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Ancient Technology

Dating back thousands of years are numerous examples of ancient technology that leave us awe-struck at the knowledge and wisdom held by people of our past. They were the result of incredible advances in engineering and innovation as new, powerful civilizations emerged and came to dominate the ancient world. These advances stimulated societies to adopt new ways of living and governance, as well as new ways of understanding their world. However, many ancient technology mysteries were forgotten, lost to the pages of history, only to be re-invented millennia later. Here we feature ancient technology history and dozens of amazing artifacts that reflect the brilliance of ancient minds.

Selection of urine flasks and bottles found at the disposal site at the Ospedale dei Fornari. Source: Caesar’s Forum Project/Antiquity Publications Ltd

Renaissance Era Medical Dump Includes Urine Flasks For Tasting Pee!

A team of researchers from Denmark and Italy have stumbled upon a treasure trove of artifacts at an ancient Roman hospital site in Rome brimming with medical supplies. This Renaissance-era trash dump...
Folded sword and Celtic scissors found in Munich, Germany. Source: Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

Cutting Edge Celtic Tech - 2,300-year-old Scissors Still Sharp and Shiny!

A German bomb disposal squad called in archaeologists after they found a curious wooden structure buried beneath a Munich suburb. The 2,300-year-old Celtic grave was found to contain not only a ‘...
Viking ship burial mound discovered at Salhushaugen, Norway.          Source: Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger/Science Norway

1,200-Year-Old Viking Ship Burial Found in Supposedly Empty Mound

A large Viking burial mound found on the island of Karmøy off Norway’s western coast was long thought to be empty. Excavations that opened the Salhushaugen mound in 1906 were launched in the belief...
Roman bathhouse. Source: 4K_Heaven / Adobe Stock.

Keeping it Clean: A Look at Ancient Hygiene Practices (Video)

From the Sumerians and Egyptians to the Victorians and beyond, humans have been striving to keep their surroundings clean since they first settled down and built permanent homes. Before civilization...
Ancient Egypt landmark. Source: Andrii Vergeles / Adobe Stock.

What Did Ancient Egypt Really Look Like? A Visual Tour (Video)

Ancient Egypt, the cradle of civilization and one of the most fascinating cultures in human history, still captivates our imagination with its impressive architectural wonders, elaborate art , and...
Neolithic stone balls in the British Museum. Source: British Museum / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Neolithic Stone Balls: The Northern Rosetta Stone?

Neolithic stone balls are mysterious petrospheres found in Scotland, Ireland, and Norway that have puzzled archaeologists for centuries. But an explanation for these objects may finally be revealed,...
The Maya ruins at Copan in Honduras have stood the test of time. (bennytrapp / Adobe Stock)

Ancient Formula for Super-Durable Maya Plaster Finally Revealed

A team of scientists in Spain appear to have discovered the elusive formula for lime plaster and mortar used by the ancient Maya of Mexico and Central America. It seems that the incredibly durable...
The ancient Maya used their astronomical knowledge to create Mayan calendars and to predict celestial events such as solar and lunar eclipses. (James Thew / Adobe Stock)

New Evidence Reveals Full Astronomical Scope of Ancient Mayan Calendar

For years, scholars have been puzzled by the meaning of the 819-day count of the Mayan calendar in ancient glyphic texts. By examining the count over a 45-year period, researchers have discovered...
Canoes have long occupied a special place in the tradition of the indigenous tribes of the Americas, particularly in the northern half. All along the Pacific Northwest, masterfully crafted canoes of many shapes, sizes and forms, were the main mode of transportation until long after European colonization. Adding to this rich history, a team of archaeologists, neighbors and members of the Waccamaw Siouan Tribe successfully recovered a nearly 1,000-year-old canoe from the depths of Lake Waccamaw in south-easte

The Macuahuitl: An Aztec Warrior’s Lethal and Sacred Weapon (Video)

The Macuahuitl was an ancient Aztec weapon that could be used by both shamans and warriors. It was a devastating weapon that was feared by those who encountered it on the battlefield. Made of...
Remains of columns at the Cave di Cusa quarry in Sicily. (Davide Mauro / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Hidden Gems of Sicily: The Abandoned Temple Columns of Cave di Cusa

If someone told you that you could effortlessly travel back in time to classical antiquity, you would think that they were crazy, right? But at Cave di Cusa, in Sicily, this is actually possible...
Medieval knights with weapons. Source: Diatomic / Adobe Stock.

Medieval Warfare Unleashed: Discovering the Arsenal of a Knight (Video)

The medieval knight was known for their impressive arsenal of weapons, each with its own unique purpose on the battlefield. Swords were the most iconic weapon of the knight , but other melee weapons...
An ancient cooper fish hook used to hunt sharks was found on Israeli coasts. Source: Israel Antiquities Authority

6,000-Year-Old Fishhook Indicates Shark Was on the Menu

This ancient copper “fishhook” is the earliest of its type ever discovered in Israel. But this hook wasn’t used for hauling up inshore tiddlers, rather, it was designed for hunting huge sharks off...
Egyptian warrior with a khopesh. Source: Obsidian Fantasy / Adobe Stock.

Unleashing the Fury of the Khopesh: A Look at Egypt’s Deadliest Weapon (Video)

An often overlooked area of Egyptology is perhaps one of the most important of all, Ancient Egypt’s incredibly impressive military technology . Take for example, the Khopesh - the ultimate weapon of...
The trebuchet at Warwick Castle. Source: Muna/ Carpenter Oak

Trebuchet Dubbed ‘Britain's Biggest Siege Machine’ Takes Center Stage at Warwick Castle

At the famous Warwick Castle in Warwickshire, England, visitors will soon have the opportunity to see a gigantic medieval war weapon in action. This elaborate wooden contraption is a catapult-style...
The so-called helicopter hieroglyph. Source: Public Domain.

The Chilling Messages Encoded in Egyptian Tombs (Video)

It’s common knowledge that man didn’t learn to fly until the 20 th century. However shocking discoveries in both South America and Egypt are beginning to bring this long-stated fact into question...
Magnificent Parthenon in Athens built using early cranes. (Steve Swayne/CC BY-SA 2.0)

Top 5 Ancient Greek Inventions We Still Use Today

Humanity has come a long way when it comes to crafty inventions, but some of the earliest innovative minds were the ancient Greeks. The ancient Greeks came up with several inventions that are still...
Ancient Babylon. Source: Rick / Adobe Stock.

15 of History’s Most Advanced Ancient Civilizations (Video)

Over the course of our species' relatively short existence, a myriad of awe-inspiring civilizations have risen to great heights, only to crumble into the annals of history. From the Ancient Egyptians...
A set of bone tools thought to have been used for bleeding cows.	Source: M.Osypinska/PAP

New Evidence Suggests Masai Practice of Bleeding Cows May Go Back 7,000 Years

Excavations in a 7,000-year-old cemetery in Sudan have uncovered bone tools that were probably used to bleed cows. This may be the earliest evidence of a practice that is still prevalent among the...
Ancient Egyptian god Seth. Source: byerenyerli / Adobe Stock.

The Most Deadly Weapons of Ancient Egypt (Video)

The ancient Egyptians were masterful innovators when it came to warfare, with a diverse and deadly arsenal of weapons at their disposal. From the iconic khopesh sword, with its curved blade designed...
An invocation to I-em-hetep, the Egyptian deity of medicine (Wellcome Collection / CC by SA 4.0)

A Day in the Life of an Ancient Egyptian Doctor (Video)

The ancient Egyptians were pioneers in many fields, including medicine. From dentistry to surgery, they developed a wide range of treatments and techniques that were well ahead of their time. But...
Detail depicting the unusual death of King Edmund Ironside as portrayed in a 13th-century illustrated Anglo-Norman manuscript of the Life of St Edward the Confessor. Source: Cambridge University Library / CC BY-NC 3.0

7 Amazing Ancient Technologies Too Advanced for Their Time (Video)

Throughout history, there have been many civilizations that have left their mark on the world through their impressive architectural feats, artistic creations, and innovative technologies. While some...
Siege weapon in action. Source: Smulsky / Adobe Stock.

15 of Ancient History’s Most Ingenious Siege Weapons (Video)

Warfare has been a constant throughout human history, and with it, the development of increasingly sophisticated weaponry to overcome defensive fortifications. The ancient world was no exception, and...
Nikola Tesla Revealed an Astounding Theory About the Pyramids (Video)

Nikola Tesla Revealed an Astounding Theory About the Pyramids (Video)

Nikola Tesla was a brilliant inventor whose contributions to the fields of electrical engineering and physics revolutionized the modern world. However, in addition to his many groundbreaking...
Ancient technology. Source: Pinon Road / Adobe Stock.

12 Most Mysterious Ancient Technologies Scientists Still Can't Explain (Video)

The sheer scale and complexity of historical structures such as palaces, temples and monuments can leave us in awe of the engineering, architectural feats, and ancient technology of our ancestors...
