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From the powerful civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley, to the fearsome yet sophisticated society of the Vikings, the ancient world was a surprising and challenging place. Here we feature some of the most seminal and influential events and people throughout history, that have helped shape the world we know today.

Europe was changed after the Black Death ended. Source: Alexander / Adobe Stock.

What Happened After the Black Death Ended? (Video)

After the Black Death's devastating toll on Europe, survivors faced daunting challenges. The plague's aftermath brought about a stark transformation. The immediate impact was an economic crisis, with...
View of the cave ‘Cueva de los Marmoles’ entrance from inside, where the manipulated human remains have been found. Source: J.C. Vera Rodríguez/ PLoS ONE

Manipulated Human Remains Found at Cave Site in Spain

The Iberian Peninsula witnessed a particular form of human burials in caves, which were later manipulated and modified, over thousands of years! In the southern Iberian Peninsula, this practice...
Royal queen in her bedchamber. Source: Anneke / Adobe Stock.

What Giving Birth Was Like for Royal Mothers (Video)

Royal childbirths, a far cry from today's private affairs, were once grand spectacles, laden with political significance. Public scrutiny was the norm, with hundreds of onlookers present to confirm...
Today, oysters are consumed as an aphrodisiac. Source: Ricky / Adobe Stock.

10 of the Weirdest Things Consumed as Aphrodisiacs

These days if someone needs a little help getting in the mood, they are likely to use wine, chocolate, oysters, or maybe even certain pharmaceuticals. But what about our ancestors? Well, across...
A Gothic boxwood miniature prayer bead. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

The Intricate Carvings of Gothic Boxwood Miniature Prayer Beads (Video)

Unlocking centuries-old mysteries, Gothic Boxwood Miniature Prayer Beads have long baffled experts with their intricate scenes delicately carved into walnut-sized spheres during the 1400s and 1500s...
Longsword fighting. Source: Cyberguru / CC by SA 4.0.

Longsword Fighting, A Once-Forgotten Martial Art Resurfaces (Video)

In recent years Longsword fighting, a once-forgotten martial art has experienced a modern resurgence across the USA. Referred to as German longsword, it traces its roots to the late Middle Ages , but...
Crusader knight. Source: vitanovski / Adobe Stock.

What Life Was Like for a Medieval Crusader (Video)

In the era between 1096 and 1271, the Crusades unfolded as a dynamic clash of cultures, reshaping two continents. Yet, life for a medieval Crusader was far from uniform. Noble knights and commoners...
Fresco depicting the Virgin Mary holding Baby Jesus. Source: Giorgio G / Adobe Stock.

Why Do Babies in Medieval Art Look Like Creepy Middle-Aged Men? (Video)

In medieval art, depictions of babies are far from the cherubic, innocent infants we imagine today. Instead, they appear as miniature adults, complete with mature features that can be quite...
Medieval queen dabs sweat from her brow. Source: Alliance / Adobe Stock.

The Sweating Plague Was Deadlier Than It Sounds (Video)

In the late 15th and 16th centuries, England was gripped by a deadly disease known as Sudor Anglicu s or English sweat. This malady, unlike the Black Death , did not grant immunity to survivors. In...
The Tower of London has a haunted history. Source: rpbmedia / Adobe Stock.

The Tower of London’s Haunted History (Video)

The Tower of London , a storied monument, holds a dark history that continues to haunt its walls. From its origins as a fortress by William the Conqueror to a prison and even a zoo, the Tower's past...
Witchcraft in India. Source: YouTube Screenshot / The New York Times.

Witchcraft: India's Deadly Superstition (Video)

As India has continued to modernize, the old issue of ancient superstitions surrounding witchcraft has repeatedly cropped up. This deeply rooted belief has led to a tragic trend of violence against...
Vikings used grooming tools like bone combs. Source: Fxquadro / Adobe Stock.

What Viking Hygiene Was Like (Video)

During the Viking era, Norse people placed a strong emphasis on hygiene and grooming . They combed their hair daily, bathed regularly, and frequently changed their clothes. Viking men sported a...
Peruvian hairless dog. Source: / Adobe Stock.

Peruvian Hairless Dogs ‘As Important as Machu Picchu’ (Video)

Peruvian hairless dogs are an ancient breed whose image is recognizable on pre-Incan pottery. They have been termed as 'primitive dogs,' because they have remained unchanged for over 3,500 years...
Medieval Queen. Source: aicandy / Adobe Stock.

History's 10 Most Ruthless Queens and Brutal Rulers (Video)

Throughout history, powerful women have wielded authority with determination. Countess Elizabeth Bathory had a dark obsession, enjoying the torture of the lower classes. Empress Wu Zetian , China's...
Dancer at a traditional Theyyam ceremony, India. Source: Dietmar Temps / Adobe Stock.

How Artists Are Keeping the Ancient Practice of Theyyam Alive (Video)

In Kerala , a state nestled in the southern part of India, the age-old tradition of Theyyam persists, defying the relentless march of time. This ritualistic form of worship, deeply ingrained in the...
Medieval toilet. Source: Mikhail / Adobe Stock.

From Pits to Flushes: The Strange History of Toilets (Video)

Throughout history, human waste disposal has undergone a remarkable transformation. In ancient India, as early as 2500 BC, the Indus Valley showcased a rudimentary toilet and sewer system that was...
The Black Plague. Source: illustrissima / Adobe Stock.

How You Could Have Survived the Black Plague (Video)

Surviving the Black Plague in the 14th-century Europe necessitated avoiding crowded areas, curtailing the spread of the Bubonic plague through airborne transmission. Keeping a safe distance from...
Druids. Source: Algol / Adobe Stock.

Bizarre Facts About the Druids (Video)

The Druids , often misunderstood as mystical figures, had a key role in ancient Celtic society . The term likely referred to individuals with extensive knowledge rather than wizards. They were...
Egyptian puppetry. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Euronews.

Ancient Egyptian Puppetry Is Making a Comeback (Video)

The ancient art of Egyptian puppetry , tracing its roots back to the era of the Pharaohs , has found a remarkable resurgence in the contemporary world. Puppet performances, along with the enchanting...
Medieval Archer. Source: Marla / Adobe Stock.

What Did a Medieval Archer Do After His Arrows Were Spent? (Video)

What does an archer do when there are no more arrows left to fire? Is his job for the day done? In the realm of medieval warfare, after the arrows had been launched, the life of a bowman took a new...
Viking rituals. Source:  Rarity Asset Club / Adobe Stock.

Unusual Viking Rituals That Will Surprise You (Video)

Vikings , renowned as fierce warriors, possessed an intriguing blend of superstition and battle strategy. Their rituals , spanning from omens to magic, marked their distinct beliefs. Warriors etched...
The execution of Margaret Pole. Source: Baxter’s History of England c 1789-90, published 1796.

Henry VIII's gruesome execution of Margaret Pole (Video)

Amid the tumultuous reign of Henry VIII , the tragic narrative of Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, unfolds. Descendant of the Plantagenet lineage, her life interwove with the religious turmoil...
Viking raider surveys his work at a burning medieval village.	Source: ParinApril/Adobe Stock

Viking Raids: What It Was Like to Be On the Front Lines (Video)

In the fierce era of Viking raids , battles were unforgiving and fierce. With ten-foot spears and three-foot shields, Viking combat was a brutal spectacle. Most battles began with a rain of arrows...
Sunset view of the Simonopetra (Greek for "Simon's Rock") Monastery, on the southern coast of the Athos peninsula. Source: Athanasios Serafeim distributed via / CC BY 3.0

This Mountain Has Been Home to Monks for 12 Centuries (Video)

Nestled on a Greek peninsula stands Mount Athos , a venerable sanctuary for Christian Orthodox adherents. For over twelve centuries, this remote haven has hosted monks in a timeless rhythm. Its...
