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History & Archaeology

We bring you all the latest historical news and archaeological discoveries relating to ancient human history. Read more history news from around the world here at Ancient Origins.

AI representation of a Neanderthal man surveying the landscape. Source: Dr_Microbe/Adobe Stock

15 Leaps Forward in Our Understanding of Human Evolution in 2023

2023 could likely be viewed as a coming-of-age story for our Neanderthal cousins, as they further shed their brutish image, revealing themselves as skilled hunters and surprising artisans. We learned...
Burial of tall medieval man with longsword in Sweden.          Source: Kulturmiljö Halland

Huge 500-Year-Old Longsword Recovered from Medieval Grave on Swedish Coast

Researchers digging at the Lilla Torg site in the western Swedish port city of Halmstad unearthed something extraordinarily rare. While excavating a grave in a medieval era cemetery, archaeologists...
Archaeologists excavating skeletal remains at Çatalhöyük in Turkey. Source: Anadolu Agency

Evidence of 8,500-Year-Old Head Surgery Excavated at Çatalhöyük

During ongoing excavations at the 9,000-year-old extinct Anatolian city of Çatalhöyük in central Turkey, a team of archaeologists discovered something remarkable. While examining the skeleton of a...
One of the 48 burials found at Cima de San José, along with an array of votive deposits. Source: INAH Tamaulipas Center

Major Human Burial Discovery Unveiled at Cima de San José, Mexico

In a huge archaeological discovery, authorities in Mexico have announced the recovery of the largest osteological sample of ancient inhabitants from the southwest region of Tamaulipas. The site,...
The teenage girl, who was not more than 17 years old, was buried alongside the decapitated baby in a tomb. This led experts to speculate that she might have been unaware of her pregnancy with twins. Right; Rradiograph of mummified fetus found lodged within the teenage girl’s pelvis.  Source: Francine Margolis, David R. Hunt/

Teenage Mummy Found with Fetus Trapped in Her Pelvis Shows Harsh Reality of Childbirth

The full tragic story revealed by mummified remains of a female teenage mummy of just 14-17 years old, who died during childbirth, has been discovered by archaeologists in Egypt. What makes the find...
(Left to Right), archaeologist Federico Bernardini and astronomer Paolo Molaro at Castelliere di Rupinpiccolo, holding what could be the oldest celestial map ever discovered. Source: INAF

Is This Really an Ancient Celestial Map, Or a Case of “The Selection Effect”?

A pair of researchers report they have identified an ancient celestial map carved on a circular stone at an Italian Bronze Age hillfort. But having taken several leaps of faith, and lacking a...
Montage of some of 2023’s most impressive archaeological finds. Source: Credited in the article.

Ancient Origins' Most Extraordinary Archaeological Treasures of 2023

This year’s archaeological discoveries have presented a wide journey through time and across diverse cultures. This all too brief listing brings you our choice of the most astonishing archaeological...
Spurn Point beach in East Yorkshire at Sunrise, where remnants of the medieval port town known as Ravenser Odd are believed to reside under the sea. Source: Tim Hill / Adobe Stock

Searching for Ravenser Odd: Medieval English Port Town Lost to the Sea

England’s sea-swept coasts were always at the mercy of the elements. Those remotest towns and villages, lying directly on the seashore, always existed on the brink. Their inhabitants never knew if...
The marble relief originally from Pompeii, in situ in the house in Belgium. Source: De Temmermans/ArchaeologyMag

Stolen Pompeii Artifact Is Recovered after 50 Years, Having Been Used As Decor

A marble relief from the ancient city of Pompeii, believed to have been stolen, has been found in Belgium. This piece, dating back to around 62 AD, intricately portrays the devastating earthquake...
Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, where some of the projectiles used to date the introduction of archery in the Andes were found. Source: SL-Photography/Adobe Stock

Rise of Archery in Andes Mountains Now Dated to 5,000 Years Ago

By Greg Watry/ UC Davis When did archery arise in the Americas? And what were the effects of this technology on society? These questions have long been debated among anthropologists and...
Aerial view of the Western Gokturk period complex discovered in Kazakhstan.	Source: TRT Haber

Huge Turkic Khaganate Cult Complex Changes History of the Steppe

In a remote valley in the Tarbagatay district of Kazakhstan's Eastern region, archaeologists have unearthed a Turkic Khaganate cult complex, dating back to the Western Göktürk Period, 6th- 8th...
A sunset at Stonehenge, perhaps not the Winter Solstice. Source: Nicholas/Adobe Stock

Stonehenge Activates On the Winter Solstice Sunset, Not Sunrise

Today, as the northern hemisphere experiences the Winter Solstice, English archaeoastronomers remind us that Stonehenge was built to honor the sunset on this crucial date, and not just the Summer...
Inside the cave system where the burials have been found at Tulum site.	Source: Promeza research project, Tulum. Jerónimo Aviles Olguin/INAH

Unprecedented Cave Burials Found At Tulum Open New Avenues of Investigation

A cave containing mortuary deposits of many individuals has been discovered within the walled confines of Tulum Archaeological Zone, the picturesque site of a coastal Maya city in Quintana Roo,...
The excavated burial of Offord Cluny 203645. DNA has revealed he was a Sarmatian immigrant to Britain. Source: MOLA Headland Industry

Offord Cluny 203645: DNA Reveals Only Sarmatian Remains Known in Britain

After completing a DNA analysis of the remains of an individual who was buried near the village of Offord Cluny in Cambridgeshire, England in the second century AD, a team of scientists discovered...
Left, Historic illustration of a nomadic Scythian archer; Right, leather items from the study.	Source:  Left, Lunstream / Adobe Stock, Right, Luise Ørsted Brandt et al. /PLoS ONE

Study Shows Scythian Warriors Crafted Human Skin Arrow Quivers

A team of anthropologists analyzing leather samples used to craft arrow quivers from Scythian settlements across Ukraine quite expected to see cattle, horse and sheep among their results. But what...
The 5,000-year-old rock painting in this photo, may depict a Nativity-type scene like the 2,000-year-old scenes of Jesus’ birth. Dr. Morelli came across the cave painting in Egypt in 2005 but went public with it in 2016. Source: Marco Morelli, via

5,000-Year-Old Rock Art Suggests a Nativity Scene 3,000 Years Before Jesus’ Birth

About 5,000 years ago an artist in Egypt painted an apparent nativity scene onto the rocks of a small cave—a tableau similar to crèche scenes that depict Jesus being laid in a manager in a cave or...
Artistic reconstruction of a small part of the Maidanetske megasite, showing houses in concentric rings and fenced animals.    Source: Susanne Beyer/

From Peas to Prosperity: Researchers Discover the Diet that Shaped the Oldest Cities

You are what you eat! A team of researchers from Kiel University has delved into the nutritional aspects of Trypillia mega-sites in the forest steppe northwest of the Black Sea—today the territory of...
Hillforts (pukaras) in the south-central highlands of Peru. Source: Elizabeth Arkush, Lauren Kohut, Romuald Housse, Ryan Smith, & Steven A. Wernke / Antiquity Publications Ltd

Andean Archaeology Revealed On An Unprecedented Scale

Astounding GeoPACHA software is advancing Andean archaeology. The new and innovative web application is allowing researchers to map archaeological features in the Andes mountains of South America...
Example of bamboo slips, from the Han Dynasty. 	Source: CC BY-SA 4.0

Ancient Esoteric Knowledge Translated From Chinese Bamboo Texts

In what is being described as “a groundbreaking discovery,” scholars from China’s Tsinghua University have successfully translated the mystical texts inscribed on 2,500-year-old bamboo slips. The...
A computer-generated image of the battle that is thought to have taken place on a remote mountainside south of Chur around 15 BC between Roman troops advancing northwards through the Alps and local Suanetes. Source: Courtesy of Leona Detig

Lost Roman Battlefield in Switzerland Discovered Through Thousands of Artifacts

In 2019, a spectacular Roman dagger was metal detected in a remote region of the Swiss Alps. Now, a team of scientists and students have mapped a 2,000-year-old Roman battlefield representing the...
Top, an X-ray image reveals carious lesions on posterior molars. Bottom, a filed hole from the crown of the tooth into the pulp. Source: Carolina Bertilsson and Henrik Lund/PLoS ONE

Viking Age Dental Care Was Surprisingly Good, Says Study

Viking Age teeth from Varnhem bear witness to surprisingly advanced dentistry in the Norse population there. The findings of a study carried out at the University of Gothenburg reveal a complex...
Researcher records pueblo culture petroglyphs found high in Mesa Verde.	Source: Jangiellonian University

Petroglyph Discoveries Offer Breakthrough in Understanding Pueblo Culture

In a significant archaeological development, a team from the Jagiellonian University (JU) has made groundbreaking discoveries regarding the ancient Pueblo culture along the Colorado-Utah border. This...
Andriamamelo cave art panel. Madagascar cave art is leading to curious conclusions. Source: Author provided

Madagascar Cave Art Reveals Captivating Africa-Asia Connections

David Burney / The Conversation Unique, prehistoric rock art drawings have been discovered in the Andriamamelo Cave in western Madagascar. I was part of a team that discovered and described these...
Mosaics uncovered in a recently discovered domus, or luxury home, near the Colosseum.        Source: Italian Ministry of Culture

Impressive Domus From the Roman Republic Uncovered Near the Colosseum

A Roman ‘domus’ with several floors, constructed in multiple phases during Rome's Republican age, has been uncovered in the vicinity of Rome's Palatine Hill and the Forum. This finely decorated Roman...
