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Survey: New exciting Ancient Origins Features

We are in the process of creating a unique project that will help you not only decide which archaeological sites or sites of historical significance to visit, but allow you to navigate through the site on the spot using advanced 3D and Augmented Reality technologies.

Through this new project you will be able to view all sites of archaeological interest of a region anywhere in the world, with articles related to its mythology, history and latest news, as well as related photos, videos, reviews and discussions.

For those that want more, we also plan to develop a mobile application that will allow you to access all this information PLUS view reconstructions of the ancient places in 3D as well as real time walkthroughs of the 3D reconstructed archaeological wonders.

We would greatly appreciate your feedback on this project. Please reply to the following questions to help us understand your needs and priorities in regards to our new exciting updates. Based on your replies,we will give priority to implementing the features that you would like most.


There needs to be a none of the above option for the mobile platform as I don't have any of those but had to fill it in to participate.

Agree, I only have a desktop computer, no mobile devices.

ancient-origins's picture

Hi Helen. We have updated the survery to include desktop. Apologies for not having the option there!

I am a 76 yr old man who lives in a wheelchair in a long term care unit in a hospital in Iowa. I came here to die, and am using facebook to post my experiences as a Christian for those who may benefit from it. Also, I am very interested in archaeology and paleoarechaeology in particular, especially with regard to human evolution. Being a physics major at the U of Iowa (BA, 1968), all science interests me. But, I cannot travel, and spend my days on my trusty laptop, exploring more vicariously than I ever did in person. My condition is terminal spinal stenosis, but I use every moment to simply learn about this world our LORD has made. Blessings upon your efforts!

i hope the new project is better and less restrictive than the 'mobile device' option... i am sure i would rather use a computer for 3d rendering and when actually onsite i doubt if i would have time to use the phone beyond camera usage.
i can only hope that the survey questions were devised by an outside source.

I completely agree with DAYV2's comments. I would much prefer to use these new features on my PC or tablet prior to visiting a site, than on a tiny cell phone screen while exploring.

I would pay depending on how much it costs. Being on a pension limits my buying power

ya, wish i could afford to be a paying member of the website but dipping my toes in the water is better than nothing at all.
remember when subscriptions payed for the cable broadcasts and there were no commercials at all?
ah 'the internet' what a gift from the two party military dictatorship to the public!

Looking forward to seeing more about the product.

This sounds quite interesting.

I would definitely use this and would probably pay if the fee was small. Living on a fixed income makes budgeting extremely important!

I am Italian, but I live and work in Venezuela. I cannot pay and cannot travel because this has become a communist country cuban style. there is an increasing inflation and exchange control so one never has saving and cannot travel. That is the reason why I cannot pay, cannot plan and cannot have an android. I am answering this because it is a requirement to register. Regards maria-luisa

how many people did billary kill?
are they still drowning in the sea on their way to italy?

I checked off ipad because I could not complete the survey without clicking on something. I do not own an ipad, cell phone or anything mobile.

ancient-origins's picture

Hi Linda. We have updated the survery to include desktop. Apologies for not having the option there!

Am 72 and no0t likely to travel again

I love to share ideas without need to convince. My need is to understand and hopefully be understood

Arm chair traveler.