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The remnants of a Roman street in Legio, a permanent Roman military outpost in Palestine

Archaeologists unearth 2,000-year-old Roman Legion outpost that controlled Jewish uprisings

Rome had its hands full in Palestine in the 1 st and 2 nd centuries AD with two Jewish uprisings against Roman rule. The establishment of a Roman Legion outpost in the Galilee may have prevented the...
The Roman hob-nailed boot print on the ground and a 3D scan of it

Archaeologists find hobnailed boot print of Roman soldier in Israel

Archaeologists excavating an ancient Roman fortified hill town in Israel have made a remarkable find there: hobnailed-boot prints typical of a Roman soldier. The Romans had “boots on the ground,” as...
Roman women bathing

Swans Fat, Crocodile Dung, and Ashes of Snails: Achieving Beauty in Ancient Rome

Now learn, my dears, the art of beautifying your faces; learn by what means you can retain your charms. This line, taken from Publius Ovidius Naso's (Ovid's) Medicamina Faciei Femineae , or The Art...
Old well at Monopolata village of Kefalonia island in Greece.

Hundreds of babies found in mass grave in ancient Athenian well were not victims of infanticide

A team of researchers using the latest technologies have come to startling new conclusions about the discovery of 450 dead babies and 150 dogs in an ancient Greek well. The discovery of the baby’s...
The Pyramid of Cestius, Rome

What is a Pyramid doing in the Heart of Rome?

The Great Pyramid of Giza is undoubtedly one of the most well-known icons of ancient Egypt. Nevertheless, similar pyramids are found scattered all throughout Egypt and beyond. Egyptian-style pyramids...
The treasure-hunters. Working with a metal detector.

Metal detectorist uncovers Roman treasure hoard in England

A person with a metal detector uncovered some beautiful items of a Roman period burial from around 200 AD in a field in England north of London. An archaeologist says the items were likely owned by a...
An early diving bell used by 16th Century divers during salvage operations. The book this came from is a text on ship salvage and includes diving information.

Oath of Silence Protects Amazing 500-Year-Old Diving Bell Used to Visit Sunken Roman Vessels

A vow of silence has protected the mystery behind an ingenious invention for nearly 500 years. The secrets behind Guglielmo de Lorena’s amazing diving bell, a technical marvel, would have remained an...
Tullia drives her chariot over the body of her father, Servius Tullius. Painting by Jean Bardin, 1765.

Servius Tullius – The last benevolent king of Rome

Just a stone’s throw away from the bustling Termini station in the heart of Rome stands a section of an ancient wall. This wall is known as the Servian Wall, as it is believed to have been built...
Model Kate Keown portraying Beatrice Cenci. 1968.

The Spirit of Beatrice Cenci - A Tale of Terrible Injustice in Ancient Rome

Just a stone’s throw away from St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican City is the Ponte Sant’Angelo. Today, this bridge is one of the famous tourist attractions in the city of Rome. Yet, this bridge hides...
The Rape of the Sabine Women by Pietro da Cortona

The Rape of the Sabine Women

According to tradition, the city of Rome was founded in the 8 th century B.C. by Romulus. The Roman historian Livy wrote that the city of Rome grew strong quickly, and was able to defend itself...
Inside the Roman Colosseum.

Red-painted numbers helped Romans find their seats in the Colosseum

Archaeologists have discovered that the carved seat numbers in the Roman Colosseum had been painted red to make the seats easier to see, assuring orderly, trouble-free seating of the crowd--who then...
Caligula’s Palace and Bridge

Roman Emperor Caligula and the Floating Bridge of Baiae

Roman leader Caligula is well-known for his brief stint as the emperor of Rome, from 37 AD through 41 AD. Some say that Caligula displayed signs of madness during his reign. According to historical...
Enormous 2,300-year-old Roman water basin unearthed in the heart of Rome

Enormous 2,300-year-old Roman water basin unearthed in the heart of Rome

A very large Roman water basin that once held more than four million liters of water has been discovered 20 meters (65 ft) below street level in the heart of Rome. Archaeologists are saying it is the...
Ancient gold mines in Spain, the largest of the Roman Empire

Researchers discover vast ancient gold mines in Spain, the largest of the Roman Empire

Complex hydraulic systems and the methods of ancient Roman gold mining have been discovered using sophisticated laser detection and aerial mapping over Las Médulas in northwestern Spain...
Clodia Metelli

The Infamy of Clodia Metelli

Clodia Metelli lived in the first century BC, a time when the Roman Republic was controlled by a handful of affluent families, whose quarrels would soon lead to civil war and the rise of an empire...
Women and Medicine in Rome

Women and Medicine in Rome

Anyone who has interest, even minimally, in the history of medicine in classical antiquity, knows the names of Hippocrates and Galen. The two Greek physicians were the pillars on which the entire...
Rome's Colosseum

Colosseum of Rome, a Condominium in Medieval Times

The Colosseum of Rome is infamously known as the site of brutal gladiator battles in which slaves, Christians, and gladiator fighters were mercilessly slaughtered for the enjoyment of the emperor and...
World Epidemic Unearthed in Egypt - Plague in Rome

Victims of End of the World Epidemic Unearthed in Egypt

Archaeologists in Egypt have uncovered the remains of victims of an ancient epidemic that occurred nearly two millennia ago, believed at the time to be the end of the world, according to a report in...
Massive Roman military camp in Germany

Massive Roman military camp unearthed in Germany

Archaeologists have discovered a massive Roman military camp covering 18 hectares near the town of Thuringia, Germany, which would have been used by a legion of up to 5,000 troops, according to a...
Rome - Forum

Discovery of ancient ruins reveals Rome is older than previously believed

Archaeologists have found the remains of an ancient wall during excavations inside the Roman Forum, which has been dated to 900 BC – suggesting that the ancient city is two centuries older than...
Tomb in Hungary - Attila the Hun

Discovery of Attila the Hun tomb in Hungary is a hoax

Two days ago an announcement was made that construction workers building the foundations of a new bridge over the Danube River in Budapest, Hungary, had uncovered an ancient burial chamber with...
Gladiator School

Gladiator School Discovery Reveals Hard Lives of Ancient Warriors

Archaeologists have revealed the almost complete remains of a Roman school of gladiators on the banks of the Danube in Austria and have used sophisticated 3D reconstruction techniques to bring to...
Sri Lanka - Oldest Shipwreck

Archaeologists set to excavate 2,000-year-old shipwreck off the coast of Sri Lanka

A team of underwater archaeologists are set to excavate a 2,000-year-old shipwreck off the coast of Sri Lanka, the oldest known shipwreck in the Indian Ocean. It is hoped that the month-long...
Ancient Roman Cult Temple - Capitoline Hill

Archaeologists uncover ancient Roman cult temple

Archaeologists excavating a site in central Rome have uncovered what may be the oldest known Roman temple . The finding was made at Sant’Omobono, one of the most remarkable and least understood...
