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Ancient Origins articles related to History. In the sections we bring you all the powerful civilizations; from Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Indus Valley, to the fearsome yet sophisticated society of the Vikings and beyond.

Hoia Baciu forest, Romania.

Romania’s Bermuda Triangle: The Creepy Hoia Forest

Outside of Romania, especially in the English-speaking world, Transylvania is a land associated with vampires, specifically Dracula. Inside Romania, where Vlad the Impaler is a national hero, his...
AI image of Moirai, Goddesses of Fate.

Ancient Concepts of Fate: Deities and Influencers of Destiny

Looming over the lives of gods and mortals alike, fate was more than a concept, it was an inscrutable force, a celestial decree woven by unseen hands. Dictating the unfolding of destinies, the gods...
The Forgotten Ritual of Sin Eating: Exploring Centuries of Tradition in Britain

The Forgotten Ritual of Sin Eating: Exploring Centuries of Tradition in Britain

Throughout the centuries, the British Isles have been home to a wide array of customs, traditions, and beliefs that reflect the intricate tapestry of our cultural history. One such tradition that has...
History Fuzz Logo

Podcast: History Fuzz: Episode 01: Professor Giulio Magli. Intentionality vs Chance in Archaeoastronomy

In this episode, I interview Professor Giulio Magli, a leading astrophysicist and archaeoastronomer who heads the Department of Mathematics at the Polytechnic University of Milan. Magli, a prominent...
AI image of a Minotaur.

The Dark Side of Mythical Humanoid Monsters

In the shadowy recesses of human imagination, mythical humanoid monsters have long lingered. Since the dawn of language, creatures of a repellent nature have existed in all their abhorrent splendor...
The god of Chaos in Greek mythology was depicted as both a goddess and a place.	Source: RolffImages / Adobe Stock

Literary Legends: Mythology and Folklore Across Civilizations

The narratives of ancient civilizations are stitched together with ethereal threads of mythology and folklore. Be they tethered in fact or complete fiction, these tales, handed down through...
: Controversial reporter, Graham Hancock. 	Source: Netflix

"Ancient Apocalypse" Filming Halted Amid Native American Outcry

Graham Hancock, the British host of the hit Netflix series "Ancient Apocalypse," has canceled plans to film a new season in the United States following significant backlash from Native American...
Old steel Houses, Botallack Mines, Cornwall, UK. Source: Ernest Davies/Adobe Stock

Who are the Mysterious Cornwall Knockers?

Cornwall's tin mines, with their labyrinthine tunnels and subterranean chambers, have long been the backdrop to stories of supernatural beings known as the Knockers. These elusive spirits, central to...
AI generated image representative of Alba Longa, legendary ancient Roman city.	Source: LukaszDesign/Adobe Stock

Alba Longa and its Legendary Kings

Alba Longa, an ancient city located in the Latium region of Italy, holds a prominent place in the realm of myth and legend. According to tradition, this fabled city's origins can be traced back to...
Pangu - The Chinese god of creation. AI image. Source: Superhero Woozie/Adobe Stock

Pangu: Mythological Insights into the Chinese Creation Story

Pangu is a prominent figure in Chinese creation mythology. To this day, the Zhuang people sing a traditional song about Pangu creating the heavens and Earth. The origin of the Pangu myth has been...
AI close-up portrait of Dracula baring his sharp fangs, with a predatory glare in a dark room.		Source: EOL STUDIOS

Bloodsuckers Through the Ages - A History of Vampires (Video)

Vampire lore , originating from Eastern European folklore, has fascinated and terrified people for centuries, with various creatures haunting the imaginations of different cultures worldwide. Among...
The three musketeers in Condom, France. Source: Migeli Barrios/Adobe Stock

Who Were the Three Musketeers Based On? (Video)

The Three Musketeers, immortalized in Alexandre Dumas' classic, are deeply rooted in the tumultuous political landscape of 17th-century France. Musketeers, originally armed with muskets but often...
Scene on the Gundestrup Cauldron. Source: British Museum

Does the Iconic Plate on the Gundestrup Cauldron Depict an Ancient Poem?

Amid the vivid imagery adorning the plates of the Gundestrup Cauldron lies an enigma that has captivated successive generations of scholars. The question lingers: What lies behind these scenes, so...
Ancient World mythologies. Source: filmmaster/Adobe Stock

Beyond Reality: 5 Common Themes in World Mythologies

Across the world we have different myths and legends from the elephant god Ganesha to the Maya Jaguar gods to different types of angels, goblins, and fairy like figures that have different names, but...
Kali, Hindu goddess of death. Source: super / Adobe Stock.

10 Most Fearsome Gods in Ancient Mythology

Throughout the long ages of our collective history, gods and goddesses have been revered, worshiped, and feared . Ancient mythologies from around the world are rife with deities who instilled awe and...
The Great Flood. Source:  Faith Stock/Adobe Stock

How Sumerian Tablets Told the Story of The Great Flood

The world's first known flood myth can be traced back to the Sumerians around 2000 BC. Sumerian tablets recount captivating tales of human beginnings, the creation of mankind, and the profound...
Sumerian chaos monster and sun god. Source: Public Domain

The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts

Sumer , or the ‘land of civilized kings’, flourished in Mesopotamia , now modern-day Iraq, around 4500 BC. Sumerians created an advanced civilization with its own system of elaborate language and...
Underwater ruins. Source:  abdulmoizjaangda / Adobe Stock.

The Search for the Long-Lost Continent of Mu (Video)

The long-lost continent of Mu, also known as Lemuria , is a mythical land believed to have existed in the Pacific Ocean. According to various esoteric and mythological theories, Mu was said to be an...
A representation of Jötunn (Giant) Surtr of Norse mythology. Source: warmtail/Adobe Stock

Surtr: Norse Mythology's Giant God of Fire and Apocalypse

Giants, demigods, dwarves and elves - all these creatures made the Old Norse mythology so colorful and captivating. Preserved for posterity in the Norse sagas and manuscripts, these myths and legends...
Beltane pagan celebration. Source: Karrrtinki / Adobe Stock.

5 Pagan Traditions That Will Leave You Spellbound (Video)

Beltane is an ancient Gaelic festival celebrating the beginning of summer and the renewal of life. The pagan traditions associated with it have survived through the centuries, with many still...
An artist's rendering of the hypothetical impact of a planet like Theia and Earth. (Public Domain)

Theia—Greek Goddess of Light, the Sun, the Moon, and Wisdom

The Olympian gods are well known to most people in the Western world. A lesser-known deity is Theia. Theia is the primordial Greek goddess of light. She was considered one of the Titans. She is said...
The supposed giants ring, with condor decoration. Source: Courtesy of Celso García Vargas / Author supplied

An Extraordinary Discovery: A Giant’s Ring of the Inca Era?

A long time before the Inka reigned, there were in those parts men in the manner of giants, as grown as they showed the figures that were sculpted in the stones. Pedro de Cieza de León Crónica de...
Top image: In the Norse creation myth, worlds of fire and ice emerge from the abyss at the beginning of the universe.	Source: ivanovevgeniy / Adobe Stock

Norse Creation Myth: Fire and Ice from the Abyss

The Norse people were the ancient tribal communities of Scandinavia, who in the modern day are often referred to or thought of as the Vikings (who were actually a subset of them). Like many other...
Historic photo of the Stone figures found in Oxkintok, plus photo of one stone figure, now in Natural History Museum in Merida. Source: Author provided

Examining Out-of-Place Stone Figures from the Forgotten City of Oxkintok

I’ve had an affinity for the Maya civilization for almost 30 years, and between working with native elders, vacations, and leading tour group visits to Mexico, I can vouch for the mystical nature of...
