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History & Archaeology

We bring you all the latest historical news and archaeological discoveries relating to ancient human history. Read more history news from around the world here at Ancient Origins.

Overhead view of the Saint-Bélec slab.          Source: Denis Glicksman / Inrap

A Bronze Age Rock Has Become a 'Treasure Map' for Researchers

A piece of rock, adorned with mysterious markings that have remained largely unstudied for 4,000 years, has emerged as a remarkable "treasure map" for archaeologists. This ancient artifact, known as...
Neanderthal man, now shown to have DNA from modern human relatives 250,000 years ago.	Source: iridescentstreet/Adobe Stock

Shock Discovery - Humans First Interbred with Neanderthals 250,000 Years Ago

A groundbreaking study has shattered the conventional timeline of human-Neanderthal interactions. The prevailing belief was that Homo sapiens ancestors first mingled with Neanderthals in Eurasia...
12th century Crusader sword and a part of the scabbard found in a geothermal pipe trench, Salo, Finland.   Source: Riikka Saarinen / Turku Museum Center/University of Turku

12th Century Crusader Sword Sheds Light on Christianity in Finland

In the southwestern town of Salo in Finland, a fabulous discovery has emerged, with the potential to reshape experts' understanding of the history of Christianity in Finland. A landowner in Finland,...
A carved and painted wooden coffin, depicting "Ta Djesa," the daughter of a high priest of Jehuty in Ashmunein uncovered at the Griefa cemetery Egypt.   Source: Ministry of Antiquities

High Officials and Priests Cemetery Yield Stunning Array of Artifacts in Egypt

Egypt‘s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities reveals a remarkable cemetery from the New Kingdom. This unprecedented discovery includes a 13 to 15-meter (42.65 to 49.21 feet) long scroll illustrating...
The symbol kolovrat engraved on a tree. Source: anji77702 / Adobe Stock.

From Nordic Symbols to Sledgehammer Executions: Wagner’s Neo-Pagan Rituals

According to the Orthodox Eastern Church, the spirit of Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin now ought to have embarked in heaven or hell. The religion believes it takes 40 days after death for souls to...
AI tech scans carbonized Herculaneum scrolls. Photograph: University of Kentucky.

AI Unlocks Secrets from Charred Herculaneum Scroll

A 21-year-old computer-science prodigy has used artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve what many thought impossible: reading the interior text of a carbonized scroll from the ancient Roman city of...
The Glencoe hoard of coins consists of European pottery as well as silver and bronze coins. Source: ©Gareth Beale/University of Glasgow

Coin Hoard At Glencoe Massacre Site Found Buried Under Fireplace

In the heartlands of Scotland's rugged west coast, an archaeology student unearthed a trove of 17th-century artifacts, including an "international coin hoard." Believed to have been hidden after the...
Colorful, stone snake deity head recovered in Mexico City.      Source: LANCIC. UNAM/INAH

Huge, Vibrant Snake Head from the Mexica Era Uncovered in Mexico City

In September 2022, beneath the surface of Mexico City and amidst the tremors of an earthquake, a massive stone-carved snake head emerged, believed to hail from the ancient Tenochtitlan era. Over a...
Senior Researcher at the National Museum of Denmark Mads Dengso Jessen holds a Viking Age window glass fragment. Source: John Fhær Engedal Nissen / National Museum of Denmark

Study Finds Out Those Barbaric Vikings Had…Stained Glass Windows?!

It is no secret that the portrayal of Vikings in popular culture has done more than its fair share to distort our ideas of what and who the Vikings were. This distortion extends across various...
Fresco in Tomb of Cerberus discovered near Naples. Source: Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l’Area Metropolitana di Napoli

Unearthed 'Tomb of Cerberus' Features Pristine Frescoes from Ancient Roman Era

In a historic revelation, archaeologists have discovered a sealed chamber tomb featuring a captivating fresco of Cerberus, the renowned three-headed dog from Ancient Greek mythology said to guard the...
Crafted by the Fang people in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon, Fang masks are intricate wooden creations known for their stylized designs.

Elderly Couple 'Cheated' On Rare Fang Mask, Resold for $4.4 Million

Much of the erstwhile colonized world is still in legal and ethical tussles with their former colonizers, in an effort to retrieve precious artifacts and treasures that belong to their people. France...
The new study reveals that there are thousands of previously unknown earthworks in the Amazon hidden under the forest canopy.	 Source: © Mauricio de Paiva/ Max Planck Institute

Over 10,000 Earthworks in the Amazon Revealed By LiDAR

An international team of researchers has completed an extraordinary study that reveals the presence of thousands of undetected earthworks hidden beneath the dense cover of the Amazon rainforest in...
Trident found in Assos, Turkey. Source: Çiğdem Münibe Alyanak/Anadolu Agency

1700-Year-Old Trident Found in Assos Reveals A Maritime Legacy

In the ancient Greek city of Assos, located in modern-day northwestern Turkey, archaeologists have unearthed a 1,700-year-old iron trident. This 3rd or 4th century relic from the ancient Aegean...
Preserved 7,300-year-old cabins discovered at La Draga Neolithic site in Catalonia, Spain. Source: Banyoles City Council/IPHES

Remains of 7,300-Year-Old Neolithic Cabins Discovered in Spain!

Remarkable findings have been unearthed in the Neolithic site of La Draga de Banyoles. Excavation work has revealed the well-preserved remnants of ancient wooden cabins, shedding light on the...
The horse bridle was made up of both a bit and leather straps which were once fastened to the horse’s head, which makes it possible to date it. Source: Espen Finstad / Secrets of The Ice / Innlandet County Municipality

Ancient Horse Bridle Emerges from Melting Ice Along Viking Trade Route

A rare Viking Age artifact has melted from its icy-mountain tomb after 1,200 years. Discovered at 2,000 meters above sea level, this timeworn horse bridle whispers of ancient high-altitude traders...
Broken Roman statue. Source: Dmitry / Adobe Stock.

Tourist Smashes ‘Blasphemous’ Roman Statues Citing Jerusalem Syndrome as Defense

A violent American tourist has been arrested for destroying ancient Roman statues at a museum in Jerusalem. In his defence, the man is claiming he suffered from “Jerusalem Syndrome,” an alleged...
Archaeologists have unearthed an adorned stela at Las Capellanías complex in Cañaveral de León, Spain.       Source: University of Durham

Newly Discovered 3,000-Year-Old Stela in Spain Upends Gender Stereotypes

Archaeologists performing excavations at the 3,000-year-old Las Capellanías funerary complex in southwestern Spain have uncovered a decorated stela (standing stone slab) that features a unique and...
Childs gown found in the Cave of Letters, Israel. Source: Israel Antiquities Authority

1,900-year-old Knot-Frilled Child’s Gown Discovered in Israel's Cave of Letters

The Cave of Letters in Israel has yielded many artifacts from the famous Bar Kokhba revolt, offering deep insights into Jewish history. Recently, a 1,900-year-old child's nightgown with intriguing "...
A team of international archaeologists discovered life-sized wild camel carvings on a rock outcrop near the southern Nafud desert border in Saudi Arabia. Carvings are outlined in white to enhance visibility.         Source: Maria Guagnin, et al/Science

Carved Camels Ready for Copulation in Saudi Arabian Desert: Unknown Origin

An international team of archaeologists studying ancient rock art in Saudi Arabia is celebrating a new and surprising discovery. On a rock outcropping near the southern border of the Nafud desert ,...
Standing man from Karahan Tepe. Source: Turkish Ministry of Culture

Karahan Tepe’s Remarkable Underworld Encounters Captivate Historians

Karahan Tepe, located close to its better known relative Göbekli Tepe in southeast Turkey, was first acknowledged in 1997 but remained unexcavated until 2019. Both sites, including several others,...
The Altar Stone at Stonehenge.         Source: Pam Brophy / Past the Stones: Stonehenge

Discovery at Stonehenge Challenges Century-Old Theory on Altar Stone Origin

For centuries, Stonehenge has stood as one of humanity's greatest architectural enigmas, a testament to ancient ingenuity and possibly spiritual or astronomical pursuits. While much has been...
Archaeologists have discovered hundreds of ancient wine jars in Queen Merneith’s tomb. Source: Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

5,000-Year-Old Wine Jars Unearthed at Queen Merneith's Tomb

An important discovery at Umm Al-Qaab in Abydos, promises to add to the story of Queen Merneith, an Egyptian consort and regent, who could have also been the first or second queen of Egypt. A joint...
Electoral inscriptions have been found in an ancient house at Pompeii, which was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. Source: Pompeii Sites

Electoral Inscriptions Found in Pompeii Suggest Indoor Political Campaigning

Mount Vesuvius truly keeps on giving, historically speaking. A fresh round of excavations have revealed political graffiti and a fascinating array of election inscriptions along the Via de Nola, one...
Selection of the recent discoveries made at Karahan Tepe and Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. Source: Author provided

New Statues and Fresh Insights from Karahan Tepe and Göbekli Tepe

Remarkable new discoveries are coming out of the ground in southeast Turkey, bringing both Gobekli Tepe (9600 BC) and Karahan Tepe (9400 BC) back into the spotlight. Located just 23 miles (37 km)...
