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History & Archaeology

We bring you all the latest historical news and archaeological discoveries relating to ancient human history. Read more history news from around the world here at Ancient Origins.

Left; The 500-year-old Inca child mummy before unwrapping her body. Right; the reconstruction of Juanita the Inca Ice Maiden by Oscar Nilsson.

Teenage Mummy the Inca Ice Maiden ‘Brought Back to Life’

‘Juanita’, Peru’s most famous mummy, an Inca girl sacrificed in a ritual on an Andean hill 500 years ago, has had her face reconstructed in the form of a silicone-made bust. Also known as the ‘Inca...
Images of the Christogram tattoo on the dorsal (top) side of the right foot. Picture was taken with a full spectrum camera and digital enhanced using ImageJ software with a DStretch plugin. Source: Kari A. Guilbault/PCMA UW

Medieval Christogram Tattoo Found in Sudan Reveals Deep Christianity

Nubia, the region that consists of modern-day Egypt and Sudan, has yielded a rather surprising find – a Christogram tattoo has been unearthed on the body of a person dating back 1,300 years. This...
Drone photograph of the Lerchenauer Feld excavation area where the Celtic village was discovered. Source: 3Archäologen / Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation

2,300-Year-Old Celtic Village Found in Northern Munich Suburb

While performing excavations in a suburban field north of Munich, archaeologists have uncovered the remains of an ancient Celtic village, along with artifacts linked to a later Roman settlement. This...
One of the petroglyphs at the riverbank site in Praia das Lajes, Manaus, Brazil. Source: Valter Calheiros

Brazilian Drought Unveils Rare Ancient Petroglyphs On Manaus Riverbed

Due to a current drought in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, enigmatic ancient engravings dating to between 1,000 and 2,000 years old have resurfaced from a riverbed. This discovery marks only the...
Egyptian painting of snakes near Anubis. Source: Vermeulen-Perdaen / Adobe Stock.

Scroll Reveals Ancient Egypt Had Many More Venomous Snakes Than Today

How much can the written records of ancient civilizations tell us about the animals they lived alongside? Our latest research , based on the venomous snakes described in an ancient Egyptian papyrus,...
The knight’s rare medieval reliquary – an encolpion. Source: Institute of Archeology of the University of Lodz

Polish Archaeologists Find Rare Reliquary Belonging to a Medieval Knight

The “first fully systematic study of mound relics” in Poland’s Wozniki, a stronghold, has led to the discovery of a rarely encountered encolpion, i.e., a cross-shaped reliquary, from the structure...
An ancient Greek helmet found at the Acropolis of Velia in Italy, in what was then Magna Graecia. Credit: Italian Ministry of Culture

Ancient Greek Helmet and Unearthed at Acropolis of Velia, Italy

Archaeologists have unearthed an ancient Greek helmet at the Acropolis of Elea-Velia , in the historical region of Magna Graecia, Italy. This is only the third helmet of its kind to be discovered at...
Evidence shows dingoes like these were held in high esteem by Australia's First Peoples. 	Source: Aaron/Adobe Stock

Dingoes Elevated to 'Almost-Human' Status in Pre-Colonial Australia

Dogs have often been referred to as "man's best friend," but in the case of the wild dingo in Australia, it has endured a somewhat less favorable reputation. However, new research suggests that...
The Roman sandal in situ, discovered in Lugo de Llanera, Asturias.      Source: Esperanza Martin/Astures

Unique 2,000-Year-Old Sandal Found In A Roman Well In Spain

A collection of artifacts, including a unique Roman sandal thought to have been lost by a well-cleaner 2,000-years-ago, has been uncovered at an ancient Roman settlement called Lucus Asturum in...
Bronze Age jewelry found in Swiss carrot field. Comprising of a necklace adorned with spiked discs, an amber necklace, finger rings, gold spirals, and distinctive discoveries like a bear tooth and an ammonite. Source: Canton of Thurgau

Stunning Bronze Age Jewelry Hoard Unearthed in Switzerland

“An important jewelry ensemble from the Middle Bronze Age” uncovered between August and now, has been announced in Switzerland’s Güttingen. It consists of several spiked jewelry discs (14 in total),...
The two panels of "The Melun Diptych" (circa 1455) by Jean Fouquet: "Étienne Chevalier with Saint Stephen" (on the left, featuring theAcheulean handaxe, and "Virgin and Child Surrounded by Angels," in an exhibition at the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin, Germany. Source: Saiko/CC BY 3.0

This 15th Century French Painting Features A Precisely Drawn Prehistoric Tool

This artistic-anthropological mystery was solved after a team of researchers analyzed a curious stone, depicted in a 15th century French painting. Merging the Paleolithic Age with the Renaissance,...
50 BC coin bearing the name Esunertos, a previously unknown Iron Age British king.	Source: Spinks Auctions

A New Iron Age King in Britain? Gold Coin Found Stamped with the Name 'Esunertos'

Britain’s history may have just undergone a significant addition, thanks to the remarkable discovery of a coin bearing the name of a forgotten Iron Age ruler. The coin was unearthed by a metal...
Overhead view of the Saint-Bélec slab.          Source: Denis Glicksman / Inrap

A Bronze Age Rock Has Become a 'Treasure Map' for Researchers

A piece of rock, adorned with mysterious markings that have remained largely unstudied for 4,000 years, has emerged as a remarkable "treasure map" for archaeologists. This ancient artifact, known as...
Neanderthal man, now shown to have DNA from modern human relatives 250,000 years ago.	Source: iridescentstreet/Adobe Stock

Shock Discovery - Humans First Interbred with Neanderthals 250,000 Years Ago

A groundbreaking study has shattered the conventional timeline of human-Neanderthal interactions. The prevailing belief was that Homo sapiens ancestors first mingled with Neanderthals in Eurasia...
12th century Crusader sword and a part of the scabbard found in a geothermal pipe trench, Salo, Finland.   Source: Riikka Saarinen / Turku Museum Center/University of Turku

12th Century Crusader Sword Sheds Light on Christianity in Finland

In the southwestern town of Salo in Finland, a fabulous discovery has emerged, with the potential to reshape experts' understanding of the history of Christianity in Finland. A landowner in Finland,...
A carved and painted wooden coffin, depicting "Ta Djesa," the daughter of a high priest of Jehuty in Ashmunein uncovered at the Griefa cemetery Egypt.   Source: Ministry of Antiquities

High Officials and Priests Cemetery Yield Stunning Array of Artifacts in Egypt

Egypt‘s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities reveals a remarkable cemetery from the New Kingdom. This unprecedented discovery includes a 13 to 15-meter (42.65 to 49.21 feet) long scroll illustrating...
The symbol kolovrat engraved on a tree. Source: anji77702 / Adobe Stock.

From Nordic Symbols to Sledgehammer Executions: Wagner’s Neo-Pagan Rituals

According to the Orthodox Eastern Church, the spirit of Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin now ought to have embarked in heaven or hell. The religion believes it takes 40 days after death for souls to...
AI tech scans carbonized Herculaneum scrolls. Photograph: University of Kentucky.

AI Unlocks Secrets from Charred Herculaneum Scroll

A 21-year-old computer-science prodigy has used artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve what many thought impossible: reading the interior text of a carbonized scroll from the ancient Roman city of...
The Glencoe hoard of coins consists of European pottery as well as silver and bronze coins. Source: ©Gareth Beale/University of Glasgow

Coin Hoard At Glencoe Massacre Site Found Buried Under Fireplace

In the heartlands of Scotland's rugged west coast, an archaeology student unearthed a trove of 17th-century artifacts, including an "international coin hoard." Believed to have been hidden after the...
Colorful, stone snake deity head recovered in Mexico City.      Source: LANCIC. UNAM/INAH

Huge, Vibrant Snake Head from the Mexica Era Uncovered in Mexico City

In September 2022, beneath the surface of Mexico City and amidst the tremors of an earthquake, a massive stone-carved snake head emerged, believed to hail from the ancient Tenochtitlan era. Over a...
Senior Researcher at the National Museum of Denmark Mads Dengso Jessen holds a Viking Age window glass fragment. Source: John Fhær Engedal Nissen / National Museum of Denmark

Study Finds Out Those Barbaric Vikings Had…Stained Glass Windows?!

It is no secret that the portrayal of Vikings in popular culture has done more than its fair share to distort our ideas of what and who the Vikings were. This distortion extends across various...
Fresco in Tomb of Cerberus discovered near Naples. Source: Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l’Area Metropolitana di Napoli

Unearthed 'Tomb of Cerberus' Features Pristine Frescoes from Ancient Roman Era

In a historic revelation, archaeologists have discovered a sealed chamber tomb featuring a captivating fresco of Cerberus, the renowned three-headed dog from Ancient Greek mythology said to guard the...
Crafted by the Fang people in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon, Fang masks are intricate wooden creations known for their stylized designs.

Elderly Couple 'Cheated' On Rare Fang Mask, Resold for $4.4 Million

Much of the erstwhile colonized world is still in legal and ethical tussles with their former colonizers, in an effort to retrieve precious artifacts and treasures that belong to their people. France...
The new study reveals that there are thousands of previously unknown earthworks in the Amazon hidden under the forest canopy.	 Source: © Mauricio de Paiva/ Max Planck Institute

Over 10,000 Earthworks in the Amazon Revealed By LiDAR

An international team of researchers has completed an extraordinary study that reveals the presence of thousands of undetected earthworks hidden beneath the dense cover of the Amazon rainforest in...
