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Ancient places can be found all over Asia. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and open up a window on Asian history. Visiting such historical places in Asia can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over Asia, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

India’s Pallava Dynasty Left Its Mark On Much Of South-East Asia

India’s Pallava Dynasty Left Its Mark On Much Of South-East Asia

In southern India, the journey from Puducherry to Chennai is without question one of the most pleasurable travel experiences to be found in all of south Asia. The biggest highlight of this trip lies...
Zhouzhuang: China’s Stunning and Popular Venice of the East

Zhouzhuang: China’s Stunning and Popular Venice of the East

Zhouzhuang is a small town located in China’s Jiangsu province not far from the modern metropolis of Shanghai. As one of the China’s most famous water towns, Zhouzhuang has been nicknamed the “Venice...
Inari Shrines: Worshiping Japan’s Most Popular Shinto Deity

Inari Shrines: Worshiping Japan’s Most Popular Shinto Deity

Inari shrines are a type of shrine dedicated to the Japanese deity Inari. These shrines are immensely popular in Japan and can be found all around the country. It is estimated that a third of all the...
The Haryanka Dynasty of India: Betrayals of Fathers by Sons

The Haryanka Dynasty of India: Betrayals of Fathers by Sons

This is the story of a son in ancient India who killed his father for no other reason than uncontrolled ambition. In the royal dynasties of India, the killing of family members and family rivals is a...
10 Must-Visit Sites in Cappadocia

10 Must-Visit Sites in Cappadocia

The Cappadocia region in central Turkey has one of the most spectacular landscapes in the world. The deep valleys and soaring rock formations are dotted with numerous archaeological wonders. There...
The Templar’s Tunnel (olegmayorov / Adobe Stock)

The Templar Tunnel: Knight’s Strategic Passageway Was Lost for 700 Years

The Templar Tunnel is an underground passageway located in the city of Acre, in what is now Israel. This tunnel was built by the Knights Templar when the city was under the rule of the Kingdom of...
Time Capsule of the House of the Tesserae Opens Window into the Past

Time Capsule of the House of the Tesserae Opens Window into the Past

In 2017 archaeologists in Jordan unearthed a time capsule dating back over a thousand years. The House of the Tesserae was fortuitously preserved after an earthquake struck the Jordanian city of...
Draksharama Temple, Where Dozens of Hindu Gods Live as a Family

Draksharama Temple, Where Dozens of Hindu Gods Live as a Family

India is a land of many religious and has thousands of remarkable temples and holy sites. One of the most important in all of southern India is the Draksharama Temple, a Hindu site dedicated to the...
Delving into the Depths of Japan’s Mysterious Tonkararin Tunnels

Delving into the Depths of Japan’s Mysterious Tonkararin Tunnels

Within the sloping mountains of Japan lies a mysterious ruined tunnel structure known as the Tonkararin Tunnels. This ancient ruin likely dates to the 5th or 6th century of Imperial Japan, although...
The tranquil waters of the Burning Lake in Bhutan, a place of miracles that still attracts thousands today!       Source:  Brian Weed / Adobe Stock

Bhutan’s Burning Lake, Place of Legend and Pilgrimage

Bhutan’s sacred Burning Lake (known also as Membartsho or Mebar Tsho), in the Tang Valley, gets its name from a legend involving Pema Lingpa (or Padma Lingpa), a renowned Bhutanese saint. Today, the...
Great Chain of The Golden Horn: Constantinople’s Impenetrable Barrier

Great Chain of The Golden Horn: Constantinople’s Impenetrable Barrier

For all large capital cities in ancient and modern history, protection was one of the major survival strategies. And what historical capital was bigger than legendary Constantinople ? Known as...

The Enigmatic Zenigata Sunae – A Majestic Heritage of Feudal Japan

Japan is full of countless intriguing places and monuments from its rich and vibrant past. From centuries of rich, evolving history, to the devastating effects of the Second World War, Japan has...
Why the Enormous Nimrod Castle Was Built in a Massive Hurry

Why the Enormous Nimrod Castle Was Built in a Massive Hurry

Because of the thousands of years of human occupation, the Levant is an area rich in ruins and archaeological sites. One of the most fascinating medieval sites in the region is the castle known as...
The Badami Chalukyas dynasty came to control vast tracts of land within southern and central India from about 543 AD until 753 AD. Representative image of a more modern era. Source: Public domain

The Badami Chalukyas: An Indian Dynasty Spanning Over 200 Years

At a glance, history can seem chaotic. We need to delve into the depths of any particular era, and not just focus on particular incidents. History is not just a timeline of earth-shattering battles,...
The ancient Judean date palm tree has been resurrected

The Judean Date Palm: Extinct Tree Resurrected from Ancient Seeds

For thousands of years, the date palm was a staple crop. In the Kingdom of Judea it was a source of food, shelter, medicine, and shade. But the plant went extinct due to waves of conquest and...
A collection of shoes, presumably from those who have taken their lives, inside Aokigahara forest.

The Aokigahara Forest of Japan: Many Enter, But Few Walk Out Alive

The Aokigahara forest is situated on the north-western side of Japan’s famous Mount Fuji. It was born 1,100 years ago, when Mount Fuji erupted, spewing out lava for miles which later transformed into...
Naqsh-e Rustam

Naqsh-e Rustam: Ancient Tombs of Powerful Persian Kings

Naqsh-e Rustam is one of the most spectacular and awe-inspiring ancient sites of the Achaemenid Empire, consisting of the colossal tombs of Persian kings dating back to the first millennium BC. It...
Petroglyph of the archaeological landscape of Tamgaly         Source: victor21041958 / Adobe Stock

Tamgaly Petroglyphs: Rituals, Shaman and Nomad’s Treasures

Tamgaly in Kazakhstan, now a UNESCO World Heritage site, provides evidence of the rich history and diverse cultural heritage of Central Asia. The area has been traversed by countless nomadic...
Sebaste’s archaeology ancient ruins             Source: Pavel Bernshtam / Adobe Stock

Ancient Samaria, a City Destroyed and Ten Tribes Lost Forever

Once known as the Land of Canaan, the region was home to great cultures and civilizations for thousands of years. As a result, there are many historic ruins and one of the most fascinating is the...
Pilgrim at the golden temple in the city of Amritsar-India, main temple of Sikhs, during sunset.            Source: MICHEL / Adobe Stock

Why the Golden Temple is at the Very Heart of Sikhism

While the followers of Sikhism can be found all over the world, the supreme spiritual site of the faith is the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India. It is known as Harmandir Sahib , the abode of God, and...
Human Skeletons at Roopkund Lake aka Skeleton Lake

Skeleton Lake: Ancient Remains Frozen in Time in the Himalayas

Imagine a frozen lake which, upon melting each year, reveals the unnerving sight of the remains of more than 300 people. The small lake known as Roopkund Lake, sits high in the Indian Himalayas more...
Burana tower located on famous Silk Road, Kyrgyzstan          Source: Pavel Svoboda / Adobe Stock

Burana Tower, Kyrgyzstan’s Ancient and Last Monument to a Lost City

Central Asia has been home to various cultures and empires, and many of their materials remains can still be seen. One of the most important in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan is the Burana Tower. This...
Bronze Horseman on Thunder Stone Monolith Pedestal

The Thunder Stone and Bronze Horseman: The Monolithic Savior of St Petersburg?

The Bronze Horseman is a monument located in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg. The pedestal of this equestrian statue is known as the Thunder Stone, a monolith claimed to be the largest block of...
Qutub Minar, the tallest brick minaret in the world, New Delhi, India.             Source: kingslyg / Adobe Stock

Qutb Minar, the Incredible Victory Tower of the Mamluk Dynasty

Islamic culture has left an indelible mark on India’s celebrated architectural heritage. One of the most remarkable examples is the Qutb Minar , also known as the Victory Tower and the tallest...
