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This is what the Earth’s Black Box, when it is finally set up in Tasmania, will look like.		Source: Earth’s Black Box

Is The 32ft-long Apocalyptic ‘Earth’s Black Box’ Sheer Catastrophism?

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Based on the assumption that climate change will destroy Earth soon, a supercomputer in a giant “black box,” is about to be set up in Tasmania, Australia. The supercomputer black box was created to record all conditions leading up to a “predicted” global collapse. As you will see, without denying climate change whatsoever, this rings of sheer catastrophism. Big data about Earth’s impending demise will now be available to survivors of a future apocalypse, should Mother Earth ever reset life on the planet. Earth’s temperature, sea levels and atmospheric CO2 will all be recorded within the Tasmanian “Black Box steel megalith” for future Mad-Maxes to learn the evils of their ancestors, and how they killed the planet.

Soon to be built near Tasmania's western coast, about four hours north of Hobart on the River Derwent, the so-called indestructible solar-powered supercomputer, housed in a big “black box,” will also record news headlines and social media posts. According to Science Alerts, having been built “to outlive us all,” the supercomputer will document the events “that lead to the demise of the planet.”

Climate change will be a huge focus for the Earth’s Black Box project including shrinking ice coverage. (Earth’s Black Box)

Climate change will be a huge focus for the Earth’s Black Box project including shrinking ice coverage. (Earth’s Black Box)

Earth’s Black Box Project Will Record Our Demise

When the first passenger flights started landing in the ocean the world became aware of the term “black box,” which records all of the conditions onboard a plane, and surrounding crafts, prior to aviation accidents. The Daily Mail explains, similarly, that Tasmania’s “Earth’s Black Box” project will record scientific temperature, sea level and atmospheric CO2 data, “documenting how humanity failed to avoid a climate disaster.”

The Earth’s Black Box project has been led by marketing firm Clemenger BBDO in collaboration with the University of Tasmania. Jim Curtis from Clemenger BBDO told ABC News that if the Earth does “crash as a result of climate change, this indestructible recording device will be there for whoever’s left.”

Construction will begin in mid-2022 after some major hurdles are overcome. For example, how will a post-apocalyptic human be able to access and use the data stored on Black Box?

The Earth’s Black Box project will also record atmospheric pollution like what’s coming out of these smokestacks. (Earth’s Black Box)

Recording Climate Change and “Non-biased Contextual Data”

The supercomputer within the 32-foot-long (9.8-meter-long) steel black box structure will not only record land and sea temperatures, ocean acidification and atmospheric CO2, but also “species extinction, land-use changes, as well as human population, military spending and energy consumption.” This information will be supported by masses of what is being called “non-biased contextual data” like social media posts and news headlines about climate change meetings.

I call bull here because how will these algorithms remain objective and how will they choose what to record and what not to record on the internet? How does the device decide what is newsworthy and what is not for future survivors to know about? Or how does the software choose which science papers to include? This is quite important really, for if Fake news is left out, survivors of an apocalypse will surely be destined to repeat the same mistakes.

Wildfires and forest fires will also be recorded by Earth’s Black Box. (Earth’s Black Box)

Wildfires and forest fires will also be recorded by Earth’s Black Box. (Earth’s Black Box)

Slow Down, This Is All Getting Very Hollywood

Tasmania was reportedly chosen primarily because of its relative “geopolitical and geological stability, over Malta, Norway and Qatar.” However, there is also constant sun in Tasmania, and being solar powered, the computer will download all of the new scientific data during the day.

All things considered, Jim Curtis and the team from Clemenger BBDO have what is essentially a good idea, albeit an old one, for this is really just an electronic time capsule. However, it sounds like the project team members are from an older school of thinking, one that leans heavily on geological catastrophism. Catastrophists theorize that the Earth has largely been shaped by sudden, short-lived, violent events, while uniformitarianism, on the other hand, charts slow incremental changes.

Clemenger said the purpose of the new device is to provide an unbiased account of the events that lead to “the demise of the planet.” And, he warned that unless we “dramatically transform” our way of life, climate change and other “man-made perils” will cause our “civilization to crash.” In two sentences we hear demise, dramatic, perils and civilization crash. Thus, this entire pitch is like reading the synopsis of a Hollywood disaster movie, which simply must be intended to stimulate fear-funding.

Top image: This is what the Earth’s Black Box, when it is finally set up in Tasmania, will look like. Source: Earth’s Black Box

By Ashley Cowie



Mankind still has not learned their lesson. We are not here to leave a legacy. We are here to figure out who controls the Force of Life, because that's our ultimate owner.

“….For seven and a half million years, Deep Thought computed and calculated, and in the end announced that the answer was in fact Forty-two – and so another, even bigger, computer had to be built to find out what the actual question was...”

Gary Moran's picture

There’s lots of readons I can name that make this “plan”  un-realistic,irrational, and if accomplished, soon totally useless; but I understand the sentiment.  However; if they really want somethig to last long, do it in stone --DUUH, look at the sphinx

It sounds like an art installation more than anything to me.  It is being funded by a marketing firm, after all.  I agree it is just a big ugly stupid stunt.  What are the chances that the data storage won’t be obsolete and inaccessible after the apocolypse?  Do people think cloud storage is going to be floating around waiting to rain information down on future generations?  I hope they thought to build in punch cards for the mutants to decipher.

Pseudo-science reigns supreme. Our demise is potentially coming right now. It isn't from a life-giving gas, but from a looming Worldwide dictatorship ushered in on decades of carefully planned psychological manipulation (the manipulation is not at all pseudo-scientific, but the disinformation that it spreads most definitely is).

This Tasmanian distraction is just another that shall divert attention away from the dictatorial tyranny being unleashed here in Australia, so that the gullible may trust the (pseudo-)science that shall lead us to grasp our own demise with eager hands.

Am I a right-wing nut job? No, I'm left-winger who always understood that George Orwell's writings were warnings, not instruction manuals. This Tasmanian project is brought to you by the Ministry of Truth.


Ashley Cowie is a distinguished author known for his four non-fiction books and more than 2,000 articles on archaeological and scientific topics. His work spans documentaries, books, and podcasts, and he has produced and hosted projects for major networks including... Read More

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