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Part of a tomb dating to the Jin Dynasty found in Changzhi city, Shanxi Province, China. Source: Shanxi Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology/ China Daily

Three Jin Dynasty Tombs Discovered in Chinese Village Reveal History

Three brick-chamber tombs from the Great Jin Dynasty (1115 – 1234 AD) that were uncovered in China have been found to feature beautiful and intricate wall murals. Though subject to looting and damage...
Rock art at one of the 16 new archaeological sites identified in Tocantins, Brazil.	Source: Romolo Macedo/IPHAN

16 New Archaeological Sites Identified in the Cerrado of Central Brazil

The archaeology team at the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan) in Tocantins, Central Brazil has identified and catalogued 16 archaeological sites in the Jalapão region, east...
The Triumph of Cleopatra or The Arrival of Cleopatra in Cilicia (1821).                                    Source: Public Domain

What Happened to Cleopatra’s Children? (Video)

Cleopatra , a pivotal figure in ancient history, bore four children, marking a significant chapter in her legacy. Amidst the intricate web of alliances and power struggles that defined the era,...
Some of the 22 looted, historic items that have been repatriated to Japan	Source: FBI Boston

Treasures Looted from Okinawa During WW II Returned Eight Decades Later

Seeking to correct an 80-year-old injustice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has returned a collection of looted cultural artifacts to the people of Okinawa, Japan. These artifacts were...
A painting of Cahokia Mounds State Historic site by William R. Iseminger. Source: William R. Iseminger

Cahokia: The Rise and Fall of an Indigenous Empire

A young Indigenous man, a Pilgrim, has been walking all day carrying a large bundle basket on his back. His long black hair is tied up in a bun at the back of his head, and he has new, round,...
Cú Chulainn, also called Cuchulain, Cuchulinn, or Cuchullin is the central character of the Ulster (Ulaid) cycle in the in medieval Irish mythology and literature. Source: Public Domain

Five Popular Irish Mythology Stories (Video)

Irish mythology , steeped in the ancient lore of the Celts, presents a tapestry of captivating stories that have endured through generations. One such legend is "Fionn MacCumhaill and the Salmon of...
A mural from and ancient Egyptians tomb. Source: Svetlaili/Adobe Stock

Here’s How We Know Life in Ancient Egypt was Ravaged by Disease

Thomas Jeffries /The Conversation The mention of ancient Egypt usually conjures images of colossal pyramids and precious, golden tombs. But as with most civilizations, the invisible world of...
Representational image of Maya healing by a medicine man. Source: HaiderShah / Adobe Stock

Unlocking the Secrets of Maya Healing

At a time when human beings are suffering from a host of illnesses caused by stress and modern-day living, the need for ancient wisdom has never been more important. In fact, many people have become...
Representational image of a Native American dance. Source: Iobard / Adobe Stock

The Peaceful Ghost Dance Movement Was Misconstrued as a Threat

Throughout history, governments have continually feared and misrepresented peaceful resistance movements, none more tragically than the misinterpretation of the Ghost Dance Movement by the United...
Solon and King Creso. Source: Public Domain

Solon of Athens: The Grandfather of Democracy (Video)

Solon , a luminary among the seven sages of ancient Greece, was born in Athens around 640 or 638 BC. Hailing from a distinguished family with roots in Salamis, Solon embarked on maritime expeditions...
Excavations of the Neolthic burial mounds at Eulenberg have revealed wooden graves with multiple occupants. Source: LDA / Heritage Daily.

6,000 Year Old Neolithic Burial Mounds were Later Used for Ritual Sacrifice!

A complex Neolithic burial with two monumental mounds has been unearthed on the Eulenberg near Magdeburg, Germany. Dated to 6,000-years-ago, the year long excavation has yielded these two mounds at a...
The Gaul Littavicus betraying the Roman cause and fleeing to support Vercingétorix during the Gallic Wars, in a painting by Théodore Chassériau citca 1838. Source: Public domain

Caesar’s Gambit: Reliving the Drama of the Gallic Wars

One of the principal aspects of growing empires is war. Throughout history, great kingdoms and realms were born at the expense of neighbors who were weaker and ripe for plunder. That is what happened...
Representation of Erik the Red. Source: Gelpi/Adobe Stock

From Exile to Exploration: The Saga of Erik the Red

Erik the Red is one of the most interesting figures in Norse history. Epitomizing the Viking spirit of adventure and conquest, Erik is widely (and mistakenly) remembered as the first European to...
The village and citadel at Thula have their roots in the Himyarite kingdom. Source: fotoember/ Adobe Stock

Himyarite Kingdom: The Forgotten Empire (Video)

The Himyarite Kingdom , spanning from the 2nd century BC to the 6th century AD, stands as a testament to Yemen's rich history beyond contemporary turmoil. Situated strategically along the Maritime...
Reconstruction of Ötzi the Iceman, flanked by the tattoo experiment which is believed to replicate how the originals were created. Source: Deter-Wolf et al., Exarc, 2022; Mannivu / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Does Ötzi the Iceman Have History’s Oldest Hand-Poked Tattoos?

Over five millennia have passed since Ötzi the Iceman was struck down by an arrow from an unknown assailant in the frigid northern regions of the Alps. But still the ancient frozen body has secrets...
Aerial view of the Badbury rings. Source: Aaron King/Wirestock/Adobe Stock

Badbury Rings, the Ancient Legacy of Dorset

One casual stroll through the English countryside is enough to tell you that this is a land brimming with history. Its fields, valleys, and plains are all dotted with the ancient remnants of all the...
The drum is one of the earliest methods of ancient communication.  Source: zolotareva_elina / Adobe Stock

The Evolution of Ancient Communication Methods

Throughout history, communication wasn’t as effortless as it is today. In today’s world, you can connect with people in every part of the world within seconds and access an almost infinite amount of...
An 1845 painting of a group of people from the Sioux tribe by Charles Deas. Source: Public domain

The Ancient Sioux Tribe, A Ghost Dance, and a Savior That Never Came

“ In the old, old days, before Columbus ‘discovered’ us, as they say, we [the people of the Sioux tribe] were even closer to the animals than we are now. Many people could understand the animal...

How Confucianism Shaped Chinese Culture and Legacy (Video)

Confucianism, originating during the Zhou dynasty , emerged as a philosophy emphasizing moral principles and societal harmony, devoid of the supernatural elements common in many other religious...
A Ming Dynasty tomb, remarkably preserved, was discovered in Xinzhou city, located in Shanxi province. Source: Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology

Pristine Ming Dynasty Tomb Unearthed in China’s Shanxi Province

For centuries, the pale blue doors of a formidable stone Ming Dynasty tomb in China’s Shanxi Province have remained tightly shut, shrouded in mystery. Upon gaining entry, archaeologists were greeted...
Marcus Aurelius Distributing Bread to the People, by Joseph-Marie Vien  (1765) Musée de Picardie (Public Domain)

The Antonine Dynasty: The Good Roman Emperors

While much appreciated by the plebeians and especially by the army, Emperor Domitian was hated by the aristocracy and the Senate, which he himself despised. His absolutist attitude, his austere...
Man and woman sketch in the style of Leonardo da Vinci Source: vitanovski/Adobe Stock

What Makes Us Human? How Ancient Thinkers Saw the Human-Animal Divide

Julia Kindt /The Conversation What makes us human? What (if anything) sets us apart from all other creatures? Ever since Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, the answer to these questions has...
Stone age remnants from Bergsgraven in Linköping.                Source: Östergötland Museum/Stockholm University

Bacterial Diseases Were A Lethal Threat During the Stone Age

Bacterial poisoning via food and water – but also via contact such as kisses – caused a lot of suffering during the Stone Age. Diseases that today can be treated with antibiotics were then fatal, a...
Researchers logging an anchor at one of the ten shipwreck sites found off Kasos. Source: Greek Ministry of Culture

Ten Shipwrecks Spanning 5,000 Years of History Spotted off Kasos Island

Underwater archaeologists exploring the sea bottom off the beaches of Greece’s Kasos Island discovered something not entirely unexpected, but still quite surprising. Over the course of four years of...
