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We share free history videos relating to archaeology, ancient places, unexplained phenomena, historic mysteries, and much more. Don’t miss the chance to explore these ancient mysteries videos. These ancient history videos also include interviews with authors, researchers and top experts from around the world. Explore these ancient mysteries videos and immerse yourself in the wonder of our ancient past.

Roman manubalista. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

The Manubalista Was Rome’s Secret Weapon in Ancient Britain (Video)

The Manubalista , a formidable weapon from ancient Rome, played a crucial role in the Roman conquest of Britain . In the skilled hands of Roman soldiers, this weapon proved to be a deadly asset. It...
Interior of Nilometer in Cairo. Source: rninov / Adobe Stock.

Muslims Used the Nilometer to Tax the Ancient Egyptians (Video)

In 639, Arab Muslim forces arrived in Egypt, swiftly gaining control of the Nile and, within two years, the capital, Alexandria. Egypt fell entirely under their dominion. Notably, the first structure...
Some of Japan’s fiercest Samurai were women. Source: Abdulcell / Adobe Stock.

Some of Japan’s Fiercest Samurai Were Women (Video)

In ancient Japan , where the art of battle was predominantly a male domain, a remarkable shift in tradition unfolded, highlighting the tenacity of women in the face of adversity. Takeko Nakano and...
Traditional Chinese bride. Source: Jeronimo Ramos / Adobe Stock.

Choosing a Chinese Emperor’s Bride Required Intense Scrutiny (Video)

The selection of a bride for a Chinese Emperor involved meticulous scrutiny, a process far from ordinary. The privilege of making this crucial choice belonged to the Emperor's mother, the most senior...
The False Door in the Old Kingdom tomb. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Uncovering an Egyptian Tomb’s "False Door" to the Underworld (Video)

The recent discovery of an ancient tomb from the Old Kingdom era has ignited excitement among archaeologists. This remarkable find predates many other historical artifacts by around two millennia,...
A fragment from The Gospel of Thomas (Public Domain).

There May Have Been a Fifth Gospel (Video)

The Gospel of Thomas, discovered in 1946, offers a unique perspective on Christianity . This text has ignited debates about its authenticity, giving rise to the possibility of a fifth gospel . It...
Thutmose IV found the Sphinx half-buried. Source: Kreatifquotes / Adobe Stock.

King Thutmose IV, The Pharaoh Who Found the Sphinx (Video)

King Thutmose IV, a prominent figure in ancient Egyptian history, is often associated with the remarkable discovery of the Great Sphinx . Rather than being its builder, he is known as the pharaoh who...
Greek sea fire. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Weird History.

Medieval Superweapons That Sound Made Up (Video)

In medieval times, warfare saw the emergence of remarkable yet often overlooked superweapons. Greek fire , a Byzantine invention, was a mysterious and devastating flammable liquid. Its composition, a...
The Samurai would collect enemy heads. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

A Samurai's Collection of Human Heads (Video)

Samurai , driven by the need to prove their loyalty and valor to their shogun masters, often resorted to a gruesome practice – the collection of human heads. The severed heads served as tangible...
St Patrick converting pagans. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Is This the Reason Ireland Converted to Christianity? (Video)

The spread of Christianity in Ireland is often attributed to St. Patrick, but a deeper exploration of history and scientific findings dating back to 540 AD. Suggests a more intriguing perspective...
Tree rings. Source: tomeyk / Adobe Stock.

Can Tree Rings Explain the Demise of a Lost Civilization? (Video)

In the quest to uncover the mystery behind the fall of the once-vibrant Cahokia , archaeologists have turned to an unexpected source: tree ring records, aka dendrochronology. By 1150 AD, Cahokia,...
Chinese empress. Source: dreampicturestud / Adobe Stock.

How a Chinese Empress Built the Largest Palace in the World (Video)

In 662 AD, as Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty’s health waned, Empress Wu Zetian quietly assumed the reins of power, navigating a realm dominated by men. Wu's ambition knew no bounds, and she...
Pompeii graffiti. Source: Niklas / Adobe Stock.

Pompeii's Graffiti: An Ancient Form of Social Media (Video)

Archaeologist Dr. Catherine Huntley's work unveils the ancient walls of Pompeii as repositories of historical insights. In contemporary times, graffiti often carries a negative connotation,...
Facial reconstruction of a Terracotta warrior. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Royalty Now Studios.

A Terracotta Warrior's Digital Transformation (Video)

The Terracotta Army , a remarkable archaeological marvel from ancient China, has long captivated the world with its silent army of clay soldiers. These soldiers , dating back to the Qin Dynasty (...
Paying tribute in ancient Egypt. Source: Esignd ® / Adobe Stock.

How Ancient Cultures Paid Tributes to their Gods (Video)

Ancient civilizations, in their devotion to the divine, created enduring tributes that stand as evidence of their unwavering faith. Among these, the intricate carvings adorning the walls of Angkor...
Amiens cathedral. Source:  Takashi Images / Adobe Stock.

Amiens Cathedral: Gothic Architecture in all its Glory (Video)

Join a visual tour of Amiens Cathedral , a 13th-century Gothic masterpiece. The facade, intricate like delicate lace, boasts three grand doorways adorned with numerous figures. The left portal...
Body collector during the plague. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Weird History.

What It Was Like to Be a Body Collector During the Black Death (Video)

Amid the Black Plague's devastating sweep from 1346 to 1353, a daunting profession emerged: that of the body collector. Their grim duty was unambiguous - to clear the streets and homes of the...
Constantine the Great. Source: SVasco / Adobe Stock.

Constantine's Death Threatened to Split the Roman Empire (Video)

Constantine's demise in 337 AD marked a turning point in the Roman Empire's trajectory . After his death, the city of Constantinople, which he had fostered, thrived while Rome, the former capital in...
Chinese female warriors in the Shang Dynasty. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

The All-Female Shang-Era Troops Led by Queen Fu Hao (Video)

In ancient times, during the Shang Dynasty , there existed an extraordinary force led by the remarkable Queen Fu Hao . This troop, composed primarily of skilled soldiers, occasionally reinforced by...
Creating a Moroccan Court Inside the Met. Source: YouTube Screenshot / The Met.

Building a Moroccan Court Inside the Met (Video)

In 2011, the Metropolitan Museum of Art unveiled the Patti Cadby Birch Court, an extraordinary Moroccan court nestled within its walls. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this architectural...
Pressing execution. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Weird History.

Pressing: One of History's Most Painful Deaths (Video)

Throughout history Europeans have come up with some of the most excruciating and slowest methods of torture . Of them all pressing to death might just be the worst. Dating back to the 13th century in...
Tortuga, The Cradle of Piracy. Source: Yasmina / Adobe Stock.

Tortuga: The Cradle of Piracy (Video)

In 1492, as Christopher Columbus explored the northern coast of Hispaniola, he discovered an enigmatic, mountainous island on the horizon. It was named Tortuga de Mar for its resemblance to a sea...
Thomas Cromwell, Chancellor of Henry VIII. Source: (Ann Longmore-Etheridge / Flickr)

Thomas Cromwell: Henry VIII's Partner in Crime (Video)

In 1536, a pivotal year in the reign of Henry VIII , Thomas Cromwell's fortunes took a significant turn. His influence within the court was on the rise, marked by his successful persuasion to remove...
Ancient Egyptian Mega Tomb. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

This Ancient Egyptian Mega-Tomb is the Largest of its Kind (Video)

Deep beneath the Egyptian desert , a remarkable find has unveiled an intricate tapestry of history and belief. In Saqqara , a new discovery emerges - an extensive burial site, shedding light on an...
