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean. Its beauty, however, belies a somewhat violent past when it was often a center of violent conflict.

    Ed Whelan - 16/07/2019 - 01:48

  18. Apollonia, The Once Eminent Greek City

    The ancient Greeks left an enduring legacy and influence the modern world to this day. Whether it be astrology, mathematics, biology, engineering, medicine or linguistics, nearly all of the information we take for granted today was first discovered by the ancient Greeks.

    Ed Whelan - 19/10/2019 - 02:05

  19. Will the Noteworthy Archeological Site of Doclea Be Saved in Time?

    ... Cambridge University Press Available at: Munro, J. A. R., ...

    Ed Whelan - 01/01/2020 - 02:55

  20. Fortaleza Ozama, Where Columbus Was Imprisoned for Being a Tyrant

    The language and culture of many of the Caribbean islands reflects four centuries of Spain’s presence in the region.

    Ed Whelan - 23/07/2019 - 02:08
