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Ancient places can be found all over Asia. Their fascinating histories and impressive artifacts open intriguing glimpses to times past, and open up a window on Asian history. Visiting such historical places in Asia can be an unforgettable experience.

Science is constantly discovering new archaeological places and uncovering more evidence into what we once thought we knew about our history, therefore offering new pieces to the ever changing puzzle of humanity’s past and altering how we interpret it. This section will present the most interesting archaeological sites all over Asia, as well as new discoveries of ancient places that are worth paying a visit.

Representational image of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Source: Creative Digital Art / Adobe Stock

Searching for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The real location of the elusive Hanging Gardens of Babylon has eluded researchers for centuries. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World whose location is still unknown, yet...
Tanah Lot, Bali. Source: NIPATHORN / Adobe Stock.

Tanah Lot: Bali’s Majestic Temple in the Sea

On a small three-acre island off the southwest coast of Bali lies a cherished sea temple , Tanah Lot. Its name aptly translates to "Land in the Sea" in the Balinese language, a fitting description...
Kathakali eye dancer. Source: Grigory Kubatyan / Adobe Stock.

Eye Dancing and India’s Ancient Art of Kathakali (Video)

Kathakali, the captivating traditional Indian dance originating from Kerala , unveils a mesmerizing world where stories from Hindu epics come alive. This art form transcends mere movements and steps...
Stone masterpiece pays tribute to Yelang Civilization. Source: imphilip / Adobe Stock.

Stone Masterpiece Pays Tribute to Ancient Yelang Civilization (Video)

In the heart of what many deemed a barren wasteland, artist Song Peilun perceived an extraordinary canvas brimming with potential. Over the span of two decades, Peilun has masterfully crafted a...
A singing group of 5 ethnic Kam women stand in front of the wooden drum tower in Xiaohuang village, Congjiang county, Guizhou, China. Source: imphilip / Adobe Stock.

Dong Storytelling: Passing Down Ancient Stories Through Song (Video)

Within the Dong ethnic group of China's Guizhou province, a profound belief is encapsulated in the adage, "Eat rice to nourish the body, and sing songs to nourish the heart." These songs, numbering...
Largest handwritten family tree in the world. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Great Big Story.

The Largest Handwritten Family Tree in the World (Video)

In the sacred grounds of Haridwar, India, beside the flowing Ganges , lies an extraordinary marvel. This remarkable marvel is the largest handwritten family tree globally. Maintained by dedicated...
Fire and coal forging Japanese sword in a kiln of a blacksmith in Japan. Source: Karori Production / Adobe Stock.

The Ancient Art of Forging Japanese Knives (Video)

In the verdant countryside of Kōchi, Japan , the ancient craft of Japanese blacksmithing thrives, carrying a history that stretches back centuries . At the heart of this tradition are the Nata blades...
Molten iron fireworks. Source: Xiangli / Adobe Stock.

The Spectacular Chinese Tradition of Molten Iron Fireworks (Video)

For three decades, Wang De has immersed himself in the mesmerizing Chinese tradition of Da Shuhua, a captivating art that traces its origins back 500 years to the quaint Nuanquan village. This...
Funazushi. Source: tokyofoodcast / Flickr.

Extreme Sushi: Before These Tasty Bites, There Was Funazushi (Video)

Before sushi became an internationally beloved delicacy, another Japanese culinary marvel reigned supreme – Funazushi. Unlike the hastily prepared haya-nare sushi which most westerners are familiar...
Archaeologists with 4,000-year-old pyramid remains in uncovered in Kazakhstan. Source: L. N. Gumilyov / Eurasian National University

4,000-Year-Old Bronze Age Pyramid Found in Kazakhstan Is First Ever on Asian Steppe!

A 4,000-year-old Bronze Age pyramidical structure with links to a horse cult has been uncovered in the ochre-tinted earthen steppes of Kazakhstan. The culmination of almost a decade of research and...
Tin embroidery in Guizhou Province, China. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Great Big Story.

The Remarkable Ancient Craft of Miao Tin Embroidery (Video)

Nestled within the tranquil landscapes of Guizhou Province , China, a remote village becomes the sentinel of an ancient and vanishing artistry – tin embroidery . For more than 500 years, skilled...
Wuling Mountain Temples. Source: Weiming / Adobe Stock.

China’s Extraordinary Wuling Mountain Temples (Video)

Nestled in China's biodiverse Wuling mountain range is the majestic Fenjingshan, the highest peak in Guizhou province , towering about 8,000 feet above sea level. Believed to have formed between 2...
Traditional fabric printing in India. Source: kalcutta / Adobe Stock.

French-Indian Textile Designer Recreates Ancient Mughal Designs (Video)

Renowned French-Indian textile designer, Brigitte Singh, has masterfully revived ancient Mughal designs on fabric, igniting a renaissance of timeless beauty. With meticulous attention, she unfurls a...
Representational image of the Gutian Invasion of the Akkadian Empire. Source: Francis Valadj / Adobe Stock

The Gutian Invasion: What Really Caused the Fall of the Akkadian Empire?

The Akkadian Empire, one of the first great empires in human history, thrived in ancient Mesopotamia under the rule of Sargon of Akkad. However, its reign eventually came to an end. For decades,...
traditional medicine, Cambodia, healers, ingredients, healthcare

Reviving Ancient Healing Arts: Cambodia's Groundbreaking Approach to Healthcare (Video)

Traditional healers, with their deep knowledge of nature's bounty, have long played a pivotal role in providing healthcare in Cambodia . They use an array of natural ingredients, including dried...
The cow’s head on the Silver Lyre. Source: Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Bask in the Beauty and Melody of the Ancient Mesopotamian Lyres of Ur

It is unknown which culture was the first to create music, but a set of beautiful Sumerian instruments from the city of Ur provide us with some insight into the world of ancient music. Over 4,000...
Haji piyada nine domes mosque, Afghanistan. (Masoud Akbari / CC by SA 3.0)

The Mysterious, Ancient Nine Domes Mosque of Afghanistan (Video)

The ancient Nine Domes Mosque in Afghanistan in Balkh, Afghanistan is a fascinating enigma that has intrigued archaeologists for centuries. Built in the 8th century, it stands as one of the oldest...
Buddhist stupa at Mes Aynak, Afghanistan (Jerome Starkey / CC by SA 2.0)

Mes Aynak: Afghanistan's Buddhist City Threatened by Chinese Mining (Video)

Mes Aynak , located about 40 kilometers southeast of Kabul, Afghanistan, is an extraordinary archaeological site with a history dating back over 2,000 years. This ancient Buddhist city, nestled...
Vietnam water puppets. Source: Kalyakan / Adobe Stock.

Tourism Keeps Vietnam's Ancient Water Puppets Afloat (Video)

Vietnam's water puppet tradition is a captivating art form that has been cherished for centuries. Originating in the rice paddies of the Red River Delta, this unique cultural expression dates back to...
Petra, Jordan. Source: kanuman / Adobe Stock.

Petra: Where History and Beauty Converge (Video)

Petra is an ancient city located in present-day Jordan, renowned for its breathtaking architecture carved into the rose-red cliffs and its historical significance. The history of Petra dates back...
Thai Tattoo Master makes Sak Yant tattoo. Source: Denis / Adobe Stock.

Sak Yant: Foreigners Drawn to Ancient Thai Tattoo Masters (Video)

The ancient art of 'sak yant,' traditional Thai tattoos , has long been cherished by locals for its spiritual significance. In recent times, however, an increasing number of foreigners are drawn to...
Preserved hairy mammoth. Source: YouTube Screenshot / BBC.

The Perfectly Preserved Yuka Wooly Mammoth Mummy (Video)

The perfectly preserved mummified Yuka Mammoth Mummy is a remarkable archaeological discovery that has captivated the world with its exceptional state of preservation. Unearthed from the permafrost...
A Muslim and a Jew inside a Jewish synagogue in Kolkata, India. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Atlas Obscura.

The Muslims Preserving Kolkata's Last Jewish Synagogues (Video)

In the vibrant city of Kolkata, India, a heartening and harmonious interfaith tradition is flourishing as Muslim caretakers diligently preserve the last remaining Jewish synagogues . This unique...
Ancient temples in Bagan, Myanmar. Source: Kalyakan / Adobe Stock.

Myanmar’s Bagan Temple City Faces Modern Threats (Video)

Myanmar's ancient temple city, Bagan , with its mesmerizing array of over 3,000 temples, stands as a testament to its rich history dating back to the 11th and 13th centuries. However, amidst this...
