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History & Archaeology

We bring you all the latest historical news and archaeological discoveries relating to ancient human history. Read more history news from around the world here at Ancient Origins.

The southern wall of the burial chamber and the lid of Džehutiemhat's sarcophagus. Photo: Petr Košárek, © Czech Institute of Egyptology FF UK

Magic Snake Spells and Texts Discovered In Egyptian Tomb

Egyptologists digging in Abusir , between Giza and Saqqara, have discovered the tomb of a previously unknown scribe. Not only was this burial decorated with gods and goddesses and loaded with magical...
Divers investigating the coin discovery off the coast of Sardinia. Credit: Italy’s Culture Ministry.

A Staggering 30,000+ Ancient Coins Found Off Sardinia’s Shore, Hinting at Shipwreck

In the depths off the northeastern shores of Sardinia , a diver's discovery of something glinting in the sunlight has led to a remarkable underwater treasure trove. Italy’s culture ministry announced...
Representational image of an ancient meeting hall. Source: Sunshower Shots / Adobe Stock.

Colossal 3,000-Year-Old Monument Found in Germany May Be King Hinz Meeting Hall

In the historically rich soil of Brandenburg , Germany, archaeologists have unearthed a colossal Bronze Age building, thought to be the fabled meeting hall of King Hinz, a legendary figure purported...
Excavating ancient human skeleton, representational image. Source: Microgen / Adobe Stock.

1,000-Year-Old Skeleton Couple Unearthed and the Woman is Missing Her Face!

While performing excavations at the site of an ancient imperial palace in the village of Eisleben in Germany, archaeologists unearthed the ruins of castle fortifications, as well as the 1,000-year-...
Dr Murray Cook (bottom left) and other members of the dig with the remains of the ancient Roman Road in Stirling, Scotland. Source: Stirling Council

Most Important Road in Scottish History Found in Stirling

Archaeologists digging in Stirling, Scotland’s ancient capital, have unearthed a section of Roman road in the garden of a 17th century drovers inn. This ancient track, unlike all others, was later...
Left; Archaeologists at the opening of the Etruscan tomb dating back to the 7th century BC at the Osteria necropolis in Vulci, Italy.  Right; Artifacts in the tomb. Source: Municipality of Montalto di Castro

Untouched 2,600-Year-Old Fully Intact Etruscan Tomb Uncovered in Italy

In the archaeological area of the ancient Etruscan city Vulci, a new, fully intact double-chambered Etruscan tomb was uncovered in the Osteria necropolis. The tomb, uncovered in April, has finally...
Kabayan cave mummy of the ancient Ibaloi people, Philippines. Tadolo/ Flickr

Fire Mummies - The Smoked Human Remains of the Kabayan Caves

Mummification of the deceased is a well-known practice from ancient times. Most notably, the Egyptians utilized a mummification process that led to today’s cliché image of a deceased body covered in...
The Great Sphinx, Giza, Egypt. Source: Zzvet/Adobe Stock

Did Nature Have a Hand in the Formation of the Great Sphinx?

New York University Historians and archaeologists have, over centuries, explored the mysteries behind the Great Sphinx of Giza: What did it originally look like? What was it designed to represent?...
The circular structure discovered at El Tigre, Campeche, Mexico.	Source: INAH

Circular Structure Connected to Kukulcán Discovered in El Tigre, Mexico

Overshadowed by more famous Maya sites like Chichen Itza and Palenque, the lesser-explored El Tigre in Campeche State has long held its secrets. But now, ongoing explorations are bearing fruit, as...
The Garisenda Tower and Asinelli Tower in Bologna, Italy. Source: Aliaksei/Adobe Stock

The Iconic Garisenda Tower of Bologna Has Leaned Too Much!

A leaning tower in Italy is at it again, and no, it’s not in Pisa! Rather, it is the Garisenda Tower in Bologna, and officials have now closed it off, along with the central square adjacent to it,...
The Bronze Age yoke in situ at the excavations in Este. Source: Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the metropolitan area of Venice and the provinces of Belluno, Padua and Treviso.

3,300-Year-Old Wooden Yoke Unveiled in Northern Italy After Extensive Restoration

Following a meticulous eight-year process of excavation, retrieval, and restoration, a unique 3,300-year-old wooden yoke has been unveiled to the public. It was unearthed from a Late Bronze Age stilt...
Modified tiger shark teeth found in 7,000-year-old layers of Leang Panninge (top) and Leang Bulu’ Sipong 1 (bottom) on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Right; Shark tooth weapons from Kiribati and Hawai’i. Source: M.C. Langley/The Conversation, Right; The Trustees of The British Museum

Bringing a Shark to a Knife Fight: 7,000-year-old Shark-tooth Knives Discovered in Indonesia

Michelle Langley et al./The Conversation Excavations on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi have uncovered two unique and deadly artifacts dating back some 7,000 years – tiger shark teeth that were...
The Lamassu that has been re-excavated in Iraq. Image Credit : Mustafa Yahya

Astonishing 2,700-Year-Old Assyrian Winged Deity Unearthed in Iraq

In a landmark discovery, archaeologists have re-excavated a magnificent lamassu at the ancient city of Khursbad, Iraq. The monumental sculpture, an embodiment of an Assyrian protective deity , is...
Main: An historical prosthetic hand (The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum). Inset: A scan of the prosthetic hand found in Freising (Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation).

Archaeologists Unearth a Medieval Skeleton with a Prosthetic Hand

In an extraordinary archaeological discovery in Freising, Germany, experts have unearthed a medieval skeleton equipped with an iron prosthetic hand. The burial, dated to the 15th century, offers...
Archaeologists unearthed the remains of an exceptionally uncommon Neolithic tomb dating back 5,000 years.      Source: National Museums Scotland

5000-Year-Old Neolithic Tomb and Human Remains Unearthed In Orkney

Archaeologists in the north of Scotland have unearthed the remains of an “exceptionally rare” Neolithic tomb dating back 5,000 years. Having suffered extensive damage in the 19th century, the...
A sample of Poidebard’s (1934) aerial photographs: A) fort at Qreiye; B) Roman fort and medieval caravanserai at Birke; C) fort at Tell Zenbil; and D) castellum at Tell Brak.

Declassified Cold War Spy Satellite Images Reveal Roman Forts In Syria and Iraq

In their examination of aerial photographs from the 1960s and 70s, archaeologists have identified 396 uncharted Roman forts in the Syrian and Iraqi regions along the Syrian steppe, from “the world’s...
Left; Statuette depicting a worshipping baboon, Right; Baboon mummy.         Source: Left; Metropolitan Museum of Art, CC0, Right; CC BY SA 2.0

Origin of Ancient Mummified Baboons in Egypt Found and Points to a Location for Punt

University of Konstanz Primatologists are using genetic analysis to determine the geographic origin of ancient, mummified baboons found in Egypt. In doing so the evidence points to an astonishing...
Left; The 500-year-old Inca child mummy before unwrapping her body. Right; the reconstruction of Juanita the Inca Ice Maiden by Oscar Nilsson.

Teenage Mummy the Inca Ice Maiden ‘Brought Back to Life’

‘Juanita’, Peru’s most famous mummy, an Inca girl sacrificed in a ritual on an Andean hill 500 years ago, has had her face reconstructed in the form of a silicone-made bust. Also known as the ‘Inca...
Images of the Christogram tattoo on the dorsal (top) side of the right foot. Picture was taken with a full spectrum camera and digital enhanced using ImageJ software with a DStretch plugin. Source: Kari A. Guilbault/PCMA UW

Medieval Christogram Tattoo Found in Sudan Reveals Deep Christianity

Nubia, the region that consists of modern-day Egypt and Sudan, has yielded a rather surprising find – a Christogram tattoo has been unearthed on the body of a person dating back 1,300 years. This...
Drone photograph of the Lerchenauer Feld excavation area where the Celtic village was discovered. Source: 3Archäologen / Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation

2,300-Year-Old Celtic Village Found in Northern Munich Suburb

While performing excavations in a suburban field north of Munich, archaeologists have uncovered the remains of an ancient Celtic village, along with artifacts linked to a later Roman settlement. This...
One of the petroglyphs at the riverbank site in Praia das Lajes, Manaus, Brazil. Source: Valter Calheiros

Brazilian Drought Unveils Rare Ancient Petroglyphs On Manaus Riverbed

Due to a current drought in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, enigmatic ancient engravings dating to between 1,000 and 2,000 years old have resurfaced from a riverbed. This discovery marks only the...
Egyptian painting of snakes near Anubis. Source: Vermeulen-Perdaen / Adobe Stock.

Scroll Reveals Ancient Egypt Had Many More Venomous Snakes Than Today

How much can the written records of ancient civilizations tell us about the animals they lived alongside? Our latest research , based on the venomous snakes described in an ancient Egyptian papyrus,...
The knight’s rare medieval reliquary – an encolpion. Source: Institute of Archeology of the University of Lodz

Polish Archaeologists Find Rare Reliquary Belonging to a Medieval Knight

The “first fully systematic study of mound relics” in Poland’s Wozniki, a stronghold, has led to the discovery of a rarely encountered encolpion, i.e., a cross-shaped reliquary, from the structure...
An ancient Greek helmet found at the Acropolis of Velia in Italy, in what was then Magna Graecia. Credit: Italian Ministry of Culture

Ancient Greek Helmet and Unearthed at Acropolis of Velia, Italy

Archaeologists have unearthed an ancient Greek helmet at the Acropolis of Elea-Velia , in the historical region of Magna Graecia, Italy. This is only the third helmet of its kind to be discovered at...
