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Evolution & Human Origins

We bring you all the latest news and discoveries relating to human origins and evolution. The more fossils that are unearthed, the more researchers admit that there is much that is still unknown about the evolution of humans.

Chimpanzees walking on two legs has a pelvic swivel far larger than humans, increasing their stride.	Source: Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest

Decades Of Incorrect ‘Stride’ Assumptions Have Been Debunked

For many years evolutionary scientists have taught that early humans evolved ‘longer’ strides than other primates. It turns out this was a highly-inaccurate assumption. A new study on chimpanzees...
The Jubbah Oasis in northern Saudi Arabia, where humans were repeatedly present during periods of increased rainfall over hundreds of thousands of years.           Source: Ceri Shipton, Palaeodeserts Project / Nature

Arabian Peninsula Was a Hotbed of Hominin Cultures 400,000 Years Ago

Three things that we’ve heard before ad nauseam – climate change, human migration, and Africa being the cradle of modern humans. Combining all of them together is a fascinating new study which shows...
A closeup of a few of the 98 verified elephant bone tools found in Rome, Italy, which have been attributed to an archaic hominin species based on a recent study published in the Plos One journal.		Source: 	Plos One

Archaic Hominin Made Elephant Bone Tools 400,000 Years Ago, Study Finds

Archaeologists examining artifacts collected from a site in Italy found that an archaic hominin species had made elephant bone tools, including pointed tools for carving meat and wedge-shaped tools...
Ancient DNA Sample From Indonesia Is From An Extinct Human Lineage

Ancient DNA Sample From Indonesia Is From An Extinct Human Lineage

Genetic researchers have confirmed what archaeologists had previously suspected. A 7,200-year-old fossilized skeleton found in a cave on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi in 2015 cannot be linked to...
Left, award-winning reconstruction of the Denisovan face. Right, Young Aeta girl from Mariveles, Bataan, in 1901        Source: Left, © Maayan-Harel. Right, Public Domain

New Research Shows Philippine Indigenous Group Has Most Denisovan DNA

A small indigenous group surviving on the Bataan Peninsula on the Philippine island of Luzon has more Denisovan DNA than any other ethnic population in the world. That is the conclusion of an...
Neanderthal Extinction Tied to Disorder Caused by Mating with Humans

Neanderthal Extinction Tied to Disorder Caused by Mating with Humans

There has been much speculation about Neanderthal extinction and why they disappeared 40,000 years ago. The latest research suggests they lived side-by-side with modern humans (Homo sapiens) for up...
A pack of Eurasian hunting dogs, like the one discovered at Dmanisi, chasing prey, while a disabled member of the pack is running far behind; incapable of contributing to the hunt, its survival depends on the pack-mates. Source: Mauricio Antón / Nature

Earliest European Hunting Dogs Supported Their Weak

The “earliest evidence of the arrival of hunting dogs in Europe” discovered to date has been announced in a new article published in Nature . The Eurasian hunting dog remains were unearthed at the...
At one of the entrances to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania stands a monument to human evolution: the huge and heavy Paranthropus skull (left) next to a Homo Habilis skull (right).       Source: Иван Грабилин / Adobe Stock

Paranthropus “Nutcracker” Teeth Theory Debunked in New Study

Living approximately between 2.6 million years ago and 0.6 million years ago, the Paranthropus genus is closely related to our genus, Homo sapiens , serving as a long-standing close fossil relative...
Study of Chimpanzee Tool Use Debunks “Chimps in Stone Age” Theory

Study of Chimpanzee Tool Use Debunks “Chimps in Stone Age” Theory

You’ve probably heard some hip podcaster like Joe Rogan, or watched that National Geographic YouTube video , about a chimpanzee spear-fishing. Rogan, along with an alarming number of scientists,...
Neanderthal skull (left) compared with a modern human skull (right). A recent study has revealed that only 7% of human DNA is unique. The other 93% of human DNA is shared with our ancient “cousins” the Neanderthals and Denisovans.                     Source: procy_ab / Adobe Stock

Just 7% of Human DNA Is Unique, Says Latest Large-scale Genetic Study

Among all the species of man that ever existed, Homo sapiens (modern man) is the sole survivor. But that doesn’t make us quite as special as we thought. A genetic study carried out by researchers at...
Dinosaur extinction Source: dolimac / Adobe Stock

THAT Asteroid Only Accelerated Inevitable Dinosaur Extinction

A team of scientists have discovered dinosaurs were on a downturn about 76 million years ago, 10 million years before the asteroid hit Chicxulub in modern Mexico causing the mass extinction of non-...
‘Dragon Man’ Skull Found in China May Be ANOTHER New Human Species

‘Dragon Man’ Skull Found in China May Be ANOTHER New Human Species

In the latest edition of the journal The Innovation , a team of evolutionary scientists led by Professor Qiang Ji from Hebei GEO University in Shijiazhuang, China have announced the discovery of a...
The entrance to the Denisova cave in the Altai Mountains of Siberia where the so-called new “Denisova Cave DNA” has proven, for the first time, the Neanderthals, Denisovans and Homo sapiens occupied the same cave at the same time sometimes!   Source: Professor Richard G. Roberts / University of Wollongong  By Ashley Cowie

Denisova Cave DNA: Neanderthals, Denisovans and Humans Lived Together!

The deeply-ancient Denisova Cave in Siberia was at times home to Neanderthals, Denisovans and modern humans “at the same time” based on the latest Denisova Cave DNA research. Nobody in the world had...
A drawing of a Neanderthal man looking to the horizon and wondering if he will meet another "human" and, if so a human woman. The human genome it turns out has a lot of Neanderthal genes and now a Danish AI program is proving it.

AI Finds New Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA Mutations in Human Genome

Scientists affiliated with the GLOBE Institute’s GeoGenetics Centre at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark have created an Artificial Intelligence program that is helping them identify ancient...
The landscape of Ethiopia today. During the first African migrations by Homo sapiens heading north to Europe or west to the Middle East, Ethiopia and East Africa in general were areas where the climate fluctuated frequently.

Homo Sapiens African Migration Occurred When the Climate Was Good

Some researchers believe the ancestors of modern humans migrated from their homelands in Africa to Europe and Asia 60,000 years ago in response to the climate becoming dryer. If food and water were...
Neanderthals cohabited with modern humans in the Negev desert. Source: Kovalenko I / Adobe Stock

Humans and Neanderthals Met and Mated 50,000 Years Ago in Negev Desert

A recent re-examination of artifacts collected from Israel’s central Negev desert has revealed important details about the development of human culture in the region, according to a new study...
Discovery of Genetic Mutation Separating Humans and Neanderthals

Discovery of Genetic Mutation That Separates Humans and Neanderthals

An international team of scientists representing Russia, Germany, and the United States have found a unique mechanism at work in the DNA of human beings that helped shape our species’ evolution, the...
Genetic Study of Romanian Skull Upends Previous Theories of Evolution

Genetic Study of Romanian Skull Upends Previous Theories of Evolution

A team of researchers led by the Swedish Uppsala University geneticist Mattias Jakobsson have fully sequenced the genome of a woman who lived in Europe at least 35,000 years ago. Her DNA was...
Neanderthal Brains Grew Larger With Greater Carbohydrate Consumption

Neanderthal Brains Grew Larger With Greater Carbohydrate Consumption

Roughly a million years ago, Neanderthal brains doubled in size in about 200,000 years, which is a paltry number in evolutionary terms. For long, brain evolution has been credited to the increasingly...
Study of Fossil Apes Sheds New Light on the Human Origins Mystery

Study of Fossil Apes Sheds New Light on the Human Origins Mystery

In an exciting new review titled “ Fossil apes and human evolution ” for the reputed ScienceMag journal, the major discoveries in fossil apes and human lineage are re-examined since Darwin’s claims...
Neanderthals Found Near Rome In A Cave, “Hunted” and Eaten By Hyenas

Neanderthals Found Near Rome In A Cave, “Hunted” and Eaten By Hyenas

The ancient remains of nine Neanderthals found near Rome have been discovered in a cave. Italian archaeologistsspeculating as to how the Neanderthals found near Rome died, discovered tell-tale...
Our human ancestors, who lived in Wonderwerk Cave in South Africa, were likely Homo habilis.

Breakthrough Research Reveals Wonderwerk Cave Is the World’s Oldest Home

In the Kalahari Desert of South Africa, has produced a cornucopia of wonders for archaeologists searching for the truth about human origins. Cave art, stone tools, burned bones, soil, and ash, and a...
Reconstruction of the Homo erectus Turkana Boy from the Nariokotome, Kenya site, exhibited in the Neanderthal Museum in Erkrath, Germany.

Large Cache of Stone Tools Used by Homo Erectus Unearthed in Sudan

Polish archaeologists exploring an ancient gold mine in Sudan in the eastern Sahara Desert struck an entirely different kind of “gold.” Acting on a rumor, they found hundreds of stone tools that were...
Upcoming UFO Report and its Implications for Human Origins Theory

Upcoming UFO Report and its Implications for Human Origins Theory

Last year, the United States signed into law 5,500 pages of legislation, most of which dealt with economic stimulus. But it dealt with something else too – UFOs! The revelations have explosive...
