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Ancient places can be found all over Asia. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and open up a window on Asian history. Visiting such historical places in Asia can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over Asia, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

Al-Pasha Palace before and after its destruction

Is the International Order Failing to Protect Cultural Heritage in Gaza?

In the past six months of conflict in Gaza, the Israeli military has caused significant destruction to the region's cultural heritage, obliterating about 60 percent of its sites and monuments. This...
Archaeologists at a re-erected Roman milestone on the Golan Heights Roman highway.

Key 2nd Century Roman Highway Exposed in Golan Heights

More than 18 centuries ago, the Romans built a two-lane highway that cut across the southern section of an area that is today known as the Golan Heights, which sits on the border between Israel and...
Drachma of Mithridates

The Parthians: Rome's Primary Adversary (Video)

The Parthians, though less renowned than their Persian and Roman counterparts, played a significant role in shaping the ancient world. Emerging from the nomadic Parni tribe in eastern Iran, the...
The "Xiaohe Mummy", exhibited in Xinjiang Museum.

The Mystery of the Xiaohe Mummies in China

In 1939 a remarkable discovery was done by the Swedish archaeologist Bergman Folke. A set of tombs were found in the Xinjiang Province known as the Xiaohe Tombs. However, for the 60 years to follow...
Stellar rock art map from Sevsar astronomical observatory. Source: Courtesy of the author © Lilit Mkhitaryan

Celestial Maps of Gegham Mountain: The Unique Rock Art of Armenia

In the volcanic Gegham and Vardenis Mountains of Armenia, architect Suren Petrosyan discovered unique and mysterious astrological rock art paintings. Experts have different opinions on the creation...
Shenyang Imperial Palace (Mukden Palace) was the former imperial palace of the early Manchu-led Qing dynasty and UNESCO world heritage site built 400 years ago in Shenyang, China. Source: EcoSpace/Adobe Stock

How Did the Qing Dynasty Fall? (Video)

The collapse of the Qing Dynasty was a culmination of internal turmoil and external pressures spanning centuries. Established in 1644, it succeeded the Ming Dynasty , and the Qing rulers initially...
Right; China sinkhole forests show biodiversity in Hanzhong. Right Sinkhole examined in 2022. 	 Source: Left; Charlie fong/CC BY-SA 4.0, Right; Zhou Hua / Xinhua

Primeval Forest Biodiversity Found in China’s Sinkholes

In the midst of southern China’s vast sinkhole-ridden landscape, a recent study of ancient forests found growing in the depths of karst tiankengs (super-deep sinkholes) has revealed the astonishing...
A strong relationship between human and animal: a cow with a modified ‘neck’ pendant and horns. 	Source: Julien Cooper/The Conversation

Rock Art Discoveries in Eastern Sudan Tell a Tale of the Once ‘Green Sahara’

By Julien Cooper /The Conversation The hyper-arid desert of Eastern Sudan, the Atbai Desert, seems like an unlikely place to find evidence of ancient cattle herders. But in this dry environment, my...
A captivating digital illustration showcasing the bustling life of an ancient Phoenician port city, featuring merchants actively trading goods, a harbor filled with colorful sailboats. Source: Kristian/Adobe Stock

Unraveling the History of the Ancient Phoenicians (Video)

The Phoenicians , flourishing between 1500 and 300 BC, were a maritime powerhouse whose influence stretched across the ancient Mediterranean world. Originating from the coastal regions of what is now...
Relief sculpture of the subject people of the Achaemenian Empire in Apadana Palace, Persepolis, Iran. Source: Mohammad Nouri/ Adobe Stock

What Pressures Caused the Fall of the Achaemenid Empire? (Video)

The Achaemenid Empire , spanning from Egypt to India, epitomized grandeur and power under illustrious rulers like Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great. Their astute governance and military conquests...
Deep within the Umm Jirsan lava cave system, archeologists find signs of transient desert life.	Source: Green Arabia Project

Giant Lava Tunnel Was Occupied By Ancient Herders in the Arabian Peninsula

A fabulous new study has highlighted the lifestyles of human herders spanning 10,000 - 7,000 years ago, from the Neolithic to the Chalcolithic/Bronze Age, in the challenging desert environment of the...
Nanzhao Tahu Temple, Weibaoshan Mountain, Dali, Yunnan, China. Source: hu/Adobe Stock

Nanzhao: A Lost Kingdom in Southern China (Video)

Nanzhao , situated in the rugged terrain of southern China, flourished as a formidable kingdom between the 8th and 10th centuries. Unified from disparate tribes, it repelled Chinese invasions and...
Neolithic settlement of Çatalhöyük, Turkey. Source: Omar hoftun/CC BY-SA 3.0

The Unmatched 9,500-Year-Old Honeycomb City of Çatalhöyük

Overlooking the Konya Plain in Turkey lies the remarkable and unique ancient city of Çatalhöyük, the largest and best-preserved Neolithic site found to date. At a time when most of the world's people...
Van Fortress or Castle of Van, is a massive stone fortification built by the ancient kingdom of Urartu.	Source: seyfullah/Adobe Stock

The Forgotten Kingdom of Urartu: From Prosperity to Fall

The Kingdom of Urartu, a once significant ancient civilization nestled in the rugged terrain of the Armenian Highlands, flourished from the 9th to 6th centuries BC. Often overshadowed by its...
Reconstructed wall of Ain Dara Temple with cherubim relief in lower panel. Right, Giant or godly footprints at the gate. 	Source: Odilia/CC BY-SA 3.0, Right; homocosmicos/Adobe Stock

The Enigmatic Ain Dara Temple and the Giant Footsteps of the Gods

Ain Dara is a small village in the northwest of Aleppo, Syria, which, until 2018, boasted a remarkable structure – the Ain Dara Temple, located just west of the village. The temple was discovered in...
The Achaemenid circular structure discovered at Tappe Takhcar-Abad	Source: Mohsen Dana et al. / Antiquity

2,500-Year-Old Achaemenid Marvel Excavated in Iran

While excavating in a lightly explored eastern region of their home country, a team of Iranian archaeologists unearthed the remains of a solid circular adobe structure that featured six separate...
Not quite like the painting: the reconstructed face of Chinese Emperor Wu using DNA extracted from his remains, and the portrait of Emperor Wudi in the Thirteen Emperors Scroll. Source: Pianpian Wei / Current Biology.

DNA Data Reveals Face of a Chinese Emperor after 1,500 Years

Taking advantage of extraordinary advances in the study of ancient DNA, researchers from Fudan and Xiamen Universities in China completed a detailed facial reconstruction of a Chinese emperor who...
Pangu - The Chinese god of creation. AI image. Source: Superhero Woozie/Adobe Stock

Pangu: Mythological Insights into the Chinese Creation Story

Pangu is a prominent figure in Chinese creation mythology. To this day, the Zhuang people sing a traditional song about Pangu creating the heavens and Earth. The origin of the Pangu myth has been...
View overlooking Göbeklitepe Building B.	Source: Dosseman/CC BY-SA 4.0

Anatolia: A Cradle of History and Rich Culture (Video)

Anatolia , nestled between the continents of Europe and Asia, is a veritable treasure trove of ancient civilizations and cultural heritage. Despite Herodotus's misconceptions, the region's historical...
The village and citadel at Thula have their roots in the Himyarite kingdom. Source: fotoember/ Adobe Stock

Himyarite Kingdom: The Forgotten Empire (Video)

The Himyarite Kingdom , spanning from the 2nd century BC to the 6th century AD, stands as a testament to Yemen's rich history beyond contemporary turmoil. Situated strategically along the Maritime...

How Confucianism Shaped Chinese Culture and Legacy (Video)

Confucianism, originating during the Zhou dynasty , emerged as a philosophy emphasizing moral principles and societal harmony, devoid of the supernatural elements common in many other religious...
Representational image of a Chinese naval battle. Source: Public domain

The Battle of Lake Poyang and Its Pivotal Impact on China

The Battle of Lake Poyang stands as one of the largest naval engagements in recorded history, showcasing the might and strategic prowess of warring factions during the tumultuous period of the rise...
This decorative belt buckle is of a nomad horseman spearing a boar. The rider wears the steppe dress, his hair is tied into a hair bun characteristic of the oriental steppes, and his horse has characteristically Xiongnu horse trappings. Dated to the 2nd-1st century BC.	Source: Public Domain

Five Most Influential Monarchies in Ancient Asia (Video)

The ancient monarchies of Asia left an indelible mark on history, shaping economies, cultures, and trade routes that endured for centuries. Among these, the Han Dynasty of China stands as a towering...
AI image of Mesopotamian Empire. Source: Rick/Adobe Stock

The Civilizations of Ancient Mesopotamia Explained (Video)

Ancient Mesopotamia , often referred to as the cradle of civilization, witnessed the flourishing of several remarkable cultures, including the Sumerians, Assyrians, Persians, and Babylonians. The...
