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Ancient places can be found all over Europe. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and open up a window on European history. Visiting such ancient places in Europe can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over Europe, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

The Ryedale Hoard. Source: / CC by SA 2.0.

Roman Treasure Unveiled: York’s Ryedale Hoard (Video)

The Ryedale Hoard, a group of four stunning bronze objects, has become the focus of a captivating exhibition at the Yorkshire Museum. Unearthed near Ryedale, North Yorkshire, this discovery offers a...
Bamburgh castle. Source: Paul / Adobe Stock.

The Real Last Kingdom- Bamburgh Castle (Video)

Fans of the Netflix series 'The Last Kingdom' are familiar with the captivating character of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, the warrior determined to reclaim his ancestral homeland. What many may not realize...
Detail of a bull diadem unearthed in elite tomb in Cyprus. Source: P. M. Fischer / Public domain

Swedish Expedition Strikes Gold Within Royal Tombs in Cyprus

An archaeological expedition from the University of Gothenburg has announced the finding of underground tombs in Cyprus. Initially, the Swedish archaeologists identified a set of mysterious chambers...
Sutton Hoo helmet. Source: British Museum / CC by SA 2.0.

The Sutton Hoo Helmet: An Anglo-Saxon Treasure (Video)

The Sutton Hoo helmet, discovered in 1939 at the Sutton Hoo dig site in Suffolk, England, is a remarkable archaeological find from the early 7th century Anglo-Saxon period. Found in a ship burial,...
Viking invasion. Source: TheStockCube / Adobe Stock.

The True Story of the First Viking Invasion of England (Video)

On June 8th, 793, Lindisfarne Priory in England fell victim to a calamitous Viking attack, igniting the Viking Age in Europe. The raid shattered the peace of this sacred religious center , as heathen...
Skulls showing battle injuries. Source: Jan / Adobe Stock.

Skeletons Show Horrific Injuries from The Battle of Towton (Video)

The Battle of Towton , fought on March 29, 1461, during the Wars of the Roses , was a gruesome and decisive conflict in English history. Archaeological excavations at Towton have revealed a mass...

The Most Complex Border in Europe (Video)

In Baarle-Hertog, a small town on the border of Belgium and the Netherlands , a unique and perplexing phenomenon can be observed. Crossing a road determines which country you are in and consequently...
Illustration of Mesolithic people digging a pit.	Source: MOLA

Archaeologists in Britain Shocked to Find 25 Mesolithic Period Pits

During a pair of separate excavations that took place in Linmere, Bedfordshire in 2019 and 2021, stunned archaeologists unearthed 25 monumental pits that date back far into prehistory. Radiocarbon...
Spartan warrior. Source: serhiibobyk / Adobe Stock.

Debunking the Myths of Ancient Sparta (Video)

The enduring myths surrounding Ancient Sparta are under scrutiny, revealing a more nuanced reality. Contrary to popular belief, the Battle of Thermopylae involved more than just 300 Spartan warriors...
Pergamon Altar of Zeus in modern-day Turkey. Right; one of the friezes from the altar.	Source: Left; cem/Adobe Stock Right; Miguel Hermoso Cuesta/CC BY-SA 4.0

The Pergamon Altar: Where Legends Come to Life

Nestled in the serene landscape of ancient Pergamon, a city that once flourished in the Hellenistic and Roman eras, lies a remarkable testament to human craftsmanship and religious devotion: the...
Ogham stone, Co. Donegal, Ireland. Source: pmangan / Adobe Stock.

Writing in Ogham: A Unique Challenge (Video)

The Ogham stone, a unique artifact with carvings from an ancient Irish alphabet , presents an exceptional challenge for modern scholars and technology. The Ogham script , used to record names and...
Reconstruction of the ancient mosques and buildings of ancient Sarai-Batu. (vesta48/Adobe Stock)

Sarai Batu, the Once-Magnificent Capital of the Golden Horde

The Turko-Mongol Golden Horde was one of history’s most powerful empires, sweeping across the plains of Asia and East Europe, subjugating many kingdoms by their sheer might. And although the Mongols...
Medieval hoods. Source: Deivison / Adobe Stock.

Medieval Hoods: Why Everyone from Peasants to Nobles Had to Have Them (Video)

Medieval hoods were commonly worn across social classes, providing warmth and practicality. A distinguishing feature was the addition of a woolen cape , offering extra insulation. When the hood was...
Dentistry in the Middle Ages. Source: Archivist / Adobe Stock.

Dental Hygiene in the Middle Ages (Video)

Medieval dental hygiene debunked the misconception of poor oral health . Contrary to popular belief, our ancestors prioritized tooth care and believed that diseases could be spread through bad breath...
The British Museum. Source: Sammy / Adobe Stock.

The British Museum is Full of Stolen Artifacts (Video)

The British Museum , the world's largest world history museum, houses over 8 million cultural and historical artifacts from around the world. However, nearly half of the highlighted pieces face...
Statue of Venus de Milo. Source: ssrbuzz / Adobe Stock.

Venus de Milo's Controversial Journey (Video)

The Venus de Milo, an armless ancient statue , has an intriguing story that spans centuries and involves a possible cover-up. Discovered by a Greek farmer in 1820 and sold to the French, the statue's...
Medieval man cleaning his hands. Source: AI Generated.

Grimy No More: How Medieval Folk Kept Clean (Video)

In medieval times , hand cleanliness was essential after a day of manual labor. While wiping hands on the ground was a common practice, water was the primary cleansing agent. However, water alone...
Stonehenge stargazers. Source: vencav / Adobe Stock.

Neolithic Stargazers: Stonehenge's Astronomical Secrets (Video)

Stonehenge , an ancient marvel built over millennia, holds intriguing insights into Neolithic astronomy. The massive trilithons, standing at 30 feet, raise questions about their transportation. The...
17th Century Woman Being Dressed. Source: YouTube Screenshot / CrowsEyeProductions

The Meticulous Dressing Regime of a 17th Century Wealthy Dutch Woman (Video)

In 1665 Delft, the clothing of affluent women followed a meticulous process. It began with a linen or silk chemise , often adorned with lace cuffs. Petticoats were supported by a waist-tied hip pad,...
A gladiator fights a lion at the Gladiator Games in ancient Rome. Source: (DigitalGenetics/Adobe Stock)

The Exotic Menagerie: The Wild Animals Slaughtered in Gladiator Games

The ancient Roman gladiator games were a spectacle of blood and brutality that captivated audiences for centuries. While we may imagine sword-wielding gladiators fighting to the death in the arena,...
Erotic fresco in Pompeii. Source: Aleksandr / Adobe Stock.

Intimate Secrets: Pompeii's Forbidden Erotica Exposed (Video)

Within the National Archaeological Museum in Naples lies a captivating chamber known as the 'Secret Chamber,' where a remarkable assemblage of erotic art from Pompeii and Herculaneum is exhibited in...
The celebration involves giving 3 cows to the Spanish. Source: U. J. Alexander / Adobe Stock.

640 Years of Unity: Honoring Europe's Oldest Peace Treaty (Video)

In a remote part of the Pyrenean foothills, where Spain borders France , a centuries-old ceremony commemorates a treaty that is believed to be one of Europe's oldest international agreements still in...
A lobster uncovered ancient ruins. Source: yalo173 / Adobe Stock.

How a Lobster Helped Uncover an Ancient Site that Rewrites History (Video)

Uncovering ancient mysteries hidden beneath the waves has always captivated the imaginations of archaeologists and explorers alike. In an extraordinary tale of unexpected discovery, a lobster...
Neanderthal engravings in Gorham’s Cave, Gibraltar. Credit: Stewart Finlayson, courtesy of  Gibraltar Museum.

Gorham’s Cave: Did Neanderthals Create Art? (Video)

The enigmatic past of Neanderthals has long intrigued researchers, raising questions about their cognitive abilities and creative expressions. Nestled within the depths of Gorham's Cave , just off...
