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  1. The Anasazi and Anakim: Nephilim Ruins and Evidence of Ritual Murder

    Across the ancient world, from the rocky deserts of the American West all the way to the shores of the Mediterranean, enigmatic parallels between ancient myths and archaeological sites are emerging. One such parallel exists between the Anasazi people of North America and the Anakim of the ancient Near East, the land of Canaan.

    Mark A. Carpenter - 17/11/2020 - 22:04

  2. Strange Things You Didn't Know About Denisovans! (Video)

    Unearth the mysterious Denisovans, a human-like species coexisting with Neanderthals in Asia during the Lower and Middle Paleolithic eras. Only recently discovered in Siberia's Denisova Cave in 2008, the first evidence emerged as a small, ancient finger bone fragment from a young girl who lived 40,000 years ago.

    Robbie Mitchell - 05/10/2023 - 17:04

  3. Precision Stone Carvings of San Miguel Ixtapan – the Mexican Tiwanaku?

    Over the past century, dozens of carved megalithic stone slabs of unknown origin and function have been uncovered in the southern part of the state of Mexico and the north of Guerrero, mostly around the small archaeological site of San Miguel Ixtapan, Tejupilco. Further excavations, beginning in 1995, have revealed the remains of extensive megalithic architecture consisting of huge blocks of basalt and andesite, many weighing several tons, showing remarkable similarities with South American artistic and architectural styles.

    Marco M. Vigato - 05/11/2021 - 17:58

  4. Message from Outer Space? The Mysterious Indecipherable Script of the Inga Stone

    ... Case in the World Discovered in Brazil The Inga Stone Enigma: Carvings from Beyond An additional popular theme of ... Unsolved Enigma of the Inga Stone and its Mysterious Ancient ...

    Kristen C - 04/08/2023 - 22:54

  5. The Qasr al-Farid, the Lonely Castle of the Nabataeans

    The Nabataean Kingdom ruled over an area that spanned from the southern Levant to northern Arabia, a position that allowed them to control the Incense Route that passed through the Arabian Peninsula. As a result of this lucrative trade, the Nabataeans grew immensely wealthy and powerful. One expression of this wealth can be seen in the monuments they built. The most well-known Nabataean monument is arguably the al-Khazneh in Petra, modern day Jordan.

    dhwty - 28/04/2015 - 01:03

  6. Unlooted Etruscan Tomb Complete with Sarcophagi and Treasures Unearthed in Italy

    Archaeologists have made a rare discovery near the small town of Città della Pieve, near Perugia in Italy – a 2,400-year-old sealed and untouched Etruscan tomb.  The burial chamber contains sarcophagi and a wealth of grave goods, providing a fascinating window into the mysterious civilization that disappeared around two millennia ago.

    aprilholloway - 05/12/2015 - 14:51

  7. The Alien Petroglyphs of Chile’s Valle del Encanto

    ... and the Sixties: The Obsession with Ancient Astronauts The Enigma of the Nazca Lines: Strange Theories and Unanswered ...

    Rafael Videla Eissmann - 06/08/2022 - 14:58

  8. Unearthing the Ancients: Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun

    The ancient age of Egypt, the enigmatic pharaohs and the rich history of the Nile valley, are without a doubt one of the most exciting and wondrous aspects of modern archaeology.

    Aleksa Vučković - 19/08/2019 - 18:50

  9. The Underground Mysteries of Château de Brézé

    Pretty and charming on the outside, but deeply enigmatic and ancient down below: Château de Brézé is a place of many mysteries. Located in the scenic Loire Valley in France, this castle and the entire region boast a long and exciting history that spans many centuries.

    Aleksa Vučković - 02/08/2020 - 19:09

  10. Rediscovering Iconic Artifacts From Noah’s Flood In The Stars

    The story of a primordial, global Deluge popularized in the Noah’s Ark narrative endures as one of antiquity’s most baffling enigmas. Old Testament theologians unanimously agree that the Biblical Flood story is a sixth-century BC reworking of a narrative that originated in Mesopotamia. The first reference to a great Flood appears as a two-sentence factoid in the circa 2050 BC Sumerian King List.

    John McHugh - 14/01/2022 - 20:10

  11. How The Rosetta Stone Unlocked Hieroglyphics (Video)

    The Rosetta Stone, an invaluable treasure housed in the British Museum, played a pivotal role in deciphering the enigmatic Egyptian hieroglyphics. Before its discovery by Napoleon's campaign in Egypt, the modern world remained clueless about the workings of this ancient writing system.

    Robbie Mitchell - 02/07/2023 - 16:56

  12. Five Unique Burial Sites of the Ancient World (Video)

    Robbie Mitchell - 11/03/2024 - 19:52

  13. Finding the Facts on Figures Like King Arthur, Midas, Robin Hood (Video)

    Robbie Mitchell - 20/04/2024 - 00:33

  14. Gravity Hills: Mystery and Confusion Rise

    ... in the names of such hills. Overcoming Gravity: The Enigma of Coral Castle The Enigma of the Winchester Mystery House Are Scientists Set to ...

    dhwty - 04/01/2020 - 01:48

  15. KV62, Designed to Confound: Was Tutankhamun’s Tomb built for a Female Pharaoh?—Part I

    One of the greatest enigmas in all of Egyptology is the location of the final resting place of Queen Nefertiti, a powerful royal personage of the late Eighteenth Dynasty. Barring pieces of a votive shabti that was probably placed in her husband Akhenaten’s tomb, no funerary object from her burial has ever surfaced. The quasi-royal design of Tomb 26C within the Communal Tomb in Amarna (TA26) provides evidence that it was built for Nefertiti, but the unfinished chambers of this suite hint she was not laid to rest in Akhetaten.

    anand balaji - 20/04/2018 - 13:59

  16. A Human Touch: Is this 1500-year-old Hand Print a Pict, a Viking or Another?

    Scottish media is reporting a remarkable find of hand and knee prints that may have belonged to an individual from an enigmatic civilization. It is believed that the prints are those of a Pictish smith and were discovered in the remains of his workshop. The find was uncovered in the island of Rousay in the Orkney Islands off the Northern coast of Scotland. This discovery is being hailed as unique and allowing us to have a better understanding of a key archaeological site.

    Ed Whelan - 28/07/2018 - 13:51

  17. Live Television Opening of an Egyptian High Priest’s Tomb Certainly Did Not Disappoint

    On Sunday night, in an unprecedented live event, the sarcophagus of a 2,500-year-old Ancient Egyptian high priest was opened by intrepid Discovery Channel adventurer, television personality, and author Josh Gates and the enigmatic egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass. And it all happened on live TV.

    ashley cowie - 09/04/2019 - 13:55

  18. Bronze Age Stone Circle Found Hidden in British Forest

    An archaeologist has announced the discovery of a 4000-year-old stone circle. It was found in one of the most famous forests in England. The find is the first of its kind in this part of Britain and it may help historians to better understand these enigmatic stone circles.

    Ed Whelan - 01/11/2019 - 22:29

  19. The Vagaries of Trade in Ancient Egypt

    Along with a lust for building enigmatic and long lasting structures, trade was an important feature of Ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians traded with many lands that bordered their country, including Nubia, Libya, and the Levant.

    dhwty - 05/06/2020 - 14:10

  20. Medieval Graffiti to Repel Witches and Evil Spirits Found In Britain

    In Britain, a mysterious discovery has been made in the ruins of a church in an abandoned medieval village. On some stones, archaeologists have found graffiti and some enigmatic marking. It is believed that the markings were made to ward off evil spirits or witches. This discovery is a timely one as we approach Halloween.

    Ed Whelan - 21/10/2020 - 17:52
