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Science & Space

Ancient Origins articles related to Science & Space in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

Planets Align To Form ‘Star of Bethlehem’ This Winter Solstice

Planets Align To Form ‘Star of Bethlehem’ This Winter Solstice

This year, as dusk gives way to darkness on the night of the Winter Solstice (December 21 st 2020), residents of the United States, the United Kingdom, and other nations across the Northern...
Intelligent Life Is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY To Be Out There!

Intelligent Life Is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY To Be Out There!

The search for intelligent life may be over! A team of Oxford University researchers claims life on earth is probably a unique universal phenomena, and that it´s “extremely unlikely” that any other...
Republicans and Democrats

US Election: Origins of the Democratic Donkey and Republican Elephant

In case you happen to be one of those people who wonder how everything started, you would be amazed to learn that the two extremely popular party animals have been on the political scene since the...
Scientists have found the world’s oldest sperm cells. Source: bluebay2014 /Adobe Stock

World’s Oldest Sperm Cells Found Trapped in Amber

Paleontologists working in Myanmar have found the oldest sperm cells in the world. They were trapped in amber 100 million years ago, have been described as ‘giant,’ and come from a mussel-like...
A high resolution 3D image of the planet Venus, second planet from the Sun which is surrounded by the “invisible” clouds of Venus. Image: WithanTor / Adobe Stock

Can Exploring The Clouds Of Venus Find The Origins Of Life?

It is known that planet Earth is about 4.54 billion years old and that life on our planet dates from at least 3.5 billion years ago. However, despite knowing when life first appeared on Earth,...
Reconstruction of a live Scelidosaurus, the first complete dinosaur skeleton ever discovered. Source: John Sibbick

World’s First Complete Dinosaur Skeleton Has Been Vividly Brought to Life

A team of English scientists have unboxed the first complete dinosaur skeleton ever discovered, and after over 150 years the remains have finally been fully studied and recorded. Previously unknown...
An ancient Chinese anatomy text and acupuncture needles.   Source: Yu Lan / Adobe Stock

Rare Chinese Anatomy Text Links Earliest Dissections and Acupuncture

Researchers studying ancient Chinese texts have found that they are anatomical works. These Chinese anatomy texts are possibly one of the earliest anatomical atlases of the human body. The...
Elon Musk’s “Ancient Aliens” Twitter comment has caused many questions about who built the pyramids and alien life.                       Source: merydolla / Adobe Stock

Elon Musk's “Ancient Aliens” Twittersphere Controversy Continues

The modern world is filled with self-appointed experts who investigate various events, legends and historical texts looking for evidence of historic contact between humans and extraterrestrial life...
Ophiuchus, the 13th zodiac sign, as depicted in Urania’s Mirror, a set of constellation cards published in London c. 1825.	Source: Sidney Hall / Public domain

People Alarmed Over Announcement of 13th Astrological Sign

NASA , the American civilian Space Agency, has moved quickly to tell people not to panic about the announcement of a 13 th zodiac sign , Ophiuchus, which has been causing a panic among those who...
Original artwork depicting the moment of the asteroid strike in present-day Mexico. 	Image: Chase Stone / Nature Communications

Dinosaur-dooming Asteroid Struck Earth at 'Deadliest Possible' Angle

New simulations from Imperial College London have revealed the asteroid that doomed the dinosaurs struck Earth at the 'deadliest possible' angle. The simulations show that the asteroid hit Earth at...
The total solar eclipse of May 28 585 caused a cease in fighting between the Medians and the Lydians.           Source: zef art / Adobe Stock

May 28, 585 BC: The Battle Of The Solar Eclipse

On this day, 28 May, in 585 BC, a fierce battle was underway in Asia Minor when the light vanished in the middle of the day causing the warring armies to lay down their arms and declare a truce. This...
Experts have examined the long-term environmental impact of prolonged warfare and regime change during the Baltic Crusades, revealing clues to a model for rewilding. Pictured: the iconic European bison who were brought back from the brink of extinction through rewilding in Poland.          Source: szczepank / Adobe stock

Can the Baltic Crusades Teach Us About Bringing Nature Back to Life?

By Aleks Pluskowski, Alex Brown & Rowena Banerjea / The Conversation The Forest of Białowieża, which straddles the border of Poland and Belarus, is unique in Europe: it is incredibly ancient...
This illustration depicts NASA's Perseverance rover operating on the surface of Mars. Source: NASA / JPL-Caltech

Promising Signs For Perseverance Rover’s Quest for Martian Life

New research indicates river delta deposits within Mars' Jezero crater - the destination of NASA's Perseverance rover on the Red Planet - formed over time scales that promoted habitability and...
Ancient Greek astronomy has baffled experts for centuries – how did they know what they knew so long ago? These four discoveries epitomize this. Pictured: view of the Earth, Moon and Sun from the space elements (original image from NASA). Source: vovan / Adobe stock

Four Discoveries of Ancient Greek Astronomy That Still Baffle Experts

The Histories by Herodotus (484BC to 425BC) offers a remarkable window into the world as it was known by ancient Greek astronomy in the mid fifth century BC. Almost as interesting as what they knew,...
Representative image of the comet Atlas in the night sky.      Source: Tryfonov / Adobe stock

Ancient Comet ‘Atlas’ Measures Half the Size of the Sun and it’s Back!

A huge icy space rock, comet ‘Atlas’, is currently in the constellation Ursa Major in the northern sky passing through the orbit of Mars , but it’s on a trajectory with our Sun and it will get...
Alexander the Great was fascinated by the Gymnosophists

How Some Naked Monks of India Fascinated Alexander the Great

The impact of Alexander III of Macedon better known to us as Alexander the Great , continues to this day. Even in the Indian sub-continent, his legacy is still visible in the names of numerous...
Scientists Crack Secrets of Ginkgo Trees’ Near-Immortality

Scientists Crack Secrets of Ginkgo Trees’ Near-Immortality

A new botanical scientific study on ginkgo trees highlights the species’ hyper-charged defenses and apparent escalation towards “immortality.” Native to China , G inkgo biloba , also known as the...
Illustration of meteor entering Earth's atmosphere    Source: lassedesignen / Adobe Stock

Oldest Material On Earth Discovered To Be Older Than The Sun

Stars have life cycles. They're born when bits of dust and gas floating through space find each other and collapse in on each other and heat up. They burn for millions to billions of years, and then...
Pole starts used to align the pyramids at Giza.          Source: Aliaksei / Adobe Stock

Ancient Egyptian North Star Eclipsed By Astronomical Discovery

The star used by ancient Egyptians as their North Star has just been discovered to be one part of a pair of binary stars that periodically eclipse one another, according to NASA scientists. The team’...
A boy with the measles. Credit: bilanol / Adobe Stock

Lungs of 2-Year-Old Reveal Ancient Origins of Measles Virus

The world’s oldest known measles sample has been discovered in the lungs of a girl who died in 1912 and scientists now suggest the ancient virus jumped from animals to humans around 300 BC, making...
Mummy bones found in an Egyptian tomb in Aswan and Saqqara necropolis have been analyzed. Source: Ministry of Antiquities.

Minutiae of Mummy Bones Give Details of Everyday Life

Experiments at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) are casting a new light on Egyptian soil and ancient mummified bone samples that could provide a richer...
Deriv; Stone statue of Gilgamesh (CC BY 2.0), used here as a representation of an ancient Mesopotamian man. Background: Solar event. (CC0) Information provided by ancient Assyrian astrologers can help modern scientists predict future solar storms.

Ancient Assyrian Astrologers Teach Us About Solar Storms

What exactly goes on high above our heads? Why do the stars and celestial spheres seem to dance around the sky? What is the sun up to when it seems to “randomly” disappear in the day, or when it...
Experts have studied the skeletal remains of five bodies excavated in Ireland and tested the remains for strains of leprosy. Source: Suthiporn / Adobe Stock.

Did Scandinavian Vikings Carry Leprosy To Ireland?

The skeletal remains of five bodies excavated in Ireland suggest Vikings brought leprosy to the Emerald Isle. Leprosy , also known as Hansen's disease , is a chronic infectious disease that is caused...
Exoplanet “K2-18b” is 50% water could possibly harbor alien life. Source: Sergey Nivens / Adobe Stock.

First Ever Find of Water on ‘Potentially Habitable’ Planet Gives Hope for Finding Alien Life

For the first time ever, astronomers have identified water trapped in the atmosphere of a remote planet orbiting a distant star. When Gillian Anderson played Dana Scully she famously said, “The truth...
